#ambilavence babeyyyy
cappymightwrite · 3 years
Hi! I really like your opinions and my hope for jonsa has increased. I wanted to ask you what do you think about Jon pairings with Arya, ygritte and dany in contrast to jonsa? Have a nice day 😊
Thank you! I have to say @agentrouka-blog has really bolstered my belief in non tragic Jonsa. I actually think it would be truly more of a subversion, more of a twist, and more narratively satisfying to let them end the series together, in love and married. Everyone is so convinced that GRRM would never do that, the grimness of the narrative has completely eroded most people’s faith in goodness and love prevailing...and no doubt that is very intentional.
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...it’s a narrative trap.
The majority of people think a “happy” ending is too easy or too expected, but obviously it isn’t because the current tone of the narrative has convinced so many people that it is impossible. And actually, finding happiness, championing goodness, especially in the world of ASOIAF is actually very hard and is not a given. In order to reach a dream of spring, not just the book, but what that title implies, GRRM has to do a lot of narrative work, it would be far easier for him to end it with, well, and then the Westerosi Ragnarök happened and these people died and this person suffered this and this downtrodden person became even more downtrodden, finally accepting the life has 99 thorns to 1 rose, etc., but isn’t that edgy, isn’t that grimness subversive and “real”? 
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No it isn’t!!! It is very easy to tear things down, to deny people all that they value, to fall back onto the defeatist idealogy that “grimness” always prevails, that it is naive to believe in anything to the contrary. It is much harder to rebuild, to regenerate, to reimagine how life and love can continue despite all the pain that has gone before. THAT is a narrative challenge, that, in this day and age, is truly subversive. Frankly, GRRM is the laziest of writers if he chooses to end his narrative with a “grimdark” conclusion, with the bitter far outweighing the sweet (but I don’t think he is, or will). 
Anyway sorry, I shouldn’t talk about “grimdark”, it’s like a red flag to a bull, lol. Onto the second part of your ask...honestly, I try not to engage with these other ships, if at all possible. I believe and like what I like, and they believe and like what they like. I have an interpretation of the text, they have an interpretation of the text. I’m fairly confident that I’m on the money, that I’ve sussed out the author’s influences, his niche predelictions, but ultimately, only GRRM knows the truth. What I will say is that, when it comes down to it, in regards to those particular pairings I don’t read romantic love and marriage as being their deepest, truest heart’s desire, like I do with both Jon and Sansa. So, at their barest bones, discounting all other factors, for me, there is a quite fundamental incompatibility there. But frankly, the best way for me to sum up what I think about Jon’s other popular pairings, for the most part, is this:
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