#anchen post text
anchencosplay · 2 years
Hello everyone~ its been a while, since i wrote or post something on this blog. In the last weeks i thought a lot about social media, posting habits, reach, monetization and of course my own cosplay & crafts. Right now i have the feeling that everyone who has a public social media these days wants it to get fame, be a influencer and earn easy money. You have to post regulary to get the change to have a reach and some people can see your post. If you dont do it - then you are worthless. Most social media places favour this because the algorithm is wrote like this. For a creative person this is hard and not healty for body and mind. Creating always takes time. If you try to rush you get a low quality outcome. As someone who just wants to post as a documentation of their hobby and wants to get to know and connect to other like-minded people. I dont feel like it's a place for me - i never cared much about all the numbers. Maybe its just my current circle or like a generation problem because i get old and a lot of new people join the cosplay community with a completly different mindset who do only care about these numbers. It really got to my head lately because i'm often unsatisfied with my own crafts and selfmade garments in the last years. So i dont post photos of them. But to get the feedback i'm worthless because i dont post regulary really hurts. I still enjoy the sewing and (sometimes also the) crafting progress. It calms me and after my 9-5 job its really nice to get my head in a creative mindset. Even if its always hard to sit down and just do it. Didn't get easier in the times of covid and a head that also tells me stupid things. Scrolling through this 'old' blog of mine was really nice. It reminded me of these costumes i made in the past that i'm really proud of and the good times i had with them. I also got reminded of all the things i learned in the meantime. So i'm gonna try do focus to blog here again, i think its really healthy for me because i can do it just in my time and paste. Also its a good documentary of my journey and i can organize my post so i can find them everytime when my mind is telling me stupid things again.
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anchencosplay · 9 years
Two weeks ago i moved into a new city, instead of attending Animagic. Sadly i couldn't wear the planned costumes with my groups but its okay because i really like my new job :3 Today i unpacked the last movingbox and now only my costumes are left, but they are at my parents place at the moment. I kinda miss them ' ^ ' In the next days i wanna check out the local fabric stores here and maybe then start sewing again.
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anchencosplay · 10 years
Two weeks ago i was at AniMaCo in Berlin with hartlyserious and khaoslager​. It was a really funny and a nice ending of my con season! I hope in my winter break i can finish some old projects before i start with my costumes for the next con season. (and i try to be more active here)
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