#am i wildly projecting onto michael also yes but! listen!! i have so much to say about michaels iphigenia complex
michaelectras · 1 year
as the patron saint of eldest daughters i believe its michaels god-given (lol) right to have a south asian vessel in any two-body situation which makes midam even funnier because their relationship becomes a literal netflix plot. adam’s his white boy awakening. 15x08 is his never have i ever moment.
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diegolabhont · 4 years
I didn't mean to fall in love with you
Chapter One
Book: Queen B - Choices (Universe)
Pairing:  Poppy Min-Sinclair x Trans!Male MC  (Beck Hughes)
Genre: None (in this post, al least)
Rating: Anyone can read it, really.
This is me trying to write by and for the Trans community, specially FTM community, meaning, trans guys, but I actually took the liberty to use They/them pronouns for everyone out there who´s interested (Also, the name Beck was the most neutral one I could find, trying to use the cannon Bea Hughes)
Can someone explain to her how a person who claims to be so disinterested in the ranking was magically climbing to the top twenty?
Poppy didn’t buy it for a second, she always knew Beck were going to be a pain in her ass ever since the first time she saw them looking at her as if they weren’t impressed, but she wasn’t fully aware of how much.
“You don’t have to worry about them, Poppy” Chloe said while the strawberry blonde retouch her make up in the mirror inside her own room. “Beck is just a dude”
“Transphobia much, Chloe?” Veronica murmured playfully, wanting to start drama among her streaming fans.
“No! What I'm saying is… Beck's brain works as a regular dude, right? How much smart can they be?”
“Ha! That´s rich coming from you” Veronica laughed.
Both girls started a discussion about related shit, Beck’s brain, hormones and else while Poppy put on the mascara. Completely silent, thinking.
She treated Beck as a common enemy, she attacked them just like she would to any other lost lamb trying to be the wolf but it was not enough. Even one of those plans exploded in her own face: ruining and breaking Beck's guitar caused that they not only get a flashy and beautiful new one, but sang side by side with the one and only Jaylen Riaz, making a huge performance. Even better than hers, which was something painful and humiliating at the same time, especially after Veronica told her Beck’s YouTube channel had a followers increase, making them even more popular.
Chloe was right on something: Beck’s brain worked like a dude, and if she had learned something was that men in general were manipulable. Take a look at Michael, he was dumb as hell. Liam was a douchebag. Luis, Ford… well, they… they´re there. The only golden boy among them was Carter, and yet, he wasn´t that hard, she just gave him what he wanted in that party and after that, everything ran smoothly.
And that´s what she needed.
Poppy´s look changed, her eyes sparkled in a very malicious way and a smile crossed her face for a split second. She now had a plan, and unexpectedly, it was a Chloe attribution.
“Maybe if we accused them of cheating…?” Chloe suggested, but Poppy knew better.
“That won´t be necessary, Chlo” Poppy intervened for the first time in a while, making both girls look at her intrigued. They knew Poppy, and the little smile she had on her lips as she applied lipstick was a proof. The blonde was onto something juicy. Veronica ended the live and awaited. “Beck will be mine.”
It was kinda lame to her, but finding Beck completely alone under the football stands playing guitar was at least convenient. They were an eye candy from the start, that was a fact. The way that white t-shirt embraced their body was something else to see, her mind went back to the second time she saw them. The sassy rock star kind of look Beck had, even the haircut was perfect, Poppy knew that was a Zoey Wade signature and she kinda thanked her for it. Beck was damn fine, that fact made easier her plan to be honest.
“You know… You do pass pretty well as a man”
Beck stopped playing, literally frozen in place as a statue.
“What did you just say?” Their tone of voice was cold, almost insulted. Did she just get it wrong? No, she´s never wrong. A Queen can´t be wrong, especially a Min-Sinclair queen.
“It was a compliment, Farmsville” she said, rolling her eyes.
“That´s not a compliment” Beck chuckled, putting the guitar aside. “I mean, I don´t mind, but if you are going to use that to the trans community… It~ may not end well” Poppy frowned, a little pissed off. She was doing an effort, no-one had ever heard a compliment from her and this little sh… “But thanks.” Beck offered her a sweet smile a second before turn it into a mocking one. “You do pass pretty well as a woman, too”
“Go fuck yourself!”
“And now she gets it!” They started laughing, making her really angry. Poppy walked away fuming, her head up high and a killer look murdering anyone who dare crossing ways with her.
That stupid ASSHOLE. Did they THINK they could disrespect her?! To HER! She was the number ONE, the fucking RULER of the entire school. Beck was lucky enough to be in her radar and they just throw stupid shit like that!
“To be fair… I did say it first”
“I thought it was a COMPLIMENT” She fight against herself. “What am I? Some trans expert?!”
“No… But I can be. I mean, to destroy my enemy…”
“I have to know them...”
Even thought she was still mad about it, Poppy tapped wildly though her phone. She needed to do something, and she knew just the thing.
“It´s ON, jackass”
POV: Beck
Top fifteen. Everyone was losing their shit because they were now top twenty and Beck... Well... They just didn´t want it.
And yeah, sure, that was kinda good. The students in Belvoire had begun to pay attention to their music as well, Beck even caught a few of them listen to songs Beck wrote and some other cover as well. Their art was taking off and that was awesome, don't get it wrong, that was something Beck wanted for so long, but...
They were afraid.
What if it was because of the stupid ranking?
What if Beck just wasn´t that good, and the only thing people would want was that Beck who studded up against Poppy Min-Sinclaire and lived to tell? Even Zoey, she was talking about popularity, Belvoire elite, and some “Person to watch-out” or shit Award which yes, was huge! But… Beck really was afraid that it was Beck who puts the music high and not backwards.
What if…
What if Poppy really messes all up?
“You know… You do pass pretty well as a man”
Poppy´s words in their mind caught Beck off guard. What was her deal anyway? She came and said some weird shit, and...
Actually, everything in that interaction was weird as fuck. And not just that, Beck meet Taylor by accident later that day in the ice cream shop, they both talked a little and they found out she had a big crush onto some random guy Beck didn´t knew before.
Of course Beck was the matchmaker! They even helped her by carrying those stupid anti-diarrheic pills to the lion´s den. Ok, yes, maybe~ Beck should´ve had given them to someone and not just let them in the front door… But it wasn´t their fault that The T found out!! Poppy was losing it, and of course it was them to blame.
Why can´t they just have a normal life… with normal problems… and not… this?
“I´m dead… I´m actually dead…” Beck thought while burying their head on their hands, tired.
“Beck? Hello? I assume you heard the details of the assignment.”
“Ehm… Yeah! Totally” Beck said with a “confident” smile that nobody believed in, Professor Roberta even frowned before going back to the lecture, while Beck tried uselessly to catch something about the assignment from their classmates´ laptops. She hated Beck anyway, but it wasn´t good news to be always in her bad side.
“Shit! Shit! Shit! … What did she say?”
“Mass comm is all about reaching people far and wide, so this project is meant to give the voiceless in our own community a voice by…”
A penetrant gaze nailed their nape, giving them chills. Beck immediately looked for that one hawk over them and not to their surprise the person found on the other side was that deadly beauty called Poppy Min-Sinclair, watching Beck as they´re a prey. Feeling really drove up the wall, Beck winked playfully at her, expecting her to look away or some rude expression towards them.
But no.
Scaring the shit out of them, Poppy actually smiled back at Beck. A sweet, flirty smile that left them feeling their heart racing as crazy and their cheeks burning red, her dark eyes so into theirs that all their system collapsed... What was happening?
“Earth to Beck!”
Professor Roberta yelled, making Beck jump a little in their sit, breaking all eye contact between them both. When did Beck turn their body completely to watch Poppy? Of course the professor was mad, Beck was practically giving her their back! As faster as they could, Beck took the right seat, being even more embarrassed now while Poppy let go a chuckle, they could hear her from any other laughter just as clearly as if she were so close.
“Oh, sorry. I… Sorry”
“Find your community service project partner please” Professor said. Beck gathered their things and head into the aisle, looking around, praying to find someone whiling to work with them and, mainly, explain to them what was that project about. The thing was everyone had already a partner. Everyone except for…
The strawberry blonde was gazing Beck as sure as someone who´s waiting for this chance can be. Smiling that same smile that caused them to feel butterflies in their stomach… Beck wasn´t sure if they were aroused… or scared.
“Professor Roberta… I need a new partner” Beck practically begged. “I´m sorry. I just can´t work with Poppy.”
The pretty but odd teacher was about to say something. Something bad based on the expression on her face, but a perfect made-up laughter cut her words, as Beck was feeling how a soft and warm hand hooked to their arm.
“Nonsense, professor! I am pretty sure we´ll be working just fine.” Poppy said, a relaxed expression drawn on her porcelain face. “Let´s go, Hughes.”
Ok, Beck was now scared. As both of them walked out the classroom, Beck´s brain was running wild, thinking about every and each form Poppy could use to disappear them from the face of the earth. Ironic, Beck survived Farmsville but they´ll be totally done in New York. Ha! Life hates them.
“Listen, I know what you are thinking…”
“... but the last thing I need right now is having my GPA taken away. So I´ve already figured it all out. We´re doing an animal shelter commercial for our project. I can ask daddy to borrow the equipment and crew”
“Didn´t think of you as a daddy person” Beck laughed, a little more repose.
“Shut the fuck up, Farmsville. This will be easy, so all I need you to do is… Oh my god.”
Poppy stared at her phone completely in shock, color draining from her face as it was sucked by a dementor.
“I have to go. We can figure out the deets later, I´ll text you where to meet me”
Then, she just left. Beck took a deep breath and let out a hiss.
“Gosh, this school is going to kill me!”
They said, who would have thought a class could be so much?
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