#amon 👿
pupsmailbox · 7 months
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NAMES ⌇ abadden. abaddon. ace. adder. alastair. alastor. amon. amy. antagone. ash. asher. ashes. asmo. avarice. avaricia. bael. balam. bane. banshee. baphomet. behemoth. belial. bellatrix. bellinor. berry. birsha. blake. blazer. brimine. bull. bune. cain. caine. cambion. casimir. caym. cerberus. charon. cherry. claude. colere. corbin. corvid. creseis. cronus. crow. crowley. cruella. damian. damien. damon. daniel. dantalion. deirdre. dem. demonesse. demonette. demonia. dera. devilie. devume. diablo. diedre. dizzy. dracula. emily. entropy. ezra. fang. fangesse. fangette. felix. foras. furfur. furio. furiosa. grimbaer. hades. hecate. hermes. hex. ialyre. ira. ire. james. janus. jester. jinx. jinx/jynx. jynx. karina. kawa. lacey. lamb. lamia. layla. lilith. lilloth. lolia. luci. lucien. lucifer. lucius. lunesse. lycan. magnus. mal. malcius. malice. malicia. mallory. malorie. mammon. mania. mara. marnise. meilius. midas. minerva. misery. moonesse. moonette. moonie. moony. night. nightesse. nikolai. nithvine. noire. noiresse. noirette. nyx. omen. paimon. pandora. peri. persephone. pitch. ram. rena. rogue. ruby. sanguis. seere. seiriphi. silas. sinn. skittle. snake. stella. toxin. vessel. vex. vexa. vic. vice. victor. victoria. vince. vincent. viper. virtue. voss. vulture. wither. zoe.
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PRONOUNS ⌇ >:)/>:). ash/ash. bat/bat. bit/bitter. black/black. blood/blood. claw/claw. con/con. con/conjure. crackle/crackle. dae/daem. dae/mon. dark/dark. dark/darkness. de/dem. de/demon. dea/deamon. deceit/deceitful. demon/demon. demon/demonic. devil/devil. eranged/deranged. evil/evil. fang/fang. fear/feared. fiend/fiend. flame/flame. fool/fool. gha/ghast. goat/goat. gray/grey. gray/grey. grr/growl. hate/hate. he/hell. hell/hell. hellish/hellishly. hiss/hiss. horn/horn. hunt/hunt. hx/hxm. imp/imp. infer/infernal. infernal/infernal. infernal/infernality. jest/jest. joke/joke. lamb/lamb. lava/lava. lethal/lethal. liar/liar. lie/lie. loom/loom. mal/mal. mal/malice. moon/moon. ni/night. night/night. noc/noct. poison/poison. psycho/psycho. reap/reap. red/red. rose/rose. ruin/ruin. scare/scare. shx/hxr. si/sin. silly/silly. sin/sin. slither/slither. soul/soul. spi/spite. spite/spite. succubi/succubus. suffer/suffer. thief/thief. thxy/thxm. tief/tiefling. tiefling/tiefling. toxin/toxin. twist/twisted. unholy/unholys. ve/venom. vi/vice. vice/vice. vil/vil. vil/villain. vile/vile. wick/wicked. wretch/wretched. ♠️ . ⛪️ . ❤️‍🔥 . 🍎 . 🍯 . 🎻 . 🐝 . 👿 . 💒 . 🔥 . 🕷 . 🗝 . 😈 . 🥩 .
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animeyanderelover · 1 year
Can I have yandere hc for devilman crybaby character?
I just went with my two favorites from the show.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, overprotective behavior, stalking, manipulation, gaslighting, sabotage, blackmailing, isolation, abduction, violence, death
Yandere Devilman Crybaby Hc's
Fudo Akira
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👿 Akira would fall for his darling before being possessed by the demon Amon in which case he'd be a very meek, shy and insecure yet very caring person. Too much of a coward to confess his feelings for his darling, he'd still go to rather questionable lengths at times such as following you around or just in general watching you a lot, eyes averting yours the moment you look at him. It's all he can do as words always fail him and coherent thoughts leave his head when you actually start a conversation with him. His shyness aside, Akira would be a really obsessed individual to the point where it's a bit creepy. He remembers things about you that he overhears others saying, is definitely the type to keep a few things that you might have lost and sometimes even scribbles down the words he can never say in front of you.
👿 After transforming into a Devilman, a few things change for him. With the increase of strength comes an initial wave of cockiness and suddenly he's approaching you far more often than he used too. Suddenly he isn't afraid to casually touch you or brush your hands although it doesn't escalate to something perverted. His possessive side has gone up together with his overprotective traits, especially once demons start lurking around more. He has less hesitation to be more violent and challenge even humans to fights if they get on his nerves by trying to woo you and you always have to stop him. He's stalking you still a lot of course since he's always worried that something might happen to you. I feel like as a human he would have been more oblivious to his unhealthy feelings but as a Devilman he seems to realize that his feelings and his behavior overall have worsened and so he does feel guilt at times.
👿 He cares about those he loves and his darling is the one he cares about most. Even as a human he's always felt jealous though although it was always accompanied by a sense of insecurity since he knew that most people didn't take him that seriously. The insecurities are gone for the most part when he becomes a Devilman and instead the jealousy is suddenly mixed together with a possessive urge to have his s/o for himseld. He's no longer someone who hides behind the corner and watches with clenched fists and a pained heart but instead squeezes himself quite literally in between you and the person who tries to make a move on you, shielding you behind his back and just giving them a withering glare. His appearance alone is all of a sudden very intimidating and once it becomes obvious for everyone that he feels something for you, a lot would think twice before trying to flirt with you again.
👿 As a human he would be weak and obviously scared but would overcome that fear of his every time you'd be in troubles. It might have happened that he got himself beaten up for your sake but saw it as worth it in order to protect you. No one took him serious back then though when he tried to threaten someone but failed miserably. Now, as a Devilam, the situation for Akira has changed significantly though. He's aware that he has become strong and that at times fills his chest with pride since he now can protect you better. He's no longer your shy and weak rabbit that would get scared of everything as he gets into a lot of fights suddenly whenever someone gets on his possessive or overprotective side. Whilst humans manage to spark his possessive side most of the time, demons are instantly associated with danger for you in his mind so he gets rid of them almost all the time.
👿 Abduction is an aspect that could inflict a lot of guilt on him since he knows that it's a morally wrong action. Akira is also a very protective guy though, especially after becoming a Devilman and seeing all the chaos the demons and even humans can create and how easily they can kill others. An abduction would precisely because of his experience and growing paranoia be an action out of a deep-rooted fear to lose you. Akira is still aware that it isn't something he should do but considering the situation he's in right now, he thinks of it as a safety measurement to keep you alive. You might hate him and fear him for finding out what he has become and what he has done to you but he'll take it over you dying and him having been unable to do anything. 
👿 Even if he has grown more cocky and more possessive, he still retains his caring side for you. There are times where he's still easily flustered when in your presence and even if he's now strong, he's also scared of you finding out. His sexual need has increased a lot since becoming a Devilman so it has definitely happened that he masturbated to the thought of his darling for multiple rounds and there is a lingering sense of guilt and shame whenever he has done so. Ryo has known about you for almost as long as Akira has and probably was aware of his friend's crush before Akira was himself. Since Ryo is Ryo, he has teased his friend and you already a lot of times, more than often in somewhat rude and unsettling ways and he's probably all the more interested in seeing the relationship develop after Akira's transformation. Akira trusts his friend obviously but he can't help but keep a closer eye on you and stick closer to you when you're around Ryo. Miki is just very supporting. He’d probably be quite harmless if it wouldn’t be for the fact that his feelings sometimes just take control of him.
Asuka Ryo
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👼 Ryo is a major red flag and an absolute menace so staying away from him would be the best choice. However, such fortune is not yours as soon as the man has taken an interest in you. He doesn't perceive it even as love or obsession at first, rather as a curiosity since somehow you caught his eye. Even then he already showcases various signs of obsessive behavior though and a borderline clingy and stalkerish behavior. You often catch him following around, pretty uncaring if he creeps you out by doing so or not. Straightforward and unashamed to ask you intrusive and highly personal questions that he shouldn't have to know about you. It escalates at one point as he hears from your friends and acquaintances that he has even started bothering them about you yet when you call him out for it and threaten him, he doesn't appear to be bothered at all. To your great shock you find out that Ryo always manages to manipulate the situation and talk his way out of any troubles.
👼 Once the young man comes to realize that his obsession has gone pretty far to the point of not being able to go back, he grows very possessive. I'd say he's smart enough to realize that his feelings are not something you'd view as normal nor would most people but he's quite apathetic about it. There's even this sick curiosity to see how this will turn out for both him and you as he's never felt quite that strongly about someone before besides maybe Akira. It's decided then and there though that he won't leave your life again. You bump into him even more than before as the man tries his best to weasle his way into your life, not even above sabotaging your relationship with others in order to get closer to you. He could definitely be cunning enough to hide the greater damage he inflicts on your social life and he does so at times for the sake of appearing more trustworthy in your eyes, sometimes he doesn't seem to care if you know though. He can't deny that he's a bit curious to see if you would be capable of still feeling affection for his true self.
👼 Ryo is confident about himself so I'd wager he's less jealous and instead more possessive about it all. He's definitely the type of Yandere who would love nothing more than have his darling all to himself and he looks quite literally down on everyone you interact with. He's unable to understand their appeal and he's not shy to speak his mind out which is a guarantee to insult whoever you're talking to at the moment. At one point he even spreads rumors that you two are dating and suddenly everyone you hang around with asks you about your boyfriend. You deny it obviously but as soon as he pops up, he's acting more affectionate and denies your cries of outrage of protest as shyness. Even without those rumors people avoid you due to the sheer unnerving eccentricity of Ryo as he makes almost everyone uncomfortable, including you.
👼 His possessive side is already quite bad as he drives away and scares all possibly competition he could have but his generally all but sane behavior makes it all even worse. Ryo is willing to kill everyone and manipulate your entire life if it means that he can keep you. He's fully aware that you'll end up being terrified but he doesn't care as long as he still gets to keep you. He doesn't shy away from killing people nor does he shy away from killing people. Interestingly enough there are times where he drags you willingly into danger only to come and save you at the last minute to force you to rely on him and trust him a bit more although he makes sure that situation can never escalate to the point where you get severely injured though. If you think that this is already quite cruel just wait until He's reverted back to being Satan where he becomes even more uncaring as long as he can keep you.
👼 Ryo is never quite sure whether he wants to imprison you or let you wander around outside although you're still the farthest thing from being free since he always watches you and has even trackers installed on you. So you kind of switch back and forth and it all seriously just depends on his mood. Sometimes he's more curious and wants to observe you in which case you're left to go on outside and do your daily tasks, as good as you can whilst being fully aware of his presence, at other times you're stuck in his expensive mansion where Psycho Jenny keeps an eye out over you when Ryo is busy and feels more possessive. After the destruction of humanity and after revealing his true identity as Satan, he constantly keeps you with him though, especially if we're talking about the scenario where Akira has died on him in which case Satan would be quite devastated and more paranoid to keep you close.
👼 What can be said for sure though is that you have never really a peaceful moment around Ryo. He's always there in your life and always rises some ruckus inside of it to watch in entertainment how you handle the situation at hand. It's quite disturbing how openly he talks with you about his feelings and the things he tends to do in a somewhat giddy tone since he never tells anyone else about it. He fully acknowledges that he makes awful choices in his life and harms and hurts others by doing so but it's all done for his own goals in mind and you just happen to be one goal of his. Once he becomes Satan, his obsession sort of grows as his darling is by that point pretty much the only human alive and his desire to keep them safe and with him only worsens. Akira's death influences that only more as he realizes how much he loved him and cared about him and in return only holds tighter onto you.
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the13throseii · 5 months
So I'm trying to be more vocal about my selfships and all that...but I still don't want to use their actual fandom tags because oh no. Cringe.
So here's a handy legend for the emoji tags I'm giving them when I'm not just reblogging a standard fandom post about them.
(I am 100% cool with shared f/os. If you are not and you f/o any of these, please just avoid me instead of starting a fight or sending hate messages.)
🎭🖐 - Amon (The Legend of Korra)
🐶⚰️ - Anubis (Mummies Alive!)
✨️⚔️ - Asajj Ventress (Star Wars: The Clone Wars)
🦌🔥 - The Beast (Over the Garden Wall)
🐺🏍 - Biowulf (Generator Rex)
🦎☯️ - The Chameleon (Kung Fu Panda 4)
🔥💀 - Demongo (Samurai Jack)
💀⚔️ - General Grievous (Star Wars: The Clone Wars)
💝⛏️ - Harry Warden (My Bloody Valentine 1981)
🖐💀 - Hassan of the Cursed Arm (Fate: Grand Order)
💜😶‍🌫️ - Kurogiri (My Hero Academia)
💀💜 - Licorice Cookie (Cookie Run)
🍡🩷 - Mitsuri Kanroji (Demon Slayer)
🦇🪫 - NOS-4-A2 (Buzz Lightyear of Star Command)
🐏🐓🐂 - Ozzie (Helluva Boss)
🐍🔫 - Rattlesnake Jake (Rango)
❄️🌠 - Rundas (Metroid Prime 3)
🦚🗡 - Lord Shen (Kung Fu Panda 2)
🦌👁 - Shockwave (Transformers Animated)
🦄👿 - Tempest Shadow (My Little Pony: The Movie)
😇😱 - Valtiel (Silent Hill 3)
🪞⚔️ - Zant (The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess)
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teratobf · 3 years
beating the old man allegations by forcing them to listen to hyperpop
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dailynicknews · 3 years
Amon's Bloodbending + Villain Evolution 👿🩸| The Legend of Korra
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luisalbertomg9 · 2 years
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Así que sí, del mismo modo, dado que Amon fue una vez un guerrero humano asesino de demonios, quien fue fusionado trágica y enérgicamente por Satanás con su corcel dragón "Khaos Durango" y el hombre lobo Urga, por lo tanto, creando un ser, cuya existencia nació en la de un compuesto híbrido de un humano, un dragón y un hombre lobo. Además, es seguro decir que Amon es quizás, por todos los medios, todavía tiene su corazón humano intacto, por lo tanto, ¡Amon también es un DEVILMAN!👿🖤👿
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teratobf · 3 years
youre an amon and akira expert definitely
this is really funny because i haven't interacted with most of the source material for obvious reasons (triggered by apocalypse scenarios)
amon i think i get a lot more than akira, because so much of his relationship centers around ryo and i sort of write him out. like despite being one of the first horror manga ever it's also equally a romantic tragedy
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teratobf · 3 years
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just fought the normal allegations and won 💪
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teratobf · 3 years
any time i watch aaod i find a new section to screenshot various amons from. yes i’m normal <3 look at him!! 
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luisalbertomg9 · 2 years
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Devilman/Amon 2 (DEVILMAN crybaby) 🖤👿🖤
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teratobf · 3 years
Amon for the acrostic ask game!
:O !!!!!
A - Art - do they draw or paint? what about any other kind of art? what’s their favorite style/subject/another artist who inspires them?
he doesn't really create or appreciate it. maybe he does the latter on occasion. but for the most part he doesn't get human past times.
amon also doesn't do much when he's bored. he'll read stuff if he finds it across the house. a form of autopilot if you will.
M - Meeting - what was your first time meeting them?
when akira and amon still shared a corporeal form he transformed during a heated moment. like. kissing.
that kiss sort of determined the relationship between akira and i and he had to explain why he can double his size and contort.
at that point amon's emotions blended with akira's and became the worst wingman. we were a couple but i fully wasn't acquainted to amon until he could fully separate.
O - Online - what is your f/o’s social media presence like, or what would it be like if they had internet in their world/era?
he's never made an account on anything but he will hover over your phone or computer until you explain what you're doing.
in that respect he's a lot like a cat because he'll want to type random shit on the keyboard when you leave to make food or use the bathroom. if you get banned from twitter it's his fault probably
N - Nostalgia - what’s your f/o’s favorite memory?
i'm gonna not answer because i don't know! he's millenia old and i haven't thought about that one. he probably liked being a human the most in the very beginning though. maybe. actually probably not he loves power
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teratobf · 3 years
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another addition to the "miniature yet ridiculously expensive official merchandise of akio ohtsuka" collection
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teratobf · 3 years
🗣 and/or 🕴 for whoever you want/would be easiest? :D
amon is very easy for this because i have the 1080p ova downloaded
🗣 Post a screenshot of your f/o in profile/side view!
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very classic screenshot from like one of my first rewatches lol
(INDENT) Post a screenshot of your f/o small in the distance/the background of a shot.
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when he arrives
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teratobf · 3 years
🌈 + Amon :3 I would love to hear your hcs.
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i remember being unsure of what he'd be until you drew a pic of him with the pan flag and it made sense :o
i think he'd also be more gender non-conforming if he weren't so bulky? he could only fit into men's clothing but in an ideal world he would wear a front-tie crop top and booty shorts
also my lore in a tl;dr, making-fun-of-myself way
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teratobf · 4 years
ok i watched devilman 72 and amon is so sweet im going to *absorbs into selfship canon*
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teratobf · 4 years
i forget amon controls akira's body in 72 because he literally fucking dies
a demon in human skin o_o
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