#an awkward introverted pudgy cactus
saiyuri-dahlia · 8 years
Tag 6 Meme
Tagged by: I wasn't tagged but I saw this on one of my mutual's posts and they said it was open to whoever wanted to do it so...meh, why not.
Relationship status: Single
Favorite color: I guess, lavender. But I wear a lot more light blues than any other color. I've also gone from hating pink in my youth to it being my close second favorite.
Pets: Two dogs, both happen to be mostly black with a splash of white. I really miss having a cat though. Still more of a cat person. And a corgi person.
Last song I listened to: If the third ending theme to Sailor Moon Crystal counts, then that. If not, something classical.
Favorite TV shows: I'd have to say Steven Universe, only because it's the only show I actively watch and await new episodes for. I don't actually watch much tv and the last non-animated show I had to watch was House. I also really like Syfy's Face/Off and cooking shows. Of course, Yu Yu Hakusho is my automatic answer to my favorite anime.
Growing up, it was Sailor Moon, DBZ, Pokemon, Digimon, and Gundam Wing, all of which I still love and have fond memories for. I admit that as a kid I didn't always understand GW. Another show I loved but didn't understand until I was older was Daria. It also feels like Roseanne and the Golden Girls were constantly on in my house.
First fandom: Depends on the definition of fandom... Sailor Moon was the first anime I ever watched and it still has a special place in my heart. Pokemon was (and still is, to an extent) my first childhood obsession. But as it pertains to creating and reading fanfiction for and interacting with other fans, that would have to be Yu-Gi-Oh.  While I used to read a lot of Sailor Moon and Digimon fics back in the day, Yu-Gi-Oh was the latest thing that came over so there was plenty.
Hobbies: Writing, as both a hobby and a career choice. A lot of reading. Daily life has forced me get out of regular practice but I do bellydance, mostly Tribal style. Also gardening and collecting foxes.
Books I’m currently reading: Too many to count. I have a lot of books I've been wanting to read and reread. Right now, I'm mainly reading an anthology book collecting various horror and dark fantasy short stories. I like reading story collections to get exposed to several writing styles at once.
I'm also making my way through a slew of gay romance books. I wanted to get a better sense of writing romance for both my yaoi fanfiction and original works and when a dear friend of mine was clearing out her collection and asked if I wanted some of them, I said yes. I did not expect to have a trash bag full of gay romance novels brought to my house. So far, the quality varies as much as yaoi fanfiction.
Tagging: I don't actually feel comfortable with tagging people to do these kind of things because I feel like I would be bothering them but whoever wants to do this is free to do so.
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