#am i giving puzzlemaster that much
cinderspots · 4 months
:3c <3
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superdrawer11 · 3 years
Chapter 1 Rouxls Kaard is Suspicious - A theory
(NOTE: This was written before Deltarune chapter 2 came out! I had this theory for about a year, but due to switching fandoms before writing the theory in this format I never got around to posting it or showing it in my ask blog. Also this is somewhat rushed since by the time of finishing this post there’s only 30 minutes left.)
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A charming aristocrat, a terrible puzzle maker, a shopkeeper.
Rouxls Kaard is definitely an interesting character with lots of contradictions. His opinion on a topic can change in an instant. What are his true intentions? What was he, before he was a duke of puzzles? His face resembles Gaster, does he have anything to do with him? And is he connected to Jevil?
All of these questions will be ー at least partially ー answered here. If the theory ends up being correct
To get to the bottom of this, we need to look at an area none other than the Great Board. Take a look at these screenshots:
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You see, I think Rouxls Kaard may have been the boss of the Great Board.
In order to make this theory more likely, we need more evidence. So, let's do exactly that!
Before we meet Mr. Society and elegance (the two NPC's at the board), we had a puzzle that stated
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There are tiles that glow white that, when stepped on, make your screen turn white and teleport you back to the start.
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It is well-known that Rouxls can teleport using white light and possesses over a control crown
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If Rouxls owns a control crown, he must be able to place such crown on the checker.
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As you can see, white light on the checkerboard caused Rouxls’ control crown to fall towards the checker. Furthermore, there are these ponmen who Mr. Society mentions
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These ponmen are also used as weapons against Lighteners
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And the only time these ponmen appear in the castle at the floor before you meet Rouxls (Rouxls’ first encounter is to the right)
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Mr. Elegance and the Puzzlemaster also appear next to each other. The Puzzlemaster uses “We”, and that could imply that they know each other
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Now, let us move onto the more mysterious section of this theory, still building off of the screenshots shown above. __
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The worm seems to be eating the tree from the mysterious man behind the tree who gives an egg. Presumably the Knight/Gaster (Someone else figured out that EGG in wingdings is ☜︎ ☝︎ ☝︎, which in chess is a move a Knight can make). Rouxls calls the team worms. Heck, he has Rouxlsroux which has worms in it and keeps worms as pets! Having the way of the worm be eating the leaves of the tree of the mysterious man is intriguing.
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Now, let us move to this puzzle.
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If you try to skip the puzzle, this specific tree will block your path, and it disappears when you solve the puzzle.
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Here, you see a ponman in the center. You have to rotate around the ponman
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And when you circle around it enough, it seems the leaves of this tree formed some sort of entity, looking at you, and the tree blocking the path disappears.
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Let us move to another puzzle
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Now, how is this puzzle connected to this theory? Well, in three ways, really. (There is a fourth, but that is at the very end of this theory)
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“Only eyes blinded by darkness can see the way” and “The darker it gets, the more you can see” both mean the same thing, just worded differently. Another, stronger evidence, is the fact the same eerie music played at cliffs (Where the eye puzzle is located) as the great board. A third one is that both of these puzzles are perhaps implied to do with Jevil in some way The eyes at the eye puzzle look similar to Jevil’s, and notice the word usage at the later puzzle “Revolve around the center”. Jevil’s theme is The World Revolving. By the way, literally everyone involved in this is suspicious. Mr. Society (helped off-screen), Mr. Elegance, and the Puzzlemaster worked on this door. Very similar to UNDERTALE’s door.
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Rouxls’ speech style appeared in the recent UNDERTALE update
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The ponmen literally break the fourth wall??
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Heck, Rouxls’ teleportation sound is outside the sound folders!
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There are two of these in the game’s files
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There is one more section to the core of this theory I have to talk about, since time is admittedly running out until chapter 2 is released. I am not sure whether any of this will be true or not, but it’s fun to share! You see, Rouxls is also connected to these forest NPC’s. If you walk around them, these sparkles seem to form around them.
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In the game files, these are called Scissor dancers. They make this bell sound (ignore the title of the video) when you interact with them.
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I found it quite mysterious that there was a bell sound in this specific place. So I dug a bit deeper and found out that National Geographic has an article about Scissor Dancers!
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There wasn’t much on Andean divinities that I could find except they also worshiped the earth. Now, does this connect to Deltarune? Maybe. Here is what it could be about:
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The sun are the Lightners, the moon are the Darkners, and while it doesn’t say what the Earth is supposed to represent, it seems important.
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These Scissor Dancers seem to be praying for the Lightners, Darkners, and Earth if my conjecture is correct. The thing is, there are also some other mysterious things about these Scissor Dancers. Back in the day, they were called Sons of the Devil, and there was a belief that this dance was a manifestation of Dark Magic. (Could this be a connection to Jevil due to them having a Devilsknife?) Furthermore, they seem to hide their eyes. A big theme in Deltarune.
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So, how does this connect to the theory? You see, not only do these Scissor Dancers appear next to Rouxls’ second encounter.
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these sparkles are the same.
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If you look in the files, you can see these are called Light Fairies (Don’t mind the game looking strange, this is how it’s supposed to look)
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If you look at the code when you encounter Rouxls, you see the exact same sprite, but it’s not moving and it’s the original size (The ones around the Scissor Dancers seem to be bigger)
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That’s the base of my theory. There may be more intricate details I didn't put here, but writing this was somewhat rushed since the countdown timer is literally shaking and I only got like thirty minutes left lmao. I really want to get this theory on the web before Chapter 2 comes out; I spent too many hours on this theory to let it go to waste-
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