#alucard alt v modern
tragedyloved · 3 years
@gatheringstars // for that tre//phacard modern au
            Adrian draped himself over the couch with feline grace, his blond locks falling over the backrest. He leaned his cheek into one palm, the other holding his phone as he half-ignored texts. Belmont was sat at the computer, looking far too serious for his own good. It was only job applications. Adrian wished the worse thing he had to do was get a job. He peered at the screen, frowning at another job title. 
                         “Are you certain you want to chain yourself to that slave labor?” He said, gaze dropping back to his buzzing cell phone. Another two texts from the chat he was in. It was easier to focus on Trevor’s problems than acknowledge the mounting stress that was his own. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d woken up without a headache. 
            It had been a little over two months since he’d started living with the two humans. His erratic schedule meant he spent a lot more time with their freeloading roommate than he did Sypha. Adrian didn’t have a single modeling gig that week, and he was having the worst art block. The sketchbook abandoned on the sofa’s armrest had an angry whirlwind of scribbles.
                          “You know, you really could make a good model, Trevor.” Adrian looked up from his phone again. “You clean up well. I know exactly what would look good on you, get a few headshots... you could be posing for shoot in a week or two.”
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tragedyloved · 3 years
some ~romantic~ modern stuff for adrian bc im living for this verse rn:
He’s very flirty. It’s almost unintentional and probably more to do with the supernatural, predatory beauty he exudes just by existing.
That said, he hasn’t really had many partners in a romantic or physical sense. And he is very much a romantic--loves poetry, and planning dates. Loves a good stroll through a park, or a picnic, or anything that can be made romantic.
Most of his relationships have been loose and casual, the few he has had. He has hardly ever trusted anyone with what he is, because few can handle the real truth of that. Even if most knew that vampires exist, it’s still more of a rumor than something people know for sure.
He hides his vampiric traits with magic, most of the time. Other times he just says he does...body modification. 
Though he’s quite flirty, he’s not very physical or handsy. He doesn’t like sudden physical touch and he won’t usually initiate it either. He’s had a few bad experiences and doesn’t trust easily, thank you very much.
That said, if he’s in a relationship, he does become very tactile. So, it’s not that he doesn’t like it with those he trusts, but it’s a mild trigger otherwise.
He kinda likes being somewhat manhandled. Not too aggressively or anything, but pull him down on a couch, or into a lap, shove him up against the wall-- he’s good with that. In a relationship, of course.
He’ll recite poetry, or write poems for his partner/s and if he really, really is into them, he’ll paint them on a canvas.
He’s mouthy. It’s the oral fixation.
Which also means he really likes a good make out session.
He knows the language of flowers, and therefore knows how to say both I Love You and Fuck You in a bouquet. Very elegant.
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tragedyloved · 3 years
changing adrian’s modern verse because this has more plot potential:
Lisa was murdered when Adrian is around 15 - 16 years old. She was a very well known doctor, top of her field, an absolute visionary and a massive loss to the medical community.
She was killed in her study, just as Adrian was coming home from school. He was the first to find her. His father found him kneeling by her body hours later, immobile and catatonic. 
Vlad doesn’t descend into madness, immediately. It happens slowly, over a period of years. He has Adrian to worry about, whose mental health is fragile following Lisa’s death. But once it seems like his son is back on solid ground again, doing things he used to do and find enjoyment in, Vlad’s obsession with finding Lisa’s murderer deepens.
Vlad owns a multi-billion dollar bio/pharmaceutical company that Lisa was helping in making a Good Company. His board of directors are all part of the shadow organization that he keeps under wraps.
Vampires are an open-secret, and everyone knows Vlad isn’t the tenth or twelve Tepes of the Tepes Empire. But no one says anything about it.
He’s powerful, terrifying, and as far as anyone knows he hasn’t done anything wrong. Not for years at least.
Adrian isn’t sure what to do with himself and bounces from one hobby to the next without any real direction. He dabbles in science and art and literature.
He reads, draws, writes a lot. Works on experiments. Eventually decides he likes the arts more than the sciences, simply because he loves the art of expression. He writes poetry, paints, gets into modeling and fashion design.
A year after Lisa’s death, Adrian and Vlad’s relationship begins to deteriorate. Vlad becomes... a lot less the kind father that Adrian had grown up with. He forces Adrian to do things he’s not comfortable with-- to work with his vampire associates in the Organization, and Adrian becomes very intimate with violence, with murder, with despair. He hates it.
Eventually, he disobeys. Removes himself from under his father’s thumb, and is badly hurt for his efforts. Vlad disowns him, cuts him off, and at nineteen years old, Adrian sets off to figure out what to do with himself.
He has his own little business, savings, and does modeling. So he’s not completely destitute..
After a very traumatizing near-death experience with some vampire hunters, he ends up becoming roommates with Sypha and Trevor.
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tragedyloved · 3 years
📱 //Adrian's texts to either Trevor or Sypha... or both!
@gatheringstars // 5 + 1 texts
[Sypha; 3:35pm]:  Are you and Belmont dating? (draft)
[Sypha; 3:35pm]: It’s not any of my business, but are you seeing some (draft)
[Sypha; 3:35pm]: Would you like to get a coffee (draft)
[Sypha; 3:35pm]: This really shouldn’t be so hard. I don’t know why I’m acting like a TEENAGER (draft)
[Sypha; 3:36pm]: shall I compare thee to a summer’s day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate (draft)
[Sypha; 3:52pm]: I’m at Starbucks, do you want anything? (sent)
[Trevor; 2:02am]: i rlly dont want u to hate me (draft)
[Trevor; 2:05am]: pls pls dont hate me (draft)
[Trevor; 2:07am]: i really need to talk to u (draft)
[Trevor; 2:10am]:  i kno y we fight cuz we both hate ourselves lol (draft)
[Trevor; 2:12am]: omg im so drunk (draft)
[Trevor; 2:15am]: i fukced up could u help me get home lol im vry drunk (sent)
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tragedyloved · 3 years
I have more modern au thoughts for adrian /do not reblog, thanks:
The community of vampires either love or hate his father.
Despite his power and reputation, other vampires still have tried to fight him-- or tried other methods such as kidnapping or attacking Adrian.
They dont really have much love for dhampirs. And especially not one who has such a soft spot for humans.
Adrian has had plenty of attempts on his life, some of which have nearly succeeded.
It's why his father has taught him how to keep himself out of harm's way and now very few can touch him unless he let's them passed his barriers. Which is few and far between after all the times he has been burned by humans and vampires alike.
Similarly, his trust in humans has occasionally had him caught up with duplicitous hunters.
He's a mess in nice suits and eloquent speech.
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tragedyloved · 3 years
Adrian modern au where/ do not reblog:
Millennial dhampir lol
Father owns and runs a big business which used to be an awful bio/pharmaceutical company but he's trying to turn it around. Would help if he maybe fired half of his board of directors and stopped working with Carm/illa but she gets shit done so it's hard.
Father has a shadowy underground organization but like... doesnt really do anything with it these days Because He's Trying to be a Good Person gdi.
Adrian works at his mother's clinic and is trying to figure out a subsidiary under dad's company. Or do a fashion thing, he's not sure, he has many pursuits.
Half involved in his father's company bc he wants to figure out if he'll get into it.
Humans kinda suck. Vampires are like an open secret and Adrian has had... a lot of shitty encounters. But his mother's work and vision keeps him from... losing it because not everyone is awful and hes met a lot of nice people too.
Lisa is almost killed and his father almost goes absolutely murder rage but that doesnt happen, so things are okay. He has a strained relationship with the man for a lot of reasons and that's just one of them.
Depression and stress migraines, but he deals.
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