#and Hoshina instinctively goes ‘yeah hurry up old fart’
studiobeebo · 3 years
Looking Effervescent AF today my good bro; might I request one Corn Maze drabble with Soshiro Hoshina please? Love u, bye
-dippy 🦑
my dearest of Thanks my Dapper Dippy Broski ily mwah mwah
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♡ Corn Maze ♡
Soshiro Hoshina x Unspecified Gender! Reader
as always if y’all enjoy this please remember that reblogs are greatly appreciated!!
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“You think we go left here?” Soshiro asked, crouched over slightly to ensure his hand could stay securely wrapped around one that surprisingly wasn’t your own, but instead that of a young child who confidently tugged at said hand and huffed out a loud “YEAH LEFT!” in response to his question.
“Sure about that?” “Uh huh!” “Alright well if you’re wrong, I’m pretty sure there’s a corn monster that goes around eating little kids who get l-“ You smacked him before he could finish his sentence to which he gave a ‘What’d I do?’ look in response, but the little girl only laughed as she continued to pull him along through the maze.
See, this wasn’t your child nor did you even know the kid, yet here the two of you were, trying to find your way out of a corn maze that was weirdly difficult to navigate, weird little girl in towe.
It had started as a simple night out with just you and Soshiro, something that very rarely happened and that you were more than eager to take advantage of, but it was his idea to go to a fall festival he had seen advertised a few weeks ago and you excitedly agreed.
Your evening had started out damn near perfect, with cool yet comfortable weather and plenty of good snacks and drinks to keep you both happy as you wandered through the festival grounds checking out all the different booths and activities until you finally came to the end where a large corn field spanned out far beyond where you could see and a giant “CORN MAZE! ENTER IF YOU DARE!” sign hung above an entrance that had been placed a little off to the side.
You were about ready to turn around at first, your feet were already beginning to hurt anyways and it was clear that the sun would be setting in a half hour or so, but Soshiro was insistent that half an hour was ‘plenty of time’ to get through it and being annoyingly persuasive was something he could’ve mastered in, so after only a few minutes of back and forth debate you finally rolled your eyes and agreed.
Of course half an hour passed fairly quickly and you lost count of how many times you heard him mutter “Huh, coulda sworn that last turn would lead to the exit…” or something similar, but with that mischievous smile never leaving his face you weren’t totally sure he wasn’t just teasing you and leading you around in circles on purpose, but before you had the chance to bug him into letting you take the lead, you almost fell flat on your face after stumbling into something that came up to about your waistline and disrupted your walking.
You yelped, but with it being completely dark now you had to scramble to get your phone out to shine a light on what you had run in to, however a kid with a sucker stuck in her hair staring up at you was not what you were expecting.
“Hi!” She had exclaimed, seemingly unbothered by the shocked look on your face and the fact that she had popped up out of nowhere. “Um…hey..” You muttered back, but your shock was quick to turn to confusion and then to worry as you realized this girl was far too young to be out here on her own in the dark.
Still, even before you could say anything, Soshiro was already crouched next to the girl and calmly asked her a list of questions in an attempt to figure out the situation without scaring her, but she was surprisingly happy and explained that she got separated from her parents ‘a while ago’ as if it were just another one of those things that happened.
At first you weren’t all that concerned as you had noticed earlier that a handful of attendants stood around the exit of the maze and you figured they were there for situations just like this one, but your boyfriend was quick to mention that if anyone had been alerted about a missing kid they definitely would have been out here with flashlights and such looking by now, so you both came to the conclusion that her parents must have not been able to find their way to help either, so here you were now, trying to get yourselves and this kid back to safety as quickly as possible.
The girl's nonchalant attitude was a bit off putting to begin with, but after a while you were grateful that she was so cheery rather than being hysterical. She was quite the chatterbox too, droning on and on about different topics from her favorite toy trucks to which kids at school she thought were ‘buttheads’, and to your surprise, Soshiro was as patient as ever and chatted along with her happily. He even let her ‘lead the way’ as you had seen by the girl tugging him along, but you had noticed that he would only do so after looking around and determining the way she wanted to go was actually the right way.
Of course you knew he had been trained in the skill of calm evacuation, but even so it was a bit endearing to watch since you had never really seen him interact with children, though it seemed to help that the girl didn’t seem to mind it when he would joke about monsters or other such things and even teased him back a few times.
You were more than content just watching and giving your advice when you felt it was warranted and he didn’t seem to mind much himself, even gently hoisting the girl up into his arms and carrying her when she complained that her feet were hurting, though that was only after he told her that he fully expected her to carry him once his feet started to hurt.
Their conversation began to slow and you could tell by the way her eyelids were dropping that she was beginning to get sleepy, but right as she was about to doze off, Soshiro’s relieved “Geez, finally.” upon seeing the exit perked her right up. A moment later she was scrambling out of his arms upon seeing a group of attendees and who you presumed to be the girls' worried parents just outside the exit.
The two of you let out a sigh of relief upon seeing the girls parents damn near squeeze her to death while lovingly yet sternly reprimanding her for running off like she did, their attention turning to the two of you as she told her story about getting help from you and your boyfriend before they gave you just about a million different “thank you’s” before finally going on their way.
“So much for a night off.” Soshiro finally groaned out once they were out of earshot, rubbing at the back of his neck as if he were just exhausted, but you knew him well enough to know that the safety of others was something he put far ahead of his own needs and that he was just as relieved that the girl got back to her family as you were.
“Well at least you can give yourself a pat on the back for that daring rescue, hero.” You teased, leaning over to kiss his cheek while intertwining your fingers with his own. “But I think maybe next time I’ll pick the date.”
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