#am I the red flag all along??? and isn't it actually pointless to search people for supposed warning signals
deetherusalka · 2 years
idk what's this telling about me or my relationships but all people I was close with or dated were strictly cat people
#život#just an observation of my life ig#past week is big on reflecting on my relationships with people be it friendly or romantic#something about me see's emotionally closed person and is like this one I will open them up like a piñata#the fact that it actually works out mostly is what gets me tho#like most of people really just need patience and trust#and there's scarcity of those in world#but jokes aside it's not like I actively choose emotionally distant people that's just something in my subconsciousness really#and then I realize it like 3 months later like oh shit oh fuck what did I get myself into#but like somehow it never like actually backfired on me which is even more confusing#am I the red flag all along??? and isn't it actually pointless to search people for supposed warning signals#cuz at the end you it's all about trusting your guts and feelings and if someone is asshole you can't change that#but if someone is closed cuz they've been hurt one too many times and they just need patience why not to give them that#or you know some people are just introverts and need time#and relationship ain't instant thing anyway#and so it seems I'll accept my fate as the patient one approaching slowly the cat#cuz it's not like I know how to do anything else#i have lot's of thoughts on this topic most is just trying to make sense of patterns I repeat in my life#and if it's good or bad#but actually this false morality makes no sense that's the thing#the way we try classify relationships and make false tables on what's good and what's bad is just a fucking illusion of safety#like if you actively hurting and are unhappy then run#if you ain't feeling it simply say goodbye with respect and best regards#like idk if there's things which for you are no go then that's alright just don't go with them#but that doesn't automatically makes everyone who doesn't fall into your preferred characteristics bad#of course I'm not speaking about abusers and other stuff#this is just my personal rant of girl after breakup
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