#an honest to god labor of love and im so 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
irndad · 1 year
hi im back! okey so def can see spencer still wanting to hug and snuggle with you even when fighting or mad at each other. he even gets genuinely ??? confused ??? when you try to sleep on the couch instead of in bed at night. he holds you and either reader or him is like "i know we are snuggling right now but i am still super pissed off at you." lol i can just see it. he may be petty when mad but he wont stop trying to touch you bc its a biological need of his and no argument is more important than needing you 🥺
enjoy this I did it very fast!!!! ily
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He knows he’s not easy to be with sometimes. She would never say it, but it’s true. He doesn’t always get the jokes, sometimes pushes things too far and without even knowing it the ground gets pulled out from under him. 
And sleep- Sleep is so complicated. The memory of the first time she slept in his bed is etched into a place he could never erase. Spencer had always had trouble sleeping, either fear or alertness plaguing him into the late hours of the night. He used to lie awake, the kind of exhausted that feels like it’s seeping out of your bones, while constantly facts he’d unwittingly memorized about how sleep deprivation can cause brain damage. 
But then she’d come into his life. All soft words and gentle disposition, and there really is something magic about the way that everything just dissipates when her warm, soft body curves into his own. He’s slept well almost every night since. 
Except today, she isn’t coming to bed. 
It’s his fault, and he knows it. He wasn’t being fair. She hadn’t seen him for two weeks (and he hadn’t slept nearly enough without the weight of her form beside him since the last time he saw her) and she’d said that she wanted to be prioritized more. 
“I haven’t seen you in weeks, Spence!”
His head was killing him. Was it actually possible, for a headache to kill you? Her voice is audibly upset, and it’s alarming how he could be the cause of it. 
“Please,” he had said through labored effort, “Can we talk about this later?” 
“When would you like to talk about it? Because I don’t ever know if you’re leaving-“
“Do you even know what it is that I do?  That it’s not a choice for me to go? I have to do this. I can’t pick and choose and honestly, I don’t want to. If you don’t get that, we’re not doing what I thought we were doing.”
It sounds foreign, his own voice. And it’s after he’s said it that the sick taste reaches his throat because oh, that means the end. Her lovely face is unreadable for a brief moment, before something like grief splays over her expression.
It’s silent for a beat, and Spencer wishes he could swallow the words back up, rewind his life like a battered VHS tape where he’s not so stupid to mess up the one thing that’s ever brought him peace.
“You’re not yourself, Spencer. I’m gonna give you a minute.”
A minute, it turns out, is hours in the living room. She hadn’t left, thank fucking god, but she hadn’t come back. Of course she hadn’t. She wasn’t the one who needed to apologize. 
He’s just so tired. 
He thinks of her so-sweet voice, the curve of cheek- the junction of her neck and shoulder, and how much he would like to have her pressed against him. He pads out into the living room like a nervous puppy, and sees her sleeping on the olive green couch she had picked out. Her hair was splayed across the arm of the sofa, and her head laid on a throw pillow, their fuzziest blanket draped across her form. 
His first thought is how low he’s dropped, that he’s jealous of a blanket. 
His second his that she is not coming to bed. He sits beside her gingerly, and the scent of her body wash lingers in the air. 
“Are you planning on coming to bed?”
“I didn’t think you’d want me to.” He can tell she wants to sound cold, but the truth is much worse; she sounds guarded. 
“I always want you to.” It’s the most honest thing he’s said today, and it’s just not fair, how much he revolves around her. How he has waited 14 days, 13 hours and 34 minutes to hold her again and managed to ruin it within the first 20 minutes of having seen her again. He grabs her hand, soft and pliant against his in a way that almost makes his heart leap. “Please? Come to bed?”
Her gaze softens, the warmth and light that guides him back in her eyes, and he hopes his relief isn’t too visible. It’s then that she drinks him in. It feels too revealing like she can see right through him. His clothes are old. He’d rushed off the jet to see her, and the half moon circles under his eyes only lend to the unimpressive picture of himself. 
“Oh, sweetheart,” she breathes, touching the side of his face. He instantly leans into it, the contact more than he’d be willing to give up to save his dignity. “Come here.”
She wraps her arms around him, and he pulls her into his lap, squeezing her tight to his chest, like she might disappear. 
“I’m still mad at you,” she says, looking at him with such affection it betrays her words.
“That’s okay,” he says into her collarbone, “As long as I still have you.”
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denkisauce · 2 years
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izuku, please! you have to wake up
happy pride! part 1/4 of bakudeku as the catradora finale scene 🥺
(continuation of this concept)
pt 2! // pt 3 // pt 4
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hxlcyon · 3 years
tagged by @delvalentine (absolutely affectionately) 🥺💕 thank you for the tag and the chance to ramble?? thank u vv much kdbchd ANYWAY ignore my far too long answers in the read below
Rules: Tag five followers you'd like to get to know better. i hope u know reading this made me snort cause ive been followed by over 60 porn bots in the past couple of weeks—i know who im gonna tag now /j
Nicknames: ammy, bazooka, su, sury, ray (i feel like i'm forgetting one but?? oh well)
Gender: nonbinary by all pronouns babbbyeee ✌️
Star Sign: capricorn!! ♑️
Sexuality: demi-pan
Hogwarts House: i hope u know this question took me the longest and i had to go through so many fuckin harry potter quizzes and all of them are either super fuckin like abcd or so v archetype specific that it made it unrelatable because why tf would having done a singular sport in the past put me in gryffindor or having a singular moral in hufflepuff—anyway probably slytherin or gryffindor ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Favorite Animals: HARD QUESTION..... HM... i really love beluga whales and emperor penguins!! BUT.. i've been thinking abt pandas sm like u wouldn't believe..! literally, i put on a panda zoo cam while i was stress writing for an assignment a couple of months ago and the absolute tranquility i felt.... effervescent 🐌
Average hours of sleep per night: my sleep schedule used to be really bad until a month ago when i started a strict routine. like... it used to be around 1 hour to 26 hours....... BUT!! now!! i get maybe about 6-8 hours of sleep each night (if i get less than 6 at this point ill just fall asleep standing jfc)!! my skin has never been better!! although, i really haven't had the chance to have dreams lately cause of that;;
Dogs or Cats: hurts... to admit it... after refusing to admit it for years.. but....... cats...... i'm so sorry fido, but i think i've just lost the energy to keep up with dogs haha
Number of Blankets: used to sleep with 5+ but it's too hot here so now i sleep with only 2 blankets—to be fair though?? one is a weighted heated blanket so it should count for a couple of extra blankets right?? anyway. my pillow count is over 20+ and i am constantly looking to expand my collection of soft, marshmallow plushes to sleep on
Dream Trip: wherever tf that one underwater hotel was where u can fall asleep looking at jellyfish with pretty blue lights and the inevitable fear of the glass walls of the hotel shattering under the pressure of the hotel's poor architecture
and also a hatsune miku concert tour
Dream Job: i simply do not dream of work. i feel like i answered this question b4 in a different tag meme but u know what?? i am consistent. i dream of no labor and a shitton of money. but also, i'd love to be a girlboss™ and yoshi-p by creating a product/game that people come to adore alongside a whole community to join my passion project
When I made this account: ?? after going through my tumblr anniversary/birthday emails, i think i made this account on Dec 15, 2014? not fully sure but i guess i never started posting until a year later on august 2015.
Why I made this account: honest to god i can't remember. who knows what i was doing at the ripe age of 11. i probably.. if i had to guess?? made it for my aesthetic/bookworm phase or my astrology phase? definitely something to do with wattpad or ifunny. probably. maybe.
taglist (feel free to do it only if u wanna!!): @leeleiloh @yearning-moon @amatxs @stinkiedinkiedoodles @pomkiri @spacecowkid
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