#alsssoo im probably addicted 2these but the good thing is im down 2 the last 2pills & ima probably take em tmrw
xseniaxgorex · 4 years
breaking my ankle has been both a good & bad blessin
good bc i feel more artistic bc it’s all my mind can do rn & my body can act on what i can do like drawing/painting/picking up a new hobby which is learning 2 do my own nails & it makes me happy 2be creative again but it’s also been bad bc when i dont get my urges 2create i dwell on everything that’s bad atm like me not being able 2move on my own, me not being able drive myself by my fav beach 2 get away 4rm everyone & everything & jus draw get high listen 2music till the sun goes down i misss being on my own being able 2buy myself weed or alcohol & not ask anybody 4favors... i’m not use 2askin 4help & i will never get use 2 it ppl always want something in return or make me feel like shit 4 even askin 4 help.... also i got sum narcos 4 when i had pain at first & my ass has been talking em so they don’t go 2waste & they’re cool & all if you’re on a empty stomach in a hotel room or alone where no one would bug u bc i can’t eat on these shits it makes me throw up & go 2sleep idk this is how i’ve been this past month i feel so lost & useless like 2 the maxx bc i can’t even fuckin walk bc of my cast
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