#an open love letter to space to turtles and the incomprehensible concept of infinity. donatello if ur out there..........MUAH <3 a lil kissy
glowinggator · 4 years
Summary: You look at the stars with your boyfriend, Donatello. 
Pairing: Donatello/Reader
Content Warnings: None! Unless you get freaked out by the concept of infinity. It’s honestly just a lot of space talk <3 
Word Count: 1103
Infinity: It’s a concept that mortal minds can never truly grasp. The sheer size and quantity of infinity is incomprehensible, and for good reason. It’s a word that should not be applied lightly, considering how grand it is. So, when one considers our known universe and its nature to constantly and infinitely expand, one should have a healthy respect and admiration for it’s magnitude. Stars, living and dying in radiant throes billions of light-years away, litter the night sky like paint on a black canvas. How loving the stars must be, to share their light and love with us, so that we might admire their beauty from galaxies away. Do creatures from neighboring galaxies look up at their own night sky and see our sun? Do they value our star as much as we do theirs? Do they write myths and legends about the night sky with as much love as our ancestors once did? You smile to yourself. The universe is so vast, so uncountable, and… gorgeous. 
The chilly wind of New York bites at your exposed skin and you instinctively curl further into your lover’s side. Although, you grin to yourself, it probably benefits him more than it does you. You pull the thick woolen blanket up a bit higher as you allow your hand to dance over the scratches and grooves in his plastron. A scar here, a scar there, and countless natural faults and ridges. You wonder how many scars are from battle and how many are from accidents in the lab. He hums quietly to himself as he looks up at the infinite stretch of sky, and you feel a sense of wonder and love for the man beside you: you've never felt so at home. 
"See that little cluster, next to Draco? It has one really bright star, but the others may be harder to find." Donatello asks, pointing up at the sky. You search the sky for the cluster, gazing through his hand. You hum affirmatively when you find it: It sits just under Ursa Minor and next to Draco. Seven primary stars twinkle dimly in the constellation, making it somewhat hard to make out. One star, however, shines brighter than most every other in the sky, which makes it easier to find. 
Donnie traces little patterns on your shoulder as he starts to speak once more. “That’s Cepheus. It’s one of my favorites.” His voice is uncharacteristically soft, almost as though he were afraid of shattering the silence. 
“What’s the story behind it?”
“Well, the myth says that Cepheus was once the King of Aethiopia. He was married to Cassiopeia, which is to his left, and was the father of Andromeda, who is also immortalized as a modern-day constellation. I’ve always preferred the myth of Cassiopeia, but the stars in Cepheus are what makes it one of my favorites.” 
You smile: That’s your Donnie, alright. You look up at him with a grin and a twinkle in your eye. “Tell me about them, babe.” 
He chuckles, “I was really hoping you would say that. God, where do I even start?” He kisses your forehead quickly, thinking of what to say. “Alright,” he begins, “See the brightest star in Cepheus?” 
“That one’s called Alderamin, or Alpha Cephei.” “Sounds like a wizard name.” “I know, right?” He chuckles, “It’s about 49 light-years away, and it’s one of the brightest stars in the sky. It’s a white class A star currently evolving off the main sequence into a subgiant- probably on its way to becoming a red giant right about now. It’s much bigger and far brighter than our own sun, and it rotates incredibly fast. What I find most interesting about it is the fact that it’s a source of X-ray emissions, which indicates significant magnetic activity. And that’s not really typical for rapidly rotating stars. Oh, and in a few thousand years, it’ll be the new North Star.” 
“Our North Star changes?” He hums, “Yes, but not in our lifetime. The last time Alderamin was the North Star was… around 20 thousand years ago? Don’t quote me on that. But right now, it’s Polaris.”
“Oh, cool.” 
“Mmhm,” he yawns, blinking his eyes firmly. He rubs at his eyes with his free hand before putting it back behind his head. 
"Sleepy?" You whisper. 
"Nope," he says, popping the P. "I never sleep." 
You giggle, "Uh-huh, keep telling yourself that, D." 
"Shush. Anyways, the stuff inside Cepheus is even cooler: Alderamin is just an… important feature. NGC 188 is an open cluster, and it's the closest open cluster to the north celestial pole. One of the oldest-known open clusters, actually. But you know what the real 'star' of the show is?" 
You snicker. "Shut up. What?"
"S5 0014+81. It's a distant, compact, hyperluminous, broad-absorption-line quasar, or as I like to call it, a blazar.” He pulls his free hand out from under his head for a moment to wave it around - presumably for emphasis. He’s always been one to talk with his hands, after all. He continues, “In layman's terms, it's a supermassive black hole. It’s 40 billion times the weight of our sun, gives off light 25 thousand times brighter than every star in the Milky Way combined, and is undeniably one of the most powerful objects in the observable universe." He finishes his sentence with a quiet breath, leaving you with a sense of wonder.
You breathe a sigh of awe, staring intensely at the center of the constellation. The universe is… incredible. You absentmindedly trace patterns on your lover's chest as you let the information sink in, and unbeknownst to you, he takes the time to look down at your form, smiling at the way you subconsciously seek out contact with him. And in return, he traces his own patterns along your back, tracing a map of the universe in sensations along your spine. When you tear your eyes away from the cosmos to look at him, you smile. 
His face is lit by the light of the moon, casting an almost heavenly glow upon his features. His eyes shine beneath the all-consuming cosmos, as though they were lit by the light of an entire galaxy. Perhaps he’s descended from the stars themselves, you muse.
“Hey,” you whisper, “I love you.” 
“I love you too, hun.” 
And when your lips meet, you swear that you can understand the light given off by a supernova, and the radiance, light, and love that comes with it. For if there’s anything truly infinite on this small, infinitesimal planet, it is the love that binds you together.
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