#always happy to help a friend try out hypnotic mind altering potions
pocket-watcher · 4 months
“Well I need someone to test it.”
Having a best friend who ran a potion shop was not the advantage you’d originally thought it was.
Some friends asked you to move furniture, others asked you to stand guard whilst you performed summoning rituals…
And some asked you to blindly try their newest potion without telling you what the potion was even supposed to do.
“No. No way in hell, Julia. Get your apprentice to do it.”
“He’s out collecting ingredients and who knows when he’ll be back. Come on, just a little taste! Mmmm… yummy!”
“And you talking to me like a child is supposed to entice me? I said no.”
The cauldron bubbled away. It was a sickly pink. You felt yourself sweating just looking at it.
“…free health potions and invisibility potions. For a month.” She cocked her head confidently.
“…fine.” You snatched the ladle from her and took a sip, trying to ignore the devious smile on her face.
“Lovely! Now let’s sit you down here.” She tipped an hour class. “It shouldn’t take too long to kick in.
“Why can’t you just tell me what’s supposed to happen?”
“Because we need to make sure it works and you’re not being influence by how you think you’re supposed to feel.”
“Uh… okay.” You twiddled your thumbs for a few minutes. At one point you’d thought you felt too hot but then it turns out that was just you panicking for a moment. It soon passed.
“You really don’t feel anything at all?” She’d asked. Julia had poked and prodded but, nope, you felt as… well, not normal. You never really felt normal. But you’d felt nothing out of the ordinary for yourself yet.
“Sorry, Jules, nothing.”
She grabbed either side of your face and pulled you close to her. You turned red.
“Really? No urge to… do anything right now?”
You thought about it. Julia was attractive, sure. And the sudden closeness did stir something within you. But she was your best friend, so, no. You weren’t about to throw that away on a stupid comment.
“Uh, nope?”
“Kiss me.”
You jumped back.
“W-What?!” You spluttered. “Why would I do that!”
“Because I fed you a love potion! You’re supposed to be head over heels for someone by now…”
Love potion?! Oh no… but, you didn’t feel anything did you? At least, no more than normal…
“You fed me a love potion. God, you’re so fucking lucky that it didn’t wo-“
The bell rang lightly as the door opened.
In walked Julia’s assistant. What was his name again? Who cared, to be honest. His bouncing black curls and his sparking eyes and his-
Was it hot in here? I felt my arousal growing already.
“Sorry it took me so long!” He laughed, placing down his shopping bags. “I got sidetracked.”
His voice melted into my mind. Why should he apologise to us? He did nothing wrong.
“Oh, hi there! Mind giving me a hand with these?”
Julia dismissively waved her hand. The bitch. “That’s what I pay you for. Leave him, he can do it himself.”
But. I couldn’t. I felt like he could ask anything of me and I would do it. I had to do it.
I scooped up a bag from him. I felt the pleasure of obedience filling my whole body.
“O-oh, thanks!” His smile beamed into me and it was like he was the only thing I could see.
Julia looked between myself and him. A lightbulb went off in her head.
“Ah… I see. How are you feeling now?” She grabbed her quill ready to take notes.
“I feel great.”
It was the truth. How could I not feel great when he looked at me like that. When he was about to give me another order.
“…Are you two testing potions?” He asked, putting down the bag. He gestured for me to hand mine to him. I eagerly obliged. His fingers brushed against mine as I did so.
“Yes we are.” Julia smiled wickedly. “Oh, what’s that? You want a kiss?”
He choked slightly, trying to play it off as a cough. “W-what? A kiss? What are you- oh no…“
But it was too late. I was already kissing him.
The contact made me drunk. Dizzy. I needed more more more-
My hands found their way to pulling him closer. Deeper.
His squeaks of surprise were delicious. His moans even more so.
“Well, I’ve got all my notes. Come find me when this wears off, okay?”
By the time Julia closed the door behind her I was already on top of him.
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