#altho i'm set in my ways now idk if i can get used to a notebook that's 'backwards'
zackmartin · 4 months
i'm [REDACTED] years old and I just learned they make left-handed notebooks
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fonulyn · 2 years
Hi Fon! 11 and 32 for the ask game? :)
hello! :D
11. Three tropes that are fine but overrated.
oh this is so hard because i love tropes :'D i love some of the most overused, you-can-find-this-everywhere kind of tropes. so it's really hard to come up with stuff that's overrated! there are ones that i really dislike, but that's not the same thing, definitely.
the first thing i thought about was miscommunication. like, sure, it's sometimes a great tool and can help set up the situation but it's so damn overused that usually it just drives me insane these days :'D especially when it feels like miscommunication for the sake of miscommunication, where it's not just one moment where wires get crossed but it's used to prolong a conflict. it's just. way too frustrating to me, tbh.
another thing that can be amazing but is often something i'm not hugely into is amnesia. i haven't read a lot lately so idk if it's still as popular as it was some time ago but there was a point when it was everywhere. again, it's fine, it can be even amazing as a story element but it's pretty often used sort of as a catch-all explanation to hand-wave away stuff and that can get tiring.
and a personal "not really into this altho it's fine" trope is "pair the spare". i've never really been into the whole... pairing everyone in a set group of people specifically with each other so that no one is left alone. it can work, sure. but at some point in time it felt almost like a fandom requirement and just. nahhhh.
32. Do you have a word/expression that you always use in your writing?
lmaooo like a billion? I always have specific phrases I love and it tends to fluctuate a bit, like, something i use now i might not use in a month from now but then it comes back a few months later. sometimes someone points out i overuse a phrase or a description and i become self-conscious about it but... writing as much as i do? there's no way i could avoid repetition. especially with a brain as scrambled as mine! :'D
i got told once i shouldn't describe light filtering into the room through a gap in the curtains anymore because apparently i do it a lot, so? i'm still doing it tho, bc i like the visuals of it lol.
but yeah I recycle expressions and words and nice phrasings like it's my damn job lol.
thank you for asking! 💖
for this ask thingy!
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robotslenderman · 3 years
Headcanon A-Z for Nastasya~ Add in 'Vykosovich' if you want more letters!
N - Navigator - What’s their sense of direction like? Do they have a set path in life that they’re planning on following? What do they do if they’re knocked off course?
Sense of direction is pretty much neutral. Not bad, not good either. She gets lost about just as much as anyone does. She doesn't really have a set path. She has interests that she pursues now, and she's committed to those and has been for a while, but if you ask her what her plans are she'll be like "idk???" She's always been a researcher and a fleshcrafter, and she doesn't have any plans, but she doesn't see herself doing anything else either. So because of that, if she's knocked off course, she just goes with it. Maybe it means following a shiny distraction, maybe it means re-evaluating where she's going and finding another way. She's not usually fussed by these things. She's immortal, she's got all the time in the world to get back on track.
A - Advocate - How do they show their support for others? Are there any causes that they publicly support? Why?
She usually swears a lot on their behalf. "Beckett cucked you??? HOW DARE HE, THAT LITTLE BITCH" kind of thing. She'll also give you a place to stay and let you make use of her blood dolls and -- -- and it suddenly hits me that she's a Tzimisce, lmao, so of course she's like that. Causes she publicly supports -- the Sabbat, but not in the way you think. It's about the original Sabbat purpose: the destruction of the Antediluvians and freedom from your elders. She thinks the Sabbat is nothing like that these nights, that it has achieved fuck all and does nothing but waste its time with the Camarilla, but is still loyal to that original vision. If it ever gets back on track and moves away from the pack structure (she and Grigori are convinced that vaudlerie is a big part of why the Sabbat is so fucked up, because it takes "herd mentality" and turns it up to eleven), then she'd be a whole lot more active in it.
S - Seeker - How do they go in search of new information? Do they accept ideas on faith or do they need to test out information for themselves?
Depends on the information. If it's really risky to verify then she doesn't so much accept it on faith as much as say "this is just what I heard, but I don't know for certain." When it comes to Sascha, before she meets them, that's often the case -- she wants to learn as much as she can about them, but she's also wary that if she digs too deep there's going to be a very angry Balrog under the earth, you know? So she just chips away at information that way. Once she makes a few trustworthy contacts she gets in the habit of sharing her information with them and asking them for verification. Otherwise her general practice is to investigate multiple sources and perspectives. She never accepts that anything could actually be true unless she has a witness she 100% trusts.
T - Teacher - How often do they have to teach others? How do they go about it? How do they learn best? Do they dive in first and reflect later or study the theory of something new before putting it into practice?
She doesn't generally teach. She's still very young by Kindred standards. Altho if my Baltimore Lasombra ever retires/goes into hiding (because, uh, Vitel's just down the road and there's only so long he's gonna stick around in Baltimore before he's like "actually fuck this, I'm out") he did promise one of his ghouls that he'd get him Embraced by a Tzimisce, and since he has connections to Anastasia, Stasya is probably the one who'd do it. In which case he'd hang around with the Vykosoviches for two to three months before he goes his own way. In that time Nastasya would teach him his bloodline (he is NOT leaving until he can recite his bloodline all the way to Caine and back in his sleep), the basics of Vicissitude and as much about Tzimisce tradition as she can fit in. He's a little bugger that appears to only want to be Tzimisce because of the cool shapeshifting powers but she's hoping that in time he will grow to appreciate his heritage and Tzimisce tradition, lol. As a learner she prefers to dive in and reflect later. She'll throw herself into the deep end and figure it out as she goes along. With her fleshcrafting, she's more methodical, simply because if you fuck up a living being it's very difficult to undo without help and she's actually the best Fleshcrafter out of her and her coterie. But she gets bored of doing things linearly.
Y - Yes! - Do they believe in luck? What makes them feel lucky/grateful?
She's indifferent to luck. She doesn't really believe in it but she sees why the concept might comfort others. She feels very grateful when she's in her haven. She's grateful for her sire and grandsire, because she became very quickly aware that she pretty much struck gold when it comes to sires; they don't manipulate her, they look out for her, and they're supportive of her. They're better than just about every other sire she's ever heard of. And they even let her keep living in their basement penthouse long after she should've struck out on her own. One night it hit her that maybe they keep letting her live there out of Tzimisce politeness so she asked Norm about it and he was utterly baffled and all "WTF??? we 'let' you live here because this is YOUR HOUSE as much as ours!"
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jensungf · 4 years
(1/?) okayy so this is gonna be a long one as I was just informed that the reveal is tomorrow as I forgot what day it was - quarantine has really ruined my perception of time 😳(this is also why you turn on notifs for the main page eek!) We usually bake separately because we'd argue over how to do it otherwise... my french is limited to telling you that i'm listening to music in the bakery or my weekend plans, useful in some cases and complete nonsense in others... (🍉)
o(2/3) It would be so nice if they could rest, they deserve it, but also selfishly i'm kind of excited 👉👈I think it could be any unit, they're really confusing us, also this thought came to me but might be impossible, do we think Hendery dyed his hair just for bad alive or maybe... its a bit far fetched but... a U unit? I'm wishful thinking at this point. Ok so I had a look at the main page because I'm a bit of an idiot and hadn't checked for tasks, but I have some questions for you 👀 (🍉)
(3/3) What was your favourite hairstyle in 7th sense era and what is your favourite NCT hairstyle since? rank your top three Kpop songs, and why? what about your bias makes you happy? and finally if you could have one wish, what would you wish with that one wish? - sorry this is so rushed my perception of time and space have completely gone out the window (but i'm excited for the big reveal tomorrow 👀I am not sure how you'll react) - 🍉
omg ima respond under the tag SORRY IM SO LATE I JUST GOT ON DESKTOP
dont worry bub bc tbh I HAD NO IDEA THAT THE REVEAL WAS TMRW HAHAHA so ty for telling me (and same!!! omg dont worry i cant believe its alr august hhh ଯ( ॢᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ॢഒ ) and omg that sounds like smth that would happen w me and my sis HAHA except i dont allow them in the kitchen or else theyll fr burn everything down (the feel when theyre like 10) but nonetheless thats so cute! and ur french is still interesting nonetheless liek having teh ability to even comprehend another lang in the slightest is a major feat and sometimes i surprise myself when i understand like slivers of spanish so dw bub! its all just for u <3 
omg bub ur not being selfish at all bc ur still supporting them but unfortunately rest is not a word that sm can read e.e but its good to be excited! i am as well!! and omg yeah its so confusing i lich rally have no idea what to expect so in order to ease my anticipation ive decided not to expect anything at all HAHAHAH but omg.. nct u w hendery? thats unheard of but u never know!! and asdfghjkl i feel like a debbie downer for bringing this up but i feel so bad that sm sort of forced him to dye his hair blonde :((( like they asked but he didnt seem too happy when he said he dyed his hair ugh but wtv sm is booty wbk lets just appreciate how good he looks!! and OMG NO ITS OKAY i think the tasks are optional bc tbh i havent checked the main page and done any of them either! its okay bub dont worry!! 
i honestly... umm... dont remember the 7th sense era LOLLL lemme google it rq — ok ima be so honest rn. i looked and i dont like any of them 😭😭😭 ITS OKAY THO CUS THEYRE ALL KINGS! 
my fav nct hairstyle... i honestly have to give it to jaemin like i CANNOT get over how fkn good he looked with long blonde hair and the blue bangs in boom. thats my fav look on him hands down and im in love w that style!! 
my top 3 kpop songs,, honestly the ones that came to my head were my boy - secret, moonlight - got7, and love is not over - bts, which is funny cus i never rly talk ab these songs but theyre soooo good idk i can listen to them on repeat. 
okay so ima talk ab both jeno and jisung hehe so jeno!! honestly i just love him bc hes so fkn talented and hardworking but also his presence is so calming and just how much he rly cares and thinks ab the ppl around him. like hes funny in his own way but the way how he said once when he filled out this questionnaire thingy that he’d prefer to follow than lead, but now all of the members look to him as the unofficial leader. he comforts them all whenever they need sum and check up on them and he took initiative even tho it was difficult for him and there are things that he sets goals to improve in and he does so well bc he works so hard. like he wasnt comfy talking but hes literally a spokesperson and well-known emcee now and he tries his best! and not only that but also how hes very talented in everything and how soft and caring his personality is. not to mention his duality. i could go on forever but if u read all of this, ily 🥺
for jisung, he makes me happy bc of how he interacts with everyone! like hes so young but hes super talented and still super humble and just seeing him be a kid makes me forget about my worries and it reminds me to just let myself be sometimes cus yk he had to grow up rly quickly and his success came from hard work and it makes me happy to know he got what he deserved!
and if i had one wish.. ig this is cliche but i truly wish for world peace. like the peace of mind for everyone in the world bc we all deserve to be happy and altho the future seems obsolete, we all need a sliver of happiness and hope to make life worth living
AND PLEASE BUB DONT WORRY AT ALL ABOUT ANYTHING i cannot wait until tmrw and i dont mind that this is rushed!!!! <333 i appreciate u sm and i seriously cant wait until the reveal! <3 im so lucky to have u as my anon ur the sweetest! also pls feel free to answer all the questions u just asked me bc id love to know!!!!!!
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