scorsoneamelia · 3 years
Can you write something where Amelia is taking care of everyone, Scout, Maggie, Mer etc and she comes home and she is sad and when Link asks her what is wrong she tells him she’s burned out and she can’t help but think that everyone around her keeps dying Derek, Deluca, Christopher, etc and he tells her that he will always be there for her and maybe he does a nice romantic gesture. Basically I want some fluffy amelink please thanks so much I love your writing. Stay safe!
 honestly im kind of disappointed in this :((((( i have been working on it for three days tho and i keep promising that i’ll post so here it is!!!!
          Exhausted. Mentally and physically, Amelia was drained. There’s been too much on her plate, Scout, Meredith’s kids, Meredith, Andrew, her own thoughts and her addiction was slowly starting to creep back in. She feels like she hasn’t slowed down in months and she’s tired. Maggie had come down with the common cold, causing her to be stuck in a bedroom because there was a pandemic. It’s not covid, Amelia. I was tested. But they lived with 4 children, there was no risking anything, so Maggie isolated herself in her own bedroom. Whenever there was food made, (if Amelia was actually able to cook something edible) she’d have to deliver it to Maggie’s room. Meredith was still in the hospital, she was awake but she couldn’t come home yet so her nieces and nephew was still her responsibility.
           Link had been occasionally going to Jo’s house with a bottle of wine, or some hard liquor that they’d usually finish in a few hours because he was coping and because he’s “not in recovery.” Something that Amelia couldn’t do because she was an “alcoholic.” So even though Link was stressed out he still had an outlet, an unhealthy one some would argue, but he would leave the house to hangout with a friend to get the edge off.
            Amelia had just gotten back from visiting Owen, (mostly to help Teddy) because after another tragedy they lost Andrew DeLuca, causing Post Traumatic Stress Disorder for Teddy because it brought back memories of Allison, the love of her life. Owen was being insensitive and Amelia would be the first one to call him out on it. It caused a lot for Amelia too, the pandemic, taking care of everyone else and never getting a chance to breathe and focus on herself which was causing her addiction to creep back in, losing a good friend due to a horrific tragedy, all of the stress, she just couldn’t handle it. Seeing Teddy in that state only reminded her of everyone she lost too, and it made her sad. It seemed like everyone around her was dying, everyone she considered a friend was either dead or was dying.
            Everyone around her always dies. Her father, her best friend, her boyfriend, her baby, her brother, Meredith almost left her too and one of her coworkers, her friend, also died. Now the help that she got from Maggie wasn’t there because she was in isolation. Link was drinking at Jo’s and Amelia refused to bring it up to him again considering the last time she said anything it caused a fight, resulting in Link leaving the house.
            The kids were all in bed, Scout being the last one to be put down because he was extra cranky today, it felt like all he did today was cry and it seemed like on some days that’s all he could do, no matter what she did for him. Babies are hard work and she knew that, but she was burnt out. She never understood how Meredith did this with three kids.
           A long and exhausted sigh came out of her mouth as she plopped down onto the couch, bringing both hands to her face to run them through her hair. Her life has changed so much, ever since Christopher she never imagined having another baby, she feels guilty for loving Scout and she almost feels like it replaced her love for Christopher.
          The front door was being pushed open and Link was walking in, taking his black jacket off and then they made eye contact. She didn’t say anything to him, she just adverted her eyes down into her lap, her hands resting in them. A soft cry escaped her lips and her face was being put into her hands, cries slowly making their way out of her throat.
         “What’s wrong?” Link immediately asked, sitting next to her and placing a hand on her shoulder in a comforting way. His voice was soft and he sounded concerned.
          “I’m just,” she sniffled, bringing a hand up to her face to wipe off the tears. “So tired. I feel like everyone around me is dying and I’m exhausted.”
           Immediately after, Link stood from the couch, quickly making his way over to the staircase. “I’m going to run you a warm bath and you’re going to relax, it’s what you need right now.” Before Amelia could interject, he was already up the stairs and moments later she heard the faint sound of watering running and filling up the bath tub. So, she followed, meeting him in the bathroom, tears still wetting her cheeks. 
          “You need a minute to just relax and breathe,” he placed his hands on her shoulders and rubbed them, the friction making her warm. “You’ve been doing so good with the kids and Scout, you deserve this.” 
            A small warm smile tugged at the corners of her lips and her blue eyes looked into his matching blue eyes, both of their eyes trailing down to each other’s lips. Their kiss was soft and gentle, like it was their first kiss and it was just what she needed. “Thank you.” She whispered softly before they kissed once more before he left the bathroom, pulling the door closed behind him so that she could have some privacy and so she could relax. 
            She had come downstairs, a loose pair of baggy pants hanging off of her hips with a loose t-shirt on and her hair was damp. Link thought she looked beautiful, he knows he’s in love with her. To prove that, he had set up a bed in front of the fireplace, there was lots of blankets and pillows, all of her favorite kind of snacks (doughnuts too, cause Link loved them) spread out on the floor. The wood in the fireplace was burning, making a crack and pop sound every so often and the house was quiet and warm.  
          “Link,” she breathed, walking closer to see the set-up he made for her. “What’s all this?”
          “I just wanted you to have a good night, just the two of us.” He was already laying down on his side on top of the mountain of blankets, using his arm to prop himself up. “Breathe and relax. You’re so stressed out, you need to relax more.” 
            She joined him, the heat from the fireplace immediately warming her body. Both of them reached for a doughnut, trying to put as much of it into their mouths as they could, it was something they’ve always done it somehow became their thing. But everytime they both end laughing too hard and one of them always almost chokes on it, or one nearly spits it out. Both of them were laughing now, genuine smiles taking over their faces that even reached their eyes. 
            “I just want you to know,” Link said once their laughs subsided, his hand reaching for hers and letting her soft fingers intertwine with his. “I know everything feels overwhelming right now and everything sucks. But, I just wanted to let you know that I will always be here for you, I’m not going anywhere. I love you, Amelia. You have me, I’ve got you. Everything is going to be okay.” 
            Her smile was warm, her grip on his hand getting tighter and she was moving closer to him. “I know you might be feeling all of this guilt with Scout and Christopher. I know you love Christopher and I know you love Scout and nothing will ever replace the love you have for him. You have enough love to give everyone, and that’s what I love about you. You feel everything so deeply, and there’s nothing wrong with that.” 
           There were both kissing now, this time not as soft, this time they were kissing with so much passion that you could feel the love in their kisses. Her left hand reached up to his face to rest it on his jawline, pulling him closer to her. She loved him so much that she could feel it throughout her entire body.
           After they broke up their kiss, they were laying down, Link’s back flat on the ground while Amelia laid her head on his chest, wrapping an arm around his waist. “You didn’t have to do any of this you know.”
          “I just figured you could take your mind off of some stuff for the night, and I wanted to remind you that I love you.” His arm was running up and down her arm and her side, her face nuzzling deeper into his neck. 
         They both laid there for a few minutes in silence, both just wanting to enjoy each other’s company. The tips of his fingers were running up and down her arm in a soothing motion, his heartbeat vibrating against his chest and within minutes she was asleep. A soft snore came out of her mouth and it caused Link to smile, placing a kiss on the top of her head. 
         Scout was crying from upstairs, most likely because he had an accident and he needed his diaper changed. Amelia stirred from under him, her eyes fluttering open an being woken up from her short sleep. Her arm that was around his waist loosened and she was pushing herself up so that she could go and check on Scout. 
          Link beat her to it though, standing up before her. “I’ll go, you sleep.” He planted one more kiss on her forehead and turned to make his way up the stairs. He turned back to look at her once more, seeing her already peacefully sleeping, her mouth partially open and a soft snore coming out of her lips. One arm was rested against her side and the other nuzzled underneath her chin. He could look for her for hours because she looked so calm and peaceful and beautiful. He would have stayed in that exact moment but Scout’s cries were only getting more demanding and he didn’t want to wake Amelia so he left, heading up the stairs.
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scorsoneamelia · 3 years
I like the way you write II wanted to ask if you could write a story where there is a shooting and link is shot
thank you so much :’) i like this idea a lot!!
this is gonna be a big one sorry it took me a while to write because it’s heavy lol
yall are gonna hate me for ending this the way i did lol
tw: shooting
         The thing about life is that you never know what to expect, everyday you live life never knowing how the day is going to end. Some like the idea of never knowing, some think it makes life more meaningful while some people sit on the edge full of anxiety because they need to know when their last breath will be. It’s like how some will take a test to tell them if they have the cancer gene, the Alzheimer’s gene, a disease, etc., and some will refuse to know because they’d rather not know than always expect the worst.
         Death is so familiar to Amelia, she’s seen her own father fall to his death right in front of her, even though she might not remember it as well as her brother did, the trauma still impacted her. Rolling over to notice that her boyfriend’s heart was no longer beating and his body was ice cold, her brother getting ripped out of her life too soon; it’s all familiar to her. You’d think this is what she’d be used to, the worst case scenarios but nobody really is ever used to hear the worst news of your life, no matter how familiar it may be.
          They had just been leaving from a dinner with Link’s parents, and although neither have them have spoken or seen much of one another since the afternoon on the beach; since the proposal, it was quiet. The only time they’ve communicated lately is for the sake of their son, who was currently being watched by Meredith. Link told his parents they’d both be there because it was ‘easier’ than explaining the alternative. Dinner was fine, the least amount of awkward it could have been, both of them putting on a smile and an act which was easy for the two of them since they acted like a perfectly happy married couple for her sisters before. This was easy.
          Link parked the car in front of a gas station, a small one along the outskirts of the city because he needed gas and a snack, even though he just ate. Neither of them said much to one another besides, “Be right back.” which came from Link and he was already exiting the vehicle.
            Amelia hadn’t said much to Link directly since he picked her up, she wasn’t sure what the right thing to say was and whatever she wanted to say, he wouldn’t care to listen and she knew that. He was hurt; and he was upset and even though she had her own reasons and feelings, hers weren’t important because Link was hurt.
             Her finger was tapping down onto her contact list to find Meredith’s number, a heads up that they might be a little big longer than expected cause the drive home will be a long one. Her attention was diverted away because there was a loud noise; an explosion sound and there was screams immediately followed after. Civilians were running down the street, people jumping into their cars to speed away, the sound of their rubber tires squealing against the pavement along with screams; terrified screams. A young girl ran out of the gas station, blood soaking her pant leg from the knee down and she was crying, her hands were trembling and she was dialling 911 on her phone.
             The gas station, the realization came and a wave of panic hit her, her heart pounding against her chest and now her hands were shaking. A man was running to the bleeding girls side, putting pressure on her leg while she cried out. Quickly, Amelia pushed open the passenger door and the screams were even louder. “He has a gun!”
             It only took a few moments before Amelia was throwing the gas station door open, knowing damn well that if there really was someone with a gun in there that she’d be risking her life. But there was something that was making her go in there, she wasn’t thinking and her heart was beating so hard in her chest it felt like it was going to pop out, and her hands were shaking and she couldn’t keep them still. Just as she expected, a white man with dark brown hair had the man who worked behind the counter at the gas station at gun point. His finger hovering over the trigger and his knuckles white, the innocent man had his hands raised in the air. The man had a black cotton mask covering his face so you could only see his hazel eyes, a backpack secured to his shoulder.
              There was a chime when Amelia opened the door, attention being drawn to her and immediately her hands were raised into the air, her breath being caught in her throat. “Don’t move, or I shoot.” The guy wasn’t facing her yet, but his eyes were burning into her. This was all too familiar, way too familiar. A man being held at gunpoint that worked at a gas station, her being in the same building and her hands trembling.
               “Amelia,” Link had been hiding behind a corner and he came out to expose himself, the gunman turning his attention to Link and pointing it directly at him, only causing him to raise his hands as well. “Sir, please, don’t do this.”
                Now that the shooter had his back towards the clerk behind the counter and his gun facing Link, he slowly reached for the cellphone to dial all emergency vehicles. Amelia didn’t move, she was frozen in place and her hands were still raised in the air and she was breathing deeply and slowly because she was about to have a panic attack. “One step and I shoot!” The man yelled, his voice was deep and it sent a chill down Amelia’s spine.
                “Link,” Amelia choked out, her voice thick with terror and there were tears trying to escape her eyes. “Link.” She said again, a cry coming out through her throat.
                 “Shut up!” The man yelled even louder, stepping closer to Link, his grip tightening around the gun. “I will shoot every single one of you.” There was no doubt this man would, there was a look in his eyes, a look that would terrify anyone.
                 There was sirens off in the distance, meaning someone had already called because the innocent man behind the counter couldn’t hold the phone still by how much his hands were shaking. The gun man heard the sirens, his eyes looking over at her as if she called them. “This pretty boy your boyfriend?”
                 “Uh,—“ was she supposed to lie in this type of situation? “Yes—, yes he’s my boyfriend.” Her breath was caught in her throat, it felt like she couldn’t breathe, like her throat was closing in on her.
                 “That’s too bad,” the guy laughed. His laugh was evil, the type of evil that made your stomach turn. A group of police cars rolled up at the front of the building, sirens and lights on and police men and women were surrounding the building within seconds. “Fuck!” He was yelling now, a frustrated hand running through his hair and he was bringing the gun down away from Link’s chest. Link thought it was enough time for him to make a run for it, ducking down and trying to make it to the front door.
                There was a ringing in her ears after the gun was drawn and the man’s finger pushed down onto the trigger, the bullet embedding into Link’s rib cage, blood wetting his white coloured shirt. She stopped breathing, it getting stuck at the bottom of her throat and her chest was tight. She could feel her heartbeat throughout her entire body, she could hear it in her ears and her hands wouldn’t stay still. She couldn’t move, she couldn’t breathe and her chest was closing in. Her vision was blurry, black auras surrounding her eyes, and she was lightheaded, so dizzy she might fall over and it felt like her knees were about to buckle.
             The door behind her was thrown open and the chime went off throughout the store, her ears still ringing and she could barely hear anything. “Hands in the air!” The police were inside now, all guns drawn to the suspect. “Drop the gun!”
            She still stood there, losing her balance and grabbing onto one of the counter tops behind her. Link was laying on the ground, blood pouring out of his side and he was coughing, his face scrunched up in pain. His hand was reaching down and covering the injury with his palm, trying to put pressure on his own wound. Amelia couldn’t move, her legs were giving out and her entire body was shaking.
            She stood there for a few more moments, as the gun man tried to escape, running to the back of the store and one police man was talking to the man who worked at the station and another was standing over Link, calling for emergency back-up.
            “Sir,” the police woman was kneeling next to Link, addressing the injury. “Can you hear me? You’re gonna be okay, the ambulance is on their way.” Link was groaning and you could hear his pain.
             “Oh my god,-“ Amelia finally snapped out of it, running over to Link’s side, placing both of her hands on top of his ribcage putting as much pressure on the wound as she could. “Link, oh my god.” She was stumbling over her own words, panic arising.
             “Stay— Stay with me! You’re not dying, stay awake!” She was yelling, completely terrified, you could hear it in her voice and you could hear her crying. “Link, I love you so much, okay? I love you, I’m sorry...” She was in hysterics, you could make an ocean by the amount of tears that were streaming down her face.
            Her hands were covered in blood, and she was continuing to hold pressure. “Stay with me, Link, don’t close your eyes. Don’t-“ she choked on her own years. “Don’t leave me too.”
           Link was coughing even more now, she could see spots of blood in his mouth and his eyes were fluttering shut, so much pain written all over his face. “No, no, no!! No!!” Amelia was yelling even louder now, a police officer having to step in and try and comfort her. “You’re not leaving me too! No! Link! I love you, I love you!”
          “Ma’am,” the police officer said, placing a hand on Amelia’s shoulder. “No! Don’t touch me!” Amelia snapped, one of her hands reaching up to his throat and she could feel a pulse, it was faint and weak but it was there.
         “His pulse is weak, we’re not losing him! I am not letting you guys lose him.” Her hands were moving to the centre of his chest now, and she was doing CPR, because she needed him alive. 
         “I can’t do it without him, I won’t- I won’t survive this.” She wasn’t lying. She will not survive this. She can’t lose another person that she loves, especially to a gunshot.
          The police officer had the audacity to try and pull Amelia off while her bloody hands where pushing down on the middle of his chest, trying her best to keep him alive. “No!” Amelia screamed, using one of her hands quickly to shove the police officer away.
           “No! He’s dying, what are you doing?!” Ignoring the police, she continued giving Link CPR, also ripping her jacket off to put it against his wound. “I’m a doctor, I know what I’m doing.”
           She was sobbing, her entire body taken over with cries and shakes. There was still ringing in her ears and she was trying to slow her breathing so that she wouldn’t have a panic attack. There was so much blood, it was pooling on the floor and his white shirt was almost completely dark red and Amelia’s hands and wrists were coloured. She’s a doctor, a damn surgeon, she should be used to the sight of blood but there was so much. She could hear the sirens off in the distance meaning an ambulance was coming, he might be okay. She hopes he’ll be okay, she’s praying. Link’s eyelashes were slowly opening and then slowly closing, his hand weakly reaching for Amelia’s that was moving up and down on his chest. A weak cough escaped his lungs. “Please-“ She cried out, there was blood on her own shirt now.
            A team of paramedics and a gurney was next to Amelia, and they were taking over and instead of leaving them to do their job, she leaned over and grabbed Link’s face in her hands. “I can’t do this without you, Link, I love you.”
           The paramedics where then lifting him onto a gurney, a mask put over his face while one of the paramedics pumped it, giving him some oxygen. She grabbed his hand, hers shaking in his and his was weak, but his fingers were loosely intertwined with hers. They were rushing him into the back of the ambulance, and she followed, sitting down beside him in the van while paramedics worked to keep him alive.
             “I’m in love with you,” she whispered, tightening her grip on his hand. “Oh my god, I’m in love with you. Please god, I need him to live.” She was praying, begging, she needed him.
             The ambulance was already making their way to the hospital, Grey Sloan being the closest. She pulled his hand up to her cheek and there was still tears spilling out of her face, and her other hand was running through his hair softly. “You’re going to be okay.”
             The doors of the ambulance flew open and the paramedic jumped out, pulling the gurney out with her. “GSW to the chest, pulse is there but it’s weak.” Owen Hunt, head of trauma was the one who was there to treat him, followed by her sister, head of cardio, Maggie Pierce.
              “Oh my god.” Maggie said softly, stopping in her tracks for a brief moment to focus on what she was looking at. Link in a gurney, covered in blood, and Amelia was also covered, stepping down from the ambulance. She was concerned, very worried, and confused why her sister was covered in blood. “What happened?”
             “Crazy gunman,” Amelia’s voice was so soft that Maggie could barely here her. Her eyes were puffy and it was obvious that she hadn’t stopped crying. “There was a robbery at the gas station and he shot him.” She broke down in tears again, falling to the ground. “He shot him, Maggie. I saw it happen, I saw-“
             Maggie kneeled down in front of her while Owen rushed Link inside the hospital to bring him into a trauma room. “Hey,” Maggie whispered. “I’m going to do everything I can to save him.”
            “Please-“ she choked out. “Please make sure he’s okay.”
             While she stood outside the window of the ER room, it felt like the world was moving in slow motion. The doctors working on Link were moving slowly, in her mind, and they were assessing the situation, their stress levels through the roof. Amelia’s hands were still shaking and she was covered in blood, if nobody knew what happened they’d think she was the one who was hurt.
            “He’s crashing!” Maggie yelled, immediately moving to his chest to start compressions. “I need a crash kart!”
             The nurses were running in with a kart with a defibrillator, soon after Maggie reached down for them. “Charge to 300!” She yelled and placed them on both sides of his chest before telling everyone to clear, and then they shocked him.
          “No rhythm, charge to 400.” She places the paddles on each side again before the shocked him once more. “C’mon.”
           “We have a rhythm!” Maggie yelled, placing the paddles back onto the kart. Amelia let out a sigh of relief before Bailey was running over, peering into the trauma room window herself.
            “Oh my god, what happened?” Bailey asked, slightly reaching over and touching Amelia’s shoulder for support, but she was numb. She couldn’t move, she couldn’t speak, the world was moving in slow motion around her. Her mind was all over the place, and she kept feeling dizzy.
           “I have to bring him to surgery.” Maggie said, coming around the corner while pulling the gurney with her. “I’m going to do everything I can do.”
            “I’m coming with you,” Amelia finally spoke, stepping forward and grabbing onto the gurney. Her pulse was still high, and her mind was still fuzzy.
            “You’ll wait in the waiting room like every other family member.” Bailey ordered, which made Amelia’s eyes roll and a huff came out of mouth.
           “Please, Bailey.”
           “It’s the rules, you know that.” And Amelia gave up, because it was the rules. She would have to wait like everybody else, and try to be patient but she felt like she won’t be able to sit still.
            “I’ll give you updates as much as I can.” Maggie brushed her shoulder before they were going through the Authorized Personnel Only sign and she was sliding down the wall. She couldn’t cry anymore, it was like she was out of tears. She sat on the floor, her back pressed against the wall while the blood dried onto her sink. She didn’t want to move, she couldn’t move. The waiting room was too far, she thinks waiting here on the floor is a better idea.
            How can something like this happen again? How can she relive something as traumatic as this? Will she even survive this?
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scorsoneamelia · 3 years
37. “you wrote me a song?”
 hi anon! thank u so much for this prompt, i tried to make it longer but writers block!!!
       It was late; closer to midnight. Amelia had just finished successfully putting Scout down, after a long night of him being fussy and waking up every hour. The day felt longer than usual even though she didn’t do a whole lot, Scout was extra needy today and she felt like she wasn’t catching a break. 
        The soft strum of guitar strings from downstairs was drawing her attention away from what she was previously doing, her legs carrying her to the source of the noise. On the couch sat Link, a guitar sitting across his leg with the strap tightly secured around his body and his eyebrows were pushed together in concentration and his fingers were strumming while the others were holding down the strings for different notes. There was a soft hum vibrating against his throat and his head was slightly bobbing. On the table in front of him sat a piece of paper and pen, notes (that Amelia didn’t understand) scribbled and crossed out written across the page. 
         Amelia sat on the couch next to him, a hand brushing on his thigh causing him to stop what he was doing to look up at her. “What are you playing?”
         “Just a little something I wrote,” his eyes were looking into hers before glancing down at the small piece of paper in front of him. “For you.”
         “You wrote me a song?” The smile was taking over her face, her blue eyes sparkling and his matched hers. 
         “Trying to,” he smiled. “It’s taking me a lot longer than I expected.” 
          She moved closer to him, her chin resting on his shoulder and one arm was wrapping around his waist. “Play it for me.”
         He was shaking his head now, pulling the strap off from his neck before gently laying the guitar on the couch. “Not until I’m finished. There’s parts I need to change and it’s not even halfway done yet.”
         Her head was resting on his shoulder now, her body leaning against his and her grip around his waist was tightening. There was a sigh leaving her mouth and her eyelashes were fluttering closed. “I love you so much sometimes I feel like I can’t breathe.”
        Link’s hand was reaching for her free hand, their fingers intertwining and he was giving it a squeeze. “I love you, too.” 
        “I’ll never understand what I did to deserve you.” She said, and it was true. What did she do to deserve him? “You’re so good.”
        “The feeling is mutual.”
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scorsoneamelia · 3 years
Can you write something in which link gives an organ to scout?
okay i wanna give a quick shoutout to @amelinkendgame for helping me come up with ideas because i was stuck on this one for a bit!! <3333 thank yall for your patience i hope this one isn’t disappointing!!
sorry if theres an typos lol
          Lately, Scout hasn’t been feeling good, saying he was always sleepy or that his “tummy was hurting and he felt sick”. At first, both Amelia and Link assumed it was just the flu or maybe even just an upset stomach. It wasn’t until they noticed slight swelling around their son’s hands and ankles, which raised more and more redflags and being the anxious parents they are, they had brought him to hospital just to be safe. 
           After many tests, mostly being blood and urine tests they came across the problem, and it wasn’t just a simple flu or an upset stomach. The news made Amelia’s heart drop into her stomach and Link’s hand let go of hers to run to his sons side. 
           “Kidney failure? What? --- How?” Scout was healthy, he was always healthy, she always made sure he was feeling one hundred percent because she was always so anxious about what would happen to him. “Is there a cause?”
          Hayes, the peds doctor was looking through Scout’s chart at all of the tests he had run. “I will run plenty of tests to find out the main cause for this, but in the meantime, you’re going to have to discuss a plan. If you want to do a transplant, we need to find a matching donor.”
          Of course Scout would be okay with one kidney, but that would make Amelia anxious all the time, knowing that he only has one working kidney and that, that one as well could fail randomly when nobody was expecting it. Both of hers and Link’s eyes met, while Scout was distracted with one of his toys he brought with himself. “Test us.” Link stated, glancing back over at Hayes. “Maybe one of us is a match.” There was hope in his voice, his eyes, too. 
          “Okay,” Hayes nodded. “Make yourselves comfortable, I’ll be back.” 
           The second the doctor left, closing the curtain shut to give the family company, Amelia was walking up to Link, wrapping an arm around his waist and giving his tall body a side hug. “He’s going to be okay, right?” 
            Link’s arms were wrapping around Amelia’s, pulling her closer into him as if that was even possible before placing a gentle kiss on the top of her head. “He’s going to be okay.”
            Link was a match and Amelia was not.
            It was good news that at least one of them were able to help with a kidney transplant and they wouldn’t have had to put their son on the donors list. There were many concerns, too many for the two of them to be able to calm their minds and their nerves. Link’s initial concern was that he wouldn’t be able to give his kidney due to his health history, his cancer and all, but they eventually found out that since it’s been over three years since his last cancer treatment he was perfectly okay to donate his kidney. The other concern running through Amelia’s mind was that she felt like this was her fault, her son already needed an organ transplant by the age of five and she was blaming herself. Blaming herself for not noticing sooner, blaming herself because it could be a birth defect and she found herself thinking of every possible reason that her baby could be sick, finding reasons to blame herself. 
           Hayes promised he’d figure out the reason why his kidney was failing, saying he’d have to sit down and actually take a look because he didn’t understand it. He told them to take their son home for the night, get a good nights rest and come back in the morning so that they could get started, and hopefully have some answers. 
           Scout was rubbing his eyes on the car ride home, dozing in and out of a light sleep while occasionally letting out a whine, saying “Mommy, I’m tired and I don’t feel good.” So the second they got home, Amelia was taking Scout to his room to put him down for bed. 
           She tucked him into bed, giving him a kiss on his forehead and running her hands through his hair softly. “Goodnight, angel, I love you. Daddy also loves you and you need to get a good sleep because we have a very big day tomorrow.” 
          “Okay, Mommy I love you.” Scout said softly, pulling the blanket up higher to his chin, a smile tugging at his lips. She could see Link in him, so many of the same features and she thought he was beautiful.
           “I’ll be just down the hall if you need me.” She whispered before turning off the lamp next to his bed and exiting the room, pulling the door shut behind her. Link was standing in the hall, beside his door, obviously eavesdropping.
           “Eavesdropping?” She asked, them both making their way down the hall to their bedroom.
           “No, I was just walking by.” She knew he was lying but she dropped it, sitting down on the bed, bringing the blanket up to cover her legs.
           Amelia fell silent and Link noticed, sitting down on the bed as well but sitting directly across from her, pulling her closer to him. “Hey, everything’s going to be okay, I’m a match, everything is going to work out.” 
          “Was this my fault?” She muttered, her eyes glancing down at the bed. “Did something happen in the pregnancy? Is this a birth defect? Am I a bad mom for not noticing that he was getting sick? Was there something I could have done?” Amelia was rambling, something she often did. Link shook his head, grabbing both of her hands in his. 
           “Scout is very happy, you’ve done nothing wrong. Don’t beat yourself up and blame yourself up without knowing the facts,” his voice was soothing and soft.
           “The facts are, Scout is loved deeply by both of us and he’s happy and the other fact is that we have a match, and I’m willing to do it. He will be okay, Amelia.” He brushed a stray piece of brown hair away from her face, her hair was soft and her eyes were deep blue and Link always seemed to find himself getting lost in them. 
          “Just breathe, one day at a time,” he chimed, a smile washing over his face. “That’s the saying, right?”
           She leaned forward so that their lips were connecting, both of them trying to get as close as they possibly could and she was practically falling into his lap, her hands resting on his knees for support before she brought one hand up to his jawline. 
           Maybe he was right, Scout was going to be okay. They have a donor, there’s nothing else wrong, everything will work out just as it needs to be. 
          But even though Link calmed her down, and reassured her, that thought, maybe she could’ve noticed sooner will still be sitting in the back of her mind for the rest of the night.
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scorsoneamelia · 3 years
Can you please write a fic where scout has cancer and link talk about his own experience with cancer with him
 i accidentally deleted this when it was halfway done lmaoooo, that’s why it took forever my apologies!! 
       Ask any parent and their only wish for their children is for them to be healthy. Scout was healthy, and more importantly he was happy. His laugh was infectious, forcing anyone in the room to laugh or smile, he had a loud laugh and a genuine smile and he was one of the happiest kids she’s seen, a lot would agree, too. Usually every car ride home, he’s singing along to the song on the radio (at least he tries to, usually just mumbling and it sounds like jibberish), or he’ll talk the whole way home, telling his mom and dad a crazy story about something, which Link and Amelia both know for a fact all of the stories were made up, his imagination running wild. If he wasn’t doing any of those, he’d be playing with whatever toys he managed to carry into the car with him, making sound affects to match the toys. 
       Normally, Amelia wouldn’t question her son being quiet on the ride home if it hadn’t been going on for a while now. Sometimes, if he was tired, he’d say a few things to his parents before falling into a deep sleep, but for the last few weeks now he’s been quiet, not playing with any of his toys and just telling his mom he was tired, wondering when they’d be home. At home, he’d sit on the couch and watch a TV show, he was laughing less and his smile wasn’t as wide anymore.
        He wasn’t eating, pushing his plate to the middle of the table and crossing his arms over his chest, muttering out a, “Not hungry.” And it’d be a constant battle at the dinner table, Link trying to encourage him to eat. “C’mom, buddy, you gotta eat.” With a pout and a shake of his head, Scout would refuse and would usually look at his mom with please, let me go eyes and she’d usually give in, resulting in Scout leaving the dinner table. 
         He was losing weight, and being as tiny as Scout already was, he couldn’t lose anymore weight. Even with the small portions of food that Amelia could actually manage to get him to eat, he was still significantly dropping pounds. It wasn’t until Scout would always want to be sleeping because he would say he was sleepy and then he’d raise both of his small hands to each sides of his head, letting out a sigh and saying “Mommy, I’m dizzy.”
        He always seemed to be so cold, always wanting extra blankets and Amelia was finding herself always adjusting the temperature in the house so it was warmer for him. It was starting to worry her because her son wasn’t acting the same, he was acting different, being super quiet and for some reason he was always dizzy. 
         Bringing him to the hospital made Amelia’s world crash around her because they were given the worst news, something no parent wants to hear. Scout was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Luekemia, a blood cancer that starts in your white blood cells, in your bone marrow. This type of cancer progresses quickly, invading your blood and spreading to other important organs that include your liver and spleen, luckily for them though, they caught it early enough. 
          It was like her blood ran cold, and the world went mute. She could see everyone’s lips moving but she couldn’t hear anything, and her knees felt weak. Link looked as if he just got stabbed in the gut and Scout’s eyes were looking between the both of us, his eyebrows furrowed together in confusion. She hadn’t realized she was crying until she felt her cheeks soaked and Scout was pointing, sadness washing over his face. “Mommy! What’s wrong?” 
          The thought of losing her baby again was enough to make her want to turn around a punch a hole into the wall, this is something she will not survive again. She was finally happy, with a healthy baby boy who she loved with her whole heart and if loses him, you might as well take her too because she won’t be able to live without him. The pain will be unbearable and she can’t let herself go through that again. 
           “Daddy,” Scout spoke up when Amelia didn’t answer, and she saw Link crying too, allowing himself to fall into the seat behind him. His hand was forcefully running through his sandy blonde hair, an obvious, angry and hurt sigh escaping his lips. “I have cancer?-- What’s cancer? --Does that mean I’m going to die?” There was a pout tugging at Scout’s lips, and tears were filling up in his eyes as well. “I don’t want to die!”
          Amelia’s heart dropped to the pit of her stomach, and she couldn’t catch her breath. She had to compose herself, she had to pull herself together, but it seemed impossible for her to breathe. It was reminding her of Christopher too much and she found herself, as well, letting herself fall into one of the chairs behind her. Speechless. She didn’t know what to say, even though her son was crying, reaching both of his hands out for his crying parents. 
          “Am I going to die?” Scout tried again, the doctor looking between the two of them, not sure if he should take the matter into his own hands or wait for the parents to talk. Amelia’s lips parted open slightly, as she struggled to find words to say before Link was taking the matter into his own hands, standing from the chair before kneeling down in front of Scout so they were eye level.
           “Hey, buddy,” Link sniffled, wiping the tears off of his face to compose himself. “No-- no, buddy, you’re not going to die.” Link reached up, resting his hand on Scout’s shoulder for comfort. 
            “Listen,” he started, grabbing his sons hands into his own. 
            “Excuse me.” The doctor nodded before excusing himself from the room, closing the door to give the family some privacy. 
            “You’re going to spend some nights here in the hospital, I will be here and so will Mommy.” He was running his finger over Scout’s knuckles as a way to comfort him. “I had cancer once too.”
             “You did?” He sniffled, a pout still tugging at his lips. 
             “I did,” he nodded, and Amelia was watching now, her heart rate finally steading and her breathing was slowing. “And do you want to know a secret? You’re going to make all of these news friends, and you can bring all of your toys so you can play with them, you can have whatever junkfood you ask for,” Link winked, causing a giggle to escape Scout’s lips. “You know what the best part of all of it is? No school.”
             “No school?!” Scout was ecstatic, the smile reaching his eyes, the smile they were so used to seeing. 
             “No school, and as much junkfood as you want. Mommy is not allowed to say no anymore-- new rule.” Amelia was smiling now and her heart felt warm. Scout’s eyes lit up and he was looking over at Amelia, his smile eating away at his face. 
            Pushing herself off of the chair, using both hands to dry off her cheeks before she walked over, sitting down on the hospital bed next to Scout. She pulled him into her side, holding him tight and planting a kiss on the top of his head, her eyes glancing down at Link’s sad eyes. 
I love you, she mouthed to Link and he did it back. “Everything will be okay,” he whispered, sitting down on the other side of Scout. They just had to make it through the treatment, it was one day at a time and they can’t stress out too much now, especially with Scout. They needed to be strong for him-- that’s what Link would say. 
              So that’s what they were going to do, put on a brave face and act like it was one giant sleepover in a hospital bed. 
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scorsoneamelia · 3 years
a/n: OKAYYYY so this is a big one and when i say a big one i mean it’s over 14,000 words!! i put so much time into this and so much emotion so im kinda nervous for it gjdfkssdfg
this takes place mostly during private practice and i had to change some things around for the purpose of the story but i don’t appreciate and love amelias relationship with everyone from pp any less!!!!
some trigger warnings are: drug/alcohol addiction, death, suicide, mention rape and if there are any i missed pls pls let me know
anyways i hope you enjoy reading this as much as i enjoyed writing it :)
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         “I’m Amelia,” there was a jumbo box of crayons beside her, an assortment of 64 colours. “Do you want to colour with me?”
          Atticus Lincoln was five years old when he fell in love. Whatever love meant at that young of an age, maybe love was meaningless; useless. To him, love was an simple word that he felt for anybody that was nice to him. He knew he felt something though, maybe it was because the young girl he met that happened to be his neighbour was pretty. Her eyes were a deep blue, and her dark brown hair had only come up to her shoulders. She had bangs that had grown out, so they now fell to the sides of her face occasionally covering her eyes.
          Their backyards were connected with a fence running between the two because one side was his, and one side was hers. Her family had moved in only a year ago, a happily married couple with five kids— four girls and one boy. It was a Tuesday night, but all Link could remember was a girl his age holding the hand of her father, and her other hand rubbing her tired eyes and it was pouring. The streets were starting to flood with mini rivers creating puddles of water in the dips and corners of the road. Her hair was pulled back into two pigtails and her older siblings were running past the rest of the family, pushing and shoving and one of them was demanding for the bigger room.
          The rain subsided later that night.
          They were best friends. Two peas in a pod. Boyfriend and girlfriend (as her older brother would say). Always attached at the hip. Everyday, around the same time, shortly after school (if there was school, weekends and holidays were always after breakfast) they would meet each other at the fence that divided the two houses. If one was late, the other would sit criss crossed in front of the fence and would patiently wait, the other soon joining them after. Through the fence they’d share their crayons or their toys, or her father would hop her over the fence, (or Link would try and crawl up the fence himself) or they’d even go to the neighbourhood playground. It was like that everyday for a year, they’d talk about their day in school, not that there was much to ever say since it was Kindergarten. Not a day goes by without them meeting up in their usual spot, Link always being the most excited out of the two.
          For a while, Amelia was always waiting at the fence first. Her legs were crossed in front of her, her elbow resting on her one knee with her chin sitting in the same hand, a huff coming out cause she’d grow impatient. Link would rush out his parents vehicle, his backpack tightly secured on his back and he’d be running over to the fence. “Finally!” Amelia would screech out and then she’d be pulling her own backpack out from behind her to reveal all of the artwork she made in class, a proud smile on her face.
         It was like that everyday until it wasn’t.
        One day Amelia didn’t come, after what felt like all day; she never showed.
        At five, Link believes that was his first experience of heartbreak; sadness. (because what child knows what heartbreak is?) He was waiting and waiting and waiting and the girl never showed and because he didn’t have any sense of time, it felt like it was hours but it could have even been minutes. He wasn’t sure how long he had been waiting but he knew it was longer than usual and when there was no signs of the girl showing, he went inside. It felt like the end of the world; his friend not being able to play with him. This time, he had cookies packed in his lunch and he made sure to save one of them because he wanted Amelia to have it. 
        He never ate the cookie.
        It was days later; an eternity for him. He was always keeping an eye out for their usual spot in front of the fence in hopes he’d see her, sitting on the ground, fingers pulling out blades of grass but she never came. There was a part of him that wondered if she moved away because he didn’t see her, any of her siblings, not even her parents and it started to look like any source of life was gone. The cars in the driveway never moved, no lights in the house turned on; it was quiet. Deafening. 
       It was a sunny and hot day when Link saw Amelia at the playground. 
       She sat on the concrete, a distance away from the playground and she was alone. In her fingers were two pennies and she was clicking them together, hitting the sides of them together softly. Her eyes were heavy and her hair was falling in front of her eyes. Her posture was sloppy, her slouching over her knees and all of her concentration were on the two coins. 
        Link sat down across from her, the girl’s eyes only glancing up slightly. “I saved you a cookie!”
       “I’m saving up for a town,” Amelia looked up, her eyes not sparkling like they used to. 
       “My dad died?” It sounded more like a question, a question of something she never fully understood. She phrased it like she was repeating something she heard from others, rather than something she knew. Her eyebrows were pushed together and there was a permanent pout on her lips. “Derek said I’m never going to see him again. Mom won’t stop crying.” 
        The night was a blur to Amelia, her dad had just given her two pennies. Her brother and her sitting across from each other at the back of a convenience store, a comic book in Derek’s hands. The coins were taking all of Amelia’s attention away from the sound of two men barging into the store, a gun to her father’s head. The sound of a loud explosion caused her to turn her head quickly towards the source of the noise but Derek had grabbed onto her, one hand pressed tightly against her mouth and the other holding her against his chest. She couldn’t move, could barely even breathe and she could barely see her dad’s limp body laying there due to the tears that were fogging her vision. “It’s okay.” Derek’s soft voice in her ear was like a broken record, his face so close to her ear she could feel his breath and even though he was trying to not scare her, the sound of his voice was enough to send chills down her spine. 
         Amelia Shepherd was five years old when she cried herself to sleep for the first time. 
        Atticus Lincoln was ten years old when he was diagnosed with cancer. 
        Their daily routine to meet each other at the end of their street to catch the school bus had to come to an end because he was going to a children’s hospital. Amelia didn’t know a lot about cancer, she didn’t know much about it at all but she knew it was bad considering her best friend was being shipped to a hospital. She knew enough to know that cancer was bad news and that she should probably start praying. It wasn’t until she was walking to the bus stop alone and sitting in the seat beside the window, watching the rain drops hit the glass, that she truly cared about him and hoped and prayed that he was okay. 
          It had been a while since the two were together again, it seemed like all he did was live in the walls of a hospital room, his parents arguments vibrating off of the walls and his mother’s cries only getting louder at night time. Amelia visited as much as she could, whenever Derek would agree into driving her across town, but she didn’t go as often as she would have liked to. 
           They never discussed the cancer or the fear, or the overwhelming thought of what his sickness was doing to his family. Instead, Amelia would just sit down in one of the chairs beside his hospital bed, two chocolate bars in hand that she purchased at the vending machine and she’d say, “Hospitals suck.” It was a simple statement, but Link knew what she meant. 
          “Doing the best I can.” He was peeling the wrapper of the chocolate bar open, and his excuse was always going to be, eat as much junk food as he wants because he’s a cancer kid. 
           He was losing his hair, just something as simple as a hand running through it would be enough for a handful of hair to clump up in his hand. He was so so tired, that all he ever found himself doing lately is the treatments and then he’d sleep for the rest of the day, until his mom would wake up him to try and get him to eat something, or even drink something. On the days Amelia would come, she’d bring a stack of cards or a board game—literally anything she could find to pass time. Link would attempt to play but it’d always result in him falling asleep, the hospital blanket only pulled up to his waist.
         Amelia would let him sleep. She would stay there though, turning on a movie or whatever television show looked appealing enough to watch, while occasionally glancing over at her friend to make sure he was okay. He would sleep for a few hours and as much as she would have loved to stay, Derek wouldn’t wait nor would he come back so when her ride was there, she had no choice but to leave.
        The peds floor that Link was on had paintings on the walls, stuffed animals sitting in chairs, nurses were cheerier than usual and his parents would put on an act, around him and around the nurses but it wasn’t a secret that they kept butting heads. He’s heard it, the doctor that was treating him heard it, Amelia’s heard it; his sickness was destroying him as well his parents too.
       His mom always put a smile on for him though.
       The only upside, was that he wasn’t attending school and he got to lay in a bed everyday and Link would tell that to anybody that would listen. Amelia though, has always hated school, she could never focus and especially since her best friend wasn’t there, she had no one to play with.
       So she made new friends.
       She was visiting less frequently, one reason being because Derek wouldn’t take her there and the other reason being that she was with her other friends at the playground.
       It was a long process; the cancer. It had been months, and the time between Amelia visiting was getting further and further apart. Link knew she was still her friend and that she still supported him, although there were times he had his doubts.
      His parents got divorced.
        Amelia Shepherd was sixteen when Atticus Lincoln showed up at her door step with flowers and a box of doughnuts.
       Doughnuts became their favourite snack, a popular doughnut shop that was located down town was a place they found themselves sitting at during their study days. They’d share a box with each other; sharing being something they’ve done for eleven years. He was her best friend; maybe even her soulmate, she thinks. Whatever he was to her, she knew he was somebody she needed.
       She always needed him, but not right now.
      “What is it?” Amelia’s voice was thick with anger and irritation, a groan coming out of her throat. “What is your issue with me?”
       Two of her sisters were mocking her and making comments that were making her feel small, something so common that it should be something she was used to by now. It shouldn’t bother her anymore but she always found herself making tight fists at her sides, her nails digging into the palms of her hand so hard that she’s sure it drew blood. Her head was spinning and her eyes couldn’t focus; everything was blurry.
      “The issue is that you’re drunk,” Kathleen, one of her older sisters snarled. “And high— literally all the time. It’s time to grow up, Amy.”
       “It’s Amelia.” Her voice was deep, almost like a growl and she was stumbling backwards to reach for the door knob to the front door. “It’s because I look like Dad, right?”
        Her mom wasn’t around much, well, she was around, but she was always in her own world, drowning in her own grief and sadness. Her mom had some sort of resentment towards her, a bitterness towards her that Amelia could never figure out. Maybe it was because her eyes were the same colour as his, or maybe it was even her confidence or maybe it was because she was literally a spitting image of her father; basically a mini him and she knew that because Derek, too had the same pettiness towards her.
       “Is that mom’s issue with me too? Because I look like him?” Her voice was hollow, words being spat out before she had a chance to process what she was about to say. 
       Link had knocked but nobody was answering but he wasn’t sure if it was because nobody was home or if it was because nobody could hear it due to the war that was erupting inside the house. He was going to knock again before it was roughly pulled open, Amelia losing her balance and using the door frame to hold on to. A smile was pulling at his lips and he was raising the box of doughnuts and the bouquet of flowers up higher so that they were in perfect view. 
    But her eyes didn’t sparkle like they usually did and she didn���t smile.
       Instead, she was bringing her free hand up to her face to wipe away the hot tears that were staining her cheeks and she was brushing past him, heading towards a white Mustang that was parked in their driveway.
      Amelia Shepherd was sixteen years old when she crashed her brothers car. 
       He saved the doughnuts for tomorrow; for a better day.
      There was a time when Link was Amelia’s person.
      There was a time when the two of them were always together. Now, sometimes, he’d see her at school in passing or he’d see her arriving home from school. Their interaction was next to nothing, he’d wave and all he’d get in return was a small smile that never reached her eyes and any source of life that was once in the girl was gone. The life in her eyes were replaced with misery, and she looked empty. She didn’t seem the same, he misses the girl who would pull out her paintings from school and flash him a giant smile, a proud look in her eyes. Now, she just looked like she was surviving rather than living.
      It was like this for two months, forced small talk in the hallways and awkward smiles from across their yards. Amelia showed up at his front door one night, mascara dotting her cheeks and a sad look in her eyes. Her breath reeked like strong booze and her eyes were bloodshot red.
      She cried to him, her face breaking the neutral expression she previously had on and it was twisting into pain, fresh tears wetting the dried mascara. Her hands were trembling and she was tugging on the roots of her hair. “I need you.”
      He made a bed on the couch for her that night.
      They didn’t speak about that night, she never even told him what was wrong instead she thanked him and snuck out of his house before his father woke. Link didn’t see her much after that, he wasn’t sure if she was even coming to school because he didn’t see her in the hallways and she was wasn’t waiting at the bus stop every morning like she used to.
       It continued like that for a while and Link missed his best friend more than he wanted to. He missed her so so much that it felt like he could feel the pain in his chest and he always found himself peaking out his window to see if he could see any source of light coming from her bedroom but he was always disappointed when the light was always off. He’d search for her every day in class, he’d always let his eyes scan her house to try and find any sign of her.
      Eventually, he gave up.
      He spent time with his other friends, going back and fourth to each of his parents house during the holidays or the weekends because the divorce was messy and he thought his parents would rip each other’s faces off. It wasn’t easy on him; having two parents fight to have their son over because they couldn’t stand to be in the same room together. Link hated it, it made him feel like an object that they can just swap back and fourth whenever they felt like it. Sometimes he blames himself for it, if it weren’t for his sickness his family would still be happy.
      He tried to distract himself because Amelia was pretty and he found himself missing her more and more everyday and Link wondered if he loved her or if it was as platonic as they both thought it was.
      He was accepting the fact that their friendship was phasing out and he was worried that the night she spent crying on his couch may have been the last time he’d be seeing her. He’s kicking himself in the ass now, blaming himself because maybe there was more he could do to help her more.
      He stopped looking for her, he stopped trying to check in. Link figured if she wanted to disappear there was a reason for it because the last time she vanished, her father died. The only thing Link couldn’t wrap his head around was the fact that this time it didn’t make any sense, nobody died. They were fine one day and then the next, they weren’t. If someone died she’d tell him, right?
      Maybe that was it. They grew apart, and as much as it pained Link he had to learn to accept it.
       He was accepting it, he was burying his face in his books and spending his free time with his new friends. He was okay. There’d be times where he’d see Amelia in the hallways at school hanging onto the arm of a boy, or sipping a coffee with one of her girlfriends, Michelle. That was a rare appearance though, most of the time he’d see her stumbling in the halls, eyes bloodshot and her hair matted. Sometimes, too, he’d see her slouching in her seat at the back of the classroom, her arms crossed over her chest and she looked like she wanted to be anywhere else but there. She used to sit beside him, now she sits at the back of the class. (if she attended)
      Or he’d see her on his front door step on a late Saturday night.
      “Hey,” was all she would spit out because the booze coming from her breath was stronger than ever. “I miss you.”
       Her dark brown hair was thick and it had soft golden highlights coloured at the ends and it went down to the middle of her back. The ends of it were wavy and she was wearing hoop earrings. For the first time in forever, her eyes were sparkling. (or maybe it was the booze making her happy)
       “Are you drunk?” Link bluntly asked, even though he already knew the answer to the question before he asked.
       “Only a little.” She slurred and that made him know she was lying.
        They went for a walk that night, down a couple of blocks, down by the beach, it felt like they were walking forever. Link’s hand kept brushing against hers every so often and there was many opportunities for him to lace their fingers together, but he didn’t allow himself too. She was drunk and she was a mess, nothing she was talking about was making any sense.
         They settled on a park bench, Amelia laying down on it and settling her head in his lap, her face facing up at the moon that was full and lighting up the sky. She was talking about this boy she met, (not her boyfriend, she specified) but someone that she thought was nice and cute. She also mentioned that she’s been partying with him a lot. She talked about her new friend named Michelle, someone she states she’s been leaning on a lot. It stung to hear her say that because Link always imagined himself being someone that she’d leaned on, at least she used to.
          He thought she looked beautiful, the way the moonlight lit up her face and the way her blue eyes looked when she stared at the moon and the stars. Her long brown hair was covering his lap, and one of her hands were resting on her stomach. He was in absolute awe, Link knew he felt something more for her. He knew because of the way his stomach felt when she looked at him, or the way his hands were always trying to intertwine with hers and he knew that he felt something because the mention of the boy made his stomach drop, a sadness running through him. He also knew he felt something for her because he wanted to have her sitting under the moonlight, her head in his lap for the rest of his life.
         Link made a joke in response to a story she was telling him, her words slurring together. He saw her face break into a large smile, and she was laughing. He could feel her laughing against his lap and it was the first time in a while that her smile looked genuine.
         After their laughs subsided she went quiet, a sad look washing away her smile. It pained him, seeing her suddenly looking so sad. Her eyes were watching the stars, her face neutral. “I’m everything they said I’d be,” her voice was soft, almost too soft for him to hear. “I don’t know what I’m doing anymore.”
          She sat up from his lap, her back hitting the back of the bench and she let out a shaky sigh. “My sisters,” she started, looking down at her hands. “Think I’m a mess. Derek,” she paused again and he could tell she was holding back tears.
         “He always thinks I’m going to break like I’m some piece of fragile glass. Or like some bomb everyone thinks is going to go off. My mom pretty much abandoned me.” She was laughing now, but there was also a puddle of tears sitting in the corners of her eyes.
         “I’m taking pills.” She admitted, and her eyes looked up at the sky again and she was trying to avoid eye contact. “I’ve been drinking a lot lately.”
         He wanted to tell her that he noticed, but it wasn’t appropriate.
         So instead, he placed a hand for comfort on her thigh and she placed her own on top of his. Her head was resting on his shoulder and he heard a sob escape her mouth. “I’m always here for you, Amelia. I always will be.” He wasn’t sure what else to say to her, she was drunk and she was a crying mess on his shoulder.
         So they both sat there, Amelia cried out all of the tears she could physically cry out and Link let her, his fingers softly brushing the top of her knuckles.
        The sun was rising, shades of oranges and pinks colouring the white clouds.
        Amelia Shepherd fell asleep against Atticus Lincoln’s shoulder that morning.
         Amelia Shepherd and Atticus Lincoln were eighteen years old when they said goodbye to each other.
         They were both attending med school, but at different schools as well as different cities.
         Amelia was sober. After attending many AA meetings and having Link always checking in on her, she managed to keep one and a half years of sobriety under her belt.
        Everyday Atticus reminded her how proud he was of her. (and it was literally everyday.)
        Now they stood in her driveway, a suitcase in one hand and her purse in the other, throwing it over her shoulder. Her hair was in a messy bun and she had no makeup on, and he thought she looked breath taking.
       “I guess this is goodbye.” She said, her blue eyes looking into his.
       “It’s a see you soon,” he corrected her. They were both staring at each other for what felt like forever but he’s sure it was only a few seconds before he was pulling her into a tight hug. Her face was nuzzling into his neck and she let out a sigh, it was a good sigh; a comfort sigh. He could smell her shampoo, and he knew he was going to miss that smell.
         “You’re going to do great things.” He told her when they pulled away. “I love you, Amelia.” Platonically. (of course)
         “I love you, Link. Thank you for everything.” She smiled and there was a dimple dipping into her cheeks. They were staring at one another again, blue eyes locked on each others. They wanted to remember each others faces because med school is four years and that’s a long time to go without seeing your best friend. 
          But she was on a time limit so she turned her back to him, picking up her suitcase and carrying it towards her car. Link wanted to wait for her to pull out; watch her leave. His person was leaving the city to attend school and he couldn’t go with her and a part of him was worried about her. 
          After she put all of her bags into the trunk of her car, she gave him a wave and her right hand was grabbing onto the driver’s side door handle before she stopped briefly, her eyes glancing back over at him. She walked back over to him, placing her hands on her hips and letting out a shaky breath. 
         “Okay,” she started, a smile pulling at her lips. “We’ll text everyday, call as much as we can and we can Facetime,”she told him, the light in her eyes sparkling, making her eyes look so much more blue. 
        “You’re always going to be my best friend and I want to hear from you, don’t be a stranger, don’t ignore my texts, don’t ghost me and most importantly, be happy. You need to be happy, and don’t let your parents divorce get in the way of your potential. I know you don’t talk about the divorce, but I know the toll it has taken on you and I don’t want that to stop you from being amazing..” she trailed off now, her hands falling to her sides. “Because you are, you’re amazing.” She was rambling now, something Link found her doing often and it made his heart warm, and it always made him smile. 
         Something took over his body, some boost of confidence or something because he was about to do something crazy and he was doing it before he even had the chance to think about it.
        Both hands grabbed onto her face, pulling her closer towards his own and both of their lips were connecting. Her lips were soft, just as soft as he imagined; maybe even softer. He assumed she’d reject him, pull back, push him away — anything. Instead, he felt her tense body loosen up and she relaxed, kissing him back.
          He pulled away for a moment, their faces only inches apart. Amelia could feel his breath hitting her face. Her lips were slightly parted, a strand of brown hair stuck to her wet lips and her eyes were trailing from his eyes to his lips. Her eyes were hungry, for more, and she was running her tongue along her bottom lip before she was gently biting down on the corner of it.
         She leaned back in, and kissed him again. This time, the kiss was more passionate, and she found her hands grabbing onto his jawline, one behind his neck. One of his hands snaked around her waist to pull their bodies closer together as if they weren’t close enough. His heart was beating so fast he could hear it in his ears and his stomach was doing flips. He understood now why people say that sparks fly when you finally kiss the person you’ve been dreaming of kissing.
         This time, she pulled away and her cheeks were rosy red and she was flustered. “I should..” she trailed off, her bottom lip being sucked into her mouth and she was biting on it. “probably.. go.”
         And before he could kiss her again, because he really wanted to kiss her again, she turned away from him and finally opened the door of her car. “Remember,” she said, turning to him one last time. “Don’t be a stranger.”
       And he did watch her drive off. 
       And he was in awe, a smile still sitting on his face and he felt like he was on Cloud 9. 
        A stranger was not what he was going to be.
        Atticus Lincoln believes he’s in love with a girl named Amelia Shepherd. 
        They kept their promise.
        They texted everyday, called as much as they could. (at least for the first two years.) Med school got harder and they got busier but they did their best to keep in touch with each other. They’d Facetime on weekends, making queue cards and quizzing each other over shitty webcam quality before every exam. They’d tell each other about their days, almost the same way they did when they were five years old.
        They’d talk about all of the drama, the boys and the girls they thought were cute, they talked about the friends they met. Link told her about a girl he was dating that never ended up working out, Amelia told him about her boyfriend that was working out. She’d plan to come home for the holidays and they’d always be ecstatic to finally reunite again, but Link was always spending his Christmas on plans so that he could see his mom on Christmas Eve, and his father on Christmas Day. 
         So every Christmas, they’d meet back at their old spot, in front of the fences. All they ever had time for was to exchange gifts, say hello and that they missed one another before they’d have to go back inside with their families, or Amelia’s next flight would be leaving soon. 
         Over the years, when med school ended and internship started, a few texts throughout the day was their only form of communication because their shifts ran sixteen to eighteen hours long. Sometimes, they never had time to talk to each other and Amelia found herself missing him more and more everyday, but she also knew that she had to move on, meet new people, because after her internship is residency, then fellowship and she knows she can’t tie herself down to someone who’s across the country. 
          So she stopped texting him, and their phone calls ended.
          He stopped trying too. (not that he stopped trying, but he was too busy to try.)
          It had been years since Amelia Shepherd spoke to Atticus Lincoln. 
          She was in the middle of her fellowship, for neurosurgery. It was ironic to her that she chose the same speciality as her older brother, but she excelled in it so that’s where she chose to stay. The last she spoke to Link, there were on their third year of internship and she doesn’t have a clue where he was doing his fellowship or what speciality he chose. 
         She was always curious though. 
         She didn’t go home for the holidays, instead she worked. Her sisters and mom never called either, and she had no interest in going home because every year was a pick on Amelia day, reminding her of the young girl she used to be, not the grown and much more responsible woman she is now. Derek never came home for the holidays, he had divorced his ex-wife Addison Montgomery, a woman Amelia had grown close to, closer than she was to her real sisters. He lived in Seattle now, and she hadn’t heard from Derek since her last visit during the holidays, which Amelia can’t remember how long time has passed since then. 
         She had her own people here, in Los Angeles. 
         She had just landed a job at Oceanside Wellness, a private practice located in Los Angeles where she was reunited with Addison Montgomery. Amelia had left her fellowship and moved in with Addison, sticking with the only family she had right now, family that actually gave a damn about her. Work was slow, mostly paper work, since a lot of people who came in were pregnant women, children or people who needed to see a shrink. 
         It paid the bills though, and she was making friends. Good friends; friends she needed. 
         “Great,” she sighed, placing the iPad back onto the counter top. “No messages.” 
           Beside her stood a blonde, chief of staff, Charlotte King. “Any of your patients need brain surgery?” Amelia asked her, boredom laced in her voice.
           Charlotte had become a good friend, someone she could count on. They were both alike in a way, both got dealt the shitty hand and both struggled with addiction. “Nope.” She popped her p and Amelia was letting out a groan, her blue eyes rolling.
            She was wearing a light grey sweater with black strips on it, her hair was longer now, just reaching above her waist and it was curled. She had hoop earrings on as well as a necklace. “I heard there is a patient in the ER at St. Ambrose who hit his head while riding a bike. No helmet.”
            So that’s where she headed, to the hospital to do a neuro check on the idiot who rode a bike without a helmet
            Pulling the curtain open, a man sat in the bed, a man that looked so familiar it made Amelia stop in her tracks briefly. “Link?!” Her jaw dropped and her smile was big, so big it felt like her face was going to crack and she was letting out a high pitched squeal.
           It took Link a minute to process the brown haired girl in front of him, she was a bit taller, (not by much, she’ll always be short) she looked more grown up, her hair was longer and she was even more beautiful than he remembered. She was glowing. He thought the girl standing in front of him was perfect, an angel sent down from heaven because there was no way the girl in front of him was real.
          “Amelia?!” His excited tone matched hers and so did his smile, and he felt his heart rate pick up.
           She was running to the side of his bed now, throwing both arms around his neck and pulling him into a tight hug. Link breathed in her familiar scent, a scent he missed greatly. His favorite scent.
           Their hug was long and he was holding her so tight like if he let go she’d disappear forever. “I missed you.” He whispered into her hair, giving her one last squeeze before she pulled away.
           “No helmet?” She laughed. “You’re an idiot.”
            So she did a neuro check on him, resulting in him being perfectly fine. “You’re a doctor, shouldn’t you know that you need to protect your head?” 
           “Was.” he corrected her, her eyebrows furrowing together in confusion. “I quit. I work at a bike shop in Venice beach.” 
           “You quit?” 
         “I lost a patient, a patient I got really attached to.” he explained and Amelia was nodding at him, understanding. 
          “I understand the bike riding thing now.” she joked, both of them laughing and then they were both staring at each other. “You stopped calling.” Her sad eyes looked at him and he let out a sigh, running his hands through his sandy blonde hair. 
         “So did you.” He pointed out and she didn’t answer because he was right, so did she. She doesn’t remember when they stopped calling or when all forms of communication ended, but it felt like a lifetime ago. She didn’t know why she stopped calling or stopped texting, she just got busy and it’s not like she forgot, but life got hectic and she found herself leaving behind her old life, wanting to start fresh. A part of her feels guilty, leaving behind the one person she could always count on, but she needed a new start. 
        They agreed on getting coffee, once he gets cleaned up and leaves the hospital. They wanted to catch up on life, Amelia wanted to know what speciality he chose, where he did his residency, why he quit being a doctor and she just wanted to know him again because too much time has passed. She missed her best friend.
        Coffee went as planned, and it went smoothly. It was like no time had passed at all and their comfort level with each other made it feel like they saw each other yesterday. She had always found Atticus attractive, but a part of her was intrigued. His jawline was sharp and he was fit, his biceps clear in the tight T-shirt he was wearing. Amelia kept finding her eyes trailing up and down his body, her tongue running along her bottom lip before she was chewing on it. 
        He told her about his patient, the one he lost after he was prescribed with pain medications that Link had signed off on. Amelia’s reaction to that was not what he expected, he expected a more understanding side of her. But instead she was sitting back in her chair, her eyebrows pushing together because she thought he was insane. Insane for prescribing a young boy such an addictive pain medication. He tried to reason with her, explain his side of the story but she was just crossing her arms over her chest and rolling her eyes. Stupid, she thought.
      They agreed to disagree.
      She told him about her family, how she hasn’t spoke to her mother or how her sisters didn’t talk to her. Derek hated her, which is what she believed and she never bothered to beg for a relationship with him, so she let him be. She told him about her friends at the practice, spoke very highly of Addison Montgomery, who she stated was more a sister to her than her real ones, she told him about Charlotte King, someone she has grown close to and she told him about Cooper, Violet, Sam, Naomi as well as Pete.  
     Overall, Amelia was happier than she has been in a long time and Link could see it, he could see her glowing and he could see it in her eyes. He could tell by her posture, she seemed less tense, more carefree and she seemed happy. 
      Atticus Lincoln still worked at a bike shop.
      Amelia still worked at the practice and since they lived in the same city, they were able to stay in close contact with one another. Link had met everyone from the practice, attending the wedding of Charlotte and Cooper, coming as Amelia’s plus one. (because she won’t admit that it was a date)
       Link met her friend Michelle, the same Michelle from high school that also moved to Los Angeles after her mother died from a disease called Huntington’s Disease. Michelle, as well, wanted a fresh start and she said that LA was the place to live to get your dream started.
      Link had no intention in being a doctor again.
      When Amelia wasn’t with Link, she was with Michelle, drinking at a local bar called Whiskey Bend in the middle of downtown. This night, she went alone and she was calling Link at almost midnight for a ride home because she fell. 
     “There he is,” Amelia was slurring. “My knight and shining armour.” There was blood running down her arm and she had a white cloth pressed against it. 
     “Are you okay?” Link was asking while rushing to get out of his car. 
      “Fell down,” her words were slurring together so much it had Link questioning how much she had to drink. “Need stitches, didn’t think I should drive. Thank you for coming.”
      “You didn’t think you should drive or the bar tender took your keys?” He was kneeling down in front of her now, her hand covered in her own blood and the white cloth was nearly completely coloured red. She had her hoop earrings in again, a pair that she seemed to wear often and she had on a black top, the front of it having strings criss crossing in front of the chest. She wore tight black jeans with a pair of black heels.
      “Tomato, tomahto.” She said, letting out a sigh. But Link knew the answer to the question, she was too drunk to drive. 
        “Amelia, you’re drunk.” He pointed out and he could smell the booze on her, and it reminded him of the sad girl that stood on his porch in the middle of the night years ago. 
            “Not quite.” She was lying. “I was on my way to being drunk when all of the unfortunate bleeding interrupted my evening.” 
            “What happened to AA?” His voice was laced with concern, he was worried his friend was going to slip down a dark path again. He always worried about her.
            “My problem is with pills, Link. Not booze.” She stated as if that made a difference, Link was rolling his eyes. 
           “Tomato, tomahto.” He said which caused her to burst out into a laugh, stumbling backwards as he grabbed onto her elbow to try and help her to her feet. 
           “You tomahtoed me back, that’s clever.” Her hand was still holding the now red cloth against her hand. “I like that. I like you.” 
           “I like you too, but I’m worried about you-” He’s seen her go down this path before, and last time he felt like he didn’t do much to help so now Link felt as though he was obligated to do more for her. 
           She interrupted him with a groan. “Please don’t.”
         “You’re a drug addict using a drug. Just because it comes in liquor form does not mean it’s not a drug.” He was explaining it to her, as if she had no idea. But it looked like she was off in her own world, inspecting the deep cut on her hand that wouldn’t stop bleeding. “Addicts using drugs have consequences, for an example, you need stitches. That is a potentially severe--”
           Link was interrupted again by Amelia placing her lips on his, grabbing onto his waist with her free hand and as much as Link wanted to stand there, continuing to kiss her because all he ever thought about was the time they kissed in her driveway, he couldn’t. She was a mess; again. So he pushed her away, letting out a sigh before he said. “Amelia...”
       “Relax, Link. I’m not trying to sleep with you, I just needed you to shut up so that you can give me a ride to the hospital so I won’t bleed to death in the streets, could you do that for me?” Her sentence sounded like it was all in one breath, and she was slurring more than she was before. She gave him a look, a look that was like she was begging him, pushing her bottom lip out to pout at him. 
         So he drove her to the hospital that night and helped her suture her bleeding hand. 
         Amelia told him that she lost privileges at the practice while sitting on the chair in hospital, her eyes forcing themselves closed because she was falling asleep. Her words were still slurred and Link was trying to think of a solution, anything he could to do help her.
         He truly did love her and he cared so much for her. 
         Self destructive is the word Amelia would use to describe herself, it’s what everyone else thought, too.
         This was the fourth day in a row Amelia Shepherd woke up with a hangover.
         Link showed up at her place, two styrofoam to-go coffee cups in hand. Every morning, around the same time before he had to go to work at the bike shop in Venice beach, he’d show up with coffee and sometimes he’d even bring breakfast.
         The two of them would sit at the table, and talk about their night or what they had planned for the day. Amelia had nothing but piles of paperwork to do because Charlotte didn’t believe that Amelia had her addiction under control. She disagreed.
         Both sides of her head was pounding, no matter the amount of Tylenol she’d take. Her mouth was dry and she had already drank four glasses of water and has already puked twice this morning.
         She was just having fun.
         She talked to Link about her friend Michelle, who Amelia had just recently diagnosed her with the same disease her mother died from; Huntington’s. She told him about her request of an assisted suicide and although Amelia didn’t agree with her friend’s decision, she promised.
         Link didn’t agree with her and neither did the rest of her friends at the practice. An accessory to murder, is what they’d call it.
         She was attending AA again, and after this morning’s brutal hangover she promised herself that she was not going to drink that day. She was beating herself up, she couldn’t understand how she had nearly a decade under her belt of sobriety but she was struggling to even make it past one day. Her demons were bigger than her and sometimes she believed that made her weak.
         Her friend Michelle was practically begging her to help her die, and it was either that or she killed herself so Amelia agreed to it.
         That was her plan for the day, but she’d never tell any of them that she was actually going through with it because Charlotte would think she was crazy and Sheldon threatened to report it to the police and she’d lose her license, he said.
         Amelia assisted her friend in suicide, giving her different kinds of drugs that would stop her heart. It was going smoothly, even though the both of them had tears running down their cheeks and Amelia’s hands were shaking so much she could barely hold the bottles still. Michelle was allergic to the drugs, causing her throat to close up and she was gasping for air, yelling at Amelia to stop and that she couldn’t breathe.
         She was panicking, holding a shaky hand against her pulse and frantically telling Michelle that everything was going to be okay while she was dialling 911.
         Her friend was rushed to the ER and Amelia was now questioning her insanity.
         So now she sat on her couch, her face was bare and she had no expression. Her hair had strands falling in front of her eyes and she was staring blankly at the wall, she couldn’t move and she couldn’t breathe. Link was pouring her a tea, to try and distract her, to do anything.
         She felt everything, she felt stupid, she felt reckless and more importantly she felt like her life was falling apart from underneath her. She didn’t know how to control herself anymore, and her mind was going through every possible scenario of how her friend might be.
         There was a knock on her door and Amelia didn’t even look up, she didn’t even acknowledge it. She barely even heard it, and it was probably because of the ringing in her ears.
         “Amelia.” The voice was stern and it was coming from Sheldon. The knocking was continuous, he was more so pounding on the wood. “Amelia, open the door. I know you’re in there, I saw your car.”
         His knuckles were still hitting against the door and the more he knocked the more she came back to reality. “Amelia, open the door because I’m not leaving until you do.”
         This drew Link’s attention away from the teas he was making and he was walking into the living room, watching as Amelia numbly stared forward and Sheldon stood outside, frantically trying to get inside. “Amelia!”
         Link watched her finally snap back into reality, her eyes were hazed over and they were meeting Link’s before she slowly walked over to the door. She was practically dragging herself there, it was like she was forcing her legs to move because she literally couldn’t feel anything. She looked like a ghost, pale skin and it was like someone else took over her body. She was numb.
         Her eyes never met Sheldon’s and her back was turned to him the second she opened the door. “Are you crazy?! Are you actually clinically insane?!” He was yelling now, trying to move around her so that she could look at him but she kept her back facing him. 
         “Did you really do this thing? Because even I didn’t think you were stupid enough and crazy enough to actually go through with it!” Link was about to step in to defend her because even though he didn’t agree with Amelia’s choices, she was his best friend and he couldn’t stand to sit there and watch Sheldon’s face get inches away from hers, his eyes full of rage. Amelia wasn’t listening, she was just staring blankly at him, her eyes glazed over and her face was neutral. 
          “Do you get that you basically confessed your crime to me before you did it? Do you get that I could and should call the police? And if that woman had died I would call the police because I’m not going to be an accessory to murder.” Amelia still couldn’t hear anything he was saying, she was staring at him though, but her mind was else where. 
         “What is wrong with you? Why are you this self destructive?” There was that word again. Self destructive. She’s heard it so many times she believes it’s true. 
         The two of them were staring at each other now, Sheldon’s eyebrows pushed together in anger and Amelia was still standing there, numb. Link was behind her now, waiting for some type of reaction from her. “She didn’t die? She’s alive?” She finally spoke for what seemed like hours, it’s the first words Link has heard her say since he got the frantic phone call from her saying that she did a bad thing. 
         “She’s alive.” His voice was calm now; soft. 
           Then it all came crashing down on her, like waves hitting the shore, it felt like she was drowning. Her chest was tight and it was hard for her to breath, she was hyperventilating. Hot tears were streaming down her face and she was grabbing onto the table in front of her to hold herself up because it was felt like her knees were giving out below her. 
          Which is exactly what happened, she fell to her knees, loud cries racking her body and Sheldon was leaning down, pulling her into his chest while she wailed. 
          Atticus Lincoln held Amelia Shepherd while she laid her head in his lap, her cries continuing and his hands were running through her hair. 
         Michelle killed herself. 
         I won’t drink today, if you don’t kill yourself. Deal?
          A bottle of orange pills laid spread out around her in the bed, her chest no longer rising and falling, every bit of life sucked out of her. 
         That’s what it felt like for Amelia, too. Every bit of life was sucked out of her.
         “I’ll be fine.” Her voice was hollow, and anybody would know she was lying and there was a glass of wine sitting in her hand as well as three orange pills laying flat in her palm. The police officer didn’t feel like pushing further because who was actually fine after they walked in on their friend killing their self? 
         Amelia Shepherd vanished again, this time for twelve days. 
         It was a habit she formed, probably from her childhood, run and hide when life gets hard. Link never understood it, in fact, he hated that she would just disappear, not speak to him and never expect anyone to worry. 
          He always worried. 
         The first day she disappeared, she showed up late to work, Charlotte forcing her to blow into a breathalyzer because she didn’t believe that Amelia was sober. (but was she wrong for assuming she wasn’t?)
         Charlotte offered her time off work to mourn the loss of her friend, give her time to grieve. It just pissed Amelia off, causing her to snap at her, words laced with hatred. “This isn’t your job, harassing me is not your job, babysitting me, checking up on me, breathalyzing me, it’s not your job, it’s your damn hobby.”
          Amelia’s sure she was still high from the previous night. 
         “Seriously Charlotte, what is your problem with me?” A hand was running down her face, her head shaking with frustration. “What is your damage?” 
         Amelia went home from work.
         Nobody heard from her or had seen her after that, it was like she fell off the face of the Earth. Her phone was being sent to voicemail, Charlotte was calling, Link was calling, everyone was calling. 
         There was a patient that was in need of emergent brain surgery, and although she was being paged, there was never an answer. Nobody knew where she was. She disappeared. 
         Her cellphone and home phone were both ringing non-stop, whenever they’d page her, they’d immediately page her again, whenever they called her cell, they’d call her again. Everytime it went to voicemail, and it was causing a shiver down Charlotte’s spine because she knew there was something wrong. She knew because she was just like Amelia, she saw herself in her. 
          Ryan Kerrigan, a man beside her in the bed, providing her more of the orange pills that morning. The same man she wound up in bed with the night before, having no memory of it because she was too high on Oxycontin. 
         Her pagers were going off again, both at the same time and there was a razor blade sitting on the counter top, white powder surrounding it. She couldn’t hear the pagers, she sat in her bed, only wearing a laced purple bra, Ryan’s head resting on her shoulder. She was frozen in spot, staring at a random spot on the wall and her entire body was floating, her mind was in a different world. They both couldn’t hear the pagers, they both couldn’t move, it was like they were stuck to the bed and she felt amazing. She felt so good, so good to the point where she felt happy, so happy that her mind was no longer dark and all of the trauma that she once struggled with was gone. 
         They ran out of drugs, which only caused Amelia to pull out her prescription pad and write out their own doses, sending Ryan to the pharmacy to get it for them. This was a familiar idea, something she did when she was younger with her own brothers prescription pad. Their night consisted of sex, and drugs. There was nothing else to it, and if Amelia could do that all night she would, and she, in fact, did that all night. “Holy crap, I think I’m in love.” Ryan believes it was love at first sight. 
          Charlotte got in contact with Link, did everything in her power to get his number and when Link heard the worry in her voice, he was on his way to Amelia’s house to meet her there. “Amelia!” Charlotte was already at the door knocking when Link arrived. 
         Amelia wore nothing but a white and yellow house coat, and she sat on her couch, anxiously chewing on the sides of her finger nails. The knocking continued and Charlotte wasn’t sure if she could even hear her, or if she was just ignoring her. 
         Link was at the door now, looking at Amelia through the glass door. “Go away, Charlotte.”
         “You’re taking drugs. You’re taking pills, that’s why you’re blowing clean.” Link swallowed the lump that was sitting in his throat and his hand reached up to the door to knock but before he got the chance to, it was pulled open by Amelia. 
         “This is harassment. If you don’t watch out, I’m going to hit you with a lawsuit and a restraining order.” Amelia’s eyes never glanced at Link, it was like he was invisible, it was like she didn’t care that he was there as if the last twenty or so years meant nothing to her. (or maybe it was the drugs)
         The blonde ignored her remark, placing her hands on her hips and began lecturing her about a patient that nearly went blind because Amelia went home sick from work and never answered her pages. “I am sick.” She lied.
         “You don’t look sick, Amelia, you look high.” Link’s mouth opened to speak but stopped when a man, a man he didn’t recognize was coming up the stairs, his hazy eyes matching hers. His voice was soft when he excused himself, brushing past both Link and Charlotte, placing a gentle kiss on Amelia’s forehead. 
         Link’s heart sank. He didn’t know who this man was, Amelia never told him about any boyfriend and it made him sad because he was in love with her, at least that’s what he believed but he never tried to go any further with her out of respect of her sobriety starting to alter. 
         “You wanna sue me? That’s fine, sue me.” Amelia’s eyes were staring in Charlotte’s, her pupils the size of a pinhead. “But you won’t step one foot into my hospital until you get some help because I’m not going to stand back and watch--” 
         “You know what? Save your speech, Charlotte, it’s cool. I quit.” The door was slammed in both of their faces and the blinds were pulled shut. Link ran a hand down his face, letting out a sign and Charlotte and him were looking at each other, with a what do we do? face. 
         It had been days since Link had seen Amelia, since anyone had seen her, or even heard from her. Link tried to personally call her himself, but her phone went straight to voicemail. He wasn’t sure what to do, he wasn’t sure how to help because anytime he tried to, it was like he didn’t exist to her and she’d vanish from his life everytime he tried to help. 
           Addison saw Amelia in the back of her house, on the chairs that faced the ocean, a man Addison didn’t know, pouring tequila onto her belly button and then drinking it off of her stomach. “If this is trouble, you should try it.” 
          Amelia didn’t want to listen to anyone, or maybe it was the drugs that was creating her into a monster. Into someone that Amelia herself didn’t recognize, but that monster was taking over her mind and body and whatever was coming out of her mouth was someone else, someone that wasn’t recognizable. 
           So she disappeared, renting out a room in a trashy and random hotel somewhere downtown Los Angeles because she didn’t want anyone to find her. The only thing she wanted, the only thing she craved was drugs and Ryan. They spent their nights together in a dark room, having sex or getting high when the drugs would wear off, a hand slung over her waist and her head rested on his chest. They talked about random stuff, anything that could come to mind considering her head was clouded with drugs and she wasn’t sure what was real and what wasn’t. She told him about her father, something she’s never told anyone. They talked about her career, about how much of a kickass neurosurgeon she was, he talked about himself and the more time they spent together the more time they fell in love.
           It was a different kind of love though. A kind of love that you only come across once.
           It wasn’t the same love she had for Link though, although she’d never admit it, he was her soulmate kind of love.
         She showed up at work one day, dressed nicely, hair and makeup done and she looked like she had just come back from vacation or something because compared to the way Charlotte saw her two weeks ago was not the same girl standing in the break room at the practice talking about how much she needed coffee. It was like she forgot, forgot about quitting her job, forgot that she just missed twelve days straight of work. 
         The girl even had a smile on her face and nobody could tell if it was an act or if it was genuine. 
         Whether it was an act or not it didn’t stop Addison from slapping her across the face, scolding her for disappearing for almost two weeks because they thought she was dead. 
         But Amelia didn’t understand their concern because to her, she only missed a couple of days. 
         They staged an intervention. 
         Link joined too, including a therapist or party planner, whatever she was considered, and they closed the practice down for it. No patients, no appointments; nothing. This day was for Amelia.  
         “I said I’d stay at the practice, I did not say that I would hangout with you.” She spat, hatred laced with in her voice. The sound of her heels tapping against the floor faded as she walked further away from her friends, going into her office and slamming the glass door shut behind her. An angry and loud groan slipped through her lips as she threw her bag roughly onto the ground, pushing all of her belongings and paperwork off of the countertop onto the floor. Shaky hands were running through her matted hair, yanking onto the roots roughly and she was angry; so angry that it was scaring herself. She had no control, she wanted to punch a wall, rip her hair out, dig her fingernails so deep into her palms that it would cause them to bleed.
         Pale skin, heavy eyes and matted brown hair that looked like it hadn’t been brushed was falling over her eyes. A monster was in control of her, splitting her open at the seams, spitting out comments of rage and bitterness. Comments that she’d never say to anyone sober, comment she’d never even imagine herself saying. But this wasn’t Amelia, this was someone else. 
         “Poor Derek, poor Mark,” Amelia spat. “You aborted his kid, right?” Addison tried to walk away, tried to control herself because she didn’t want to say the wrong thing to provoke her. 
         “And now you’ve got Sam and at least he’s smart enough to not want to try and breed with you because let’s be honest, not even Rosemary’s baby would want to live amongst the tumbleweeds in your uterus.” Her comments were hateful, full of rage, a side Addison has never seen from her. She’s seen her spiral, lose control of herself but this was a side of Amelia that Addison was almost afraid of, afraid of getting to close to, afraid she was going to lose her completely. 
         She sat in a room full of her friends, Link included, her pupils the size of a small black dot, old makeup smudged underneath her eyes, pale skin and sad eyes. “Honestly, Pete, all I have been able to think since I saved your pathetic life is, was it worth it? ‘Cause you’re kind of a tool.” 
         It was like Link still didn’t matter to her, like he was just a nobody, someone from the outside looking in. Her eyes never met his, and if they did, it was like she didn’t recognize him. “I mean, maybe saving you was a waste of my energy. Maybe it was a waste of my mad, mad surgical skills. Maybe you’re a waste of a life, maybe angel-of-death dude should call it a day and swallow some pills yourself. What do you say, cross on over to the other side?”
         Link’s hands were running through his own hair, and his eyes scanned over everyone else’s faces. Some of them, mostly Pete, looked mad and the others, mostly Charlotte and Addison looked concerned, and Link could almost hear Addison’s heart breaking.
         “It’d give your wife some great material for her next book, and she’d love that. That’s her thing--” her heavy eyes looked over at the therapist. “Raping her personal experiences for attention.” 
         Amelia’s eyes locked on Violet’s. “Oops, did I say rape?” Now they were on Charlotte. “Sorry, Charlotte.” She slouched back into her chair, one arm resting on the back of it. 
         He didn’t recognize her. This was not the Amelia Shepherd he knew, it wasn’t the Amelia Shepherd he fell in love with. Her skin was so pale she resembled a corpse, and her makeup looked like it was from days ago. 
        She was spitting comments at the therapist, mocking her for specific words she was using, asking her if it was her special S.A.T words or if she was a riddler and if they were talking in riddles. The therapist was having a laugh, making petty comments back to her because she believed that they could do this all day, at least that’s what Amelia said. 
         “I’ll change the locks until you get help. I’ll change the locks. You can’t live at my house anymore,” they couldn’t tell if the look on Amelia’s face was angry, like she was going to explode and start screaming at her or if she was going to break down in a puddle of tears. “I will change the locks. I will throw you out.”
          “Then I will call your mother, and your brother and your sisters,” Link was watching Amelia now, especially because of the mention of her family, her family that has always thought of her of a self destructive mess. The family that never cared much about her, could care less where she was in the world or how she was doing. “And then I will call the medical board and report you, because I love you, Amelia, but I will not love you to death.”
          There were beads of sweat sitting on her hairline, and her leg was beginning to anxiously bounce up and down. Her hands were trembling and her eyes were locked on a spot on the floor, eyes perfectly still. 
          They offered her a water bottle, with a drug dissolved inside it called a Bupe, something that would resolve all withdrawal symptoms and prevent drugs from getting her high for seventy-two hours. Somehow Amelia knew, she knew what they were doing and that made her even more angry.
          “Get me some Oxy,” she said softly before tossing the water bottle towards the therapist. “Score me some Oxy and then I will stay for as long as you want.” Her eyes locked on Link’s now, and it was like she was looking right through him. The girl he once knew was gone.
         The girl that would pull out her drawings and paintings from her back pack, showing them off with a proud smile was not the same girl sitting here now, elbows rested on her knees and she was slouching over them. The same girl that had so much life inside her, a smile spreading across her face while she told Link about her biggest dreams and desires, the same girl that showed up with chocolate bars and a deck of cards every time she visited him in the hospital, the same girl that met him in front of the fence every Christmas when they’d fly home, greeting with a  tight hug and her face nuzzling into his neck. This girl was not that girl, this girl was terrifying, a monster, someone Link didn’t want to know. 
         “What do we want? Drugs. When do we want them? Now.” After people made their rounds, trying to talk Amelia into getting sober, getting help, she was sweating even more, ripping her jacket off and throwing it on the floor while pacing back and fourth in the building. “What do we want? Drugs! When do we want them? Now!” She was fist pumping the air, chanting to herself because people were trying to talk over her, to get her to listen. 
        This continued for a while, her chanting getting louder and it was becoming more demanding and she was starting to scream at them, grabbing onto the backs of their chairs and getting as close to their faces as she could. There was a darkness in her, a darkness nobody has ever seen but Amelia knows the darkness so well, it was always in her. 
        Addison Montgomery gave her the drugs. 
        And Amelia Shepherd snorted the drugs, right off the counter top in front of all of her friends.
         Now she sat in the chair, her hands folded in her lap and her leg was no longer bouncing and the sweat on her face was drying. She was calm; so calm that Link wasn’t even sure if she was breathing. Her eyes stayed locked on the ground, not moving, not talking and barely even breathing. It was like everyones words were going in through one ear, and out of the other. 
        Link sat in the chair beside her and when she didn’t look at him, he crouched down directly in front of her and stared into her lifeless eyes. They were glossy, and her blue eyes seemed greener than usual and you could see the pain written on her face. Her soul was gone, it was like nothing was left of her. The person he once knew, she wasn’t there; not even one bit. “She’s so high, she can’t even listen to us.” Pete pointed out.
         While he stared at her, the memories of the two of them flooded back in, his favourite memories, the memories he’ll hold onto forever.
         “Let’s get married.” The seventeen year old chimed, her hair blowing softly in the warm breeze, her blue eyes having a tint of green in them from the way the sunlight hit them. It was around five o’clock in the evening, the sun starting to set and it was giving her a golden glow. She was perfect.
         “What?” He asked back, her head now resting on his torso, turning her body to look at him.
         “I know it sounds insane,” she laughed, the corners of her lips pulling upwards. “But think about it, you’re the only person that has ever actually give a crap about me, the only person who truly knows me. You’re my best friend, Link, and I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
        “So what you’re saying is you want to get married, at seventeen years old.” They were both laughing now, and her laugh was like music to his ears.
          “Not right now, silly,” her smile didn’t fade, and the way she looked at him made him weak. “But in the future, when we both have a career, we can move states, start fresh, start a family.”
           Link didn’t say anything, but he could feel the love he had for her throughout his whole body and it sounded crazy to say that, say that when you love someone this much that it hurt and that he could feel it in his bones.
            “I’ve spent literally most of my life with you by side, and you never left even when I would get all dark and destroy everything around me,” her voice was soft now; more serious. “You’ve never walked out though. You are the most loyal person I’ve ever met.”
           The idea of spending the rest of his life with her was crazy, but it also was something he had dreamed about, sometimes it didn’t seem that crazy to him.
          “I’m in love with you, okay.” Her voice was deep; hoarse and it was probably from them previously smoking from a piece of tin foil. “Don’t freak out or leave me.”
          His hands were roughly grabbing on her cheeks, pulling her towards him and kissing her with so much passion, so much hunger.
          “Do you want to get married?” Ryan said to her, their lips brushing against each other’s.
          “Are you serious?” she looked confused, lost. “I mean, we can’t get married. I mean that’s insane.”
          He was shaking his head, a hand running up her thigh. “It’s not. Amelia, I will never leave you. I’m in love with you, too.”
          She was laughing now, a smile forming on her face. “Oh my god, we’re getting married?”
          “You have to say yes.”
           “Yes. Yes.” Her smile was big and she was moving herself so she was straddling his hips, her arms running up his chest before she had her hands resting on his shoulders. “Yes. Yes.”
          Link was grabbing onto her face, brushing the loose strands away from her pretty eyes, her eyes that used to be full of life. He was telling her that she was better than this, stronger than this and that he’s seen her pick herself up before and he reminded her how proud he was of her. He told her that she can pick herself back up again, and that he’d be there every step of the way.
          She was crying now, her expression less face breaking into a pout, fresh tears wetting her old makeup. “I don’t think I can do it.”
          All attention was drawn to the elevator, and Ryan stepped out causing Amelia to jump up from the chair, the legs sliding on the ground. “Ryan.”
          From across the room, Addison noticed a watch on Ryan’s wrist, the watch that belonged to her mother, the watch that got her father murdered. You couldn’t read Addison’s face, she seemed hurt, or maybe it was disbelief because she was shaking her head, grabbing Amelia’s chin in her hand causing Amelia to forcefully rip her hand away.
           “You gave him your fathers watch?” Amelia just stared, her bag now slung over her shoulder.
           Nobody knew the meaning behind the watch, to them, it was just a watch and they didn’t understand why Addison was getting so worked up over something so little. Sam and Link knew though, and it caused a shiver down Link’s spine because he was there through it all, he knows the pain behind it all.
          “Two men came into her fathers store when she was five—” Amelia’s eyes turned into something Link has never seen before, it was like something switched inside her because she was suddenly lunging towards her friend, causing Ryan to grab onto her waist to hold her back.
         “Shut up!” She was screaming now, loud sobs taking over her body. Screaming at Addison that it wasn’t her story to tell and that it was hers because it was her dad. You can hear the pain in her voice, and she sounded like she was in so much misery that it broke Link’s heart to hear. Her voice was hoarse and he wasn’t sure if was because of how loud she was screaming or if it was because of the tears that wouldn’t stop spilling out of her eyes.
          She was fighting Ryan back, grabbing onto his arms that secured her waist, trying to pull herself out of his grasp because if he would’ve let go, they’re sure she would’ve actually attacked Addison. “You stupid, ignorant, monster, bitch.” You could barely make out what she was saying because how hard she was crying.
         “You ever tell that story to anyone, I will kill you with my bare hands.” It was believeable, the sound of her voice and the look in her eyes; she meant it.
         And that was it. She left, sniffling and rubbing her cheeks dry.
         And they let her disappear again for a few days.
         Ryan Kerrigan overdosed.
         Amelia Shepherd attended rehab, a sixty day program where she met a young girl named, Hailey. Ryan’s death was the reason for her to admit herself into treatment, it was her rock bottom, she finally fell off the edge she was dangling off of for so long.
          All of her friends tried to visit her within the month, Link trying almost every day, but Amelia didn’t want any visitors. She couldn’t look them in the eye, she was ashamed and she could barely even look at herself.
          Months later, Amelia was pregnant, with Ryan’s baby and he had a condition where he was born with no brain. She named him Christopher and she donated all of his organs after he lived a short life.
          The death of her baby was enough for her to want to slip again.
          Atticus Lincoln got a job offer, in a different state and a different city. He told Amelia about it, after she could finally face him, and she told him that he should take it, promising she’d visit as much as she could.
          There was too much trauma in Los Angeles, and after recently getting engaged to a man named James, she flew to Seattle for a surprise visit to see Derek and his wife, Meredith. In all honesty though, Amelia just wanted to see if she could handle it, the family, the children, all of it.
        Derek begged her to stay, offered her his job as Chief Of Neurosurgery, and that’s when Amelia decided to never return to Los Angeles, call off her engagement and move to Seattle to start fresh; again.
        Years have passed and Amelia was sober, she almost fell off the wagon again after the death of her brother, pacing back and fourth outside of his front door, a bag of Oxy sat in her pocket and a man named Owen Hunt talked her down. For the first time in her whole life, she allowed herself to finally feel everything, all of the pain, all of the trauma and although it was the worst thing she had ever endured, she stayed sober. 
        She did slip, it wasn’t a fall but she slipped and found herself drunk in Meredith’s hospital room after a night she had gotten attacked. It wasn’t anything more than that, a few nights sitting in a bar sipping back some Vodka tonics, but there was no pills involved. 
        Moving to Seattle might have been one of the better decisions she had made, she made new friends, got married (and divorced), she had family there, true family. She lived with Meredith and Maggie Pierce, two people she considered her sisters as well as her two nieces and nephew.
         She ran the Neurology department, and Amelia finally felt like she had proven her sisters wrong, proven herself wrong, proven the sad girl screaming at her friends for drugs, wrong. She was happy, she was doing great and there was no longer a weight sitting on her shoulders, constantly wearing her down. There was no more pressure to be the best sibling, she’s doing better than she was doing years ago and that was good enough for her. It should be good enough for everyone, she thought. 
           She hadn’t spoke to Link since he decided to take the job offer, and although she missed him, a part of her didn’t. Maybe it was because she accepted the fact that they will probably never be together, considering every time the world pushes them together it ends up pulling them apart. Neither of them tried to contact each other and even though they made a promise, which always seems to be broken, they just never tried. Amelia blames it on the fact that she runs an entire department and that Link is an orthopaedic attending at some random hospital, somewhere in the world. 
          It wasn’t until she was at a conference, an alternative pain relief conference when she saw Atticus Lincoln again. Life once again pulling them together like some weird twisted fate.
          He was speaking on a stage talking about the patient that he lost, the same patient that he told Amelia about, a young boy getting addicted to opioids that he prescribed.
          Although Amelia has heard the story before, it still angered her, even more so now, especially after her past. 
          So she left his speech, attending a different one, one that won’t piss her off. 
          Until Atticus Lincoln showed up at her hotel room door, trying to defend his reason and Amelia was rolling her eyes because she will never agree with him, no matter what his defence was. It bothered her too, that this was their way of reuniting. 
         Her hair was short, just above her shoulders and she wore dark jeans with a red shirt, with a jacket that was coloured dark grey with red and white stripes on it in the shape of squares. 
         And he was more attractive than he was before, somehow looking better every time she saw him. She didn’t understand it, how somehow can get more and more attractive throughout the years. His jawline was sharper than she remembered and his eyes were a light blue. 
          Atticus was still in love with her, and the way she looked now, he knew that the feelings for her never faded. 
          So they were arguing, eyes blazing and heads shaking. “You would’ve done the same thing I did.” 
          “I absolutely would not have because I understand how addiction works.” And she was frustrated, frustrated because she never knew when he became so naive, especially since he was there, he was there for her addiction, he held her hand through it all and told her he’d be there. He should understand. 
         “Back then, you would’ve--” her hands were coming up to her hair, roughly running them through it. 
         “And I believe the drug companies also understands it, and they have made billions on the back of it.” She interrupted, she didn’t care for his opinion and she was mad that he was even in here trying to defend himself. 
         “Jason’s leg was caught between a defender and a goalpost,” she was walking away now, the fact that someone who was her best friend was trying to defend opioids to her was unreal. “His knee was bent ninety degrees sideways. No amount of ibuprofen or sound baths were going to help him.” 
         Their arguments continued, both of them frustrated for not seeing the other’s point of view. He was yelling now, talking about how the only reason he fixed bikes was because that’s all he trusted himself doing, and that the look on Jason’s moms face was always burned into his mind. 
        “Maybe we don’t have to fight about this,” he sighed. “Maybe we can fight this thing together, like Batman,” he paused, both of their breathing slow. “And.. Batman.” 
         She was calm now and she was smiling, the smile Link dearly missed. Now she was stepping closer to him, their blue eyes locking. “Okay.”
         “You still wanna hit me? Because for a minute there, it looked like you wanted to hit me.” 
         “No.” They were both breathing heavy, their faces only inches apart from each other. “I’m sorry, I’ve been in a weird place these days.”
         “I can roll with weird.” They were both chuckling, the familiar sparkle in Amelia’s eyes glowing. “Want to get some dinner?”
         “Yeah,” she nodded before stepping forward even closer, her breath hitting his face. “No.” Then their lips were connecting and it both felt like they were on Cloud 9. Link thought back to the time in her driveway, hands reaching up to grab onto both sides of her face, trying to pull her closer into him. Her hands were grabbing onto the back of his head, her fingers loosely running through the ends of his hair. 
         Their kissing was getting more intense, Amelia’s hands trailing down to his chest to unbutton his shirt to reveal his chest. His hands snaked around her waist, tugging on her waistband of her pants. 
         She pulled back for a minute, foreheads resting on each other and her hands wrapped around his neck. “This, isn’t going anywhere. This is just, alternative pain relief.” 
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