#amabassador udina
acciokaidanalenko · 5 months
Taking on the Universe: Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Seventeen: The First Human Spectre
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Summary: After providing the necessary evidence to the Council, Saren is disgraced and Natasha is given Spectre status.
CW/TW: None
Preview of chapter below the cut. AO3 link: here.
The scene laid out before her was much the same as it had been during her first encounter with the Council. They stood above the Humans gathered on the platform, staring down at them with expressions somewhere between reproachful and contemptuous. However, the mood was very different. The gravity of the situation lingered. Two things were obvious to Natasha as the meeting proceeded; first, the barely contained glee of the ambassador as the recording of Saren and his accomplice played out for all to hear, and secondly, the ambassador’s complete satisfaction in hearing Councilor Sparatus admit that clearly they had been wrong about Saren. All the Council needed to do now was bring him in to face the consequences of his transgressions.
But even still, they seemed reluctant to intervene directly.
"And what about Nihlus, Councilors? Do you plan to just leave him to his fate?" Natasha asked after listening to the politicians bicker for several minutes. They all fell silent, their eyes drawn to her as she stood beside Anderson.
"What of him, Commander? Are you so sure that Saren kidnapped him?" Councilor Sparatus questioned, a heavy silence falling in answer. "You've proven that Saren was behind the attack on your Human colony, but what possible reason would he have to kidnap Nihlus?"
"Are you suggesting, then, Councilor, that Nihlus went with Saren willingly? Was he also part of the attack on our colony?" Udina interjected in an accusatory tone. Sparatus huffed indignantly, clearly offended by the accusation that not only one but two of their best Spectres had turned on them.
"I can't begin to imagine why Saren did any of the things he did that day, Councilor. There's a simple solution to our problem here, if you're willing to listen." The Councilors waited silently for her proposal. "Send the Normandy after him. You know the stealth capabilities of the ship, Councilors. It's the best option." Natasha knew that, if given the chance, they could find Saren and bring him to justice. They could rescue Nihlus, if he was still alive. They were motivated. It was what Jenkins and the colonists deserved.
"Even with Saren stripped of his Spectre status, he may be difficult to locate, Commander. There are too many variables to this particular equation," Valern countered almost too quickly.
"She may have a point, however. We cannot send our own fleet after him without risking a diplomatic crisis. He is currently beyond the reach of the Council," Tevos spoke up. The Asari Councilor gently clasped her hands together in front of her and looked slowly from Sparatus to Valern before returning her gaze to Natasha.
"We know he's in the Traverse. Give us our Spectre, and send her after this traitor," Udina proposed tactfully. The Councilors remained silent, sharing another look between themselves. Another silent conversation happening in a matter of moments. One by one, each nodded in turn before pressing a button on their respective podiums. Natasha's heart thundered in her chest as their eyes turned to her with solemn expressions. The entirety of the upper chamber of the Tower fell silent as they awaited the Council's judgment.
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