rcjoice · 7 months
@amadaans plotted starter//ophelia
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"look, you need to eat something." he had showed up at her place after not hearing from her for a few days. she knew she was busy, that she worked, that she had a life. but he knows they both rely on the constant human interaction. especially with each other. especially after everything. their souls were bonded now through tragedy, and isn't that the tightest stitch of all? his arms are crossed over his chest as he looks at her, brows furrowed and lips tight with concern. "and don't give me that 'i'm not hungry' shit, i know you're starving."
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aftermoved · 7 months
— ❝ @amadaans / gets DAISY .
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❝ IT MUST'VE RAINED WHILE WE were in there... ❞ she's just stepped in the biggest puddle daisy has ever seen in her life. a large FROWN encompasses her face, pointing DOWN to the ground. her shoe is SOAKING now... definitely ruined. well, it could be worse. at least she's out of her family's grasp today.
❝ i think i might need to sit down and take care of this... ❞
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fissicn · 9 months
❛  i want to grow old with you.  ❜ / baaaaap
found family || always accepting!
Nesiwe doesn't cry easily. Once she starts, she can't stop, and that's far too much hassle to deal with.
The statement from Baptiste catches her off guard, and she feels the telltale sting of tears in her eyes. Fascinating that even her bionic eye has the same sensation. She has to look away from him.
"I..." She has to compose herself. The weight of that statement hits her, knocks the wind out of her. The fact that she has the possibility to grow old at all is nothing short of a medical miracle, one that her doctors remain unsure about. The possibility of growing old with someone is one she hasn't even dared to consider. Not until now.
She likes that thought a lot.
"I hope we get that chance." Her words are choked, her voice wavering. "You're stuck with me if we do, you know?"
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hanaasung · 9 months
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Hana adjusted her outfit and applied some lip gloss to complete the look. "I'm ready!" She beamed while exiting the bathroom. Her hair was dyed a dark magenta. She kept it loose with a white headband. Her outfit was a crop top with black pants.
"How do I look?"
They were headed for a concert tonight. It was needed after their long mission some days ago.
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lncarnon · 10 months
@amadaans has gotten Maximilien locked up again. It happened from time to time, between Overwatch and Blackwatch and the police and whoever else wanted to see him boxed away, they all tried. Oh, how they tried. Yet, every single time, he managed to worm out from beneath their thumbs and continue on with his enterprise as if nothing had even happened. It became almost a sort of game, and one that he cherished enough to continue to entertain.
Plucked out of his lavish home with a bag over his head, he had been sat down in a chair, mulling over to himself which of his numerous enemies could be responsible this time. The answer comes as soon as the blackout fabric is snatched away and his optics fall onto an ever familiar face.
"Commander Reyes, you do know my home is always open for you to come visit, these theatrics are quite unnecessary."
Though there is no smile on his metal features, one presents itself in his tone, buried down to the hilt in how his head tilts just slightly as if to enunciate his uninterested demeanor for the situation. Glancing down towards the cuffs that keep him rooted to the already bolted down table, his hands raise, just enough to jangle the metal on its surface.
"As are.. these."
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tekharthaed · 8 months
@amadaans from here.
siebren's never really been afraid of dying. he'll remain one with the universe, just in a different way. that's how he's always seen it. death is inevitable, death comes for everyone. but as he grows older, as his time ticks near, he finds himself afraid. not of dying, but of leaving mondatta alone. of leaving behind what he wish he could have forever. it isn't fair that siebren must grow old and weak and mondatta remains without him, alone and cold in the world. still, siebren offers a smile. it doesn't quite reach his eyes, but it's there nonetheless. because he doesn't wish mondatta to see the fear, the heartbreak within. he doesn't want his husband to worry about him, not when there's already so much to worry about. siebren's mind is going downhill, in a much more natural way now. his body is protesting more and more every day. there are some days he can barely walk without assistance now, but they manage. they get through the days. being scared of death cannot be one of the worries throughout the day. "one with the stars once more."
idly, his fingertips trace the fine lines crisscrossing the back of siebren's hand ; the skin there velvet-soft and parchment-thin, loosened and spotted with age. a marvel of the universe, to bear witness to such change. that, at least, is what mondatta tells himself whenever they sit like this, siebren propped up with pillows and himself ever-faithfully at his bedside.
it has become their ritual as the years wear on. siebren sleeps more now, but every afternoon, before the sun sets, mondatta comes to him. rouses him with soft words. leans down to let him kiss the matte smoothness of his faceplate.
and he takes siebren's hands in his own, stroking the tops of his knuckles. these strong, sure hands that have become weak with tremors. he loves them, as he loves siebren, as he vowed to love him.
even through this final metamorphosis.
" dust unto dust, " he muses, fond and warm even as a heartbreak like erosion washes over him. piece by piece by piece. he places siebren's hand at his cheek, wants to feel the warmth of him seep into steel, lingering there.
" i will find you. " it's a promise like the thousands they have made to each other, easy and sure. " so long as you wait for me. "
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chrcmatics · 8 months
@amadaans liked for a starter.
" ayy, you're back! first outing with the team, eh? "
she all but jogs up to him before he's so much as removed his helmet, hitting him with a one-two punch to the upper arm. while he doffs the sleek, modern armor provided to him by talon, sombra lopes around him, eventually finding a perch on a bench where she squats, resting her cheek on her crossed arms.
" soooo, how'd it go, viejito? i know could read the mission report, but i want it straight from the source, okay? did they treat you all right? "
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playedbetter · 8 months
@amadaans said: 041. the street of an unfamiliar city at night . / moira and gabe
There weren't a lot of missions where it was just them alone together, but safeguarding Moria while she's far from any Overwatch base for a biologist summit was one of those few missions where it was just them. The summit was in a few days, they just needed to kill time while they were in Nuuk, and while the most practical option was just to stay in their hotel room (with two bedrooms) for the next few days, they would have driven each other mad doing that.
So instead they walk down the streetlight lit road, eyeing the few businesses still open. "Where on earth do the greenlanders keep all their late night food? We've been looking for twenty minutes and I'm about ready to just go to McDonald's,"
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screenviolense · 9 months
@amadaans sent: [ 𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 ] : facing a greater threat, sender and receiver must work together. / consider reaper and angela though
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  she could only imagine what jack would say if he saw what she was doing now. when things had gone south, everyone made it look so easy to just walk away from the years they'd spent working together. it made her feel silly for still being so attached to the good old days.
  ' the suit is broken. ' the wings had been yanked off, but she thankfully managed to make it so that they could be detached without damage to the suit or the wearer. it was just a matter of making it out of this. ' i can still heal, but... as for getting to higher ground, that might be up to you. '
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mercymc · 9 months
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While Angela still had to keep up a normal appearance with her contributions in the medical field; attend a convention here, go to a hospital and check up on things there, what she hadn't been looking forward to is this meeting in particular. Angela couldn't explain it, but there was a sinking feeling in her stomach as she landed and settled in before heading to the labs.
It was all routine, something she simply was to observe and watch. Collect public data that they were giving out as she was privied to as one of the top doctors and well known in her field allowed her such privilege. Of course what she would see just why it was her intuition had given her such a shock. Looking ahead she saw her. Moira. A scientist who she is very outspoken of, condemning her every chance she gets yet here she was. Invited it appeared just like all the other guests.
Groaning, she'd pull out her tablet and check the information about this event. Listed among her name was indeed Moira's and all she could do was try to grin and bare having to deal with the insufferable, yet intelligent, geneticist. Only praying to whatever God might exist that he would not punish her and let her hide amongst the small crowd of people. If she were lucky no one would notice her.
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uncxntrxllable · 10 months
@amadaans liked for a starter for Baptiste, and got Charlie!
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❝ It's not illegal... ❞ She says, her expression pinched as she opened the pack of glass cherry soda bottles, ❝ Unless you get caught. ❞ Muttered under her breath, and then up came a finger to point at him, ❝ Which I did not, because I am a professional thief. ❞ She grabs a second bottle and joins him with Fang at the currently unlit firepit, and the coyote leaped up on one of the logs laid around the pit. ❝ You want one or not? ❞
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chaosmultiverse · 7 months
85. Which insecurity would shock people if they knew about it? / cole!
90 loaded questions / interview the muse. ☆ Open
"Hm, intresting question, I don't really come off as self conscious so I think I could say just 'bout anythin' and it would come as a surprise but... I would have to guess the big one is that people don't actually care about me, and I mean, I feel like that one's a bit less of a insecurity and more taking a realistic look at my life and relationships, I mean really when I'm helpful to others I'm kept close but... Well when the chips are down I tend to end up on the curb.
I don't really blame 'em, I'm just not their first priority and they never said I was, it's just how this stuff works, I'm a agent or soldier or a fellow gun, not a loved one."
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nightiingaled · 8 months
[ needs ] sender asks receiver what they need / dorit to akio!
non-verbal angst | @amadaans
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" I need...I need this place to just....remember what I did for them. I'm not asking for recognition or any of that bullshit."
Akio bites at his lip, gnawing at a spot already worn into by previous anxieties. "I'm drowning - All of this with the Shimada, with Genji - they used me and I need....I need that to have meant something."
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lncarnon · 9 months
❛  don't make me do this. it scares me.  ❜ / gabe and max pls
There hadn't been much in regard to expectations for something between them, a gamble for the one who always claimed to understand the odds. For the most part, he did. Maximilien was certainly part of the reason omnics were forbidden from taking part in the casino scene; anyone with even a inkling of his past knew very well that he had made much of his fortune by playing the system, walking in with pennies and leaving a millionaire by nightfall. He couldn't really blame them for making such a decision, any omnic that really wanted to put in the work could have done the same, he just had been the first to try.
But this? This semblance of something that he might dare call a working relationship? Max was at a substantial loss over how to parse it. They weren't really friends, and they certainly were still at odds. Affixing a timepiece around his right wrist his mind is in a silent frenzy working over the man laying in a bed just out of his sight, the dues he had to pay for his benefactors, and which suit he was going to don for the day.
Had he the lungs he might have sighed out of the dry sense of irritation beginning to form beneath the blanket of considerations. If ever was there a chance for him to remove the thorn that Overwatch and Blackwatch alike had become for Talon, it would be now. He knows the others on the council would riot to hear that he had the Gabriel Reyes unarmed and unarmored, and instead of doing something about it, he was busy dressing himself and thinking over the day ahead. He could certainly try; there's a firearm in a drawer in the nightstand, it would either work, or he would be dead. Another gamble, hah.
Hearing Gabriel move from beneath the blanket and sheets disperses the idea quick enough, he was out of time for that, to little too late he thinks.
"Ah, he lives again. I was beginning to wonder if you were planning to sleep the entire day away. How long would it have taken one of your overt rejects to come snooping?"
Max speaks without turning around to address Gabe, instead shifting his stance just enough that he can watch him through the reflection of the mirror.
"I would be suspect number one, certainly, with how often you drag me down into an interrogation room."
There's a degree of mirth within Max's tone, an amusement for how true his statement was. It would be ruinous for the both of them for this little affair to be found out. Talon would quite literally have his head on a platter if he couldn't manage to make up some bullshit excuse for his actions or lack thereof. Would it really be such a stretch to say he was applying unique techniques for dredging up information?
Being met with silence it earns a degree of further attention from Max, who finally turns around entirely to gaze upon Gabriel.
"You are being entirely too quiet, Commander-"
The title had become something of a pet name he used to irk the man, but instead of being met with some manner of agitation, Gabe finally speaks. The words that come out of him leave room for Max to fill the silence with his own lack of words. Doing nothing more than staring at him, Maximilien finds himself at an impasse. Apparently they'd been on the same train of thought; what was this?
What were they?
"Very well," the toyful tone he'd been using, dropped entirely.
"You will not need to worry about anyone here mentioning your stay, you are free to leave.. whenever," he states with a small wave of his hand before turning to the mirror once again. So the man is a bit touchy, he does make note of such, but he cannot say that the idea for himself is any less terrifying. Max never had much reason to get close to anyone, his empire and affiliates were far too consuming for something- someone else in his life.
He will remind himself of that, next time, if it ever happens again.
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tekharthaed · 8 months
the universe conspired to bring us together. i believe that. / themmmm
@amadaans prompted.
he does not look up from where metal fingertips trace the life-line of siebren's palm, tracking its path over and over and marveling at the soft strength of him. blood and bone and connective tissue. random, and not. defined by something unknowable — indescribable. there are no blueprints for the human heart.
" i find myself inclined to agree, " he hums, aligning their hands ; siebren's slightly larger, their fingertips out of alignment. asymmetrical. beautiful.
looking up, he can see the stars reflected in siebren's eyes. it is, by his reckoning, the best way to view them.
" whether by design or not, i am grateful to exist alongside you. to have met you, and to be allowed to love you, is a gift beyond any measuring. "
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chrcmatics · 8 months
❝ all you need for battle is your heart and your head. ❞ / bap to mei!
@amadaans prompted.
" ... really? " she doesn't seem convinced, clutching her cryo-pack like a lifeline as the dropship rumbles around them — like being in the belly of some giant metal beast, one that flies thousands of feet in the air and is currently hurtling towards an active war zone.
suffice to say, the climatologist feels slightly out of her element ( no pun intended ).
" my head more than my heart, then, probably, " mei-ling laughs nervously, but her smile is genuine ; she appreciates his comforting presence.
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