#analyzing hyper fixations pog
siedertreestudios · 4 years
My stance as of the last 2 Dream SMP streams (as of Nov. 29th)
Yep, we’re making another one of these folks, time to over analyze pog.
So, the last two streams... New L’manburg is in a bit of trouble, huh? And many people are torn on who to side with, so I figure I’d just lay out a couple of points.
To be clear, I do not completely agree with either side. There’s a lot of grey area, so this is really a collection of thoughts on the matter
1. Tommy shouldn’t have burned and robbed George’s house, and by extension, lied about it.
•This is bad bad news for New L’manburg. Not only is this a misrepresentation of the new government, but it’s also further slandering the Founders of the country. Wether Tommy knows it or not, he is a face of L’manburg, wether he is in power or not. He has put himself in a position where he can’t go around doing stuff like that, as VP or otherwise.
•By lying about it, he further damages his countries reputation, which is most likely why Dream is calling for a larger punishment that probation.
•I don’t think that lying about Ramboo’s involvement was a good move either. I think in the long run, if Ramboo gets involved in the story at large, he will likely betray Tommy, and pull an Eret (go with whatever best suites his interests.) That’s more a read on his demeanor so far, rather than fact, so take it with a grain of salt.
•In the words of our good President Tubbo, “Tommy shut up.” Man’s digging his own grave here, he’s way to head strong and stubborn to be defending himself in a legal setting where he is obviously guilty.
2. There are no friends in politics.
•Tubbo has also but himself in a difficult position by making Tommy VP. Tubbo will very likely have to choose between L’manburg at large and Tommy, which will be difficult in the long run. Needless to say, this will be an emotional rollarcoaster.
3. I understand where Tommy is coming from, but don’t entirely condone it.
•There is one key thing about Tommy that many people tend to forget: he only wants power when he is challenged for it. Tommy displayed literally no intentions of becoming president until Wilbur told him he couldn’t do it, and when he got it, he turned it down. Tommy, more than anything else, wants to cause a little mischief, but for the most part remain peaceful. He cannot excersize that as VP though.
•Burning and robbing George’s house was revenge, plain and simple. He wasn’t happy that George remained mostly neutral and “caused” the conflict with Schlatt (which I disagree with, at the end of the day, Wilbur and Tommy are to blame, at least partially.) Doing that as a citizen? Bad, but not something that would effect the country at large. But it leads back to his position.
•He also has a right to be a little selfish. He’s given up pretty much everything for L’manburg and has been through a lot. Now he’s shouldered too much responsibility tho, so :/
4. Dream needs to take a step back.
•This is a bit more bias of me to say, so just keep that in mind, but Dream going around and doing the same things as Tommy gives him really no room to talk in my opinion. He is the face of the SMP, and the only reason he has not recived the same scrutiny as Tommy is because he’s a. Too strong for anyone to oppose him, b. The head of the SMP, and c. The big baddie who eventually needs a power check.
So, it’s all one big mess right? I know it doesn’t mean much, but here’s what I (a stranger on the internet who’s emotionally attached to all this) would do to get the best outcome in this situation:
If I were Tubbo, I would exile Tommy temporarily, or advise him to take a step back from the government and hand off his title. Obviously, Tommy is competitive by nature, meaning he would fight this. I would lay out the benefits of him not being a government figure: him being able to cause mischief without nearly as much concequences, being able to focus more on his priorities, being happier in general, etc. Tubbo, as Tommy’s closest friend, would likely be the only one to sway him to take a break from this mess. I would like Tubbo out of office, purely because he needs a break too, but taking Tommy out of the equation for a bit would take some stress off Tubbo’s shoulders.
This does leave the problem of him still being able to damage the countries reputation as one of the Founders, but that I’m willing to debate as I really don’t have a clear solution for that problem. Also, there is debate over what Tommy would do with his time away from it all, maybe working on builds or other such things. Regardless, he’ll get in to trouble, but it’s best to minimize damage at that point. Maybe reconciliation with Techno and Wilbur could be possible, as there’s still some underlying tension there.
Again, this is all just a bunch of thoughts. I’d love to hear your stances on the subject, because I didn’t write this out just to be talking to an empty void, so please :,)
Anyways, that’s my thoughts, feel free to add on!!
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