#am i supposed to root for her??? im getting 2nd hand embarrassment
reading i married an anti-fan rn and the FL is genuinely so. naively self-centred. not in the sense that she's selfish, but she thinks she has more power than she actually does and never pauses to consider her employers' interests.
like. she desperately needs money and is in debt, and then she goes and pisses off one of her employer's most important clients? she gets fired because of this, and blasts it to ALL the news agencies she knows of? she's an aspiring reporter, so this means all her potential employers?? she's letting them know that she'll ruin a relationship with their clients and see nothing wrong with it. i know she was drunk at the start and was dealing with a bad break up, but still. way to ruin your own career. she even takes to the streets yelling about how evil the most popular super idol is, as if she isn't an entertainment reporter who surely know that rabid fans exist. was she trying to get beat up and bullied online? and she's doing all this with the aim of getting the client she pissed off to convince her company to reinstate her job. the same company where her former supervisor already hates her for causing so much trouble for throwing a shoe at the client. where she was already very unhappy at to begin with. that job? you want it back? you'll be stuck at your role or worse until the supervisor leaves the company. and yeah, spreading a smear campaign is sure to work against an extremely popular and wealthy individual who has already proven that he can get you fired. there's definitely no way he has lawyers who can make your life even worse than it already was.
as far as i can tell this story is going to take the 'fake contract marriage' route, and no wonder and good for her because there's no way she's going to get a conventional job after this, and even if she did she'll blow it up and angrily blame others for it afterwards
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