#always one of my very fave Gandalf lines/book quotes
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Where did we first meet? 
Seaside. When I was first orphaned. I was alone. A young, half-elven boy, without friend or kin.  
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yellowpeach · 5 years
For the film asks, all of them? (2010/Chris Evans/Brie Larson/Edgar Wright for the *insert here* questions)
ahh!!! thank you so much for asking anon! this will take a while so i will probs stick most of it under a cut :)
a movie you’ve seen most times in cinema.
i answered this one here!
your most rewatched movie.
that’d be between toy story, the lord of the rings trilogy, moulin rouge, to all the boys i’ve loved before and this weird animated film called tubby the tuba. my grandma owned it on vhs and i spent basically every school holiday at her house so i watched it more times than i can think of!
a movie you quote on a daily basis.
i quote dumb youtube videos more than films on a regular basis, but i do quote a lot of lord of the rings lines like “it comes in pints?!” or anything else that comes out of one of the hobbits mouths.
favorite movie soundtrack
probably moulin rouge? that or the first guardians of the galaxy. they’re the only two that i still own on CD..
top 5 films of your favorite actor and actress
okay so my initial thought for favourite actor is actually tom hanks, so in that case.
forrest gump
toy story
 the green mile
larry crowne (not the most amazing film in the world but it’s so endearing to me!)
and for actress i would probably say toni colette? her or blake lively, but i don’t have a top five for either of them. for toni it’d be;
about a boy
muriel’s wedding
miss you already
and for blake it’d be;
a simple favor
the age of adeline
elvis and annabelle
top 5 performances of your favorite actor and actress.
see above, they’re one and the same to me.
a movie storyline you wish you had actually lived.
about time. might be biased since i’m watching it now, but it’d be nice to do things over if i could.
a movie that reminds you of your mum.
local hero. i’ve watched it with her many times and it’s one of her favourites.
a movie that reminds you of your dad.
any of the harry potter films. we went to all of them at the cinema together.
favorite movies from your childhood.
it’s gonna be toy story again. this will likely be a running theme, i fucking love this movie.
favourite quote(s).
too many to count from the lord of the rings. sam’s monologue at the end of the two towers, gandalf speaking to pippin in return of the king. also sam saying “i can’t carry it for you, but i can carry you!”. this is really just a love letter to sam now, isn’t it….
top 5 favorite female performances.
i would have to come back to this, i can’t brain right now.
top 5 favorite male performances.
see above.
favourite year for movies.
after googling, it looks like 1993 was a bloody good year.
your favorite movies from [insert year].
2010 is the year you mentioned and from looking on google, my faves are toy story 3, how to train your dragon, black swan, scott pilgrim vs the world, easy a, megamind, tangled, AHH DAYDREAM NATION CAME 2010!! MY FAVE!! man, 2010 was a good one :D
favorite [insert actor/actress/director] movies?
so you said chris evans, brie larson and edgar wright. so faves in order would be:
short term 12
captain america: the winter soldier
hot fuzz or the world’s end (can’t pick between the two soz)
list all you’ve seen from [insert actor/actress/director].
so many, my dude. so many.
an underrated actor.
brain is fried. i’m sure there’s some but i’m blanking hard.
an underrated actress.
see above.
an underrated director.
see above.
an overrated actor.
johnny fucking depp.
an overrated actress.
scarlett johansson soz lol
an overrated director.
a film you wish you had seen on the big screen.
like any of my favourite 80s movies or the original psycho. also the lord of the rings, for some reason my folks didn’t take me to those.
a movie you’ve seen that you think no one else’s here will have heard of?
i am yet to encounter someone who knows the previously mentioned tubby the tuba.
favorite movie characters.
steve rogers, rapunzel from tangled, leia skywalker, lara-jean song-covey
a film that was better than the book.
i love to all the boys i loved before, but the film captured me in a way that the book didn’t as much.
best remake.
i’d watch tom holland or andrew garfield over tobey maguire for spiderman any day fight me.
your first favorite actor.
probably orlando bloom? back when i was a wee bab, i watched anything of his that i could find at the video rental.
your first favorite actress.
hilary duff probably. child me watched all of lizzie mcguire and any movies of hers.
favorite animated film.
if you’ve read this far and can’t figure it out, i don’t know what to say. it’s toy story, obviously.
your most anticipated films.
endgame and basically any other superhero movie coming out, toy story 4, the sequel for to all the boys i’ve loved before, the richard curtis movie called yesterday that is coming out in june (???) i think, STAR WARS.
last movie that disappointed you.
sierra burgess is a loser. fuck, no one else wanted that movie to be good as much as i did.
last movie that surpassed your expectations
nothing will ever match how blown away i was by pacific rim when i saw it. i went with my cousin knowing literally NOTHING about it. also i guess 2017′s it. i’m not big on seeing horror at the cinema and i didn’t expect to find it as funny as i did because the kids in it were so great.
actor in need of new agent.
idk bruh, i can’t think of anything right now for this.
actress in need of new agent.
see above.
share an unpopular film opinion you have.
idk how unpopular this is because i’m pretty sure thanks to #metoo most people want these kind of people want out of hollywood, but i despise woody allen and roman polanski films. the fact that i had to study them while getting my degree is despicable, and the argument that they’ve done a lot for the film industry is trash. don’t make their work important, studying it so thoroughly gives it power and i want to never have to speak about their trash again.
favorite Oscar win/speech.
who couldn’t say olivia colman’s from this years oscars. that warmed my cold dead heart and i cried for her.
biggest Oscar snub(s).
arrival should have won/been nominated for more than it did.
who do you think is overdue for another nomination/win?
amy adams!!! she was so fucking amazing in arrival, i wanted her to win all of the things.
how many movies have you seen (rough estimation)?
must be hundreds (not that these answers are any indication since i’ve talked about approx four films) since i own hundreds of DVDs, i go to the cinema regularly, i am constantly watching stuff on netflix and any other streaming services.
a movie that made you go ‘wtf was that’.
un chien andalou, requiem for a dream and mothlight. the first two because they’re fucking disturbing, the last one because its just close ups of parts of moths and i had to watch it for a film paper. it’s a no from me.
a film that scarred you.
the mummy. the beetle under the skin gave me nightmares and i haven’t been able to watch it since.
most movies watched in a single day.
i havent’t taken notes, but i did watch all of the mcu movies with cap in them recently in a day?
a film that always makes you cry.
coco. i’ve yet to make it through without having a full on mental breakdown for the last third of that movie. also marley and me because doggos. and the last part of mamma mia: here we go again. and philadelphia. the take away from this answer is that i cry a lot in movies.
a film that always makes you laugh.
hot fuzz. in my first flat we watched it nearly everyday for like two weeks when we all moved in and watching it makes me think of how much we all laughed and quoted it to one another.
movies that you think everyone should watch (not necessarily your favorites).
get out, psycho, star wars, at least one classic film noir, arrival, the cornetto trilogy, back to the future. there’s more but i think this is a good starter for what i at least find to be important viewing.
a movie that took you a couple of viewings to appreciate.
honestly probably the lord of the rings. they didn’t really click with me until high school, and then they really really clicked. also fight club i guess; the second time around watching it, i got the toxic masculinity themes more. it sucks that men read that movie as the exact opposite.
a book you want to see adapted to the big screen.
i believe i already answered this here!
a book you really, really, really don’t want to see made into a film.
does jk rowling’s twitter count? i want to see nothing more from the harry potter universe that she has had anything to do with.
favorite child performance.
the kids in the goonies and it 2017 come to mind. let kids act like kids!!!
favorite pre-code.
mate, you are making the assumption that i remember enough of the old films i studied in my degree, and that i remember the pre-code dates. i’m sure i have one, but that is buried far too deep in my brain to actually remember.
Favorite silent film.
i really enjoyed the buster keaton stuff we watched when i did my history of film paper.
favorite coming of age film.
boyhood, love simon, the edge of seventeen, my girl (i’ll be honest, i just googled coming of age movies and picked my faves from the top results. doesn’t mean i don’t stand by these!!)
favorite superhero film.
captain america: the winter soldier, spiderman: into the spiderverse, black panther and the dark knight rises.
best cinematography.
i still really like her and wes anderson for their cinematography.
movies you know you should watch, but can’t bring yourself to do it?
so fucking many, my dude. the amount of movies i wrote essays about when i had watched maybe three scenes and read the synopsis is insane. after getting a degree in it, and with how burned out i got, i found it very hard to give a shit about classics that lecturers told me were important. the big one is the godfather; it’ll be a cold day in hell when i finally watch that one.
favorite genres.
i’m a sucker for anything romantic. also film noir, superheroes, animated, female-led, stuff set in the 80s, lgbt film (that isn’t gross and exploitative), comedy horrors. idk man, it’s hard to describe.
least favorite genres.
dull as fuck period pieces that say approximately nothing new and hash out the same old tired shit about treatment of poc and/or women. comedies in the same vein of austin powers, napoleon dynamite and sasha baron cohen stuff. white feminist narratives. anything that is shitty about fat women. 
biggest movie pet peeve.
dark for no fucking reason!!! let films be bright and happy!!! ya girl hates having to strain her eyes to see what the heck is going on.
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