#anchored by a holy purpose. | crusader.
reynauld · 1 year
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Every cause needs a champion, a hero to rally otherwise common men to a righteous cause and lead them to victory. The Crusader is that champion. With holy blade in hand he smites the wicked and sends them back to the darkness from whence they crept. While his armor restricts his movement it affords him great protection, allowing him to stand in the frontlines to take the blows that his weaker comrades cannot.
No matter the pressures he faces he will remain strong, finding strength within himself to keep fighting on while inspiring others to do the same. Even in the midst of battle he can galvanize his allies, giving them the strength to fight off madness for a little longer. When the Crusader is leading the charge, all of hell will know to fear the flame.
------------------------------------ Your name is Reynauld, of Avignon.
You came here when your campaign ended in defeat, and dismay. Not the staunch insistence of your commander nor the declaration of victory was able to erase the bitter memories of your dead friends, and dead soldiers. Among the many corpses that fell for zealous purpose, there was your own. Not much can assuage the bitter taste of war, the back of your throat used to the scent of fire and molding flesh. 
You had a wife, and a child, but you could not face them outside of the helm that you wore at first. When you did try to reach them, they seemed to wish nothing to do with you. And thus, you took to older roads, in different countries far from the Light.
And then one day a man met you at a crossroads dive, looking for people to help him on an impossible quest
❝A mighty sword arm anchored by holy purpose - a zealous warrior!❞
Name: Reynauld D'avignon Age: 32 Lineage: Reborn, (Undead, Light Touched) Class: Paladin (Oath of Devotion ), Level 10 Background: Crusader Occupation: Hired mercenary under employ of Regulus von BockRank: Excommunicated Knight Commander/ Former High Paladin of the Flame  Height: 6'4’’ / 185 cm Weight: 222 lbs / 100 kilograms
Strength: 16 (+3 ) Dexterity: 18 (+4 ) Constitution: 16 (+3 ) Intelligence: 13 (+1 ) Wisdom: 10 (+0 ) Charisma: 16 (+3 )
Status Conditions: Undead
Characteristic Spells/Abilities: Light, Divine Smite, Divine Favor, Branding Smite, Thunderous Smite, Heroism, Lay on Hands, Beacon of Hope, Aura of Protection, Aura of Devotion, Bless, Hallow
Proficient in: Religion, History, Sleight of Hand… *whistles*, and Intimidation
Reynauld is a dexterity-based Great Weapon Fighter, whose montante great sword is aptly named “The Last Crusade”. He focuses on dealing and taking as much damage on the front line as possible, using his extreme endurance and quickness to distract the enemy from his allies. His offensive and defensive capabilities, as well as his experience in battle and healing capacity, make him an invaluable pick for expeditions into the dark corners of the Earth. 
Positive: Warrior of Light, Prismatic Force, Luminous, Prismatic Calm, Irrepressible Negative: Kleptomaniac, Ruminator, Risktaker, Witness
Hi. I’m Cas, (any pronouns). I’m 29.
I’m here with @darkestheir
This is a ttrpg analog blog.
Canon storyline. Reynauld arrives to the Hamlet with precious few clear memories, meeting the soon to be heroes of the Hamlet and the valley beyond it. Under Regulus’s beckon, Reynauld descends into twisting dungeons and dangerous forests, fighting beside his companions and friends. The horror grows as the truth of the Hamlet, the surrounding area, and its people are revealed, and not only that truth, but the truth about himself as well. With the defeat of the heart of darkness, the darkness itself is now the enemy to fight ever onward.
A religion that pre-dates the Crusades. It is a pagan religion, with focus on balance, sacrifice, purity of spirit, and human willpower to achieve these things. The Light in its simplest form can be explained as the worship of daytime, the sun, stars, and celestial bodies. There are many different sects of Light worship, each sect having its own particular set of beliefs. The Light is a benevolent and demanding entity, and understanding it is to understand one’s own self as well.
As if confirming the existence of such an entity as “The Light”, there also exist what are called “Light Touched”. Light Touched individuals seem to bear a piece of the Light itself inside of them, being innately attuned to its powers and will. 
📖 Light Touched Template
The First Order of the Light believes the light is like pure essence of life and they are the taps in to that stream. They have means to open that tap wider, and do so with caution, lest they be drawn in and left no longer as an individual but part of the whole.
📖 Of the Light
The Third Order of the Light/The Order of Tephos’, teachings focus on curating and protecting the already present light in all creatures.
📖 The Third Order’s Beliefs
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ramrodd · 7 months
Jesus Was WRONG In Matthew's Gospel | Dr. Bart D. Ehrman
Popularity has been Bart Ehrman's  spiritual path since he had his born again experience with Campus  Crusade for Christ in high school. All the cool white kid were c coming to Jesus as part of the social agitation of  the Free World during the 60s. The  intended outcome of the Trotsky Insurgency Process of the Students for a Democratic Society political strategy was the BaderMeinhoff Gag and Munich 1972,  Calvinism is based on the principle of Christian Insurgency, which resulted in the R English Civil War. It violates Free Will. Ultimately, the Tulip doctrine is a post hoc justification of Michael Servetus at the stake.
This is the ethical anchor of Calvinism. It is why Hegel rejected its as a Lutheran.: re reasoned that Martin Luther abandoned the Total Depravity Jesuit Confession with his 95 Thesis and  embraced his core of rot by marrying a nun and having a bunch of kids and writing usich and drinking beer. Calvinist wear their core of rot like a badge of their Righteousness and indulge their core of rot as the word of God.
Bart Ehrman's argument isn't with the literature of the Bible but with the Total Depravity Gosple of Campus Crusade for Christ. He and everyone connected with the Jesus Seminar are mis  representing this chronology of the Gospels for political purposes going back to the Evangelicl reponse to the Sex, Drugs and Rock and Roll life style of what would become the Woodstock Nation and Affirmative Action,
I was raised to see the world the same way as Cornelius,  I'm an Amy brat and my dad began grooming be to matriculate at the Command and General Staff College around 1986. I was not aware of this going on until I retired and had time and a laptop. My thinking has alwasy been at odds with most Harvard trained executives, but pretty sympatico with Wharton graduates. The finance model of Wharton and the Command and General Staff College is the same, It is a DEI performance model
so, when I am  describing the literature of the 66 books of the Palestine Bible of the Army Protestant Chapel, I am doing it from the perspctive  of Cornelius, As a combat crazed vietnam vet, I shae the experience of Yaweh, Queen of Battle with Cornelius and Jesus. The only difference between the ontology of Cornlios and the ontology of Jesus is that Jesus was part  Cornelius's ontology but not His own.
What Jesus was trying to do was  to transform the  culture of Israel from the vertical trajectory of last times  theocracy and adopting the servant leader example of Cornelius, He bet The Satan in the Wilderness that He could acomplish this  transformation entirely by logical persuasion. Friendly Persuasion and the Quakers are wont to say. The Satan knew the world and told Jesus that he would need to feed the 9000, start a new religion and perform a death defying stunt, Jesus lost the bet when He raise Lazaris s from the dead,
That's what Cornelius comes to see by the time the Holy Spirit compels him to reach out for Peter, who becomes the trajectory of the Gospel and connects the dots of the Roman intelligence surveillance  archives of the Legio X Fretensis , the mythological Q source. This is the first written record of Jesus before He was arrested, much less resurrected.
Bart Ehrman's and the JEsus Seminar is peddling the idea that that didn't happen and  Paul is the first written record of Jesus,  Only one of two things is apparent: either his critical historic methiod isn't worht shit or he is trying to profit form academic mal practice.
The Holy Spirit is the muse of the narrative of the Bible, beginning with the Torah, The Book of Job pre=existed the Torach by a thousand years, along with Enoch's 7000 yeaar Epoch of ten 700 year "weks" that is the template for Jacob's Ladder and Aristotle's mid-Platonic methodology,.
Petr's testimony gave Cornelius a window on the inner working of the social movement Jesus and John the Baptist represented, The context of Cornelius before the Holy Spirit brings him in contact with Peter is the Cross that Talks. Ultimately, Cornelius is the common denominator of the Gospels and Acts. Pilate's lost euangelion to Tiberius  reporting on the Tlking Cross that is summarized in Mark 15:1 - 16:8. The Gospel of Peter extends over the same event. No Jews were preent inside the Praetorium and Cornelius was in the room with Pilate during th  interrogation of Jesus,
The one thing I agree with bart Ehrman is that the Total Depravity Gospel of Campus Crusade for Christ is bullshit. I  mean, the first time I heard the Four Spritual Laws, I tatally agreed with them, Still do. At the time I first encountered the laws, I was already committed to God's plan for me in a military career as a christian vocation, The Liberation Gospel of George Washington and George Marshall.
I got the Four Spiritual Laws just fine. Then what  As near as I could tell, the Total Depravity Gospel was dedicated to  obsessing who was going to heaven and who wasn't and, generally, waiting for Jesus to beam them up whle  worshiping Mammon,
Bart Ehrman is just into slandering the literature of the Bible for fun and profit.
A difference between the Gospel of Mark and the Gospel of Matthew is the difference  betwen the testimony of a largely illiterate fisherman and an educated businessman, If  Levi Matthew hadn't been a publican in the family business, he would have been Pharisee. like Josephus, Matthew connects as the thological dots Cornelius exposes in his narrative that Peter is lafely unaware of except coincidentally, The Gospel of Matthew is a polemic supporting the Judaizing of Peter and James in opposition to Paul. Both Pual's and the Gospel of Matthwen were written after the Jerusalem Council, By the time  the Gospel of Luke and Acts are composed, all the Jesus Followers had been excommunicated from the Jewish Congregagtions, generally, by the expedient of the 19th Blessing of the Amidah. So the bitterness shows through. Ultimately, Pauline Theology is the  theological arugment Jesus bet t The Satan hHe could sell to  Israel and prevent the Apocalypse like John at Nineveh.
In the final analysis, the narrative of the Bible, brom start to finish, is an invitaion to adopt the Holy Spirit as your Mus  in the Hellenistic sense of the word, Selling the Holy Spirit is part of Jesus's minitry,  The Romans adopted the program pretty buch whole cloth and the first 19 bookd of the New Testament commes down to the bread and wind of Melchizedek
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moonlightheretic · 2 years
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WIP WEDNESDAY ‘They came from the sky’ The Heretic 
My breath shook in my lungs, and my bones in my body squeaked and popped, its weight was nearly unbearable. I fell to my knees and gasped, hand still outstretched, as the artifact sang, hauntedly, an earthshattering pulse that rippled the air, and blew me back, my knees skidding against the displaced rocks below.
But I could hear them, all of them, a metallic shrill wail that made my ears ring.
It seemed to come from everywhere, I slapped my hands over my ears, only to realize the Anchor only amplified it.
“They are all singing.” I whispered as my entire body began to shake violently.
So, this is what the Anchor demanded of me now?
“Solas.” I murmured weakly, “Solas, seal it.” It felt like my flesh was splitting by the fibers and I didn’t know how much more I could take. But the mage in question was no longer looming over the artifact, or even engaged with me and my predicament, he had his back to me, his head prowling the edge of the forest.
I pushed myself up and reached for the ghost of his silhouette as my vision blurred, “Solas.” I wheezed; the Anchor was crushing me.
The forest enveloping the stony lake, stirred and grumbled.  The trees trembled, shaking off the tendrils of the low cloud, like snow pluming from the back of a great bear.
The crows screeched, they lifted off in swarms, and painted the sky black as they fled southward.
The Dread Wolf observed them as they flew over, the flock parted midway, splitting directions. A smaller assortment heading back to the depths of the forest they departed, loyally.
“You haven’t asked about Dal’nim once. How curious.”
“S-Solas—” I stuttered; his name stuck in my throat like fractured glass.
The treetops thrashed, like something was barreling through, but then…silence. Everything slowed into a silent stillness.  The landscape was swept up in all-encompassing black, as an iceberg passed, blocking all light, and Solas with it. Only my Anchor laten arm afflicted me with a beacon, an advantage of cruel emerald sight.
It surged in with a scream, a fiery ramble of rage and purpose, streaking the shallow sky a blazing crimson. Where there was one, four more joined its crusade.
Skyborne flames descended upon our small lake, and they hurdled at us with frightening speed. I cried out meekly as they dove into the waters just next to us, festooning the calm lake in rapid torrents of wayward water and fish. Our tiny stone peninsula could do nothing to hold them back. Engulfed by the surge, I struggled to keep myself afloat.
Something strong and bruising gripped my forearm and yanked me into the steaming air, and I coughed violently as I felt my lungs burn from inhaling venomous steam and smoke, I struggled to breath.
Solas hoisted me up, cementing my form to his side, the mage’s brazen blue eyes narrowed at me as he threw his hand upwards, a small barrier glittered into life, embracing us within the shield of magic. The viscous smoke and wrathful waters diverted around us, as Solas expanded our magical cocoon to cover the holy artifact.
“Trebuchets.” I faintly heard him growl, I caught sight of him, teeth bared, and eyes alit with a feral fury I had not witnessed before. I followed his gaze, and a raspy scream tangled around my tongue and teeth.
Four more, one frightening whistle after the other, lurched from the canopies of the forest and aimed right at us.
I squeezed my eyes shut.
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bulwark-of-hope · 2 years
@intentosolenne cont. from here
« nnnno, i’m nnnot. ». yes, yes he is.     since their return from the dungeon, reynauld has been feeling the particularly strong need to not think for a while, not even at the punishment he should be giving himself for how cowardly ( according to his crusader training ) he has been when insisting with the group to go back, instead of continuing to walk towards a path of certain death. and so he eventually ended at the pub, he started drinking a beer  ——  then another, then another, and as someone not really used to drink, he was already well gone. yet, he ordered the fourth one, now in his unsteady hands.
if he’ll manage to actually drink it, or if he’ll spill it all on the floor, that’s all to see.
« i’m-i’m perfectly lucid, ready for ach... tion. action, there, that-that’s the word. ». one hand lifts, index finger pointing at tardif. « a crrrusader’s aaalways ready, didn’ they tell you? if-if-if i were drunk, i would be shattering my fathrr... father’s honour! ». he suddenly laugh - a very short, brief, maybe a bit suffering laughter, before falling back in his dizzy state. « not that i care that much. » he adds, before drinking from his glass. or, trying to, at least.
Oh yes, this guy was three sheets to the wind. Now Tardif wondered why he asked in the first place. He hated to state the obvious but maybe he just tried to gauge how far gone Reynauld was. It was so far, that Tardif even considered taking away that drink from him. Then again, the crusader was old enough to make his own mistakes.  
The bounty hunter snorted, it sounded like the knight had a lot to unpack. Well, if he wanted to spill his guts, he could, Tardif was a good listener, he only despised talking himself. 
“Your father ain’t here, choir boy, no need to keep up an appearance.” they were all delinquents, runaways and scoundrels here, no need to keep up the holier-than-tho charade. Everyone here could just... be.
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brown9045luis · 3 years
European Cup and UEFA Champions League records and statistics - Wikipedia
Uefa champions league statistics handbook - UEFA Champions League Statistics Handbook
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biggiefrank · 6 years
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ramrodd · 7 months
Dr. Bart Ehrman's Top 3 Favorite New Testament Contradictions
"Contradictions" is a term of art of Marxist analysis.
Marx didn't understand what Hegel meant by "paradox" and the dynamical relationship the seeming contradictions had, Such as yin-Yan and supply-Demand,  Marx  assumed that, if he could eliminate the contradictions from material processes, the social processes would neutralize socal disorder '
Of course, the problem was that the synamical relationships of chaotic field is what made the system dynamic,, which is why bothe Brezhnev and Mao realized by 1970 that Marxism was untenable, ==
Bart's first example isn't even a  contradiction: it's like his instructor said: it is a mistake Peter made in his testimony to Cornelis. Peter was a uneducated in the scriptures before he became associated with Jesus and he misremembered the passage, Cornelius knew even less about the scriptures and reported exactly what Peter said,
significance of the mistake is that it reveals that Peter was, indeed,  a primary source of the narrative of Mark
And, just for the record the epistemology of the Bible is inerrant, which Ehrman, being a Marxist bean counter, is unschooled in. His Campus Crusade for Christ Total Depravity Gospel failed him.
Again the disparity between Marks version of the 12 year old girl and Matthews is a consequence of the difference in the purpose of the pericopes, Mark is relating the actual events to a time line that has been determined and anchored by the Holy Spirit to be connected, numerologically, to the women with the 12 year hemorrhage, 12 is the number of the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit is introducing Jesus to the uterus and sets the event off with the textual numerology,. The context of Mark leaves open the question of whether the girl had already died, because, when Jesus actually arrives at the house after the delay of the hemorrhage, the lamenting for the girl was already underway That indicted she was dead, No contradiction, just a difference of emphasis, And Matthew is engaged in a polemic supporting the Judaizing of Peter and James in opposition Paul's mission to the Gentiles
This is a case where Bart's devotion to the critical historic method of Marxism has blinded him to the  literature, In addition, the versification surrounding the hemorrhage, which wasn't added until after the printing press compelled the NUMBERs of the chapters and verses to b added, '
In this case, the mundane numerology is Mark 5:25 - 34 , 25 reduces to 7 and 34 likewise reduces to 7 and the 7s act as cosmic quotation marks setting the episode off for especial attention, Among other things, it establishes that Jesus died a virgin and the connection between this enlightenment of Jesus and the appearance uke in Paul' entourage    is connected,  And =, Finally, if you add 5 and 7 you get 12, Bart's Marxist analysis impoverishes the understanding of the narrative, Which is his intention, because debunking Jesus with dialectical Marxism is far more profitable and popular and Bart Ehrman has always been about popularity, It's why he gigles all the way through his commentary, '
Again, this is a contraction of difference remembrance, Both Peter and Levi Matthew were eyewitnesses and participants in the 36  month team building exercise and and this is when Jesus sends sends them out on their first independent field exercise, They probably reported what they actually took as to what Jesus may have told them to take. They both remember being sent out on two man patrols, They both remember the same protocols for accepting hospitality and hostility. Even John Mark remembers them being sent out in John 4,  The differences are no more significance that the testimony of two men in the same boat on Omaha Beach,
Bart's theme of contradictions ir s reflection of both his embrace of dialectical Marxism as a mthod of analysis and his lingering juvenile theology form Campus Crusade for Christ.  He displays eitehr a profound ignorance of the critical literary analysis of Hegel and//or prefers to inject error into his commentary, which is my case for him and Jimmy Tabor engaged in academic mal practice.
The epistemology of the Gospels and the scriptures, is inerrant, That's what is significant.
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ramrodd · 8 months
Everything You Thought You Knew About The Gospels Is Wrong!4
My ex-wife went to Brown, She married an All-American Stix player from Brown and accompanied him in the Peace Corps as a camp follower. She saved my life at a time when I was alive more out of habit than any particular purpose. The only thing that drew me forward was my relationship with the Holy Spirit, And that was really just out of habit.
In the final analysis, faith is existential. It's call the Acts of the Apostles and not the "sit around wand wait for Jesus to beam me up", of the Salvation Gospel of Campus Crusade for Christ. The Acts of the Apostles is in itinerary of the Word of God by foot and mouth, Both Peter and Paul were committed to the Great Commission of the Liberation Gospel of Jesus, Jesus wasn't teaching anything new: he was  making a course correction fo tangential  trajectory of the Eschatology that originated in the corruption of the Commandments by Moses that is echoe in the Pro-Life Calvinism of the Dobb's decision, The historical scale of the Jesus Seminar is too myopic to fully appreciate the historical sweep of the literature of the Bible.
The thing you ignore in all your scholarship, is the realm of the Magi revealed by the narrative of the Hebrew bible from 3760 BCE when the Book of Job was composed by Elohim the verb as the anchor for Enoch's 700 Year Epoch  as a grid consisting of ten 700 year "weeks" that is the template for Jacob's  Ladders, which , in tern, anticipates Aristotle. Genesis 15:5 anticipates Plato's  Theory of Forms, the gestalt of Euclid's mathematics suspended in the field of topology,
After I got back from Vietnam, I oucl have earned a comfortable living as a  fortune teller in numerology and cards, Before the Nazification of DC by the Reagan Conservatives in 1981, there was a very healthy wicca community in Northern Virginian and Gypsy fortune tellers all over DC and Arlington, DC was the most spiritually and racially mellow region in America after the 70 Memoria  and the campaign to initiate Home Rule for DC and the Fourth of July in 1976, By 1979, Chuck Brown's Bustin Loose and Bob Marley Jammin' defined the streets of DC,
During that time, I was trying to pit Plan B together and I was into a bunch of stuff just from listening to Cat Stevens that shows up in the Bible, One of the things I became aware of was the sharp distinction between the astrology and numerology of everything east of Persia and the astrology and numerology of everything west of India, the fullest extent of Alexander the Great. The reason why Alexander got as far as he did was because of the connection between the Magi and Enoch's grid. We can trace the impact of the Magi on Western Civilization from the Book of Job, which emerges in the annals of Egypt about 185 years before the Step Pyramid was completed, The  Era of the Pyramids, globally, was the climax phase of the Sone Age. The Social organization required to build the pyramids. globally, was sufficient to sustain a lunar colony,, but lacking all the bells and whistles required to build the stairway to the Heavens ,
And that's what the Torah was  created to enable humanity to do. A purpose of Jesu's appearance into history was to validate the God Hypothesis in order to purify inquiry of superstitious behavior. A result is Hume's rules of evidence, which enables God Fearers to examine nature like an atheist,  F-MA is the way an atheist sees the world and being able to manipulate creation on that basis is how we nukes Japan and sent Apollo 11 to the moon and back. There is nothing that pleased Elohim the verb more than F=MA. It is what Free Will is all about. It's why Pro=Life Calvinism is so full of shit
But you can't get there with the theology of the Jesus Seminar. You need to come to grok the Magi. Melchizedek was a Magi  and if you figure out when he appears in Genesis, on Epoch's grid and draw a line perpendicular to the common time line of the Mediterranian basis, you can see the various narratives  appearing around like cotton candy around the cultural cones of Home and Virgin and who every was narrating the Etruscan civilization, .
And everything converges on the Cross at 3793 on the Jewish Calendar in a chiasmatic moment globally and historically and is propelled into the future by the Cross the Talked and produce Hebrews and the Apostle's Creed.  
That's the story you, two, owe yourselves to be telling.
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