#an ik its short but !!!!!!!!! i hop it makes u go :]
n0ct0urn1quet · 2 years
@510snake !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wife!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#thas u ur my wify :]#i just hghbejggejnjge :]#m kinda brain fog rn because .................................. yknow..................................................................#but i just <:]#i am so ful of lov for u.............. ful of......... hapy :]#ful of Calm................................................ ful of rela.x.............................................#am jus haby rn :] vibing :]#i rly wana go slebby bc im jus so seepy but also hghghghhghg im Hongry................................#and i wana Write n Draw n do things.....................#SO i mite stay up for a litol bit longr n write stuf idk........................ we'l se.e...............#but hfdghndfghjdfhbj i just ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i loby u peppr ur my scirmbly litol wifey and i care u an kis u :]#*mmmmmweeh*!!!!!! soudn of me kisy u!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#i care u verey much u jus make me go <:]#sorey ik im kinda repeating myself am jus brane fog an sooooooooooo sebby bro .........#mayb tomorow when im not so seepy il make anothr gaypos thatll b longr but for nowe this is al i got#an ik its short but !!!!!!!!! i hop it makes u go :]#because U make ME go :] !!!!!!!!!!! so its my turn to make U go :]!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#i wana see u smile bro ur smile is cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ur face is cute bro everyfing about u is so verey cute.........#u shoul !!!!!!! send me mor selfies n picturs of urself bro!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ik thas random but i jus like seeing u!!!!!!!!!!#like ofc send thigh pics n tumy pics n stuf but even jus like selfies or somthimg................#i jus like seeing u!!!!!!!!! ur prebie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! u hav prety face!!!!!!!!!!#i wana se u smile!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! n kisy ur face <:]#awawwawa thas al i hav on my mind bro sorey ik its short but like i said i hop it makes u smiley!!!!!!!!!#i lub u an i kis u goonite!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#*mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmweeeehhhh*!!!!!!!!!!!!! kisse!!!!!!!!!!!!#goonite hony get goooooood sbbys.......................... <:] <3333333
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slime-stew · 5 months
i wanna make a game that's actually the plat fighter equivalent of divekick. there's that nair game but a) its literally a traditional 2d fighter down to the round count and timer and lack of PLATFORMS and b) that nair like doesn't exist? it looks like marth dair more than like, an ike or cloud nair. i don't understand. anyway my game would be called SX KICKY and it would have like at least 8 characters? you gotta have doc nair, melee luigi nair, melee link nair, and maybe falcon nair? if that isn't enough of a sex kick just get samus or something. 64 ness nair maybe for djc, probably fox and puff nair. if you were getting into vague nair concepts you'd want mewtwo and ike and rob but thats not a sex kick anymore. it should have short hop and fast fall and wavedash and waveland and di and teching and perfect sheild but NOT walltechs or ceiling techs (not that there should be any ceilings) and l-cancelling should be optional but gets you bonus points for doing it properly. maybe you turn gold if you hit a few in a row. theres battlefield and stadium and final destination and smashville and yoshi's island brawl and frigate orpheon and something with a smash 64 hyrule temple tent because that goes so hard. go crazy with stages maybe add frozen fountain of dreams or castle siege or whatever the fuck theres no projectiles. maybe u can jab on the ground lol and maybe you still get some directional air dodge like firefox so you can meaningfully recover. honestly i love melee but i would love to play a plat fighter with interesting sdi mechanics and heavy hitstun and a more combo oriented smash 64 influence
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sojutrait · 2 years
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✧sojutrait’s hot girl guide to utilizing the club feature in ts4✧
~huge shoutout to @its-opheliasgarden​ for giving me the idea to make this guide like an hour ago and i immediately had to jump on it sdjkd~
i’m sure everyone who has get together is somewhat familiar with the club system and the general basis of how it works but trust me when i tell you it is the most underrated part of ts4. i get a lot of asks about how i pull off certain aspects of my gameplay and 9/10 it’s clubs so here’s a (not so) small guide to help out!
general information about clubs: ik a lot of people don’t even remember the club system exists so here’s a quick refresher in case when reading this you go “wait since when can we do THAT”
you can set clubs to being “invite only” which will restrict randoms from joining your club (i highly recommend you do that for every club no matter what)
you can set club hangouts, either as specific lots or general places like “cafes” or “parks”
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you can set club wardrobe for each frame and age so whenever your club meets they will change into that outfit
you can restrict who can join your club for a myriad of things including celebrity level, traits, age, marriage status, career etc. (this comes in handy a lot as i’ll expound on further down)
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you are given 6 sims to start off with but with club points u can purchase extra slots for up to 8 sims (tbh just cheat for extra points with mcc)
club points can also purchase skill boosts so your sims gain skills faster when in a club gathering
pt 1 - using clubs to make… well clubs
ts4 is pretty notorious for being desolate in the child/teen activities department. there are little to no after school activities and the ones we do have are a rabbit hole. clubs can really help expand on them or create entirely new ones as i am here to explain to you today
theater club - drama club is an after school activity that came with get famous and is unfortunately a rabbit hole. your child or teen fucks off to the Void for a couple hours and comes back with a couple extra percentages in the acting skill. what i like to with drama clubs is to create one using the club system. that way, you get an actual interactive drama club experience. i set costumes using the “set club wardrobe” feature. i set the activities for the club to practice acting and play instruments. using the club hangout you can set their hangout to a theater of your choosing (self promo of the theater i use and built). helpful skill boosts to purchase with club points - acting, creativity (for child sims), piano, guitar, singing
scouts - like with drama club, seasons came with a half-baked after school activity for children/teens in the form of scouts. what i personally do, is make my own scouts troop for my sim to go to and meet sims. their wardrobe is set to the scouts uniform that we got with seasons, and for their club hangout i just use the general option of any park but if you have a specific one you want to choose feel free to do that. i also restrict sims that can join the club to be only those in the scout career. the game is pretty good at making npcs join scouts on their own but if you find that there are no sims in your save that are, you can hop in random households and make their sims join the scouts career, or just simply omit that as being a requirement to join the club. i set the club activities to frog catching, fishing, etc all that good nature stuff. helpful skill boosts to purchase with club points - fishing, fitness, motor (for child sims)
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those suburban mom clubs yk the type - this one’s gonna be short and sweet bc it doesn’t really differ from how the club system was meant to be played. i like to make a club of all the moms in the neighborhood just to do mom things lmao. there’s no club uniform, but i do usually set the club hangout to a cafe or a specific mom’s house and set activities to drinking coffee and socializing with each other. for a mommy and me type club, toddlers are unable to join clubs but once i start a club gathering i simply invite the toddlers over and they will not leave until their parent leaves (which is after the club gathering ends) helpful skill boosts to purchase with club points - parenting
dance team - this ones also short and simple, make a club, give them the dancing activity, set a uniform if u want them to do a recital, club hangout at a dance studio, that’s it here’s my sim ophelia falling on her face
pt 2 - mentors
mentoring isn’t exclusive to get together or the club system but it can be used in tandem. once a sim reaches level 10 in most skills, they gain the opportunity to mentor other sims (there is also a mentor reward trait which can be purchased). mentoring causes the other sim to gain in that skill super fast, with moodlets and sentiments between the sims and what not. now what the fuck does that have to do with clubs u may be asking, a whole lot baby. mentors can be used as leaders in scouts, drama club captains, coaches, even teachers (which i’ll expand upon in the school section). i usually kidnap a random npc or make a sim, give them level 10 in the skills i want them to mentor my sims in, give them the mentor reward trait, then just add them to my club. you don’t even need to control them to get them to mentor, simply start the action then click the sims and choose “ask to mentor”.
pt 3 - sports
“but soju there are no sport teams in ts4” aHA again, that is where u are wrong besties. with no mods or cc, ts4 has 2 sports, basketball (city living) and soccer (university but also the base game as a rabbit hole career under the title of just “athlete”) and swimming ig to some extent 
let’s start with basketball. my sim ollie was on a basketball team when she was a child which i achieved using what was already discussed here. i set their uniform (for sports make sure you set it under the athletic category so they switch into the right outfit when playing basketball), gave them the basketball activity, make their hangout a basketball court (self promo plug again) wam bam that’s done, short and sweet. soccer is a tiny bit more complicated. once your sim joins the soccer career, in their relationship panel under the co-workers tab you will see your teammates. that’s who you will put in your club. you can even restrict the members allowed in to only be sims in the soccer career. if you’re really crazy you can make a rival team club but i’m too lazy for that half the time. you could also continue this post-graduation, with your sims co-workers from the athlete career but ngl idrgaf at that point so i dont. activities is set to soccer and working out, hangout set to a soccer field or just a gym so they can workout together as a team. you can also make a swimming team, same way just do all what was said before but set the hangout to a pool, activity to swimming, and if you have a specific uniform you want them to change into, make sure u put it under the swimwear category. helpful skill boosts for sports teams - fitness, logic (which u need for the soccer career), motor (for child sims)
(tiny addendum for legacy players) - you can also use clubs to group together family members cousins, etc. very small thing but i figure it’s worth mentioning
pt 4 - the holy grail: schools
be warned; this one takes a bit more planning and finessing than the others for the obvious reason that we do not have interactive schools in the sims 4. but alas, here i am to explain how i do it using everything that was mentioned already
side note: ik there are mods for interactive schools but tbh i can never really keep track with which are updated so i just do it this janky way
club hangout ~ a school. they’re all over the gallery, set as parks, libraries, generic lots etc. or u can build ur own. i have a high school i built and i am currently working on an elementary school so stay tuned if you’re interested
mentors ~ mentors can be used as teachers. i make one club for teacher sims that i made, each with level 10 in various skills and with the mentor reward trait. i set their club hangout as the school. there, they can mentor children and teens in logic, various instruments, fitness, etc.
the actual classmates ~ i just make a club of any children or teen sims around the save in one club as my sims classmates. i recommend you turn on the age requirement to be child or teen when adding sims, then remove it. in doing this, that ensures neither your sim or their classmates will be kicked out of the club upon aging up
from there it’s all up up to you. you can add any activities you feel are “school like”. i usually do do homework, do school projects, read, use the science experiment table, painting, etc. you can also use those skill boosts i mentioned
you can also assign school uniforms by using that club wardrobe feature
there is the issue of your sim having to go to real school but this doesn’t really bother me. i have them hangout after real school or on the weekends, but if u want it to really replace going to school, u can place down the online schooling computers by kawaiistacie so your sim will actually do school work there and have it affect their grade.
if you feel that 8 sims is not enough, you can make another club in your save with the same settings as your main classmates club and set their hangout as the school as well so they show up. i don’t ever do this tho lmao, 8 sims is enough for me but hey it’s your call
WHEWWW i hope this is comprehensive. i really randomly think of more ways i can use the club system nearly everyday but here’s a good place to start for those who want to expand on their gameplay!
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multireese · 4 years
Jordan Baker x male cheerleader part 2
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 I returned from an evening workout session, dropping my Nike duffle bag at the door. My body is craving a relaxing shower after lifting. Thankfully for me, my roommate had just gotten out and was probably preparing for bed. Y/n doesn’t go out very often. We said ‘what’s up’ to each other before I went into the bathroom. Pings sounded off a couple of times, it was surely one of the guys texting me about a frat party tonight. I’m not a fan of those weird fraternity guys they just want players from the team there to attract cute underclassmen they can harass. Screw that, I would rather stay in and chill with y/n. This shower was just what I needed, I wrapped my towel and stepped out of the bathroom. 
 Y/n looked at me from the edge of his bed with a friendly smile. “Why are you dressed up so nice?” I asked, confused as to why y/n was wearing a baggy crop top and tight strategically-ripped jeans. He stood giving me a better view of his big butt when he bent to pull his phone off a charger. Cheerleading did his body good I would have to say. “I’m going out with Layla, she’s in town so we’re going to some frat party,” y/n said. This threw a wrench in my plans but I don’t know why it was so annoying. “Not the Sigma party?” I questioned. 
 “Actually yeah, that’s the one.”
 Frat parties are not his scene and y/n is too trusting. There’s no way I can let him go. “Those Sigma guys are rich entitled creeps. I think you should just stay.” Y/n was confused but he just didn’t know I was thinking about his safety. “Jordan I wasn’t asking for permission, and I am already dressed. I’ll see you soon,” He said walking toward the door. I held his arm to stop him. This conversation was not over. Y/n was a little short and with this sexy outfit, those Sigma assholes would swarm him like flies. I figured my best bet would be to convince my roomie to stay. “Let’s just stay in and watch that new Chris Hemsworth movie. I’ll even stay in the towel if you want,” I tried to joke but y/n wasn’t having it. 
 Y/n dropped his head in a pout. I let his arm go and placed my hand on his side. He liked that when I held him last time. I hate seeing him upset but I just have to protect y/n. I mean it’s not that I have to but shouldn’t I? If not me, who would? I’m only protective of the people I love, of course, I care about y/n. He finally spoke telling me he did want to go. “You can’t tell me what to do Jordan, I’m going and that’s final. I already told you I’m-”
 “I know you already have your thot outfit on. Are you seriously that desperate for dick?” I cut him off immediately regretting my words and harsh tone. His face tore my heart in half. I could see tears welling but he fought them back. “I should not have said that y/n, let’s just talk, please.” Of course, he shoved me away. He left only telling me not to wait up before storming out.
Jordan(9:04pm)- I’m sorry for snapping, I was wrong. let me make it up to you.
Jordan(9:06pm)- be safe, I know youre smart I just worry.
Jordan(9:22pm)- Ik you don’t want to talk but call me and I’ll pick you up after the party.
Jordan(10:30pm)- its been an hour. just tell me ur okay please
Y/N(10:32pm)- I’m fine, go to bed.
Jordan(10:32pm)- u been drinking? call me so I can hear you
Y/N(10:34pm)- u r ridiculous. I’ll find my own way home, Im making lots of  new friends.
This was the last straw. I hopped out of bed and grabbed my car keys. I was wrong for hurting his feeling but y/n’s stubborness was dangerous. I swear if one of those guys try anything I’ll lose it.
part 3 v soon
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friday night lights
this is a high school AU where cleves is the school jock and howard is a cheerleader. hope you guys like it!! i wrote this on mobile so i can’t add a read more IM SORRY IK IT’s ANNOYING im gonna fix it as soon as i get home. also i can’t decide if i want a second part so lmk if u guys want one lol
the whistle blew, signaling the end of lacrosse practice. anna jogged in with the rest of the team. she said “good hustle girls!! make sure to get a good nights sleep before the big game tomorrow!!” chattering with the girls, she headed towards the locker room. her coach pulled her aside. he said “cleves, i’m really proud of you this year. i wasn’t sure about making you captain, but i know i made the right choice.” he grinned and gave high five. she jogged away, grabbing a spare ball as she went. she was flush with nervous energy, hoping that the teams hard work would pay off in the first round of playoffs. quickly changing her clothes, she headed to her car. it was her baby; a 2002 chevy pick up truck, paid for with hours and hours of work at the local diner. the first time Kat saw it, she said “it’s a testament to how much i love you, that i’m willing to get into this piece of junk”. Anna rolled her eyes: “Kat, you don’t even have a car. you’re lucky that i let you anywhere near my baby”. feigning offense, she said “your BABY? i thought i was your baby”. chuckling, Anna had replied “always, love”. now, she swung by the front of the school, honking at the freshmen milling about. her nerves about the game disappeared as she spotted the cheerleading team. picking out the familiar pink ponytail, anna’s face lit up.
hugging the other girls goodbye, katherine hopped in the car. anna pulled her in for a kiss. tasting the cheerleader’s bubble gum, she slipped her tongue into Kat’s mouth. kat giggled, then threaded her fingers through Anna’s short hair. a bang on the hood of the truck startled them from their haze of passion. it was their friend Tyler, a football player. anna honked at him, and he yelled “get a room, you two!” laughing as they drove off, Katherine said “speaking of getting a room, i think my parents are going out tomorrow night. want to come over after the game?” grabbing Kat’s hand, Anna said “you know id love nothing more, baby”. too soon, they reached the cheerleader’s house. turning off the engine, Anna turned to face her girlfriend. her sassy demeanor vanishing now that they were alone, she said softly “babe, i’m worried about the game tomorrow. what if i can’t pull it off? we’re playing the top ranked team in the county”. kat gave Anne’s hand a squeeze. “i know your hard work will pay off love, i just know it. and if it doesn’t? then it just means we’ll have more time together”. anne smiled weakly at this, but Kat could tell she was still worried. “look” she said softly. “i see how hard you work. you’re the first there and last to leave. your already took the team from last place to playoffs. plus, you have the best cheerleader out there rooting for you”. anne blushed. pulling katherine in for a hug, she said “i wish i could take you out tonight, but i’ve gotta get to bed early”. opening the door, kat replied “i just know you’ll smash it. love you, babe” and hopped out. grinning as she watched the cheerleader skip to the door, Anna whistled as she pulled away.
the next day at school, all Anna could think about was the game. as she walked through the hallway, people called out to her “you got this one, Cleves!” or “i’ll catch you at the game” and she only nodded in response. sensing Anne’s nervousness, Katherine grabbed the athlete’s varsity jacket from her arms. seeing Katherine wearing her jacket, with “Cleves” sewn on the back, always put a smile on Anne’s face. plus, katherine loved to show off that she was dating the captain of the lacrosse team. after school, Anne headed to the locker room with the rest of the team to get ready. Kat peeked her head in, wanting to give Anne one more kiss before the game. spotting the pink ponytail, Anna jogged over. wrapping her arms around her girlfriend, she joked “babe, you know you can’t be here before games. how am i supposed to focus when the most gorgeous girl in town is here?” Katherine blushed and gave Anna a peck on the cheek. “for good luck” she winked. as she turned to leave, Anna couldn’t help but admire her. “it wasn’t fair that the cheerleaders wore such cute uniforms” she thought as she watched Kat’s skirt twirl. heading back to rejoin the team, she finally pulled her thoughts from her girlfriend to the game.
two minutes left. tie game. Anna’s heart was pounding as her team huddled for the final time. they turned to their captain, in desperate need of motivation. she said “girls, i know we have it in us. all those early mornings were be worth it, no matter which way this game goes. i’m so proud of this team.” she paused. “that said, let’s go out there and SMASH IT. we’re not done yet. get out there and kill it.” the girls sprinted onto the field, a new fire inside. over the roar of the crowd, Anna could just make out a voice cheering “GET EM, BABE!!”. as the whistle blew, Anna waited for her opening. seeing the ball fly out of her opponents stick, she knew it was now or never. scooping up the ball in one fluid motion, Anna flew down the field. dodging an opponent, she thundered down the field. as time expired, she faked and then shot. squeaking past the goalies reach, it landed in the corner of the net. time seemed to stand still as Anna realized she had just scored the winning goal.
her teammates exploded, charging from around the field to get to her. they landed in a heap in front of the net, Anna at the bottom of the dog pile. once the mob finally dispersed, Kat sprinted over. leaping into her girlfriends arms, she squealed as Anna spun her around. “i always knew you could do it, babe”. Anna kissed her, tasting of sweat but not caring. after a moment, they broke apart and she said “i’ve got to get back to the team, but wait for me to go home”. Kat replied “always, love” and went to pack up her things. when Anna entered the locker room, the team erupted. once the cheering died down, her coach wrapped her in a bear hug. “atta girl” he said. “i knew you could do it”. after the celebrations had been exhausted, the girls began to filter out of the locker room. “cleves, you’re coming to the party right?” asked Sam, one of her teammates. Anna grinned and said “i wish, but i’ve got a better place to be”. rolling her eyes and making a kissy face, Sam said “tell the lucky girl that i say hey”. Anna suddenly found herself alone in the locker room. taking a minute to catch her breath, she sat down on the bench. she thought of everything that had lead her to this moment-the time spent as an awkward little girl, always tripping over her long limbs. she pictured a freshman Anna, who wanted to practice instead of hang out with boys. she pictured herself finally coming out to her team, and how their acceptance had made her feel. she remembered the first time she saw Katherine, a transfer student who had immediately caught her eye. she didn’t know quite how she got so lucky, but she couldn’t control her grin as she realized she was in a position that freshman Anna could only dream of. captain of the lacrosse team, on its way to divisionals, with a hot cheerleader at her side. almost on cue, she felt a hand on her shoulder. “i thought i would find you here” Kat said softly. “what’s on your mind, babe?” Anna said “i just don’t know what i’ve done to deserve this. i can’t quite believe i’m here”. grinning, Kat replied “well, believe it. you’re the jock with the cheerleader girlfriend, and i think it’s about time you took me home”. overcome with happiness, Anna simply scooped up the younger girl. wrapping Kat once again in her varsity jacket, they headed towards the parking lot. as they pulled away from the school, both girls’ hearts were pounding in anticipation at a night spent alone together.
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banglatown · 4 years
🚢🎢🎠🏗🌁🗼🏭⛲️🎑⛰🏔🗻🌋🗾🏕🌅🌄🏜🏖🏝🌇🌆🏙🌃🌉🌌🌠🎇🎆🌈🏘🏰🏯🏟🗽 Have fun lol
thanks for keyboard smashing my g, however, i have lit nothing else to do so much appreciated
🚢: does the idea of the sea provide you with a feeling of comfort or worry?
aesthetics: comfort 
🎢: what's the best ride you've ever been on?
... hmm 😝 lmaOOOOOOO SIKEEEE umm but i think 13 at alton towers
🎠: if you had to describe your aesthetic, what would you describe it as?
bengali bae
🏗: what's your preferred method of dealing with stress?
*** .. lol
🌁: what's your idea of horribleness?
not having my loved ones 
🗼: what's one thing you've learned to take as a warning sign in any type of relationship?
anything in my spilling on my exes tag
🏭: would you consider yourself short tempered or even tempered?
even on the daily, short if u cross me the wrong way 
⛲️: what's your ideal dream date?
one where they treat me like the empress i am instead of being a c*nt
🎑: city apartment or country house?
country house 
⛰: if you could go on a road trip with just one of your faves who would it be?
S!H!I!S!U!I! U!C!H!I!H!A! i s2g i’d actually fuck shit up HARD if he was real 
🏔: long drives or long walks?
d r i v e s 
🗻: what are your favourite genres of music?
pop, hip-hop, rap, rock, r&b everything tbh
🌋: what's something that pisses you off as soon as you hear even a mention of it?
🗾: a lone soldier? a social butterfly? or both?
social butterfly babyyyyyyy hmu let’s be friends 
🏕: if you were asked to go on a camping trip with whoever you want, would you?
shisui , i swear , it’d be the best time ever  🥺
⛺️: does being without wifi actually worry you?
no, the internet is overrated - and that’s my philosophy degree, thank u n goodnight 
🏞: what are your top six essentials you must carry with you at all times?
money (wallet), phone, keys, lipgloss, my scrunchie, earphones 
🌅: are you a morning bird or a night owl?
both but mostly night owl
🌄: are you a planner or a improviser?
both lol ik i’m chaotic i’m sorry
🏜: if deserted, what's one thing you'd want to be with you more than anything?
my parents and my husband shishui
🏖: do you believe in mermaids?
yes lol i made this post .. oh n i’m also bengali  lol
🏝: how do you feel about islands?
they’re so beautiful n i one day i’d love myself a fine af wife that i can live on the island w 
🌇: what are your thoughts on 'city life'?
OVERRATED !!!!!! ppl are so shit 
🌆: do you get homesick easily?
yessssss omg
🏙: what's the capital city of the country you're from?
🌃: how does politics make you feel?
i don’t even wanna talk abt it 
🌉: in your opinion, what's the biggest obstacle one can face?
ppl who suck the life out of u 
🌌: how do you feel about god?
i love her 
🌠: if you were allowed three wishes, what would they be?
infinite happiness for my loved ones, shisui to be real and for him to marry me & col********* to have never happened 
🎇: if you could create a day to be celebrated e.g. christmas or eid, what would it be and what would it be celebrating?
treat yourself day: 15th sept- basically, you do something FOR YOURSELF and the gment would give you money for it 
🎆: do you admire spontaneity or does it annoy you?
i love it
🌈: what are your thoughts on 'love'?
it's good i guess except from when it blinds u 
🏘: if you could, would you change your upbringing?
not my overall upbringing but some instances ABSOFUCKINGLOUTELY 
🏰: to you, what's the most magical place on earth?
🏯: if you could move to any country of your choice, which would it be?
bangladesh ma dude 
🏟: if you could erase one person from your memory, would you?
could i erase more than one lmao 
🗽: who's your role model? or what qualities do you think are looking-up-to worthy?
graciousness, its so hard to be gracious but its so blessed to be  
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bfknj · 7 years
tags masterpost (?)
I was tagged in a few tag games over the past few days and instead of posting them all separately I decided to just put them all on one! If I tagged you feel free to do any or all of these (including people who tagged me!!) As always, don’t feel any pressure to do any, I just think these are fun and wanted to share :)
- - - - 11 questions tag - - - -
Rules: 1. Make sure to post the rules!! 2. Answer the questions given to you by the tagger. 3. Write 11 questions of your own. 4. Tag 11 people
these questions are from @moonmyun !! michaela you had me stRUGGLIN OKAY YOUR QUESTIONS WERE HARD but ily still bless you for the tag you angel :”)
1 who is your bias group? why?
BANGTAN SONYEONDAN AKA MEME SQUAD !!!!!!! honestly they just make me so beyond happy wow holly nobody ever says that about their favs ur original a LOOOT of music is centered around love these days and not to say bts doesn’t do that with a lot of their music but they also tackle a lot of societal issues and I really respect them for that. From 21st century girls w politics, spring day mv and the ferry sinking, suicide in the I need u mv and many other things I feel like they take risks for the sake of portraying what they hold true to their hearts/morals not necessarily what will sell best and I can’t name many other groups who do that as well :( also my boys cute af I love those dweebs IM SO WHIPPED HAH
2 which kpop video do you find the most aesthetically pleasing?
this is hard :(( idk my number one but I really like seventeen hip hop unit’s check in, red velvet’s one of these nights, ladies code’s galaxy, kim lip of loona’s eclipse and crush’s fall ! they don't all match my aesthetic but I feel like they match the songs really well!!! watch them okay 3/5 of them are hELLA UNDERRATED bye
3 if you could instantly learn one choreography, what would you pick?
something by either gfriend or bts?? love whisper or not today or blood sweat tears?? OOOH or red flavor by rv!! tbh though I’m really skinny so my limbs look weird af with a lot of dances rip
4 who do you look up to as a role model (in the kpop community or not)?
there’s no person in particular that really sticks out but I will say I’ve always admired jungkook, and really all trainees for that matter, who leave their families to start training really young because its a process thats hard physically, emotionally and mentally for late teen/early twenties trainees but there’s sO many kids who enter in their pre-teens and idk how they survive also I realized this doesn’t answer your question at all I'm sorry its 1:28 AM I’m just waiting for the DNA mv to drop
5 whose concert would you go to if you could and why?
DAY6 DAY6 DAY6 DAY6 !!!!! THEY INVENTED LIVE SHOWS DONT FIGHT ME ON THIS or shoot maybe dean or crush or heize?? I LOVE TOO MANY TALENTED PEOPLE also I would say bts but although there are countless amazing beautiful armys there are def some crazy scary ones that are known to be horrible at concerts so
6 if you could pick one idol to be best friends with, who would it be and why?
OK YALL IVE THOUGHT ABOUT THIS A LOT IN MY DAILY LIFE SO S/H TO MICHAELA FOR ASKING ILY either boo seungkwan or ahn heeyeon!! I feel like hani would be so fun to have girl time with bc I feel like we’re really similar in some ways ?? IDK I LOVE HER bUT overall I’d say boo seungkwan because istg we are 100000000% the same person only he has a weenie ok just trust me I am boo and boo is me
7 would you want to be a part of a kpop group if you had the opportunity to be?
I’d absolutely love to be in the entertainment industry and I think the staging, costuming, group dynamics and publicity (variety shows, fan service/interations) in the kpop industry are all really cool but I honestly don't think I have the mental strength to do it lmao idols go through so much and I don’t think I could handle it regardless of how much I enjoy singing/dancing/performing etc.
8 what languages do you speak, and which do you want to learn?
english and some spanish??? I understand a lot because quite a bit of my family speaks it but my conversational skills have gone downhill recently because I haven’t had a lot of opportunities to practice :( with that said, I’d like to be fluent in spanish and - BEFORE YOU COME FOR ME READ IT ALL OK - I’d like to learn korean BECAUSE!!!!! when I was little before I moved I would go to a farmers market by my house and a lot of the older ladies there spoke korean and little holly though it sounded so pretty and I always wanted to chat w them ok THATS WHY I’m not a creepy koreaboo this has been a thing since before I even knew what a kpop was ok bye 
9 what song cheers you up when you’re sad?
fire by bts bc I get hella turnt to that song its a pROBLEM also jackpot by block b, baby/puss in boots by astro, chained up by vixx, not today/bst by bts, knock knock by twice, i think I love you by sonamoo THE LIST GOES ON I HAVE A WHOLE PLAYLIST OK
10 what things do you associate with your bias?
dimples!! pretty hands, closing one eye in selcas, ootds, happiness so cheesy ik sORRY, ryan, studying, awkward dancing, open mouth laughs, second hand embarrassment, sentimental rants
11 what’s your favourite thing to do in your free time?
cry over namjoon tbh I’m one of those people who is constantly listening to music so I’m always doing that and singing along regardless of if its free time or not HAH then I really like reading and catching up on my youtube subscriptions
my questions!
what is your dream job?
favorite book of all time?
what is your current fashion like and what is your dream fashion?
if your best friend was cloned, how would you know which one of the two was your best friend?
what song got you into kpop?
which idol do you think is most similar to you?
favorite kpop lyrics?
if given the opportunity to collaborate with any group/soloist of your choice, who would you choose and why?
what is your favorite physical and character trait of your ult?
which underrated groups/soloists do you believe deserve more recognition? any song recs?
do you read fanfics? if so, what are your favorites?
- - - - song title game - - - -
I was tagged by @kihani, your song choices were 12/10 
rules: spell you your url with kpop songs and tag ten people! (all of these happen to by song recs too so listen nd be happy friends)
mysterious - hello venus
i think i love you? - sonamoo (a fav ok listen pls)
life in color - beenzino
knock - knk 
jelly - hotshot
only u - daze
out of sorts - vixx
night rather than day - exid
she’s a baby - zico
- - - - get to know me tag! - - - -
1ST RULE: Tag 10 people you want to get to know better.
2ND RULE: BOLD the statements that are true. tagged by @sleepysugarmoon, thank you friend!! APPEARANCE: I am 5'7" or taller I wear glasses (or contact lenses) I have at least one tattoo I have at least one piercing I have blonde hair I have brown eyes I have short hair My abs are at least somewhat defined I have or have had braces PERSONALITY: I love meeting new people  People tell me that I’m funny   Helping others with their problems is a big priority for me I enjoy physical challenges I enjoy mental challenges I’m playfully rude with people I know well I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it ABILITY: I can sing well I can play an instrument  I can do over 30 pushups without stopping I’m a fast runner I can draw well I have a good memory I’m good at doing math in my head I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute I have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling I know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch I know how to throw a proper punch HOBBIES: I enjoy playing sports I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else I have learned a new song in the past week I work out at least once a week I’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months I have drawn something in the past month Fandoms are my #1 passion  I do or have done martial arts EXPERIENCES: I have had my first kiss I have had alcohol I have scored the winning goal in a sports game I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting I have been at an overnight event I have been in a taxi I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year I have beaten a video game in one day I have visited another country I have been to one of my favorite band’s concerts RELATIONSHIPS: I’m in a relationship I have a crush on a celebrity I have a crush on someone I know I have been in at least 3 relationships I have never been in a relationship I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them I get crushes easily I have had a crush on someone for over a year I have been in a relationship for at least a year I have had feelings for a friend MY LIFE: I have at least one person I consider a “best friend” I live close to my school My parents are still together I have at least one sibling I live in the United States There is snow right now where I live I have hung out with a friend in the past month I have a smartphone I have at least 15 CDs I share my room with someone RANDOM SHIT: I have breakdanced I have had a teacher with the last name that’s hard to pronounce I have dyed my hair I’m listening to one song on repeat right now I have punched someone in the past week I know someone who has gone to jail I have broken a bone I have eaten a waffle today I know what I want to do with my life I speak at least 2 languages I have made a new friend in the past year
tagging some mutuals bc ily and why do you even follow me I'm a wreck tbh OK i tag: @kihani, @21jd, @lapatronakim, @94seulqi, @gayoongi, @springdqy, @medina-kim, @15minss, @je0n, @cottontae, @taebaeul, @booty-baekery, @lalisl, @babekhyun, @voidpjm and anyone else who wants to try any or all of these!! 
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