cesar2081 · 8 months
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A term (and/or identity) about having been trapped for an indeterminable time in a white void outside of anything that can be considered a universe.
This being so long that you forgot things about yourself, or things have changed because of this situation. Leading to you trying to find those again, whether it be pronouns, names, genders, orientations, or anything really.
This isn't inherently related to xenogenders, aldernic terms or anything of the like.
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Dark Blue-ish: Emptyness Grey White: The White Void Dull Orange, Dull Pink & Dull Dark yellow: Confusion Grey Yellow: Discovery
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Pronunciation: An-am-verie , ænæmˈvɛri
Usage: It's typically a noun. But can be used in a sentence as long as it feels decently correct in it's usage.
Entomology: Anamnesis [meaning: the remembering of things from a supposed previous existence] Reverie [meaning: a state of being pleasantly lost in one's thoughts; a daydream]
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As this is incredibly personal. We'll be the only ones making terms with this. Feel free to send an ask for a term if you want.
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cesar2081 · 8 months
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A gender identity that combines elements of both Dispargender and Anamverie.
Anamdispargender is when someone feels that their gender is missing due to being in Anamverie. Individuals who identify as Anamdispargender may have a sense of having had a gender in the past, but it has become inaccessible to them because of the fact they were anamverie.
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Ectomolgy: Anamverie + Dispargender
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As Anamverie is incredibly personal. We'll be the only ones making terms with it. Feel free to send an ask for a term like this one if you want.
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cesar2081 · 8 months
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A gender connected to, related to or best described by the word ‘Anamverie’.
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Ectomolgy: Anamverie + -lexic
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As Anamverie is incredibly personal. We'll be the only ones making terms with it. Feel free to send an ask for a term like this one if you want.
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cesar2081 · 8 months
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A gender identity that combines elements of both Demixenolabeled and Anamverie.
Anamdemixenolabeled is a gender experience where an individual partially identifies with xenogenders while simultaneously embracing being unlabeled do to Anamverie.
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Ectomolgy: Anamverie + Demixenolabeled
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As Anamverie is incredibly personal. We'll be the only ones making terms with it. Feel free to send an ask for a term like this one if you want.
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cesar2081 · 8 months
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A gender identity that combines elements of both Demilabeled and Anamverie.
Anamdemilabeled describes the experience of having a partially labeled and partially unlabeled gender identity while also encompassing the journey of self-discovery and rediscovery within a void.
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Ectomolgy: Anamverie + Demilabeled
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As Anamverie is incredibly personal. We'll be the only ones making terms with it. Feel free to send an ask for a term like this one if you want.
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cesar2081 · 8 months
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A gender identity that combines elements of both Pupgender and Anamverie.
Anampupgender is characterized by a deep connection to the small, lively, and adorable nature of puppies.
Individuals who identify as Anampupgender may feel a strong affinity towards puppy-like qualities and find comfort and joy in embracing their playful, innocent, and cute aspects of self.
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Ectomolgy: Anamverie + Pupgender
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As Anamverie is incredibly personal. We'll be the only ones making terms with it. Feel free to send an ask for a term like this one if you want.
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cesar2081 · 8 months
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A gender that is bleeding from Anamverie , or is bleeding Anamverie.
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Ectomolgy: Anamverie + Bleedgenderine
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As Anamverie is incredibly personal. We'll be the only ones making terms with it. Feel free to send an ask for a term like this one if you want.
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cesar2081 · 8 months
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A gender under the genderenfection system in which your gender is infected by Anamverie.
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Ectomolgy: Anamverie + Genderenfection
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As Anamverie is incredibly personal. We'll be the only ones making terms with it. Feel free to send an ask for a term like this one if you want.
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