#alsp dont worry lol that happens all the time. classics of tumblr
saintadeline · 8 months
other thing about adella vs alfred is that alfred goes out of his way to find annalise - annalise was trapped by logarius until the player hunter came around. meanwhile adella was physically stuck inside the same room as arianna, and couldn't leave because *gestures at the state of yharnam*. and that still doesn't make it okay, of course, but i think alfred's action is more clearly premeditated while adella's is borne of stress and feeling trapped and threatened (and she was trapped and under actual threat of death like 5 minutes earlier).
why did the name of every single character in that start with the letter a.
(also sorry for the notification i accidentally unfollowed you and had to refollow)
Yeah, generally i understand why people compare alfred and adella, and it CAN be a very good comparison to make because the root of the problem is the same, but I kind of disagree on a lot of the ways people raise these parallels. Im obviously biased but I'm still nowhere near being a complete adella apologist, she was coerced both literally and contextually but that doesnt absolve her of any blame and certainly does not make her a good person, i just think it's important to talk about what brought her to this point rather than portraying her with the most misogynistic shit possible. I dont super like talking about alfred in details because for obvious reasons i do not have for him the sympathy i can have for adella and i do not want to get too into The Bases Of Fascism type shit but generally like... Alfred ended up the way he did because of constant propaganda for someone hed never met but was taught to idolize. He was completely free in his endeavors and everything about him revolves around chasing a ghost and becoming a martyr through continuing the work logarius started. Which in itself is a conflicting statement, because it's made clear what logarius did was a success, vilebloods are no more and from what we know iirc, annalise is KNOWN to be undying, no matter what alfred did there would be no "finishing" a job already done, logarius sitting as the seal to the throne was the very last measure. Alfred's act comes from being completely overzealous and needing to find a meaning for himself in a world where he will never be as great as his predecessor. Adella on the other hand was influenced by propaganda as well, but her fall into it was precipitated by the fact she was treated like shit by everyone around her, and that's something you'll find in a lot of other types of yharnam "bigotry" (without getting into the extremes of it obviously... You know what i'm trying to say), because theyre all so constantly living in fear and hatred fueled by the church, how could they assume a stranger to have good intentions they themselves have never felt? Adella is about her conflict between her personal feelings and what she was made to be, as well as being quite literally influenced by something beyond her control and finding herself in increasingly stressful and life threatening situations. I dont think she ever WANTED this to happen, but as she says herself she just "cant help [her]self". Alfred actively pursued his goal, she was shoved towards it.
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