#although I did write a whole opening to the b99/Xeen fic I talked about a couple weeks ago
glowyjellyfish · 3 years
I’ve been watching a lot of b99 lately (stressful week, did not feel up to working on New Things), and somehow tonight my brain made some connections and offered me the prompt of what if b99 crossover with gargoyles and now I can’t shut up about it. Please let me know if this fic already exists somewhere, because I don’t think I can write it and I am dying to read it. I’ll probably try anyway, but those are not fandoms I have written much decent fic for soooo...
Anyway, the whole premise I came up with:
-one or all of the trio caught some criminals in the 99th and, as per elisa’s explanations of how precincts work, left them tied up on the doorstep for the cops to handle
-the 99 doesn’t usually have the gargoyle-adjacent cases since they stick to elisa’s precinct, and are baffled by this. Jake thinks it’s a superhero, clearly. Gina reads the tabloids with gargoyle conspiracy theories but i’m not sure exactly when this comes up. Oh, probably the criminals babble about winged monsters, Gina brings up the gargoyle stories, Jake counters with “that’s what people thought about Batman!”
-the member of the trio that dropped the criminals off also left a note which is equally baffling. The note is intended to point them towards the evidence to bring the criminals to justice but--Holt notes--reads like Jake wrote it. Correction, a teenaged jake with no respect or understanding of proper procedure. (...which makes me feel it was probably Broadway, using a mix of modern and noir slang)
-elisa’s frustrated that the gargoyles didn’t leave the criminals at her precinct so she could smooth things over, even though it’s probably slightly more legal to keep them in the correct precinct. And the criminals may be connected to something gargoyle-universe-bigger, so then Elisa starts petitioning to get the case transferred to her. The 99 Does Not Like Her. Although I feel like Rosa does a little. Some respect or something, idk.
-the 99 finds a few links between this case and Xanatos Enterprises, and also notes the weird history Elisa has with Xanatos--first there’s a vendetta, then he’s always personally requesting her to prove himself and she’s invited to his wedding and the birth of his son? And she’s got a free pass to wander into his home whenever she wants? ...of course the 99 concludes they had or are having an affair and she’s getting paid off.
-I don’t know how to get from point a to point b but
-when the 99 finds the truth and meets the gargoyles? Jake shows Broadway Die Hard and Elisa will never forgive him for that. Holt and Kevin start inviting Goliath to their dinner parties and Kevin likes Goliath more than Jake. Charles, upon learning how much Broadway enjoys eating, insists on treating him to what Charles considers to be the best New York has to offer, and starts off delighted somebody enjoys it all as much as he does, and ends up frustrated that Broadway’s palate is completely indiscriminate and he hasn’t actually found a fellow foodie, just a guy who happily eats anything. Gina wants to manage their reveal to the public and make them celebrities and/or social media celebrities, riding the wave to her own success. Lexington learns that Holt is gay and married to a man and is floored because he didn’t realize that was allowed. (we are setting this vaguely present day, gargoyles timeline is somewhere between the gathering and hunter’s moon, b99 timeline is after Amy and Jake are together but before they’re married, I’ll pin it down more if I ever write it, and the b99 date is roughly the correct one; Lexington has simply not been around openly gay people who talked about it around him, and his forays on the internet were all about technology and hacking and stuff, making it virtually impossible for him to deduce anything; he might have worked out the word is sometimes used as an insult and that is considered Not Cool.) (don’t worry, we are just going to politely ignore anything from gargoyles that suddenly makes no sense if it’s set 20ish years later, unless I think up solutions I think are clever.)
-somebody says something about xanatos being clean lately. Somebody else possibly Jake points out that he’s a billionaire and it’s physically impossible to become a billionaire without doing crime.
-Holt considers Xanatos’ tower to be a disgusting eyesore, and will rant about how disrespectful it is to the history of the castle at length to anyone who will listen. Probably citing Theseus’ ship ad nauseum.
-Jake is bi in this fic (honestly been watching s6 and I am genuinely surprised that’s not just canon. He canonically expresses way too much canonical attraction to canonically hot men to be straight.), and he finds Goliath super attractive. Hell, if they actually encounter Xanatos in this fic, probably Xanatos too. After spending ages giving Elisa a hard time for the affair he insists she was having with Xanatos, he meets Xanatos and is immediately like “...okay, I get it” (Elisa: “you thought I was what. oh my god no.”)
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