#am i slowly creating an au where scanlan got to use his wish?? maybe??
everystephoftheway · 9 months
Hi!!! "Kissing so many times, to the point where they lose track of how many times they’ve kissed already." From the sweet and intimate actions prompt list, with Vaxleth? :D
sweet and intimate actions which make me go feral and have me folding like a folding chair this ask takes place in the same universe as this
The sun beams warm the air that constantly swirls throughout Zephrah, the gentle breeze swimming its way through the open windows of Keyleth and Vax’s home in the center of the village. The Voice of the Tempest can see the pink blooms of the cherry blossom tree from where she sits in the kitchen, futzing with some flowers that she just trimmed from one of the window boxes, and she smiles as she watches a few kids run around the massive tree and play. 
“Hey, Mama?” There’s a little grunt as a pudgy half-elf no older than five with a mop of dark hair and deep brown eyes the size of saucers pulls himself onto a chair at the kitchen table across from his mother.
“Yes, Carric?” She lifts her eyes to smile at her son, still holding onto a flower in her fingers but pausing any movement. 
“How many times have you and Daddy kissed?” 
Keyleth’s eyes widen to match the size of her son’s; while his are filled with curiosity, hers are rattled with surprise. Her freckled cheeks darken and soon she’s laughing, raising a hand to cover her mouth as the other puts the flower down. “What makes you ask that?” 
“I just wanna know.” 
“You just want to know?” 
Carric nods, his bangs bopping against his forehead. 
Keyleth sits back in her chair as the surprise fades, and she gives a little shrug. “I don’t think I can put a number to it. There have been so many.” 
“Please? Is it more than six hundred?” 
“Oh, I don’t know. Where did you get six hundred from?”
Carric’s eyes move away from Keyleth and he starts to chew on his bottom lip, something he tends to do when he’s thinking. “Do you think it’s more?”
“Carric, what is–”
“Lyla said her mommies have kissed six hundred times and I said you and Daddy have kissed more. She didn’t believe me.” 
And there it is. Carric is too young to start school, but there are get-togethers for parents and their younger kids quite often, allowing the little ones to mingle and learn how to socialize with others their own age. Lyla is one of the first friends Carric has made, a tiny Hafling girl with a lot of spirit and the sweetest parents. 
“Why were you guys talking about kiss–you know what, it doesn’t matter.” 
Carric’s eyes trail back to his mother, lower lip still between his teeth. “Is it bad?”
“No!” Keyleth reaches over, grabs Carric under the arms, and pulls him into her lap. “No, it’s not bad. You’re allowed to talk about kissing. Kissing is nice when it’s with people you love.” She kisses him on the cheek. “See?”
Carric giggles, and for a moment is distracted, but he tilts his head back to look up at Keyleth as soon as the giggles fade. “So if it’s good you’ve done it a lot, right?”
With a smile, Keyleth gives a slow nod. “Yes, Dad and I kiss a lot. I really don’t know how many times we’ve kissed, Snowdrop. I’m surprised Lyla knows.”
“Do you think Daddy might know?”
“There’s one way to find out. Hey, Vax!” 
There’s a muffled sound of a chair pushing against the wood floor before the telltale thumps of Vax making his way down the spiral stairs cut into a tree trunk that laces through their home. 
“You rang?” Vax’s eyes light up at the sight of his wife and child, and he leans down to kiss them both on the head.
“Daddy, do you know how many times you and Mommy have kissed?”
Vax’s brow raises, and he leans back against the kitchen island. “Ever?”
Carric nods enthusiastically and Vax lifts his head as if the answer is on the ceiling. “Hmm.” He chews on his bottom lip, mirroring his child from moments before, before he smiles, looks at the both of them, and leans in to give Keyleth a sweet little peck. “Three thousand two-hundred and ninety-six.” 
Keyleth’s burst of surprise and Carric’s burst of success overlap each other, and the toddler wriggles out of his mom’s arms to dance between his parents. 
“I knew it! That’s so many!”
Keyleth stares at Vax, brows furrowed so much that there’s a nice trench forming at the top of her nose. “Is that the actual number?"
Vax simply smiles and kisses her again. “No, seriously, is that the real number, because if you’ve been counting this whole time that’s–” She can’t quite come up with the word–or perhaps she doesn’t want to call her husband a psychopath in front of their child–so instead Keyleth just laughs, and Vax just shrugs. 
“For a long time I thought I’d have a limited amount of them.” Vax’s voice was quiet, hoping Carric’s celebrations would swallow his explanation. “I think there’s a part of me that hasn’t let go of that fear.” 
Keyleth’s chest constricts and she reaches up, pulling Vax to her for another kiss. “They’re not going anywhere. I’m not going anywhere. And neither are you.”
Vax smiles at Keyleth, his wife, and tilts his chin to kiss her again. "I'm sure one day I'll lose count."
She kisses him. "Oh, I'm going to make sure of it."
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