#and George already grabbing his car keys and saying ''I'll be right back Marty. i have to take care of something...''
knickynoo · 1 year
Hi, how are you doing? 💕 How do you think Mr Strickland treated "new 1985 fixed timeline Marty", would he still think he is a slacker? Or his vision changed because of George's character development?
Hello! I'm doing well, thanks. Hope you are too!
I think Strickland would generally go easier on Marty in the improved timeline, largely due to the change George underwent post Biff-punch. George being confident and well-respected would give him less fodder for berating Marty, since he can't claim that no McFly has ever amounted to anything.
This isn't to say that things between Marty and Strickland would be great, of course. It's entirely possible that he'd still see those slacker tendencies in Marty simply because of Marty's personality. When it comes down to it, he's still that impulsive, rebellious kid who probably doesn't do great in school. I'm sure Strickland could find plenty of things to critique about Marty.
The difference, though, is that I think Lone Pine Strickland would be kept "in check" by both George and Lorraine. They're no longer the apathetic, troubled people they were in the original timeline, and I imagine they're both very involved in their kids' lives. If Strickland ever dared to say anything insulting or cruel toward Marty, George and Lorraine would absolutely be standing outside his office later that very day to have a discussion with him and settle the matter.
So, I think Strickland would behave differently toward Marty partly because of respect for the way George turned his life around PLUS the added knowledge that he can't mess with the youngest McFly without feeling the wrath of his parents.
Thanks for the ask!
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