#and ALL the specially appointed guardian angels whom He gives divine charge over our earthly lives
1-1-s1ay-2-2 ยท 2 years
Guardian Angels from Heaven are waiting for you to call on them! โœจ๐Ÿ˜‡๐Ÿ’ฏ
The most important list you'll ever need!
Archangel Ariel -- Angel of strength and support of material needs.
Archangel Chamuel -- Intuitive angel of unconditional love.
Archangel Gabriel -- Angel of good messages and positive communication.
Archangel Haniel -- Angel of grace and feminine spirituality.
Archangel Jeremiel -- Angel of clarity and understanding.
Archangel Jophiel -- Angel of beauty and confidence. The beauty of life and positive energy -- thoughts, feelings, and emotions.
Archangel Metatron -- Angel of healing and protection by pushing away unwanted (negative) energy.
Archangel Michael -- Angel of protection over every aspect of your life.
Archangel Raguel -- Angel of fairness, justice, and harmony.
Archangel Raphael -- Angel of health and traveling.
Archangel Raziel -- Angel of guidance and opportunity.
Archangel Sandalphon -- Twin angel of Metatron. Angel of motivation who delivers prayers for us to the divine realm of heaven and helps us stay close to our faith. Also helps us with our commitment and confidence in reaching our life goals.
Archangel Uriel -- Angel of focus, concentration, and inspiration.
Archangel Zadkiel -- Angel of freedom and forgiveness.
The angels in heaven were appointed by God our Father to watch over us as we live our earthly lives. The angels cannot intervene in our lives unless we call upon them. Their protection is designated just for human beings on earth because God our Father loves us dearly and only wants for our safety and wellbeing. If you do not call upon them by name, they cannot help. But if you call upon them by name, they answer the call and they protect you immediately -- without fail.
It's their job. They are ANGELS after all. That's what God has angels for...to protect humanity against all the negative energy that bombards us from the spiritual principalities of darkness. That which we cannot see but the angels know how to protect us against.
WHEN YOU CALL, your guardian angels rush to your side, and they activate their angel charge and they protect you just as God instructed them to do! Amen in Jesus' name.
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