itsagentzero · 2 months
@amicablemedic liked this for a starter
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"Can we stop beating around the bush, Cole?" the agent started, confident as always, but also rather tired of playing games. Risking his life out there in the field put a lot of things into perspective, especially once he finally made it back to HQ. Back to Cole.
"Go out with me. And no, I'm not inviting you to hang out. I asking you on a date. Romantic. Just the two of us. With the solid intention of making you fall for me."
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razorfst · 1 year
"You should totally dress up as the gingerbread man....but like with an arm missing and made to look like it was broken off." - From Austin.
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Andrei just looks at the other, his glare all that he receives for a beat before finally speaking up. "No."
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griim · 1 year
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@amicablemedic cont.
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“Till that day, you are going to be reckless, huh?” The woman teased, rolling her eyes as she turned to face him. Gemma had enough of looking over the city, at least for now. “Jumpy? Is that what you call it? I mean, the city is pretty dangerous. I would say it's called survival instincts.” Shrugging, she stood up. If she wanted a quiet night alone, she could have stayed home. “But yeah, I do have enemies… Though am I living if I don’t piss off a few people?” She raised a brow. They were in a city with millions of people. There were bound to be people who did not like her.
“Parents… Am I right?” Gemma hated small talk, but, if she was going to start a new life, she was going to have to get better at it. At least a little bit. “What do you mean? Codename? Who the hell do you think I am?”
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spinxeret · 2 years
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+ @amicablemedic asked: ❝ I feel bad for anyone who’s on the wrong side of you. ❞ - from Todd
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+ " It takes a whole LOT to get me this fired up, but when I do ? Whoever's in the CROSSHAIRS has earned it. " It went without saying that in SITUATIONS like this ? Chaos was going to make people not THINK straight . But to the point they would ARGUE with someone's CREDENTIALS ? No-one , especially Mary Jane, would have had enough PATIENCE in the world to deal with any of this. " I got us in here though, didn't I ? That's what counts. "
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dangerstxrlet · 2 years
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+ “ I’mmm fine ... “ From the SLURRING of her words, it was clear that the hit she’d taken to the HEAD had not been a MINOR injury like she’d initially thought . Given all the times she’d been CLOSE to crumbling buildings and FIRES , she was surprised, even now, that it had taken this long for something to actually HIT her hard enough to leave her reeling . 
+ @amicablemedic​ liked for a starter ! 
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nomanslannd · 1 year
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𝐈𝐀𝐍 𝐆𝐑𝐔𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐃, 𝐂𝐑𝐀𝐃𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐋𝐃𝐄𝐑. ( @amicablemedic ) ' Stayed away, I'm fine - I don't need a medic's help. ' All he needed was a quiet place where he could pop his shoulder back into place in peace. He wasn't a big fan of medical professionals, and he certainly didn't trust anyone enough at SHIELD to let them see him hurt. ' I just need space. '
Like for a starter from here!
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writteninscarlet · 1 year
❛ and where do you think you’re going? ❜ ; @amicablemedic
&. 𝐬𝐮𝐛𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐬𝐦𝐮𝐭 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬. - accepting
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Wanda arched a brow, looking back over at him as he spoke. Asking that as though he deserved to know where she was going. No, asking that as though she shouldn't have been going anywhere at all.
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"I was going home. Or for a drink. Just out." Actually, she'd not settled on what she planned to do. Wanda hadn't considered she might be questioned on her actions. Rather bold of him, all things considered. Her mood was already on the edge, hanging on the precipice - ready to slip in annoyance or worse, or perhaps back to more pleasant emotions. She was injured, but it was but a flesh wound. And once she was feeling more like herself, it was something Wanda could heal on her own. It truly was just a cut.
"Unless you can think of a reason for me to STAY?" Her question almost a challenge, doubt in her tone that he could come up with something. Perhaps she was also a little curious. If he had asked that question he ought to have a follow-up, you didn't just take that tone with her. Not even S.H.I.E.L.D. operatives. Especially not them, maybe. "No~? Then there's no issue with me leaving, hm?"
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citysank · 1 year
@amicablemedic gets a CLAIRE ADDISON starter
She briefly stops what she's doing, on hand resting on her own thigh for a second before she shakes her head.
"Hey buddy, LET'S cut to the chase please? I've got places to be."
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SHE DIDN'T usually like seeking active medical attention, mostly because it made her stationary for too long and that was NEVER a good thing. The longer she remained in one place, the easier it was to track her.
"No seriously, I NEED you to pick up the pace a smidge."
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itsagentzero · 2 years
"Oh...umm...no... it's j-j-just some choc...chocolates I really like that I...I thought you m-might like too."
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“Oooof! I love me some chocolate. C’mon, doctor handsome, bring them there. Let me grab a bite. You always have the best taste in food so I’m sure they’re delicious. Thank you very much.”
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ofvanguards · 2 years
[ @amicablemedic​  liked this for a starter from Jonathan ]
“Staring is only awkward if you don’t make a move” the man said as he dropped a pile of fresh, musky leather onto his working table, looking at the man over the counter. He was sweaty and hot, panting from the effort of a couple dozen pounds of various pieces to work with. “I know I must look like shit but this is still a store, so—” Jonathan walks over to the counter, raising the small door at the counter so he could go past the man to pick up another bolt of coarse leather from a nearby couch. “— how can I help?”.
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spinxeret · 2 years
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+ ( thank youuu <3 )
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battletrio · 2 years
Cole sends hugs and a basket of chocolates to John.
The hugs and gift were surprising to say the least. John did not expect it, after all, their friendship was still in the early stages. But he appreciated it all the same, especially given the circumstances. Everything has felt miserable so this a bit of joy in the ocean of misery. “Thanks. I really do appreciate it.” He smiles at the other, a genuine smile.
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citysank · 1 year
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@amicablemedic said:
Smash or Pass ( to Karter and Niko for both Cole and Todd ) :3
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"If he don' fuckin' TALK, then MAYBE smash."
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"I'd say smash, but personal space is PRETTY important to me so uh––pass."
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itsagentzero · 2 years
@amicablemedic​ gets a S.H.I.E.L.D. starter
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“I keep telling them I’m immune to mind control, but do they listen? Noooo,” Chris growled, making his way into the room and finding a seat on the stretcher, like any normal patient would’ve.
Of course Cole had been briefed about the whole situation. Chris had just been part of a mission that involved an enemy telepath. It was regular procedure to have all agents fully checked after that kind of operation, especially for the risk of injuries or even possible neurological damage. That’s why the young mutant was now stripping off his shirt on dr. Chamber’s study.
Of course, he could’ve gone to any other doctor at HQ, but most of them weren’t so keen on helping him considering not too long ago he had worked for Hydra. They didn’t seem to listen to the part where it had been against his will. So the answer was simple: go to the one doctor he trusted for the experience to be less traumatic for everyone involved.
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“By all means, doc. I’m ready for you. We have until five, agent May decided she wanted to test my strength or something before my next assignment...”
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razorfst · 2 years
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"M-m-merry Christmas, Mr F-fist."
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“You don’t have to call me that.” Andrei points out first then shifting a bit to look the other over. It was strange, how everyone said such things to people so openly. Then again, he remembered that when he was a child on the streets of Romania. Not that anyone looked at him and said it, it would bring attention to the boy asking for food. Shifting slightly, he couldn’t help still but keep the furrowed brow even if it was softer than normal. “Um, thanks. Merry Christmas to you too?”
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Christmas Things | Accepting | @amicablemedic​​
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griim · 1 year
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@amicablemedic asked; “It’s over. Hey! It’s over. Everyone’s safe. You did that.”
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The smoke had barely settled, and the cries of the victims still rang in the streets, brow eyes darting around. It’s not over. The fight wasn’t over, and adrenaline wouldn’t let it be. Shaking as her eyes darted down to her hands. Blood covered them, and it wasn’t the first time, either. But this time, it was the blood of someone she tried to SAVE, but FAILED. It wasn’t enough… SHE wasn’t enough. Shaking her head she looks at the man. If everyone was safe like he said they were the blood of that woman wouldn’t be on her hands. Her head throbbed as a trickle of blood ran down the right side of her face, a small gash above her eye oozing the crimson liquid. “No, it’s not over… The fight to make this city safe will never be over. Even when I am long… LONG gone, it won’t be. It’s an endless cycle of vengeance and bleeding.” Slowing attempting to get up Gemma's legs failed her. They were tired and screaming no. However, she pushes past that. It was still early in the night, still time to find who did this.
“And if everyone was safe… That woman would still be alive to see her children grow up. I wasn’t fast enough to get her to safety. I-” Gemma sighed and glanced over at him, eyes filling with tears, “I need to make this right. For them.”
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