#and BY THE FUCKING WAY that sort of ripply pleated silk on miriel and disa’s gowns is really fucking hard to find
Look, i just am so frustrated by the nonsense people are saying about the costumes of TROP. Because there are places they cut corners and it turned out badly! But no one is complaining about the 3D printed ceremonial elf armor and instead are ripping into things like Galadriel’s blue dress looking cheap (it’s made of silk) or Bronwyn’s dress looking generic and modern (it’s based on Norse apron dresses) or simultaneous lack of Pre-Raphaelite influence and too much Greco-Roman aesthetic on Numenor.
Because the Pre-Raphaelites. Never ever ever had any paintings with blatant Greco-Roman aesthetics (heavy sarcasm).
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Right? It’s not like they were obsessed with romanticized Greco-Roman mythology or anything.
But Pancake, what about the elves? Shouldn’t they look more Pre-Raphaelite and Art Nouveau?
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How much more Pre-Raphaelite do you want them to look lmao.
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