#alto arts occassionally
yusuke-of-valla · 6 years
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Some of the routes in @ren-amamiyaa ‘s Golden Heist AU.
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dotzines · 5 years
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Artist Spotlights!
🎤 Carolyn 🥁 Cassius Calculator 🎷 catshewli
🎺 chameleonbois 🎸 Chao Warrior 🎻 charray
Interview below the cut!
Introduce yourself
🎤 I'm an art student, soon to get my college degree. I've been drawing all my life, but just recently got into digital art. My art is in magicbehindwords(tumblr) and  caroe.juarez(instagram) 🥁 I'm an queer autistic student and traditional artist in Arizona. My work revolves around my original characters and storylines, Dungeons and Dragons, and media I love. I and my art can be found at http://twitter.com/xeIsin or http://instagram.com/renlaste . 🎷 I'm both a traditional and digital artist who just likes to draw things and people I love! I also enjoy reading manga and playing mobile games! You can find my art on: IG: https://Instagram.com/catshew.li Twt: https://twitter.com/catshewli 🎸 Good day everyone. I'm Chao Warrior, an aspiring character designer and future manga creator! You might know me from Red Zone Vol.1, and I couldn't resist joining this one! I am a digital artist who has a distinct style based on Pop'n Music and Puyo Puyo. I also designed an outfit for the now defunct Miitomo app. You can find me on my Twitter (https://twitter.com/MusouChaoPop), Tumblr (http://superchaomusou.tumblr.com/), Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/cosmicwarriorchao/), Art Fight (https://artfight.net/~ChaoGalaxyWarrior, account required to view), and Pixiv ( https://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=5816731). You can also ask questions on my CuriousCat (https://curiouscat.me/ChaoWarrior), and take a look at some of the characters I have to offer (https://toyhou.se/BlackMageChao). I do commissions as well. 🎻 I'm an illustrator and graphic designer from the US! I'm both a traditional and digital artist, you can see my work at https://www.instagram.com/charray.art/. I love coffee, tea, nature, and Pokemon!
Do you do commissions post? Where can we find the info?
🎷 https://www.instagram.com/p/B03Maj5FU7N 🎸 https://twitter.com/MusouChaoPop/status/1125772440892624896
Do you listen to music (or tv shows/films/anything else) when drawing?
🎤 Yes, always. 🥁 I listen to music that gets me in the right mood, sometimes game or film soundtracks, or oftentimes let's plays or other video projects by creators I like. 🎷 I usually put on some music or use the TV as background noise 🎸 It depends on the drawing. If it's a simple doodle, then I most likely won't play anything while drawing. Though for more detailed art, I play music that relates to the mood of the final piece. 🎻 I listen to background music like jazz and video game OSTs while drawing but occassionally I'll put on a nostalgic playlist.
What’s your favorite music artist/band? If you could ask your favorite band/music artist one question, what would it be?
🎤 Too many to count. And I don't want to ask them anything, I just hope saying" thank you" would be enough. 🥁 My favorite artist is David Bowie and has been for my whole life, but for that whole time I've never been able to come up with a pressing question I would ask him, especially that hasn't been covered in his extensive body of work and interviews. 🎷 EXO and Day6 are my favourite artists. If I could ask them anything, I'd ask them if I could have a hug 🎸 I'm sure many people like musical celebrities like Justin Bieber, Taylor Swift, and Micheal Jackson, but for me, I'm more into the obscure and lesser known artists. My favourite artist of all time? It's Akiko Shikata, a Japanese musical artist and music box musician. Her songs are considered to be one of the most amazing fantasy songs I've ever heard, and they contain a lot of emotions that I cannot express myself. If I were to meet her in person, I would ask her what inspires her songs. 🎻 It's hard to choose a favorite, but right now I'd say AWOLNATION. I'd ask Aaron Bruno, the lead singer, if he would hang out with me one day in the studio.
Do you play an instrument? If not would you like to play one? Which one?
🎤 I played the guitar a little when i was a kid. And I hope to continue at some point in my life. I also sing. 🥁 I'm a classically trained singer, practiced in alto and tenor ranges. 🎷 I used to play piano! 🎸 I don't, but I have considered playing a violin. 🎻 I don't play an instrument but I would love to play a piano, I inherited one from my late Nana and I'd love to learn how to compose my own music on it.
Which song(s) are you going to draw?
🎤 Plant life by Owl city 🥁 Lucretia My Reflection - The Sisters of Mercy 🎷 La vie en rose (still unsure)   🎸 I will create pieces for two pieces, one for a song by my favourite artist; Akiko Shikata (星詠 ~ホシヨミ~), and one from my favourite rhythm game; Pop'n Music (MADSPEED狂信道) 🎻 I'm going to draw to Eterna Forest by Pokemon and Awake at Night by half•alive.
What do you expect from this zine?
🎤 That everyone has a great time. 🥁 I'm not sure what I expect. This is my first time participating in a zine, though, so I'm excited to have my work published in some capacity. 🎷 More music suggestions and nice art 🎸 I look forward to see how others portray the songs of their choice in a creative way. 🎻 I expect to find new inspiring music from my fellow ziners!
Anything else you want to add?
🎸 I would like to thank Nini, the founder of dotzines, for drawing my Talicia for last year's Art Fight. It was a really adorable piece, and I look forward to seeing another Art Fight Attack next year... if we end up on opposite teams again, that is.
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admirable-mairon · 7 years
Rules: answer 30 questions then tag a handful a people you’d like to know better! I was tagged by the amazing @acommonanomaly - Go check out their art seriously!! <3
Nicknames:  Y’all can call me Linny! Gender: Female-ish Star Sign: Aquarius MBTI Type: INTJ (I think) Height: 168cm (which I THINK is 5′6? 5′5?) Time:  13:10 Birthday:  February 17th Fav Band: Lind Erebros I’d say  Song stuck in my mind:  Atm? I would say ‘Bilbo’s last song’ because FUCK it’s pretty Last movie watched: Spider-man: Homecoming (IT WAS GREAT GO SEE IT) Last show watched: Good question. I think it was Castlevania on Netflix When did I create my blog:  This blog? A couple of months ago. This muse? 2013 I’d say What do I post about:  Tolkien, my art, friend art, McHanzo and overall Overwatch, occassional politics, cute AF animals of different kinds, bad puns..... Yeah
Last thing I googled:  I... don’t know? Do you have other blogs: I used to yes, but not anymore Why did you choose your url: Because Mairon means Admirable? Following: 166 Followers: 142. Before I had to remake my blog I had 899 and followed .... 500? So the ratio was neater XD Fav Colour: Is Holo a color? Average hours of sleep:  7-8. I force it. Lucky number: 4. Instruments: I played the recorder for like 8 years or so. I played sopranino, soprano, alto and tenor in a little ensamble, on my own (baroque music was the shit lemme tell ya) and in a folk-music group. What I’m wearing: My PJ’s because I’m a grown woman and what are regular clothes good for anyway How many blankets do I sleep with:  Two preferably. Not because I’m cold, but because I LIVE FOR THE FLUFF??? Dream job: One where I help people and have stability and am overall happy. Dream trip: Going somewhere with friends and my chosen family and just focus on eating, trying new things and/or chilling and nobody forcing me to do things I don’t want to do Fav food:  Meat that nearly still says Moo. I like steak overall XD I eat it EXTREMELY rarely tho (rare-ly :DDDDDDDDDDDD) Nationality: SVENSK FÖR I HELVETE
I’m tagging: Whoever wanna do it?
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lydiasonlinelog · 5 years
Exercise 3.1 - Freeze
Eadweard Muybridge
source: http://www.eadweardmuybridge.co.uk/muybridge_image_and_context/animal_in_motion/ (1)
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Man/horse (vehicle) by Eadweard Muybridge - later image with greater graphic detail
Muybridge's photography of horses in motion began in 1872 at Leland Stanford's stock farm in Palo Alto.
This particular business association is said to have started because Stanford wanted to settle a bet around whether all four of a horse's hooves left the ground at speed; something Muybridge's single shot motion photographs of 'Occident' - one of Stanford's horses - proved correct.  
Muybridge's single shot photography of motion led to his most pioneering body of work, known as motion sequence photography. Here, separate instantaneous images of motion were displayed in a grid illustrating consecutive phases of movement.
The first motion sequence photographs were taken in 1878 when Stanford asked Muybridge to investigate animal locomotion as a phenomenon in itself. Muybridge set up a battery of 12 cameras at Palo Alto and developed a set of electro-shutters and timers. He then began taking a series of 6, 8 or 12 phases of the horse in motion.
Photography until the 19th century had not represented movement because long exposure times displayed it only as a blur. But Muybridge's instantaneous photography made motion visible, and therefore functioned to represent the fast-moving time and shifting cultural landscape of modernity.
Muybridge's photographs certainly comment upon the endlessly changing nature of time within modernity. However, in so doing they also 'attempt to capture the fleeting and the invisible'. (Tim cresswell)
I think that Muybridge was a pioneer of photography in his time because he managed to do something that nobody had ever done before. He managed to stop time and capture something that evades the human eye. Muybridge was able to take something that the human eye can only see in a minute second and transform it into a permenant image that people are able to view for as long a duration as they like. He was the first to make complete stillness out of motion.
AM Worthington and Harold Edgerton
Sources: https://archive.org/details/splashofdrop00wortuoft/page/70 (2)
http://edgerton-digital-collections.org/?s=hee-nc-57001#hee-nc-57001 (3)
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Series XIV by AM Worthington - The Splash of A Drop - published 1895
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Milk Drop Coronet by Harold Edgerton, 1957 - the aesthetic properties of milk
AM Worthington was an English physicist who observed the physics of splashes and became a pioneer in high speed photography techniques.
In the preface of his book he writes, “The reason that with ordinary continuous light nothing can be satisfactorily seen of the splash, is not that the phenomenon is of such duration, but because the changes are so rapid that before the image of one stage has faded from the eye the image of a later and quite different stage is superposed upon it.”
He then goes on to conclude that the impression you are left with is a confused mixture of each stage, like a blurred photograph.
He then decided to conduct a controlled experiment where he let a drop fall from a certain height and illuminated it with a flash of a short duration at any stage to exclude the rest of the splash taking place and only capture that one moment.
Following on from this in 1957, Harold Edgerton took what is considered to be one of the most important photographs of all time.
His photograph, Milk Drop Coronet, was one of many in a life-long quest to capture the perfect coronet. He took a similar image in black and white in 1939. Edgerton’s son describes the creation of the image like this:
A beam of light and a photocell was used in both examples to trigger the flash after an adjustable electronic delay.
The drop of milk is splashing into the thin film of milk that has formed on the surface from the previous drop of milk. The shape of the coronet is very dependent on the thickness of the film of milk, the size of the drop, and the height through which the drop has fallen.
Milk was selected as the liquid because it is white and translucent and attractive to photograph.
Edgerton’s contribution to the study of splashes in photography was his development of electronic flash technology so that there was enough intensity for colour photography even with a short enough exposure time to produce a crisp image.
He also devised the triggering scheme and delay used to capture this critical moment in the evolving shape of the splash. 
The work of Worthington and Edgerton is very similar. Worthington began an exploration into the phenomenon of splashes which Edgerton would later use to inspire his colour photograph of the perfect coronet formed by a splash of milk. Although his image is very aesthetically pleasing, a lot of physics has also gone into these images. It is planning an experiment and carrying it out fairly as well as taking a photograph, which I appreciate for the thorough consideration of the art form.
Jeff Wall
Sources: https://www.moma.org/collection/works/93456 (4)
The Photograph As Contemporary Art by Charlotte Cotton, pgs. 48-51, 131-32 (5)
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Milk by Jeff Wall, 1984 - The aesthetic qualities of milk and the technical properties of the shutter imaginatively combined
Wall began making large backlit transparencies in the late 1970s. He felt that staging scenes for the camera could radically broaden the potential of still photography.
Another inspiration for his large pictures has been the grand theater of human figures in Western painting since the Renaissance.
In the early 1980s he embarked on a series of photographs devoted to the everyday lives of people at the margins of society. Many, including Milk, were derived from incidents that Wall observed and subsequently adapted and restaged with nonprofessional actors.
Milk features very harsh, impersonal geometry in the background and transforms the scene into a stage. The man has a clenched posture and the explosion of liquid turns the violence and anger into a vivid symbol.
The image removes the man from time itself and instead makes him a static figure of distress.
Wall’s work gives evidence to a detailed comprehension of how pictures work and are constructed that underpins the best tableau photography.
Wall describes his oeuvre as having two broad areas. One is an ornate style which the artifice of the photograph is made obvious by the fantastic nature of his stories and the other area is the staging of an event that appears much slighter, like a casually glanced-at scene.
Wall sets up a tension between the look and substance of a candid, grabbed photographic moment with his actual process, which is to preconceive and construct the scene.
Using a light box to display his images appears as not quite a photograph, nor is it a painting, but it suggests the experiencce of both. This use of a light box is seen to introduce another frame of of reference into Wall’s work which is that of backlit and billboard advertisements.
Wall also produces the occassional still-life, absent from people. He carefully constructs a group of peripheral things which pose questions about our own relationship with photographs.
The beauty of Wall’s photography is that, while it raises these complex questions, it still satisfies us as works of art.
I am a big fan of Wall’s photographs. I love how he is able to take mundane, everyday scenes and turn them into such a highly aesthetic piece of art. In Milk, his way of stopping time completely, yet capturing the movement of an inanimate object is an impressive way of showing that Wall is in control of absolutely every element within his frame and he knows how to use them to create a stage-like narrative.
Philip-Lorca DiCorcia
Sources: The Photograph As Contemporary Art by Charlotte Cotton, pgs. 20-21, 46 (6)
https://www.tate.org.uk/context-comment/video/exposed-philip-lorca-dicorcia (7)
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Head #7 by Philip-Lorca DiCorcia, 2000
DiCorcia’s head series was made by placing flash lighting on construction scaffolding abova a busy New York Street, out of sight of the passers-by below. The movements of the pedestrians prompted DiCorcia to activate the flash, at which moment he photographed the illuminated stranger with a long-lens camera.
The resulting images show people who do not know that they are being photographed and so do not compose themselves for their ‘portraits’.
The coneptual engineering in Heads lies in the setting up of the apparatus to ensure that the subjects were unaware of being observed and photographed, and an embracing, on the part of the photographer, of this spontaneous and unpredictable form of image making.
The result is a heightened, revelatory experience of being able to take a sustained look at what ordinarily passes us by, and a form of photographic portraiture in which the subjects are entirely unable to influence their representation.
DiCorcia says, “I never talked to them... I don’t ask their permission. I don’t pay them, and eventually... I got into trouble.” The images were displayed in galleries and DiCorcia was sued by a man who claimed that his image was used in commerce and advertising.
The ‘commerce’ was putting them up for sale in an art gallery and the “advertising” was the use of the catalogue. However, DiCorcia appealed this and won.
DiCorcia believes there is no expectation of privacy anymore in a public place in this world. He doesn’t believe he defamed the people he photographed or that he was even ‘sneaky’ about it. He did not conceal himself or his camera.
He was investigating the nature of chance, the possibility that you can make work that is empathetic but not actually even meeting people. He photographed around 3000 people to get the 17 that he finally used in the series.
He claims his biggest problem was not to “get what you’d call a good one, but to get one that was different than the others.” He was investigating not whether people are all different, but how they are all the same. He showed how they tried to hide from those around them.
I am fascinated by this series of photographs. I love candid portraiture and how it affects the way a person is seen. People are most like themselves when they are not trying to pose or hide anything and I think DiCorcia has been really successful in showing this by taking such simple and well lit photographs of ordinary people.
My Work
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Here, I have composed a collage of photographs which follow a sequence of someone yawning from start to finish.
The purpose of this exercise was to isolate a frozen moment of time in a moving subject.
For this series of photographs I had my camera set to shutter priority mode. I had plenty of natural light available so my ISO was set to 100 and as this is a straight portrait against a simple background, the F-stop was at f/5.6. In order to capture each stage of the yawn without blurring the photograph, I used a shutter speed of 1/60sec.
My process for this set was to have my subject stand still in front of the wall and look into the camera. I chose my settings and then set my camera to continuous shooting and then when I saw my subject about to yawn I pressed the shutter.
I decided to present my photographs in this format because it shows the entire process and each individual movement of the subject. Instead of showing a single shot with his mouth wide open, having a set better shows the process of capturing movement in photography and all the interesting movements inbetween that might otherwise be overlooked.
Hand written notes and print-outs:
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Eadweard Muybridge: Defining Modernities. (n.d.). Retrieved from Eadweard Muybridge: http://www.eadweardmuybridge.co.uk/muybridge_image_and_context/animal_in_motion/
Worthington, A. M. (1895). The splash of a drop. Retrieved from Archive: https://archive.org/details/splashofdrop00wortuoft/page/70
Curated. (n.d.). Milk Drop Coronet. Retrieved from Visionary Engineer: http://edgerton-digital-collections.org/?s=hee-nc-57001#hee-nc-57001
Lowry, G. D. (2007). Jeff Wall Milk 1984. Retrieved from Museum of Modern Art: https://www.moma.org/collection/works/93456
Cotton, C. (2014). The Photograph As Contemporary Art. Thames & Hudson.
Cotton, C. (2014). The Photograph As Contemporary Art. Thames & Hudson.
DiCorcia, P.-L. (2010, September 14). Exposed: Philip-Lorca DiCorcia. Retrieved from Tate: https://www.tate.org.uk/context-comment/video/exposed-philip-lorca-dicorcia
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yusuke-of-valla · 6 years
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Where in the world is Ann Takamaki?
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yusuke-of-valla · 6 years
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Ok so I'm still thinking about young Yusuke doing art with Chidori
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yusuke-of-valla · 6 years
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yusuke-of-valla · 6 years
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Pls consider... Chariot Haru
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yusuke-of-valla · 6 years
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I’ve been working on this instead of my homework and now it’s 10pm and I have school in the morning
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