#an attempt to prove himself“. and if so. YEAH BOY. FAV TYPE OF GUY.
cloudbends · 11 months
first arc of horizons finished.... Broooo.... This keeps serving.....
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brightandunique · 7 years
Haikyuu!! Fiction Recommendation Master Post
I have been meaning to make this post since a while now. Let’s share some love shall we? I recommend these fictions based on my personal judgment. If you see your work up here that’s cause I loved it to the moon and back! I welcome suggestions too! ^-^ 
♥ - ultimate fav
★ - they do the do
(★) - implied sexual activities 
ロ - unfinished 
■ - finished
✿ - multi chapters
KageHina (Kageyama x Hinata) 
132 by crapso   ★ ロ ✿
Summary:  Kageyama balanced his cheek on his fist, leaning an elbow on the counter and smiling, “Do your parents know where you are, sweetie?” “I— what?! Why would they— I’m twenty-three!” Kageyama gasped sarcastically, “Are you! Well, I’ll be! I’m still gonna need to see some ID, though.” “Amazing.” The boy laughed, “You really know how to sass someone who’s holding a gun to your face, huh?“
Anonymous asked a question by kageyama_drama  ♥  ロ  ✿ (★)
Summary: There he was.The redhead clicked the notification and waited impatiently for the page to load.“hello again, sunshine! working on any new pieces lately? i’d love to see your progress if you want to share! hope today was great for you!” Hinata grinned from ear to ear as he typed his reply, “i started a new piece just for you, blueberry! here’s what i’ve got so far! :)”
I’ve Got You Covered by kageyama_drama  ★ ■
 Summary: A smutty, drunken one-shot for ‘Anonymous asked a question’ 
Binding Problem by Majesticartax  ♥ ロ ✿  (★)
Summary:  Hinata pines.
The Alpha King by madamemalfoy21  ■  (★)
Summary:  Oh. He’d never seen anyone give him that expression before. Not with so much raw sincerity. And for a moment, Kageyama had to look away, swallowing awkwardly, thinking that maybe he had just looked into the sun itself. 
Note: Part of a series. The continuation: Facing the Sun. 
First by someonestolemyshoes  ♥ ★ ■
Summary: It’s too dark to go over the mountain, he’d said. You might get hurt, he’d said. What will we do if you can’t play in the practice match on Monday, he’d said. Kageyama had said a lot of things and in the end, he’d coaxed Hinata into staying the night because yeah, everything was true, and yeah, maybe he would be better off spending the night at Kageyama’s, but then they’re changing for bed and Hinata is in nothing but boxers and a shirt and Kageyama is cupping his jaw in both hands and kissing like he might fall of the face of the earth if he doesn’t and Hinata thinks that maybe, Kageyama had some ulterior motives.
Note: Part 3 of Theirs series. First part: Blush 
Hinata Shouyou’s Fucking Face by Esselle  ■ ✿   
Summary: 'Kageyama doesn’t know why Hinata’s face rubs him the wrong way—it just does. So one day, in an attempt to pinpoint exactly what it is that makes Hinata’s Shouyou’s fucking face so fucking annoying, he begins to catalogue all the things that really tick him off.This proves to be startlingly revelatory.’–A thought-provoking study and critical analysis of Hinata Shouyou’s stupid face, by Kageyama Tobio.
In Transit by Mysecretfanmoments  ♥ ■
Summary:  Hinata finds that he likes standing close to Kageyama on buses and trains. It doesn’t mean anything–probably. Maybe.
On Stranger Tides by theroyalsavage  ♥ ■ ✿
Summary: When Hinata Shouyou is 13 years old, his village is raided by pirates. Most everything Hinata knows is destroyed in the attack, lost to the flames, but he and his sister are pulled from the wreckage by a boy with eyes the color of a storm. Their lives are saved, but irrevocably altered - their home is lost forever, and there is something strange about the pirates, something blurry and shadowed and wrong. A darkness is rising out of the depths of the ocean. The sea itself is stirring, and nothing can stop it when it wakes.
Saffron and Cayenne Pepper by dontsaycrazy  ■ ✿
Summary: Cooking is hard. Even if you have your very attractive, very grumpy neighbor there to help you. In which Hinata’s lack of cooking skills are a danger to him and others. Luckily (or not), Kageyama is willing to teach him, for the sake of avoiding any burned down apartments.
Somewhere to Belong by Esselle  ★ ■ ✿
Summary:  Once a year, all the villages that follow the way of the sun offer up one of their own to be taken to the sun god’s divine temple. Kageyama Tobio, an orphan and loner, never wanted to be chosen—and until the sun god appeared, no one ever wanted to choose him, either. All Tobio wants is to find a place he fits in. What he actually gets is another story entirely.
The Heart of the Jungle by Esselle  ♥ ★ ■ ✿
Summary: The rainforest expedition is to last a full year—365 days of living under the lush canopy of trees. Danger looms. Adventure awaits. The jungle calls. Hinata Shouyou has never wanted anything more. Or so he thinks, until he meets a curious stranger there, who shows him what it means to be truly needed. AKA Tarzan au
Note: The art is gorgeous for this fic! Part of a series. The continuation: Wild 
Vren by Icandigelvis  ♥ (★) ロ ✿
Summary:  It was the boots that caught his attention. They looked new and expensive sticking up from the tall grass, visible from the small trail Shoyo was walking on. He cautiously trudged closer, almost against his will. What Shoyo didn’t notice, however, was the creature watching him; blue eyes following the oblivious human like a prey. AKA creature!Kageyama au
Hunger by Esselle  ♥ ★ ■ ✿
Summary: This was how Shouyou, prince of the kingdom on the hill, ended up sitting on the wooden floor in front of the fire, roasting all the different kinds of meats in the crackling flames to eat. When he was done, he flopped over backwards, sprawling over the floor. Kageyama was watching him again. Shouyou rolled lazily onto his stomach and rested his head on his arm, smiling at him. “That was good,” he said. The food had been delicious. Watching Kageyama eat had been more so; the way his throat worked to swallow as he drank down the creamy, white milk, his white teeth as they sank into the succulent, tender meat, the little groans and sighs of pleasure he made as he tasted it. It had all made Shouyou so very, very hungry for more.
Note:  Part of a series. The continuation: Homecoming
The machine beneath your chest by Icandigelvis  ★ ロ ✿
Summary:  Life as a scrap hunter isn't very eventful. Shoyo travels across the massive wasteland of an electronics dump in Area 5C every day, searching for machines, gadgets and batteries to sell. Stood in his yellow overall, one boot on a broken toaster, his voltage-tracker suddenly goes frantic in his hand. It's detected something. Something big.
Heaven Sent by Esselle  ♥ ★ ✿ ■
Summary: When lowly acolyte Hinata is tasked with bringing his temple's monthly tax payment to the Centurion's Villa, he hardly expects to have an encounter with Kageyama, the lavishly wealthy landowner and decorated army general himself. But Kageyama turns out to be far more interested in Hinata than the money, believing him to be a gift sent from the gods themselves. Before Hinata realizes what's happening, he finds himself agreeing to stay at the villa, where Kageyama can spoil him to his heart's content.To Hinata's surprise, he soon finds himself growing attached to the brutally blunt yet strangely sweet Kageyama; but he is worried he won't be able to hold the attention of a man who has everything, even as Kageyama starts to become everything to him.
Note: There are NSFW art included in the story
KuroTsuki (Kuroo x Tsukishima)
1800-GET-REKT by doggoneit   ♥ ■
Summary: “I see you like it Between the Sheets.”
“I beg your pardon?”
“Your drink. It’s good stuff but I’m more of a Blowjob kinda guy.”
Cat Burglar by Sarolonde  ■
Summary: Kei types up an unapologetic flyer titled: Are You Missing Your Underwear? It explains his cat’s thievery and gives his address. He prints a few out and half-heartedly puts them up on his street and at the local store on his way to university. Basically, Kei’s cat is trying to hook him up with the neighborhood hottie.
I can barely open my eyes (but I still see the sun) by kamyams  ■
Summary:  Kuroo and Tsukki lie in bed together being cute.
How Not to Get a Boyfriend, starring Tsukishima Kei by munzie (enjolrasenthusiast)   ロ ✿
Summary:  Kuroo needs to come clean, for once in his life, and Tsukishima should probably just start trying to be a better person. It’s hard, though, when things are just so easy like this.
In time, I’m sure by peralta  ♥ ■  
Summary:  Tsukishima has never held a boy’s hand before. Kuroo is desperate to learn every line in his palm. This relationship, they begin to realize, might not end in pain after all.
Nighttime Cold Medicine by MelissaWritesStuff  ■
Summary:  Getting up in the middle of the night to pee really shouldn’t have been such a huge commitment.
This Burning Passion by cloudy_skies  ♥ ★ ■
Summary:  Maybe it was destiny that Kuroo Tetsurou was meant to fall in love with Tsukishima Kei despite the fact that he was a ghoul, humanity’s natural enemy and Kei was one-hundred percent human.
IwaOi (Iwaizumi x Oikawa)
a little bit more by orphan_account  ♥ ★ ■  
Summary: "Iwaizumi-san is definitely a top.” “I’d say Oikawa. He seems to like being in charge.” Matsukawa laughed at this, surveying the club members. “It’s a shame that we’ll never be able to find out who’s right.” Unfortunately, they do find out.
An Omega’s Heat by madamemalfoy21  ★ ■
Summary:  He always got strangely sentimental, the closer he got to his heat. Which is precisely why today, he should not have shown up to the practice match. He knew better. Had always done better.
Anger Management by Leryline  ♥ ★ ■
Summary: “You’re so cruel to me,” Oikawa whined down the line, and Iwaizumi snorted at that. “All I try to do is be nice, and here you are, saying all I want to do is talk shit on Ushiwaka! Which, you know, I do, but that’s beside the point. Do you like Ushiwaka, Iwa-chan?” “Of course I don’t, what are you -,” “Because I could just get him to fuck me instead.” (Oikawa had slipped into a bad habit of teasing him like this, and he’d had enough of it. It was time for Iwaizumi to shut Oikawa up, and to shut him up good.)
Anticipated by tastewithouttalent   ★ ■
Summary:  “The skirt seems like a fantastic idea in Oikawa’s head.” Oikawa tries a new method of seduction on Iwaizumi, and it proves effective, though not as he expected it would be.
Conquering the Great King by SuggestiveScribe  ♥ ★ ■ ✿
Summary: Iwaizumi blinked his gaze over to Oikawa, “Last time was supposed to be a one time thing,” he said, voice low, lacking some conviction.Oikawa’s lips twitched into a smirk and he brought them hovering just over Iwaizumi’s, “One time thing, Two time thing, what’s it matter as long as it’s not a Relationship thing?”
Heart(less) and Soul(full) by subverx  ★ ■
Summary:  In which Oikawa is a demon whose job is contracting humans for their souls, and his next victim is Iwaizumi. Somehow, what is supposed to be a quick case turns into a two year long affair – and then some.
Hold You Down by IncessantOblivion  ♥ ★ ロ ✿
Summary: In which Oikawa Tooru is a prince and Iwaizumi Hajime is his knight. “I want…I want…” Oikawa opened his eyes and for once Iwaizumi wished he couldn’t read them so well. ‘You. I want you,’ they said. Iwaizumi couldn’t let Oikawa say it for real, he couldn’t. It would destroy him. So he crashed his lips against Oikawa’s, silencing him, consoling him. “I know,” he whispered once they finally parted. He didn’t need to say that it didn’t matter what Oikawa wanted – what either of them wanted. They both knew already.
Lace Lingerie by BlackKite7  ★ ■
Summary: ‘A gift for you.’ Matsukawa’s voice echoed in his mind as he recalled the way his high school friend had slyly passed him a folded shopping bag under the table while they were in the middle of lunch. Matsukawa had insisted he look at it only when he got home, and feeling foolishly happy about the spur of the moment gift, he agreed. He wished, in hindsight, that he had looked instead. And that he had throttled Matsukawa for even thinking it was an appropriate gift.
Mine by kiyala  ♥ ★ ■
Summary:  Oikawa might be a jealous person, but even that is nothing compared to the intrinsic possessiveness that all dragons have.
of bees and flowers and pipes and plumbers by clockworkmoon  ♥ ★ ■
Summary:  for the "the new handyman’s hot so i’m gonna keep breaking stuff” au. Iwaizumi is the Handsome Handyman, and Oikawa is… Oikawa?
Patterns by e1even  ★ ■ ✿
Summary:  There were things they always came back to. Some of those things were each other. Or, Oikawa gets hit by an early heat, Iwaizumi carries him home. Something changes for the both of them.
Pour some sugar on me by blasphemia  ★ ■ ✿
Summary:  Despite common belief, making sure you don’t have to work a single day in your life is hard work. Luckily, Oikawa has mastered the skill. But when his new target is the awfully… practical businessman Iwaizumi Hajime, Oikawa’s skills are put to the test, since Iwaizumi refuses to spend money on him. Yet, the two can’t ignore their mutual attraction, but with such different expectations for the relationship, there’s bound to be trouble.
So Much Better Than An Axe Murderer by levkawa & starlitcities  ★ ■
Summary: This shower will be quick, Oikawa decides, reaching up for his luffa. He then goes to reach for his body wash. His eyes widen when he narrows in on the two objects in his hands. The luffa is white, and the body wash brand says Old Spice, something musky and masculine. Oikawa has never owned Old Spice in his entire life, and his luffa is definitely not white, looking like it came from some cheap dollar store.~AU where Oikawa accidentally stumbles into the wrong apartment.
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