#alternative univiverses
hjbender · 4 years
Hey, I've been reading The Little Frost Troll and to admit, there has never been a anything more wholesome and beautiful as this And I had this question I've been wanting to ask you. You see, I've been imagining Canon Thor and Loki suddenly thrown into an alternate reality travel (I don't know how but I'll leave that to your imagination) and came across this reality, which is The Little Frost Troll story. What do you think would happen if Thor and Loki met the Thor and Loki of this reality?
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First: thank you! It makes me so happy to hear you’re enjoying that sweet and wholesome (well, wholesome until the sex drive turned on) story. 😊
Second: holy troll-y I’d never thought about what might happen if Canon Thor and Loki met TLFT Thor and Loki and I am intrigued! 🤩
I bet Troll Loki would be in awe of his “tall, beautiful Æsir” version, which is ironic because I headcanon that Canon Loki has serious issues with his body image and self-esteem after it was revealed he was a Frost Giant in Thor (2011). And even though he shows Troll Loki his true skin (“I’m not Asgardian, see?” he murmurs), it still doesn’t matter. Troll Loki instantly adores his “cousin”.
“You’re so beautiful!” he gushes, tail wagging and hands clasped together under his chin. “And you can do magic! Will you teach me?”
Canon Loki looks down at this sweet little creature and his heart aches. This version has learned to love himself, has made peace with who and what he is. Perhaps he can, too.
I imagine them wandering off together, talking about their lives and their cruel fathers and being misfits, feeling like they don’t belong anywhere, redemption, sorcery, personal doubts, how they each deal with problems related to their heritage, maybe shedding a few tears together.
And meanwhile both Thors are standing to the side and having an amicable conversation that may sound like: 
“So… do you love your Loki as much as I love mine?”
“Twice as much.”
“Impossible. No one can love anything more than I love my Loki.”
“One can now.”
“Oh, really?”
“Aye, really.”
After a challenging scowl, the two slowly smile at one other, grasp each other’s arms in unified Loki Loving™ truce, and are bros forever after. 💪❤️
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