#amphibia is a death world but humans are the worlds most xtreme generalists and also mammals in a place where mammals are very rare
banyanas · 2 years
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hello it is wip wednesday my dudes. i am always a huge fan of humans being the Scary Weird Monsters of different worlds and Sasha would especially have a pretty mean reputation preceding her i think.
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banyanas · 3 years
apologies for both the wordvomit text wall thing and being Cringe On Main but as I've been fiddling with more like... environmental/world details for Various Writing Ideas, I think i finally hit on why i find the human cast's experiences with the world so interesting? Also bear in mind this is just my reading from what I’ve seen so ymmv.
Point is that despite the very VERY different times the girls had, there were some broader consistencies for how humans fare in Amphibia? Like it's very much a Death World, what with half the shit living on it either wanting to eat you, kill you, or poison you, but the kids DID have an advantage adapting to it because, well, they're human. With some exceptions (looking at you Andrias, and to an extant Yunan) even 13 year old girls are on average taller and stronger than most amphibian residents. Also, y'know, warmblooded, and humans are some of the most Xtreme Generalists around- compare to most frogs irl who are bioindicators, which means they're sensitive as hell to negative environmental changes. (which hey that's ur not so fun fact that makes Andrias's mining operations even worse in context) (another not so fun fact is this could be part of why the Core was pretty insistent on using Marcy as a host, alongside the connection to the Wit stone which c’mon I'm sure they're bringing that connection back sometime-)
Also, though, kind of a weakness- they aren't prepared at All for the shit Amphibia throws at them, which means their learning curve was extremely steep. physical vs behavioral/experience advantages, and all that.
anyways bye i was just trying to get this out before I had to go to work again, it's just how the Idea Soup works for me when watching shit and also i was trying to fit together how some barely-teens got so good at ass-kicking in a comparatively short period of time.
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