#and B bc they’d swap and /not get caught/ until they chose to
taardisblue · 3 years
hii i dont think we´ve ever really talked before but i just wanted to say ive been really enjoying your tags on thoschei posts in the last couple of days!
like this:
#please tell me someone has written a fic focused on missy receiving that and looking for 12#all the way to her deciding to involve Clara#bc ok#I don’t believe she *needed* Clara to find him not really#earth; noise but no threat; a party; she could have figured it out#but that makes it even more interesting bc that means she *chose* to involve Clara#part of it is probably just that she likes her djdjjd#but it’s interesting bc it’s like the master is always torn#bc they want to be the centre of the doctor’s attention with no distractions but the companions....they’re so /useful/ aren’t they#such a lovely stick with which they can push the doctor’s buttons#easy to threaten easy to kill#and back then they didn’t feel threatened by them; bc in the end the master remained the doctor’s only equal —or so they thought#but *now*?? now the master has found out he’s as temporary to the doctor as every single pet she’s ever had? oh ho ho
and this:
#honestly my KINGDOM for an ep that leads a companion to realizing (AND POINTING OUT!!!) how similar they are#I would have Loved for it to be Ryan but I’d love to see Yaz handling that too#they have this fundamental difference in how they perceive the world#but they also grew up together#the two kids who were smarter than everyone else#who skipped classes together and dared each other to do stupid shit and even NOW#THOUSANDS of years and countless civilizations and deaths and lives and who knows what else later#.....it still shows#they still act the same they still react in the same ways they are still in /sync/#which is why a doctor master team up WOULD kill me in every possible way#can you imagine?? the two of them bouncing theories and plans and strategies off of each other#rapid fire and breathless and /grinning/ and lowkey insulting each other but in a teasing *oh so fond* way#they wouldn’t even realize they were doing it#neither of them
#like worth mentioning that as they flirt and trade quips and rapid fire ideas and grins#Bill is RIGHT THERE#after going through the worst year of her life#and slowly coming to the realization that she’s going to have to die to fix this#dw#but these two are just......so absorbed with each other#with the sheer /glee/ of having someone match them match their speed match their intellect#not that I expected missy to be particularly considerate but /12/????#he’s so /caught/ in the simple *fun* of having someone match him and challenge him that he forgets. just for a second.#hc that I’m treating as canon: that’s what it was like back in school for them#it’s what they were like back at the academy#trading insanely fast ideas and concepts in half sentences that were incomprehensible to everyone but them#riding the high of having someone just /understand/ whatever it is you’re getting at without needing long dull explanations
like sorry to quote your own words back to you but im just really enjoying all your thoschei thoughts thanks for them <3
Hi!! First off, apologies for the delayed response, I queued all these posts in a sudden thoschei haze before going off on holiday somewhere with very limited internet access lol, but this was lovely to come back to!! As fun as rambling in Tumblr tags can be, imo the real fun of meta comes from discussing it with people so this is!!! Very exciting!!!!
I’m going to be rambling a bit more below about the different things you bolded bc I will literally take any opportunity to type about these two for hours kjdfhgfd
using a read more bc this got uh. long. whoops!
The Master vs the Doctor’s companions
I could talk for DAYS about this bc it is fascinating to me. Pre TTC, you’ve got the Master’s arrogance coming out in full force when it comes to the companions (very time lord of him btw lol). They’re not threats, not really, even if the Doctor gets attached, bc they are fundamentally temporary.
(imo, that’s part of the reason why they’re so very hateful towards Jack, bc Jack /is/ immortal, and potentially /could/ be a threat; luckily for them, the doctor is always an ass where jack harkness is concerned kjdfghfk)
but yes, since the companions could never be on the Doctor’s level, they’re not a proper threat (it’s the ‘you’re the puppy’ thing Missy says to Clara). but! that does not mean they can’t be useful and/or even fun. The Doctor’s always out there trying to defend/save humans, sure, but with the companions, they’re /attached/, which means it’s even more fun to threaten them, bc it makes it easier to get a reaction out of the Doctor. But I also think sometimes the Master ends up kinda liking the companion? Missy and Clara is number one example in my mind and g o d, I’m not by any means a s8/9 expert but Missy and Clara are so FUN. I could do paragraphs, but instead I will just link my favorite fic involving them (it also involves 12, and bill, in the final chapter, AND it’s in my humble opinion arguably the funniest dw fic on ao3)
But! This is all pre-TTC! Back when the Master could rely on the Doctor being their equal, and, vice versa, on their being the Doctor’s (only) equal; back when the Master still knew that no matter what happened, in the end, it’d be them and the doctor together, just like they’d started.
Except that now the Doctor’s had this whoooole entire life (lives!!!!) before they met the Master. And they will keep having more of those, after the Master. The Master is now /temporary/. The Master is now a companion like any other.
In short: ouch
(As an aside, this is my read on what I believe is the Master’s thought process; imo, in the Doctor’s mind, the Master is still very much apart, regardless of whether you subscribe to that ‘the master is the kid who pushed bby!doctor off that cliff’ theory, but that’s a different essay altogether)
I think it’s fairly interesting, if slightly frustrating when writing fic lol, that we don’t really see the Master interact with the fam, or at least not out of disguise. As O, he’s his usual meddling self; trying to pique Graham’s curiosity about the doctor, messing with Yaz a little… but beyond that, he doesn’t really acknowledge them much. Could be linked to the plot, sure, but to me it also makes sense that he’d be a lot less personal with the companions than, say, Missy was. He v much encourages their being turned into Cybermen (which…. after bill?? dude. like I know it’s on purpose, (and Dhawan!Master vs the vault and Missy’s arc is its own rant) but dude.), but it’s, once more, mostly about upsetting the Doctor, more than about the companions specifically (then again, in TTC, he’s fairly one-track bc he’s revealing everything). All that to say, this is reason n°3453 why I’d like him to make a comeback next series or in the specials; I’m so curious to know whether he’d try to mess with Yaz more specifically, or if his new found ''''companion'''' status would make him Not Want To Do That
The similarities between the Doctor and the Master
This is one of the many, many things that make me go absolutely feral about them. Beyond the Master’s newfound belief that the Doctor is now some kind of god or w/e, the fact remains that these two??? They are so similar that it HURTS.
They of course have this fundamental difference in how they see the world, and have had it for a while (although, despite my abysmal knowledge of classic who, I do attribute this difference at least partly, to the Doctor’s travels with Ian and Barbara, and then generally to the influence their companions have had on them), /but/…. There’s still a reason why they became so close at the Academy, why they clicked together so well, and why they’re still now, thousands of years later, orbiting each other with absolutely no way to pull back. At their core, these two are still the two smart as hell kids who’d trade ideas and thoughts and concepts at a thousand miles a minute, and just be so gleeful that they have someone who can match them, match their speed, and understand exactly what they’re getting at. It also means they were probably insufferable, but let’s be real, they still are, and that’s why we love them.
It’s something we get a pretty good look at in s10, notably in the scene in the monks ep where Missy has 12 guess how the monks work, and it’s one of the many reasons why I adore that series. Bc despite all their history, they still fall back into that rhythm in seconds, and they don’t even notice. A team up with 13 and Dhawan!master would be even more captivating imo, bc they are so hostile. It’d have to be forced by exterior circumstances (and I don’t think even that would exclude 13 decking him at some point or other), but the fact is…. They are Still similar, despite both their beliefs that they’re not, and seeing them fall back into that synchronicity??? Into that back and forth??? My KINGDOM for this, chibs, please.
The funniest part is that they’d BOTH deny it. It’s not like Missy trying to prove that they’re not so different; the Master now also believes they’re no longer alike, but an outside eye like a companion? Like Yaz (aka a companion who has gone from hero worship of the Doctor to having had months to obsess over everything the Doctor has ever done (including possibly the darker things 👀) + being (I think??) a lot more wary of the Doctor (one day you will [leave again]); Yaz would see it, and she’d call it out and for all the Doctor would deny it…. She’d see it too.
This is WAY longer than I expected and I hope it makes some kind of sense (I am not used to having to structure meta thoughts outside of discord messages and Tumblr tags so apologies if this is helplessly rambly jdhgf), but!! It was very fun!! Thank you for the ask and the opportunity!!
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