#ana dolabra fanart
space-blue · 3 months
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Warm up sketch... This is Ana Dolabra, the fem Sherlock the world has been waiting on (at least tumblr). If I can make even just ONE moot read The Tainted Cup, then I'll be happy!!
Fun fact, Robert Jackson Bennett is the person responsible for my overwhelming preference for 1st person writing. It's not otherwise very popular in SFF, but he CRUSHES it in City of Stairs, which was an influencial series to me when I was starting out as a writer. I decided 'why not, let's try some present tense', and the rest is history.
Anyway his books are always mental. I love his worldbuilding. I wish I could rent a condo in his brains for a while, study him like a bug in my petri dish.
IDK how to dress Ana, but I might make a full length of her in am ao dai...
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aki-chan2014 · 2 months
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A drawing I did of Ana Dolabra from The Tainted Cup by Robert Jackson Bennett. It's been a while since I've done a properly coloured in drawing, so it's a little rusty but I like how it has turned out. Plus I just had to draw something bc of how much I loved the book. I've even got a Din drawing in progress too, so look out for that.
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