goldrushed · 4 years
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       “ what did you think i’d say to that? ” @anatcmies​
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snowfalledarchived · 4 years
         she’s  a  little  bit  breathless  (  whether  from  running  to  get  his  attention  when  she  saw  him  on  the  other  side  of  the  street  or  from  seeing  him  again  ,  she  isn’t  sure  )  when  she  asks  ,    “  so  how  long  have  you  been  back  in  town  ?  ”    /    @anatcmies​
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slcwdisco · 4 years
closed starter for @anatcmies​
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        “what’s going on with you?” wilder looks at her curiously. he bends slightly, trying to catch her eye. the pair were, sure, a bit unlikely-- but he was thankful for the friendship that formed. and he was thankful for what had lead them to the friendship, too. but with nell, with her back... god, he knew that he couldn’t let that go. and he’d thought that they were in a good spot, now. but looking at her, he’s worried he’s done something to mess it up without even meaning to. “are you doin’ alright? work’s fine?”
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sunsct · 4 years
is there someone you admire on here? 
not just for their writing skills ( which are impeccable lbr ) but just for being great people, fun people to message, and generally can match my energy. i’d have to say my friends ellie, serena, bee, and amanda! saying them by name instead of url bc y’all know who you are. 
what is it you prefer: angst, fluff, or smut? why?
i’m about to settle the debate here. angst is the best. for me, there is just something about writing angst the heightens everything?? and when i say angst i don’t just mean sappy relationship problems. it’s the only subject that really allows me to tackle my muse’s personal conflicts, familial relationships, etc., which MOST if not all of my muses really do deal with. fluff is just not it for me unless the muses have insane chemistry. in most cases, it takes a really longstanding roleplay partner to capture that. smut is okay. it’s not really my bread and butter and i don’t think i could ever do a smut centered rp, but i can be fun / interesting to write from time to time. 
if you could recommend at least five blogs to your followers, who would they be?
@floralege , @othcrness , @wuunderstruck , @canyonmoone, and @drunkenloved. i would recommend ellie’s blog too but she’s on hiatus 
what’s the one thing you dislike about the roleplaying community on tumblr?
there’s a lot of hypocrisy that goes around and i think it contributes to clique mentality and exclusion in various forms. 
where do you draw your inspiration from?
film and television, mostly. i don’t read ( yikes! ) so i rely a lot on pop culture to draw some muse inspiration. i really just try to picture any one of my characters being protagonists in a film and writing out what i would personally like to see if i were watching a movie if that makes sense?? 
do you still keep in touch with your old roleplay partners?
i’ve been roleplaying on tumblr for close to ten years now and i’m sad to say that i don’t have any contact with the people i’ve met and written with along the way. i think a large reason why would be because i was legit thirteen writing with a bunch of other thirteen-year-olds and we just sort of grew apart as we aged. i’ve been friends with @svcculents for about three years now though and she is legit the sweetest and i don’t deserve her. 
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solonelys · 4 years
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     “ you will get bored of them in two years , and we will be interesting forever . ” @anatcmies​
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sinsoakedsaints · 4 years
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“Could you be happy here with me?” / @anatcmies​
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icekisseds · 4 years
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           him  having  her  phone  in  his  hands  was  meant  to  be  an  innocent  thing.   their  little  boy  had  handed  cesario  her  phone,   and  instead  of  putting  on  a  video,   he  opted  to  take  a  few  pictures  of  the  toddler.   as  one  does.   never  did  he  imagine  that,   when  he’d  open  her  photo  album  to  look  at  the  pictures  he’d  just  taken,   he’d  also  scroll  past  a  number  of  images  that  surely  weren’t  meant  for  his  eyes.   no  matter  the  amount  of  times  he’d  seen  her  like  that.     “   you’ve  been  sending  these  ?   ”     the  question  slipped  out  before  he  could  think  the  question  over,   flipping  her  phone  towards  her.     “   you  look  beautiful  in  ‘em,   slo.   ”
             closed  starter  for  @anatcmies​.
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wuunderstruck · 4 years
i’m always shook by the beauty of ur themes and the clean aesthetic ur entire blog has ! ur muse names are always so gorgeous and i’m definitely always admiring them from afar 🥰
mutuals send me a 🍓 and ill compliment u!
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floralege · 4 years
1, 3, 10
1.  how  long  have  you  been  rping  ?
on tumblr, i’d say since around 2012 or so. in general, i’ve literally been doing it off and on since i’ve discovered the internet. we all have weird origin stories, okay.
3.  who  was  your  first  fc  ?
pffft, i think megan fox as medusa ? or if we’re throwing it WAY back, alexis bledel lmaooooo.
10.  tell me about the first character you ever played.
i mean, in the beginning i joined a lot of groups that went nowhere, so there are a lot of random ones. my first developed and expanded character was cameron waters ! she was a designer in a fashion rp with a lauren conrad fc  ( i’m OLD ) but i still play her to this day and it’s been so fun to just explore different facets of her personality.
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rcigned · 4 years
closed starter for @anatcmies​ ; based on this!
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aiden never thought this day would come. it felt as though it was just yesterday he was watching jaime walk down the aisle, his whole body itching to say the words ‘i do’ so that he could officially be married to the love of his life. fast forward to three years later, he was standing in front of her, divorce papers in his hand ready to serve them to her. it had been a mutual decision, one they had talked a couple of months ago, but it wasn’t an easy one-- clearly, as aiden still often found himself coming back to jaime’s and waking up in the same bed the next morning. it was probably an unhealthy pattern to get stuck in but aiden couldn’t help but come back. he had gotten so used to it that he had almost forgotten about the divorce papers until his lawyer had called him that morning to pick them up. they felt heavy in his hands, as if he was carrying a ton of bricks, so it was a relief to finally set them down in front of jaime but that only lasted a second before that heaviness shifted to his chest. “we have a week to get it signed, but i figured we might as well do them today. i was already in the area anyway.” he felt his heart drop to his stomach as his eyes met jaime’s.
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doradcs · 4 years
└─ ♡ ‘ closed starter for @anatcmies​ ft. dalia !
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her gaze quickly flickers elsewhere, disgust visible upon her features. her lips part nonetheless, words struggling to make their way past her lips. “ i can’t even look at you right now. ”
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goldrushed · 4 years
oksi <3 i love u sm <3 you’re such a talented writer and so so sweet and fun to talk to!!!!! you’re genuinely so passionate and excited ab all of our plots and i can FEEL that you are and that means sm to me <3 ILY
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snowfalledarchived · 4 years
         “  so  are  we  gonna  talk  about  it  ?  ”    maybe  hashing  this  out  over  breakfast  isn’t  the  best  way  to  go  about  airing  out  the  tension  ,  but  atticus  has  never  done  things  correctly  .    “  about  what  you  said  the  other  day  ?  ”    /    @anatcmies​
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slcwdisco · 4 years
closed starter for @anatcmies​
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        june runs ahead of them, and that sight alone is enough to make a smile grow on camille’s face. “i’ll pick you up tomorrow morning, just text me when you’re ready!” she feels her heart swell, and she can’t help but look over to sneak a look at lucas. “she’s so big,” camille says with a wistful sort of sigh. her gaze lingers on him, and she nudges him with her elbow. “we didn’t do a half bad job, did we?”
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sunsct · 4 years
i don’t understand the purpose or appeal of using rp icons like this. ( clearly i exaggerated by making this 30px and adding like ... ten psds but yk what i mean )
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forsunlights · 4 years
@anatcmies​ / jack + ronnie
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shaking his head as he heard the others speak to one another about a case they had been in a slump with, ronnie couldn’t help but avert his attention to the well dressed man that had walked into the station. ronnie nodded off to one of the other detectives before walking outside, his brows furrowing as he wondered. “mr. hyland, correct? what can we do for you today?”
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