cfabyssal · 1 year
[ INTERRUPT ]  for shorter muse to stop during the middle of a conversation and stand on a chair/sit on a table so they can be eye level with the taller one.  (Azem is tiny okay?! Laha is just a damn giant XD)
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While the Convocation debates on how they want to go about expanding the city be it outwards or upwards, Lahabrea stands there as he watches them talk amongst themselves, and while Azem puts in a word, the Speaker crosses his arms as he watches the younger stand up on a chair before him as the two of then starts their debate.
Sighing, the Speaker closes his eyes. "Is that even necessary Azem? Do sit down as your chair is meant to be used for, or stand on your own two feet, on the ground..."
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angelic-din-mortem · 1 year
Your not wrong xD
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Gently pats his arm. Now now Anca, you mustn't go on the murder spree just yet, leave that for the next dungeon.
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vierandancer · 1 year
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“Careful there, Warrior o’ Light – you stand ‘round too long, Nashmeira’ll try t'recruit you into the Troupe!” Meiko snorted, giving a wave with one chakram still in hand before approaching. “You and yours needin’ help again? Or waitin’ for the show? We’re not performin’ 'til after sunset.”
Troupe Falsiam had been earning quite a lot lately, so they weren’t quite hurting for gil so much as to need to send off one of their own (Meiko, specifically) to fight for it. But she didn’t mind helping out here or there for extra pocket change, either.
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bladeshowers · 2 years
ancalagxn | from here
"Lonely huh?" This brought a smirk to the reaper's face as he chuckled a bit. "Sometimes I do like be lonely, gives me time to think and be away from people. But I suppose my face is half the reason why I tend to be lonely." He then shrugs a bit as Ancalagon crosses his arms a bit. "What about you?"
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“Why would your face have anything to do with that? You’re handsome. I see nothing wrong with it.” She winked playfully, before a moment later she grew serious. “Yeah, but I’m always alone. Kind of a lone wolf I guess. So I’ve just become numb to it over the years. Buuut when I see someone interesting, by themselves, I like to start up a conversation. Less lonely that way and it can be enlightening to say the least.”
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kolak-magiya-a · 2 years
@ancalagxn​ liked for a starter!
Reunion was a beautiful place - much of the Steppe was, even though its beauty also came with many dangers, ranging between the wildlife and the nomadic tribes scattered about. Still, Reunion was safe, and she was glad to stay the night here before they continued their journey in the morning.
Sitting nearby, she glanced over at her company. Vaguely she recalled Anca mentioning he was from the Steppe, and it made sense now. His dark scales being very similar to the other denizens here.
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“...Anca, would you ever introduce me to your tribe?” She asked quietly. “I’d like to know more about where you’re from.”
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mandcrville · 2 years
“So there’s more than me on this team.”
Her other teammates were off doing other things, busy as can be, so she thought she’d be taking this alone. It was said that there was a hellish Voidsent in this place, so she’d finally mustered up the courage to return to being a Black Mage.
For the time being, anyway.
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“Are you ready to go in? It’ll just be the two of us.”
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thancrxdwatxrs · 1 year
“you’re kinda cute Thancred." And cue the au ra smirking with his arms lightly crossed over his chest
send “you’re kinda cute” for my muse’s reaction @ancalagxn
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The rogue glanced up and softly laughed, eyeing the Au Ra and mirroring his smirk. "Trying to make me blush? Well, it nearly worked, but I shall accept the compliment nonetheless."
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primalvessel · 1 year
Casually sweeps Maru up into a bride hold as he nuzzles his kitty happily and kisses him gently.
He'd heard the Au Ra coming up behind him but hadn't anticipated being literally swept off his feet. The 'wooah!' that he let out was accompanied by frantic lashing of his tail as he instinctively sought to maintain his balance as all his weight was toppled backwards and he clung to Anca for a moment, until he stabilised.
Laughing gently, he returned the kiss and sighed softly, laying back in the hold and peering up with fond exasperation.
"Next time give a guy a little warning, hm?" he suggested with a soft snort.
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tenuuchlegch · 2 years
Mean to Her!
         Upon her cheeks being touched by those chilling fingers did Odtsetseg unleash a hiss from lungs. If she was not awake before, former Hotgo member certainly was wide-eyed now. Scarcely finding the the action pleasant, dancer then swat his knuckles and displayed a peeved expression.
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         “Seven hells, man! What did you do? Dip your bare hands in the snow?”
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macrocosmic-star · 2 years
“Theeeere you are. Hi. Welcome back. You’re safe. Meteor, can you hear me? They’re here to help you, you need to let them help you.”
Reunion after (physical) trauma:
He felt the force of the Raise abruptly bring him back. Suddenly, everything was pain, even though he thought that sensation was something he wouldn't have anymore. He was back and, with it, unbearable pain. It hurt as he jolted awake, glancing from one side to the next, panting frantically. Those people, he couldn't recognize their faces... except for one.
That one spoke to him and tried soothing him down. He knew his name, he called it. Eyesight blurry, he tried to make the man's face, his voice ringing louder than Meteor's own attempts to break free from the multiple hands reaching out for him.
"H–He—" he panted once more, struggling to break out, internal alarms ringing, whimpers escaping him. He felt in danger, but the other's voice helped bring a wind of peace, helping the Hyur calm down if even a little. Enough for him to be able to speak. "Who are–Who are they? Where–Where am I? I must go..."
"It... It hurts..."
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cfabyssal · 2 years
what the hell did you think would happen? (Azem)
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Lahabrea scoffs as he looks away, armed crossed. He expects many things honestly. There were very few things he would not expect, and whether this was one of them, he did not say in the most straightforward ways. "Such things come at a price for the greater good, what did you expect Azem?"
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angelic-din-mortem · 1 year
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Stunning pictures of Anca, Ardbert, and Azem by @ancalagxn.
10 of ? 
(Do not steal/repost/or take as your own in any way. But as usual reblogs are always welcomed.)
Creator’s note: Day 4: Fate Also featuring my Azem for this.
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nossumusmanus · 1 year
Get to know the Mun
What’s your phone wallpaper: My lockscreen wallpaper changes semi-frequently, but right now it's one of my favorite screenshots of my Quintus alt because I Just Think He's Neat. My actual wallpaper on there, though, is this pretty starry dusk sky to try and match with my Sailor Moon phone case.
Last song you listened to: Foo Fighters - Saint Cecilia, which I am ... currently listening to again, for the fifty-billionth time today.
Currently reading: I haven't sat down to read a book in forever; my attention span won't let me. But I am currently reading a gathering and crafting melding guide? So we'll just smile and nod and pretend that counts.
Last movie: A WWII movie called "Come And See". If you're into that sort of thing, I do recommend it.
Craving: Absolutely nothing. 8D
What are you wearing right now: Uh... khakis? In all seriousness, I'm wearing jeans and a purple slightly-bell-sleeved top.
How tall are you?: 5'7"!
Piercings / tattoos ?: Just my ears pierced.
Last thing you ate?: I may have just finished eating a little chocolate pie before I started answering this.
Favorite color(s): It's a toss-up between silver and blue, or gold and red. But I also really like pink and purple, especially softer shades.
Current obsession: FFXIV, Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs even though the game is old as fuck by this point, uh. That's kind of all I can think of at the moment, besides history -- primarily late 19th century/American Civil War up 'til the end of the second World War.
Any pets?: Six cats and one dog.
Do you have a crush right now?: Not really.
Favorite fictional character: Hmm. That's hard. I'll limit it to FFXIV characters, for the sake of not making a miles-long list.
In no particular order: Ameliance and Fourchenault Leveilleur, Aymerc de Borel, Raubahn Aldynn, Quintus van Cinna, Menenius sas Lanatus, Jullus pyr Norbanus, Minfilia Warde, Venat, Hythlodaeus, Hermes and Meteion, Dulia Chai and Chai-Nuzz, Kai-Shirr, Anogg and Konogg, Lucia goe Junius, Yotsuyu goe Brutus, Fordola rem Lupus, Misija Votyasch, like half of the fucking IVth Imperial Legion, Marsak and Basaljen of the Bozjan Resistance. Ryne and Gaia, Loghrif herself and Mitron too, Magnus gets thrown in there for breaking my heart, uh. Lahabrea, Themis, Erichthonios, Agdistis of course. Igeyorhm, Nabriales, Emet-Selch. The Warriors of Light from the First. I'm probably forgetting some, ngl.
... Actually, I lied about limiting it to FFXIV characters. Speaking of Magnus -- Magnus from MapleStory, as well as Von Leon from the same game. (Roleplaying as Von Leon is actually where my name "Vonny" stems from!) Oh and Oswald Mandus.
Last place you traveled: My sister and I went to this dog school about half an hour away to see about enrolling the puppup there because of her anxiety, and to help train her to be a service dog for my sister and dad.
tagged by: @surpassing-limits
tagging: @valiinus , @angelic-din-mortem , @ancalagxn , @keyward , @peachbelli , and everyone else who wants to do it! Steal it, gogogogogo!
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tellusbane · 2 years
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so. you got worse. and i’m not entirely sure i can blame you for it. maybe it was in you all along, hidden and waiting, or maybe someone planted it in you and watched it grow. either way, it’s there now and you hold it in your fist like a second heart - this blood, this hunger, this thrill of having teeth and using them. perhaps you are right to. you are a mirror for the hardness of the world, and a mirror that we could all stand to look in more often. it’s hard to watch the bleeding bring about more blood, but it is undeniable that you are very good at wounding.  
tagged by: @/khimerism tagging: @asunderedheart​ @gelusbane​ @ventusbane​ @lunaetis​ @seatedsacrifice​ @ancalagxn​ @seeasunset​ @lionfated​ @nyxplayer​ and you!
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kolak-magiya-a · 2 years
Huffing as well since while he had incredible stamina as well to last fights, he had a feeling he overdid it with his voidsent as he held onto the scythe that had been slammed into the ground. Though hearing Melody as she spoke up and looking over to the battered healer, the least he could do was give her a weak chuckle as he struggled to get up onto his legs. "Be dead ten times over? Still, have I ever told you how damn great you are Mel?" Oh they both needed a vacation after this as the reaper gently patted the smaller on her shoulder.
"Need me to carry you?"
A chuckle leaves her at the praise, and Melody looked upward at him with a tired smile on her features.
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“Anca, dear, you can barely hold yourself up, much less carry me.” She lightly scolded, slowly straightening her posture. She still felt the need to use her staff for aid in walking, and she was exhausted from expelling so much magic and ether, but ultimately she could still walk at least.
She waved him away, still smiling, tired, but glad they were alive.
“I’ll be fine. We should head to safety though and get some rest. Gods know we’ll deserve it after today.”
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ancientblxde · 2 years
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If you guys are wondering where to find me:
@ancalagxn​ and @snakeofgarlemald​
these two are my current muses and have been. I’ll probably keep reporting this if I get back on this account more often or something.
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