#alternate realitites
markrosewater · 2 years
May I request a suplemental set that engages on "alternate timelines/realitites" flavor?
It’s been discussed.
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My introduction to Afrofuturism
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Upon the first day of instruction, I had no idea what to expect from the class entitled “Aboard the Mothership: Introduction to Afrofuturism”. I just remember hearing many of my fellow peers raving about how much of an experience the classroom; how it opened their eyes (and ears) to whole new level of literature, film, and music. Most importantly, many of my peers spoke on the newly acquired ways in which they perceived their blackness and the futures they can see as a result of it. 
Simple to say, I raced to enroll and board the theoretical mothership.
So far, I can definitely say that I have shared some of the same experiences as those who have come before me have shared. Being exposed to this alternate world of expression has definitely sparked something within me. 
Before I begin my discussion of the different examples of afrofuturism to which I have been exposed, I find it beneficial to define it in how it relates to me. 
Afrofuturism is an experience. It is an umbrella term for speculative arts that are spearheaded by, made for, and surrounded around the lives, plight, and culture of black people. As previously stated, this can be expressed in a multitude of artistic modes; including film, literature, music, paintings, etc. 
A very important aspect to afrofuturism, at least to me, is that although they introduce elements of fantasy, or something that is not real, most pieces offer very important conversations about our societies realitites; past, present and future; especially as it relates to the black community. 
Afrofuturism has a variety of uses and a multitude of forms and I look forward to my increased exposure to them as the course develops. I’m even more excited to share this journey with all of you!
Until next time, 
mama melanin <3 
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