#amazing to unlock this level of fulfillment and happiness and self love like nothing i ever thought was even possible. oh my god.
Big Life Questions
In 1991, I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes; an incurable autoimmune disease that would have killed me were it not for the discovery of a breakthrough treatment some 70 years earlier. Had my great grandmother—who lived to be an octogenarian with four grandchildren and eight great grandchildren—been diagnosed with the same condition, natural selection would have swiftly eliminated her and the potential for offspring as unceremoniously as it had thousands of others. By pure chance, my mother, uncle, cousins, brothers, and I would never have been born. Twelve unique progenies, gone; an entire branch of the family tree stunted and withered at the hands of a few faulty genes.
As luck or God or the Universe would have it, I was born at exactly the right moment in history to not only survive type 1 diabetes but thrive. And here I am today at age 29: a walking, talking, breathing, body with blood circulating and nerves firing, alive with not only conscious thoughts, but also feelings, opinions, beliefs, quirks, aptitudes, and proclivities. From this foundation, I’ve created a full and complicated life that includes accomplishments, hobbies, aspirations, and emotional connections to other walking, talking, breathing bodies. That I am even sitting here now in a 600-square-foot apartment in Philadelphia with a Chihuahua named Peanut napping sweetly in my lap, able to freely express myself through the typed English word using an online platform capable of sharing those words with millions of people around the globe, all while my loving husband cooks his take on vegan enchiladas in our tiny kitchen is nothing short of a holy-shit miracle.
I wish I could say that the mind-blowing awareness of my mere existence—never mind the trillions of complex, improbable events that coalesced to have me adopt a Chihuahua—has compelled me to live each of my 10,500+ days on this earth to their absolute fullest. I wish I could say the knowledge of my finite and delicate reality has inspired me to follow my passions, live authentically, and weather life’s storms with grace and fortitude all while dedicating my time and energy toward the betterment of society. Surely a life as precarious as my own would catalyze an ongoing quest to align mind, body, and spirit; to be a role model for overcoming adversity against all odds.
Alas, I am not quite so enlightened.
Last Saturday, for example, I spent the entire day in worn-out sweatpants eating buttered toast and playing Candy Crush on my iPad. Between waiting for more bread to toast, butter to melt, and lives to reload, I scrolled through the bottomless pit that is the /AmITheAsshole sub on Reddit, grappling with the complexity of human social norms while also getting my daily bump of “my life really isn’t so bad” by contrasting my comparatively insignificant problems to the drama of Internet strangers. By sunset, I had succeeded only in eating a half loaf of bread and irritating my husband by finishing off the butter and bringing crumbs into the bed. (AITA?)
I’m sure you’re wondering how I’m able to justify such a flagrant misuse of my time. While I don’t exactly know the answer to that question, I can hazard a guess it’s because I’ve collected enough insignia of a successful life—academic degrees, a wedding ring, my handsome husband, a Pinterest-inspired apartment, stamps in my passport—that the pressure to fill my days with meaningful, enlightened activities has lessened. So long as I continue showing up to work, paying taxes, saying “I love you,” and periodically posting #humblebrags on Twitter about some new promotion or my latest vacation, what does it matter if I occasionally splurge on procrastination and carbohydrates?
Until last year, I had only peripherally considered that there might be more to life than just achieving and owning things. From high school honors to senior job titles to a committed relationship, these milestones were my markers of success, happiness, and security. I craved them, worked for them, plotted how I would make them happen, and invested all my energy into proving to the world and myself that I was smart, hard-working, lovable, deserving; often to the detriment of my own physical, mental, financial, and spiritual health.
Moreover, I was actively encouraged to seek more of these achievements: to play an instrument in both orchestra and band, attend academic summer camps, double major in college, study abroad, work late, work weekends, work, work, work. I believed these tangible symbols would unlock the secrets to all the Big Intangibles: happiness, passion, fulfillment, security, joy, peace, gratitude, love. And when those fleeting moments of accomplishment came and went, and the Big Intangibles didn’t instantly manifest, I turned to my old, worn copy of the “Perfect Life Checklist” (which I wrote myself at the age of 10) and chose my next goal to appease the restlessness and disappointment in my heart.
And then, after years of sacrificing sleep and sanity to acquire these tangibles, it all came to a climax in May 2018: I had just graduated from a prestigious university with my master’s degree, was months away from marrying my soulmate, and had just been offered a dream job in a new city. Life was perfect or as perfect as I could have contrived. I awoke in my fiancé’s bed the morning after graduation expecting to feel elated, happy, fulfilled; or at the very least, well-rested and content. It was the first Tuesday in perhaps my entire life that I technically had nothing to do and I felt completely, inexplicably…. empty. 
Where was the happiness I was promised; the light at the end of the tunnel I built, brick by brick? I felt a sudden urge to laugh followed by the very real experience of tears. 
And then, in response to those tears, a harrowing, gut-wrenching, pass-me-the-wine-no-the-whole-bottle question materialized before me as if posed by some older, wiser, separate self: Who would you be without all these labels, titles, and accomplishments?
Who am I?
The answer that came was enough to make me want to dive under the covers and let the carbon dioxide build up around me.
Before I go any further, I want to recognize that despite living with a chronic illness, the problems and concerns I’m describing here are distinctly privileged-people-problems. I understand and appreciate that my ability to grapple with questions about my identity and personal fulfillment are luxuries only possible because of that privilege. I don’t have to worry about basic necessities like where I’m sleeping tonight or from where my next meal will come. I don’t wake up worrying about whether I might get arrested, mugged, shot at, or bombed if I walk out my front door or if I might be persecuted for my skin color, openly practicing my religion, or loving who I love. That I even have health insurance to afford the medication that keeps me alive is a blessing that I am keenly aware not everyone with my disease has.
Yet it’s precisely this knowledge—that other people who were born into different circumstances must work a hundred times harder and maybe not ever get to the point I find myself at now—that makes answering these Big Life Questions even more important. With all my privilege and so few barriers standing in the way of me living a magnificent, inspirational, blessed life of service and passion, why am I not making every day, hour, and minute count?
I pondered that question again a few months ago when I was asked to give a presentation at an all-employee meeting for work. “All-employee” meaning, of course, the entire company; hundreds of people in-person and remote gathered in one moment to critically judge my outfit, throat-clearing tic, and the way I pronounce “gala”—or at least, that’s what it felt like. A naturally nervous public speaker, I practiced obsessively to minimize the risk of forgetting my own name and spent copious time working through every worst-case scenario. In the shower, on the train, before bed, in my dreams; I worried and rehearsed that speech so many times that my ultimate irrational fear of a light fixture falling from the ceiling and concussing me mid-word could have come to fruition and my lips would have continued mouthing statistics while my hands, of their own accord, gesticulated to slide 5 bullet point 2 at the 20-minute mark exactly as rehearsed.
This exercise was, like many of my endeavors, not borne out of passion and commitment to a good cause, but a calculated attempt to take on another “professional development opportunity” in the hopes that it would indirectly increase the likelihood of my future happiness by one, maybe two, percent. Because more responsibility at work = more money = more success, stability, and therefore infinite happiness, right? The irony of all this calculation is that an activity I expected to yield happiness had the unintended consequences of increasing my stress levels by 1000 percent and costing valuable time with my friends and family. 
And tell me, what exactly is the point of investing all this energy and being so completely exhausted if there’s no greater good, higher purpose, or feeling happy and inspired before, during, and after? What’s the point of tackling any endeavor if it’s only going to lead to a buttered toast/social media binge to cover the feelings of emptiness and dissatisfaction?
Until now, I’ve asked but not fully grappled with these Big Life Questions. But I want to. I want to wrestle and spar, analyze and critique until awareness turns into action and potentially transformation. In my short life I’ve had the opportunity to answer some medium life questions whose answers led to amazing, unexpected changes. Questions like, “What more do you have to lose?”, “Would you be willing to relocate?” and “Will you marry me?” I’ve answered and then watched life shift miraculously to accommodate my new conceptualization of what’s possible. And now, I feel myself standing at the edge of another new conceptualization with an ever-present awareness of my own potential, mortality, limitations, limitlessness, and connection to the rest of humanity. 
This blog is a chronicle of my attempts to answer and act on life’s biggest questions, including, but not limited to:
Who am I?
What is my greater purpose in life?
How can I find joy in the mundane?
How can I make the most of every day?
How can I be kinder to myself in deed and thought?
How can I honor and love my body?
How can I love unconditionally?
How can I forgive myself and others?
How can I overcome my fears?
How can I have more faith?
How can I live in the present moment more often?
How can I align my career and work with my passions and higher purpose?
How can I be of service to others?
If you decide to follow along, I hope my words can provide some perspective on how to begin answering your own BLQ’s, even if what I’m describing is a case study in what not to do. Consider what follows to be a record of hard lessons learned, a magnifying glass for bad habits, an arena for confronting fears and traumas, a whiteboard for exploring crazy ideas, and with a little luck and determination, a launching pad into the magnificent, inspirational, blessed life of service and passion I hope to live.
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allenmendezsr · 3 years
Live An Abundant Life Ebooks Pack
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Live An Abundant Life Ebooks Pack
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Many people are not living the life of their dreams, but if you want to know live an abundant life and learn how to change this game … keep reading.
I know that nothing is worse than seeing everything go wrong in our lives: money, love, health, family, friends, career, and everything important to us.
Feeling these things missing or falling apart like a “house of cards” blown by the wind … are some of the worst things that can happen to us.
And how can we forget the feeling of anguish and shame that tightens our chest as we go through these horrible experiences while other people live happily in their lives of greatness and prosperity?
Unfortunately, this life is the reality of many people who spend years living in scarcity and not knowing how to get out of this “prison” no matter how hard they try, their lives do not move, they end up losing hope and get used to all this suffering and lack of abundance… they forgot the prosperity definition.
I don’t know if this is your situation or someone close to you, but know that you can change this game and achieve the life of your dreams.
Would you like to live a prosperous and happy life?
Whatever that means to you: having more money? Buying the car of your dreams? Live a great love story and get married? Build a family? Have children? Shopping? Travel around the world? Enjoy life with friends? Being promoted in your job?
Anyway… the definition of happiness and prosperity depends on each one. You may be asking yourself, “why aren’t there many people who live the life of their dreams?” The answer is simple: because they do not know that they can change their reality and that this change depends only on themselves.
The True Prosperity Definition is: Live an Abundant Life
If you’re interesting, let me tell you how you can achieve the life of your dreams.
Firstly, you need a guide that is easy to practice, and that can be studied anywhere, anytime. Secondly, you need knowledge that goes far beyond the law of attraction, thinking about it we have gathered the best ebooks in a single package, as they bring several “Key” knowledge for the life change so desired.
Below you will find more details about these books and how they can help you
Firstly, we need to have an honest conversation and make things clear: Abundance is a commitment … it’s a decision, the teachings described in these books works and can help you get what you want, as they are already helping many people.
However, we are not saying that everyone who reads them will become rich or have an abundant life, because we know that not everyone will follow exactly the wisdom contained in these books.
Create a mindset of abundance and prosperity.
A guide to achieving greatness you deserve.
mind reset
Discover How To Reset Your Mind So You Can Eliminate Self-Limiting Beliefs.
You will learn how gratitude can transform your life.
You will learn why visualization can turn our goals into our realities.
the daily affirmation handbook
Discover how to attract success in your life with powerful affirmations
You want to know the true prosperity definition
Need a guide to live an abundant life.
You want to learn how gratitude will bring more abundance into your life.
Live a life you’ve always dreamed of.
Get to know why visualization can turn our goals into our realities.
You want to learn how affirmations can help you achieve your goals.
Recognize and eliminate your limiting beliefs.
You want to acknowledge developing a mindset of greatness.
How To Switch Your Mindset and Realize Your Goals 
What you need is to switch your mindset. Anyone has the opportunity to see the abundance around them, and quickly realize that any goal is attainable.You only have to change your way of thinking and be more open to receive.
Acquiring an abundance mindset will allow you to see and access all the wealth that is available for you.Living an abundant life is available to all individuals on this Earth and it all depends on the mindset.You will find an abundant, happy and fulfilling life once you are fully aware of your thoughts and your ability to change your thinking process.
The research behind an abundance mindset and why you should make the switch
6 rules to live an abundant life and keep stress away forever
How you can benefit from adopting a new mindset and live an unlimited life
Why you need to adopt an abundance mindset to improve your life
How to create a life that is fulfilling and happy while reducing your financial burden
5 things you can do in your daily life to attract abundance and do more of what you love
How to apply changes in various areas of your life to create more wealth
Discover The Secrets That Rewrite Your Destiny & Achieve The Extraordinary  
“Wired For Greatness” is the ultimate guide that shows you how to re-wire your brain for greatness. You’ll soon discover that greatness can be cultivated by anyone with the right strategies. With this guide made available, now you can take the first step to live your own legacy!
Greatness is not necessarily about becoming extremely wealthy, red-carpet famous, or creating world-changing impacts. Greatness is about achieving excellence in important areas of your life. Your career, personal relationships, or business.
If you don’t want to settle for mediocrity and wish to upgrade your life to the next level… this blueprint will help you answer your own personal calling of greatness.
What is a legendary life and how you can start living one.
Spot where the problems are in your life and how to design a plan for change.
How to recognize negativity in your life and how to take steps to avoid it.
Change your attitudes for the better.
How you can change your mindset to embrace positivity.
Get to recognize the things that matter most in your life.
“Find out how to reset your mind to eliminate self-limiting beliefs and have clarity and focus on your professional and personal life”
This Ebook will guide you to “restart” your mind
You just need to dive in and believe in yourself. And self-confidence is just a limiting belief. Lack of positivity, being rigid in your thinking, being guilty of standard thinking and kind behavior … all of these things are major setbacks that prevent us from realizing our potential. And we hardly ever realize that these things are happening!
Recognizing limiting thoughts and beliefs.
How to design the type of person you want to become and choose your life’s purpose.
Let go of painful memories and experiences that are shaping your reality and making you unhappy.
How to say goodbye to the old, unhappy you.
Become the best version of yourself so that you can achieve the most from life!
How to break bad habits and form new positive ones
The power of Gratitude to Change Life
Gratitude is a powerful emotion that can provide you with several benefits and can really transform your life for the better. Most people do not appreciate the power that gratitude has, and you’ll be way ahead to go through this training and apply the techniques to develop your attitude of gratitude.
Making the transition to a life based on gratitude will require knowledge, effort, and persistence.
You will learn what gratitude is and why it is so powerful.
Learn that gratitude will bring more abundance into your life.
You will be able to develop gratitude habits that will become automatic after a while.
Get to know the best methods to improve your relationships.
You will learn to develop an attitude of gratitude in the fastest possible time.
If you are new to visualization, don’t worry!
Everybody starts somewhere. Our subconscious mind is a powerful place, and when it is working in our favor rather than against us.The potential for us to achieve is unlimited!
Think about something you’ve always wanted to do, but never felt was within your capability. Our brains are supercomputers that are specially designed to help us to accomplish our goals and to survive in the world. It is constantly processing the information surrounding us and the things and people that we encounter on a day to day basis.
How Does Visualization Work?
What Is Visualization And How Can It Benefit Our Lives?
You will learn how to unlock your subconscious mind and tap into your own powers through visualization.
Preparing Yourself For Effective Visualization
You will learn why visualization can turn our goals into our realities.
Discover the powerful affirmations that you can use to manifest your desires and live the life you’ve always wanted
If you’re struggling with manifesting all your heart’s desires, you are not alone.
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This comprehensive handbook provides you with 365 powerful manifestations to help you manifest your desires and live the life of your dreams
Understand what positive affirmations are and how they work to manifest your desires.
Learn why you should use affirmations every day to attract what you most desire into your life.
Discover how to make affirmations work for you and what you need to do to ensure they are effective.
You’ll learn how positive affirmations affect your subconscious mind and how it will ultimately build a positive and optimistic mental attitude.
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allbestnet · 7 years
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Hiring Smart!: How to Predict Winners and Losers in the Incredibly Expensive People-Reading Game By - Pierre Mornell
Drop Dead Healthy: One Man's Humble Quest for Bodily Perfection - By A. J. Jacobs
Cut to the Chase: and 99 Other Rules to Liberate Yourself and Gain Back the Gift of Time - By Stuart R. Levine
How to Talk to Anyone: 92 Little Tricks for Big Success in Relationships - By Leil Lowndes
Brain Rules: 12 Principles for Surviving and Thriving at Work, Home, and School - By John Medina
The China Study: The Most Comprehensive Study of Nutrition Ever Conducted And the Startling Implications for Diet, Weight Loss, And Long-term Health - By Thomas Campbell and T. Colin Campbell
Lucky Or Smart?: Fifty Pages for the First-Time Entrepreneur - By Bo Peabody
Being Logical: A Guide to Good Thinking - By  D.Q. McInerny
On Writing - By Stephen King
Ready for Anything: 52 Productivity Principles for Getting Things Done - By David Allen
Island - By Aldous Huxley
You, Inc.: The Art of Selling Yourself - By Harry Beckwith and Christine Clifford
Business Stripped Bare: Adventures of a Global Entrepreneur - By Richard Branson
Making Ideas Happen: Overcoming the Obstacles Between Vision and Reality - By Scott Belsky
The Bed of Procrustes: Philosophical and Practical Aphorisms - By Nassim Nicholas Taleb
Give and Take: Why Helping Others Drives Our Success - By Adam M. Grant
Decisive: How to Make Better Choices in Life and Work - By Chip Heath and Dan Heath
A Mind for Numbers: How to Excel at Math and Science (Even If You Flunked Algebra) - By Barbara Oakley
Ignore Everybody: and 39 Other Keys to Creativity - By Hugh MacLeod
The Talent Code: Greatness Isn't Born. It's Grown. Here's How. - By Daniel Coyle
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allenmendezsr · 3 years
Live An Abundant Life Ebooks Pack
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Live An Abundant Life Ebooks Pack
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Many people are not living the life of their dreams, but if you want to know live an abundant life and learn how to change this game … keep reading.
I know that nothing is worse than seeing everything go wrong in our lives: money, love, health, family, friends, career, and everything important to us.
Feeling these things missing or falling apart like a “house of cards” blown by the wind … are some of the worst things that can happen to us.
And how can we forget the feeling of anguish and shame that tightens our chest as we go through these horrible experiences while other people live happily in their lives of greatness and prosperity?
Unfortunately, this life is the reality of many people who spend years living in scarcity and not knowing how to get out of this “prison” no matter how hard they try, their lives do not move, they end up losing hope and get used to all this suffering and lack of abundance… they forgot the prosperity definition.
I don’t know if this is your situation or someone close to you, but know that you can change this game and achieve the life of your dreams.
Would you like to live a prosperous and happy life?
Whatever that means to you: having more money? Buying the car of your dreams? Live a great love story and get married? Build a family? Have children? Shopping? Travel around the world? Enjoy life with friends? Being promoted in your job?
Anyway… the definition of happiness and prosperity depends on each one. You may be asking yourself, “why aren’t there many people who live the life of their dreams?” The answer is simple: because they do not know that they can change their reality and that this change depends only on themselves.
The True Prosperity Definition is: Live an Abundant Life
If you’re interesting, let me tell you how you can achieve the life of your dreams.
Firstly, you need a guide that is easy to practice, and that can be studied anywhere, anytime. Secondly, you need knowledge that goes far beyond the law of attraction, thinking about it we have gathered the best ebooks in a single package, as they bring several “Key” knowledge for the life change so desired.
Below you will find more details about these books and how they can help you
Firstly, we need to have an honest conversation and make things clear: Abundance is a commitment … it’s a decision, the teachings described in these books works and can help you get what you want, as they are already helping many people.
However, we are not saying that everyone who reads them will become rich or have an abundant life, because we know that not everyone will follow exactly the wisdom contained in these books.
Create a mindset of abundance and prosperity.
A guide to achieving greatness you deserve.
mind reset
Discover How To Reset Your Mind So You Can Eliminate Self-Limiting Beliefs.
You will learn how gratitude can transform your life.
You will learn why visualization can turn our goals into our realities.
the daily affirmation handbook
Discover how to attract success in your life with powerful affirmations
You want to know the true prosperity definition
Need a guide to live an abundant life.
You want to learn how gratitude will bring more abundance into your life.
Live a life you’ve always dreamed of.
Get to know why visualization can turn our goals into our realities.
You want to learn how affirmations can help you achieve your goals.
Recognize and eliminate your limiting beliefs.
You want to acknowledge developing a mindset of greatness.
How To Switch Your Mindset and Realize Your Goals 
What you need is to switch your mindset. Anyone has the opportunity to see the abundance around them, and quickly realize that any goal is attainable.You only have to change your way of thinking and be more open to receive.
Acquiring an abundance mindset will allow you to see and access all the wealth that is available for you.Living an abundant life is available to all individuals on this Earth and it all depends on the mindset.You will find an abundant, happy and fulfilling life once you are fully aware of your thoughts and your ability to change your thinking process.
The research behind an abundance mindset and why you should make the switch
6 rules to live an abundant life and keep stress away forever
How you can benefit from adopting a new mindset and live an unlimited life
Why you need to adopt an abundance mindset to improve your life
How to create a life that is fulfilling and happy while reducing your financial burden
5 things you can do in your daily life to attract abundance and do more of what you love
How to apply changes in various areas of your life to create more wealth
Discover The Secrets That Rewrite Your Destiny & Achieve The Extraordinary  
“Wired For Greatness” is the ultimate guide that shows you how to re-wire your brain for greatness. You’ll soon discover that greatness can be cultivated by anyone with the right strategies. With this guide made available, now you can take the first step to live your own legacy!
Greatness is not necessarily about becoming extremely wealthy, red-carpet famous, or creating world-changing impacts. Greatness is about achieving excellence in important areas of your life. Your career, personal relationships, or business.
If you don’t want to settle for mediocrity and wish to upgrade your life to the next level… this blueprint will help you answer your own personal calling of greatness.
What is a legendary life and how you can start living one.
Spot where the problems are in your life and how to design a plan for change.
How to recognize negativity in your life and how to take steps to avoid it.
Change your attitudes for the better.
How you can change your mindset to embrace positivity.
Get to recognize the things that matter most in your life.
“Find out how to reset your mind to eliminate self-limiting beliefs and have clarity and focus on your professional and personal life”
This Ebook will guide you to “restart” your mind
You just need to dive in and believe in yourself. And self-confidence is just a limiting belief. Lack of positivity, being rigid in your thinking, being guilty of standard thinking and kind behavior … all of these things are major setbacks that prevent us from realizing our potential. And we hardly ever realize that these things are happening!
Recognizing limiting thoughts and beliefs.
How to design the type of person you want to become and choose your life’s purpose.
Let go of painful memories and experiences that are shaping your reality and making you unhappy.
How to say goodbye to the old, unhappy you.
Become the best version of yourself so that you can achieve the most from life!
How to break bad habits and form new positive ones
The power of Gratitude to Change Life
Gratitude is a powerful emotion that can provide you with several benefits and can really transform your life for the better. Most people do not appreciate the power that gratitude has, and you’ll be way ahead to go through this training and apply the techniques to develop your attitude of gratitude.
Making the transition to a life based on gratitude will require knowledge, effort, and persistence.
You will learn what gratitude is and why it is so powerful.
Learn that gratitude will bring more abundance into your life.
You will be able to develop gratitude habits that will become automatic after a while.
Get to know the best methods to improve your relationships.
You will learn to develop an attitude of gratitude in the fastest possible time.
If you are new to visualization, don’t worry!
Everybody starts somewhere. Our subconscious mind is a powerful place, and when it is working in our favor rather than against us.The potential for us to achieve is unlimited!
Think about something you’ve always wanted to do, but never felt was within your capability. Our brains are supercomputers that are specially designed to help us to accomplish our goals and to survive in the world. It is constantly processing the information surrounding us and the things and people that we encounter on a day to day basis.
How Does Visualization Work?
What Is Visualization And How Can It Benefit Our Lives?
You will learn how to unlock your subconscious mind and tap into your own powers through visualization.
Preparing Yourself For Effective Visualization
You will learn why visualization can turn our goals into our realities.
Discover the powerful affirmations that you can use to manifest your desires and live the life you’ve always wanted
If you’re struggling with manifesting all your heart’s desires, you are not alone.
If you’re like many people, you may be unsure of how to get started with incorporating daily positive affirmations into your life so you can manifest all that you desire. This is a simple handbook of daily affirmations that can get you started attracting health, wealth, and happiness into your life.
This comprehensive handbook provides you with 365 powerful manifestations to help you manifest your desires and live the life of your dreams
Understand what positive affirmations are and how they work to manifest your desires.
Learn why you should use affirmations every day to attract what you most desire into your life.
Discover how to make affirmations work for you and what you need to do to ensure they are effective.
You’ll learn how positive affirmations affect your subconscious mind and how it will ultimately build a positive and optimistic mental attitude.
Transform your negative mindset to one that is positive and gain the strength and courage to believe in yourself and follow your dreams.
You must be thinking: “All these Powerful ebooks and a lot of bonuses… all in one pack, it must be expensive” Right? The answer is: absolutely nO!
Why Not? Because we spend $ 9.90 easily without realizing unnecessary things that will not contribute to our prosperity. So this price is very low for all the changes that can happen in your life.
Why start today? Because the sooner you start … the sooner you get what you want. Click the button below to add to the cart.
After placing your order, you will be directed to a new page where you will find a link to download your copy of the Ebook Package (ZIP file). For Product Support, please contact the vendor HERE. For Order Support, please contact ClickBank HERE.
We want you to feel confident to receive your copy of the Live an Abundant Life Ebooks Pack today, which is why our program has a 100%  money back guarantee.
If at any time during the next 30 days you are not 100% satisfied with your purchase, we will refund every penny, no questions asked, as simple as that.
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