#and I am avoiding a kinktober line up for my own sanity
mamayan · 9 months
Should I do a followers milestone event?
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awintersrose · 4 years
ObiKabu for kinktober #15 would be interesting.
Kinktober Prompt 15 - Impact Play (From this list of prompts)
This one is more rated M...
His skin is the first thing to draw the eye, genetically unique and begging for adornment. Adornment is something Kabuto can easily give. 
The true challenge is the pride in the older man's eyes, his stance, the line of his spine. It would require building up, breaking down. Exploration, study, and a trained hand. 
Working over a submissive is quite like a complex dissection at times - taking a specimen apart using the very building blocks of systemic response and release. Only these specimens, both precious and conscious, have the benefit of learning who they are, who they could be, who they would be under his control.
Kabuto is well accustomed to bestowing such gifts on deserving targets. 
From the moment he sets eyes on Obito, the decision is made, the plan formed, right down to the implements, namely a sweetly crafted leather martinet gifted to him by his first master.
Learning from the best has had its benefits. Namely exposure to Leather culture steeped in tradition and protocol, most of which he’s adopted as part of his chosen play style. The rest is all his own, and that’s what leads him here, with an especially wondrous specimen all too willing to be tied and plied with pain and the prospect of pleasure.
“I bet no one’s ever used that on you before.”
Kabuto pauses. There’s no need to allow anyone to see him ruffled by such a statement, and really, it’s a silly one.
“I was mentored by a leatherman, and thus spent a lot of time in that community. I’ve bottomed before.”
“Yeah, but did you enjoy it?” Obito’s lips quirk in a slightly cocky smile.
It’s annoying. It’s entrancing. It feels a hell of a lot like a challenge.
“I don’t see where that’s of consequence. It was educational, as it was meant to be. I take it you think you can do better?” Kabuto loops jute rope around Obito’s chest, threading the ends through the bight.
The taller man stoops slightly so that his mouth is close to Kabuto’s ear. “I know I can.”
Definitely a challenge. One that Kabuto would be apt to ignore were it not for the hairs standing on end along the back of his neck and the curiosity that runs rampant at a single thought.
“Then I suggest you put your money where your mouth is. Prove it.” He smirks, letting the rope fall. “I presume you know what you’re doing, yes?”
Somehow their positions are reversed against the wall and Kabuto’s not quite sure how it’s happened. All he knows is that Obito is very warm and very close, with fingers poised at his chin - staring him squarely in the eye.
“I know what I’m doing, cutie. Take your clothes off and I won’t ask you to call me Master.”
“I would have undressed anyway,” Kabuto grumbles, unbuttoning his shirt and laying it aside, followed by his pants. “And you’ve not earned the title so that’s a moot point.”
“Well now you get to undress for me. Same limits as we discussed, or do you have anything more I should avoid?” Obito’s right hand spans Kabuto’s throat, tracing the fluttering pulse there and noting its urgent beat.
“No, my list was comprehensive. I’ll safeword if I need to.” Kabuto peers up at him, rendering a dare of his own. “Shall we begin? Show me what you were so confident about.”
“Oho, aren’t you demanding? I will. One thing first,” Obito traces his jaw then deftly removes Kabuto’s glasses, setting them aside. “Now turn around and put your hands up on the cross.” He gestures to the St. Andrews cross nearby.
Effectively blinded, Kabuto reaches up to hold onto the rich mahogany with a slight sigh. The relief, however, is short lived as leather falls run the length of his spine, then pure warmth presses flush against his back. 
“If you safeword or take your hands down, I’m going to stop. Understood?”
“I understand,” Kabuto replies.
It takes active effort on his part to suppress the shiver that lingers somewhere around his spine, but when a hot exhale rushes across the nape of his neck, his ear, his reactions are rendered involuntary. He can practically hear Obito smile.
“I’m not going to expect you to count, but I am going to expect you to feel every. Last. Bit.” That teasing voice turns darker, almost purring, as if the man has become another person entirely. “And maybe, just maybe you won’t keep those sharp teeth gritted the whole time.”
At once, there is cool air at Kabuto’s back and the first strokes fall, criss crossed lashes laid one at a time across his shoulder blades, their warm points of impact radiating outward. The sensation steals his breath for all that the strokes are light. 
He’d nearly forgotten what a good flogging feels like. The martinet’s falls are shorter than is usually optimal, but they are lavish and well tooled - and they bring Obito closer in proximity. Besides that, Obito wields it well. 
Kabuto does own twin bullhide floggers that would be even more appropriate for the task, but as additional strikes are laid with almost mathematical precision several times over, he forgets all detail of the implements - too focused on the here, and the now. Obito seems to read his reactions in an instant, switching the pace, increasing it, laying incendiary stripes down the muscles of his back and his hips with near flawless technique.
Each fall leaves a mark, even if invisible, stealing away a piece of his sanity, his resolve. It’s as if the dark stranger is weaving a spell wrought in pain and slow-burning pleasure, turning Kabuto’s very nature against him. He had no intention of truly surrendering to his chosen submissive, merely enduring this little challenge, and yet he hears Obito laugh softly in response to something. 
It takes him a moment to realize it’s because he’s uttered a sound. 
“Kabuto - it’s alright if you like it. Let me hear you.” Obito’s broad hand runs the length of Kabuto’s spine and hot lips brush the skin of his neck just below his ear. “I want to.”
The unexpected softness leaves him reeling just before Obito draws away and lays another series of deft strokes across his buttocks and thighs, the martinet whipping through the air so swiftly that Kabuto can hear the tell-tale sound in anticipation. 
Like it? Is that what’s happening? He could yank his hands away from the polished wood, call red and stop the scene in its tracks. Could, but doesn’t. The way that his mental capacity is drifting slowly from his grasp is alarming to say the least.
As leather makes contact with skin, another sound, a gasping sort of cry, gets bitten off in his hearing. The husky voice behind him still urging him on confirms that he is in fact the one guilty of the utterance, and the slight humiliation makes him feel as if he’s teetering on the edge of something.
He just might fall.
It’s strange. Nearly discomfiting. A soft haze lingers short of his inner sight, blurring the edges of sensation and emotion - a bit too far to reach. This is just as well when he’s not so sure he wants to relinquish a logical headspace. Yet as the scene meets its pinnacle, it seems it’s no longer his choice; everything becomes gently fuzzed over, less sharp… better than he imagined. 
So, this must be subspace.
Obito’s hands, now free of the implement, trace the fiery heat glowing upon Kabuto’s skin, as if to soothe, never losing contact as they glide up his shoulders and slowly toward his wrists. His chest meets Kabuto’s back as he guides both hands away from the posts and secures Kabuto in a solid embrace. And just like that, the scene is over.
“Such a good boy.” Obito’s whisper is nearly tender, an unexpected anchor. “Thank you, Kabuto.”
Being called anyone’s boy should rankle and twinge, but somehow it doesn’t. Perhaps in combination with the play session, this is something to be documented in full, perhaps tested once more for the sake of confirmation. Being thanked, on the other hand, feels just right, and as he leans back against Obito, he turns to give him an imperious look. 
“You’re welcome. I admit your technique was satisfactory - you didn’t lie. But next time - I get to do as I like with you.”
A smug grin crosses Obito’s lips as he leans in closer, brushing lips against Kabuto’s cheek. He can feel his new play partner’s breath stutter in his lungs. “Something tells me we'll see about that.”
AO3 Collection
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jinjikook · 7 years
as the seasons change (m)
🎃 word count: 3.3k
🎃 genre: smut ; high school au + a/b/o-verse
🎃 pairing: reader/xiumin
🎃 warning(s)/kink(s): a/b/o dynamics, heats + heat sex, mentions of knotting (but none actually takes place), lots of biting + marking
🎃 summary: with an offer he can’t refuse, minseok goes over to help you through your heat.
🎃 requested by: hyungminnie ♡ - “xiumin + a/b/o w/ lots of biting/marking"
🎃 music: monster - exo
🎃 masterlist + kinktober 2017
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Spring was usually smooth sailing; easy on the eyes and the temperature never rose too high or dipped too low like the sun did at the end of the early evenings.
Well, it was easy if you didn’t have either of these two things: allergies or spring heats.
Being an omega had its pros and cons but one thing that drove you quite literally mad: the heats.
Sure, once you had enough of them it became protocol. You had a set schedule and the supplies on hand for whenever it struck, being allowed to get off school for a week and stuff yourself with carbs and whatever toy you had for that time around. But it was the hassle of it all, so annoying to deal with and more so than that, it was frustrating beyond belief.
As much as you’d like to fool your body into thinking the high quality vibrator was instead a hot, hormone-ridden alpha, it just never worked that way. It seemed like even your inner omega knew it was an imposter and only allowed it to bring you temporary relief solely because it was so desperate, it’d take anything though it’ll be sure to remind you how much better it’d be if it was an alpha instead, shortly afterward.
“Minseok, please. I’m begging you, if you come help out, we might be able to break it early enough so I could go to Junmyeon’s beach trip this weekend.” You whined on the phone, your best friend on the other side of the conversation.
You’d grown up lucky enough to have had an alpha so close by, keeping you safe from creeps and other alphas alike. But when it came time to your heats, Minseok avoided you like the plague.
“I just don’t think it’s a good idea, Y/N. I don’t know how my alpha would act out if I was presented to such a willing omega, especially one in heat. Regular sex alone is pretty intense,” He scratched at the back of his head, inky locks shiny with moisture as he’d literally hopped out of the shower at the sound of the assigned ringtone he had for you.
You threw yourself back onto your bed, trying to ignore the ache in between your legs as you focused on the timbre of Minseok’s voice instead, the honeydew oak that licked patterns up your sensitive spine. Out of frustration, you fisted at a pillow, digging your nails in and trying to appease the omega inside you that thought about rutting up against it for sweet relief.
“Besides, we wouldn’t want to make our friendship weird, right?”
“It wouldn’t be weird!” You shot out immediately, voice in a dangerous range of pitch that forced Minseok to pull the phone away from his ear for the safety of his hearing. “You’d be doing your friend a huge favor! C’mon, I’ll do your calculus homework for a week!”
You could nearly hear the cogs whirring in Minseok’s brain from the other end of the call, chewing on your lip in anticipation.
“I really don’t know…”
“Two weeks! And I’ll buy you chicken nuggets whenever you want!”
“Free chicken nuggets? Wait, from the school cafeteria or—”
You whined into the phone, feeling the edges of your sanity burning away quicker.
“From anywhere okay?! Just please get your ass over here already, my parents are about to leave.” Minseok quickly nodded before vocalizing his agreement, seeing as you couldn’t actually see his nod.
He scrambled to get dressed, nearly tripping on the mess on his floor. His mom wouldn’t be too happy over the fact that he was going over to a friend’s house instead of cleaning his bedroom like he promised but there was chicken nuggets on the line—he was not about to let that slip through his fingers.
After hanging up with him, you took the liberty of getting the room ready for your guest; making sure all the essentials were at arm’s reach from the bed (lube, water, condoms and a bullet vibrator; you weren’t sure just how kinky Minseok was but you opened up the option in case he wanted it) and prepping yourself up. It was already sinfully easy considering how slick and eager you were to finally have a warm body to help you in your tryst.
In the midst of it all, you hadn’t looked at the time or realized the noises coming downstairs—the perk of being an omega? Soundproof rooms, for the loudest of heats—until there was a knock at your door, a voice muffled outside that sounded suspiciously like the octave of your mother.
You ran and tore open the door, finding a slightly anxious and still damp Minseok shuffling on his two feet. Your mother was next to him, giving you a wary look. It seemed like she hadn’t left as swiftly as you planned.
“Your friend said you called and invited him over?” She gave him a once over, knowing Minseok from a few school events and the times you’d talked about him over dinner, but not really ever seeing him personally like this. “Y/N, do you know what time of the season it is?”
“I am painfully aware of that, Mom. I don’t think I can ever forget, honestly,” You deadpanned, grabbing Minseok by the wrist and tugging him into the room. His eyes wandered over your choice of décor, clearly stopping at the items on your nightstand that reminded him of the exact reason he was actually here for.
Unfortunately, your mother caught on as well and her eyes enlarged to the size of saucers. She dragged you out of your own room, asking to be excused from Minseok’s presence as she brought you down the hall to hiss at you angrily.
“What do you think you’re doing?! You are eighteen, Y/N, much too young to be letting an alpha help you with your heats—”
“Mother, there are omegas way younger than me with alphas by their sides, and I trust Minseok with my life. He’s been my best friend since we moved here and I just really can’t deal with it alone this time.” You tried to vie for your mom’s pity, using not only the moving excuse but the whole kicked puppy look you had going for you was working wonders.
She clicked her tongue and tutted, clearly not happy with your decision but not feeling like there was much else she could do to sway your decision. Plus, Minseok was already here, and the hostess in her knew better than to toss out a guest after they’d only just arrived.
“Oh fine, just please try to keep it whole-natured. Make sure he respects your boundaries and all that, and no knotting. Your father is going to yell my ear off when I tell him what’s happening but I’ll try to get him to understand.” She patted your rear lovingly and sent you off with an affectionate peck on the forehead.
With that, you shut the door behind you and made sure to lock it, taking a towel and forcing it under the crack of it to ensure no sounds got out to embarrass you any further than you already had been.
Minseok turned at the sound, eyes wide and glassy. He was probably nervous but the scent of a omega starting their heat was something hard to fight off, his alpha snapping at him to get on you and breed.
“Alrighty! We are all good to go, was there anything you wanted to go over before we start? Any kinks, no-go’s, that sorta stuff? Or should I just start stripping…?” The look on Minseok’s face was priceless, not expecting you to be so forward and straight to the point.
“Uh… I don’t think so? This is really weird, Y/N.”
“That’s because you’re making it weird, c’mon,” You motioned to the bed and let him seat himself on the edge as he looked up at you standing between his spread knees. “Think about it this way: you’re getting laid, two weeks of no calc and free nuggets.” He cocked his head and nodded, before turning frozen again at the sight of you pulling your shirt over your head.
He watched tightlipped as you bent down to drag your jeans off your legs, leaving you in a set of black underwear and Minseok felt the beginnings of a hard on start to stir in his pants. Not like he wasn’t already half hard from your scent alone, but no one had to know that.
“Now, I’m already kinda ready to go so, how far are you from fully hard?” The look in your eyes was playful, a teasing glint to them as you placed a hand on Minseok’s shoulder and prepared to straddle him.
“How are you doing this?!” Minseok stood suddenly, startling you and completely throwing you off your game. “You act like I’m here to play a round of Monopoly, not fuck you brainless!”
You giggled at his outburst, trying to placate the boy and his obviously ruffled feathers.
“I deal with heats all the time, sex is kind of my expertise at this point.” Minseok ran a hand through his now mostly dry hair, adjusting to the situation slowly but surely. “What can I do to make you feel more comfortable, hmm?” You petted Minseok’s wild locks, taming them and cooing at his expression from being preened.
“I dunno,” He kicked the floor thoughtlessly, a nervous tick. “My alpha is kinda going haywire right now and I don’t know how to get it to shut up long enough to think straight.” Minseok admitted, concern crossing his features as he presented his initial discomfort all over again. The last thing he wanted was to let his instincts take over and lose control of his mind, for your safety, of course.
“Well, in my experience,” You began, taking him by the hand and leading him back onto the bed, but this time you laid down on it for him to stand over you and watch. “I’ve learned that your alpha has some pretty good intentions in these sort of situations. I say you let it give you a helpful nudge in the right direction. What’s it telling you to do?”
Minseok’s eyes raked over your body, tantalizingly spread out for him in a display of pure, unadulterated sex.
“It wants me to claim you, to breed you and make you mine.”
Your eyebrow shot up, smirk toying on your lips.
“Well then? Have at it,” You gestured to your body and watched a fiery red flash in Minseok’s eyes, his alpha going wild for a moment before he finally lunged forward to attack your lips first.
It was feral, hungry as he devoured you and the kiss felt like it was hard enough to bruise. It was that sort of delicious kind of pain that sent tingles along your nerves the longer it went, air coming scarcely as Minseok dominated the lip lock. He growled against your mouth and his hands wandered, clawing where he saw fit.
You hissed into the kiss, feeling his deft hands moving to your back to undo the clasp of your bra as he moved down, nipping along your jawline and leading down to your neck. There, he was granted unlimited access to the planes of your body, taking full advantage of the opportunity.
Minseok sucked and licked every inch he could get his hands on, biting harshly right over your jugular and twice more along the left juncture of your shoulder. The pain was barely registering, your mind more so focused on Minseok’s hand dipping into the front of your underwear to hastily sneak two fingers into your wet heat.
The move caught you by surprise, not expecting him to be so productive after being so cautious before. It seemed the freedom to mark you as he wished allowed him to relax some, letting his alpha dictate some of his actions.
“M-Minseok, shit—ah,” You whimpered at the feeling of Minseok fucking you with fervor, his fingers taking no mercy as they plunged into you over and over again. His mouth, on the other hand, had its own agenda as he moved lower to suckle on your breast, biting there multiple times as well.
You could already feel the marks blooming; something you’d have to work hard to hide later on if you were to spare your father’s sanctity and sanity.
Your omega however was clearly enjoying the display of claiming, keening every time Minseok snapped his teeth shut around your skin. He preferred the doughier, firmer parts of your body to bite on, making sure to leave several stinging marks along your breasts and hip bones.
He finally unlatched his teeth from you, giving you room to breathe as he hovered over your barely clothed body, admiring his handiwork. Minseok hadn’t left a single place untouched, everywhere bearing his mark, scent and saliva, just like his alpha wanted.
Now that he was partially satiated, he finally was able to think with a clearer head and had more means to follow through with your initial intents. His cock was hard in his jeans and he didn’t even ask before undoing the button and yanking the zipper down, your own eyes watching in anticipation.
You made sure to make work off the last garment you had on, throwing your underwear somewhere in the direction of what you hoped was the hamper.
The heat was getting stronger, more intense as time dragged on and the overwhelming scent of alpha was intoxicating in the room, especially in this intimate of confines with the said alpha. Minseok breathed in the heady scent, getting high on the smell of sex alone and he reached over your nude body to grab a condom, completely forgoing the bottle of lube there as well.
“You don’t need any more slick,” He began, ripping the condom wrapper open and hastily pulling it down over his impressive length with a sort of accuracy that made you wonder just how much of his alpha was in control at the moment. “You’re already soaking wet for me, babe.”
Despite being the one who asked him to help you, a part of you was seriously unprepared to hear something so delectable coming from Minseok. It made your omega jump with glee, the idea of being claimed getting closer to becoming a reality.
In your head, you always imagined spending a heat with someone would include hot baths, rose petals and scented oils. Maybe it was the cheesy romantic in you, who knows? But this felt loads better, for some odd reason. Just Minseok and you, sharing an intimate moment and letting your inner breeds take over even if your room was a mess and he’d been nervous as all hell at first and you only had a shower in the bathroom that connected to your bedroom instead of a porcelain bath.
Minseok lined up with your entrance and pushed in, a little quicker than you’d liked but he bottomed out soon enough and stayed there to let you breathe and adjust. The clench around him was insatiable, everything in him screaming to just pound into you and make you scream.
“’m good, ‘seok,” You slurred, feeling impossibly full at the warm, pulsating cock inside you instead of some hunk of silicone and metal whirring against your walls. It was a sort of high you could get used to, feeling like your heat wasn’t as unbearable as it usually was.
Minseok placed his hands on either side of your face and bore down, grinding down hard and slow just to make you writhe. The sounds you were making were so addictive, Minseok wanted to drink them down and feel full from them alone. He began to increase his pace, thinking in the mindset of his alpha—claim, breed, fuck.
His head came down to mouth at the other side of your neck, returning to giving you full sized bites and hickies. Soon, his hands moved down from the bed to grip your thighs, bringing them around his waist to clench tight around him as he fucked into you harder. The bed springs groaned and protested with the movement, your moans growing in volume with the uptick in strength coming from Minseok. If it wasn’t for the soundproof walls and the towel unceremoniously shoved under your door, Minseok would’ve gotten red in the face from the sheer embarrassment of having to face your parents after finishing.
The sounds of sex were resonating in the cozy room—Minseok’s hips smacking against yours and the whiny whimpers dripping from your lips as you arched your back, begging for your alpha to go harder, to breed you right. Minseok wasn’t about to disappoint and neither was his alpha, as he gave into your wishes and pounded the air right out of your lungs.
It felt like ages, the soundtrack on an endless loop with a scratched record but soon enough, the twine in your belly hooked tight and tugged, your hands scrabbling for purchase on Minseok’s back and leaving searing, hot tracks of your fingernails. He growled at the burning sensation, returning the sentiment with a harsh bite on your chest, just where a tank top would open up to.
Coming hard, long and drawn out like you had all day to be on Minseok’s cock, the other continued to fuck into you with fervor until he felt the itch of his knot swelling, pulling back instantly and feeling like cold water washed over him, breaking him out of his sex-induced trance.
You were still in the afterglow of your ecstasy, feeling the aftershocks wrack shivers into your bones and feeling better than you usually did after coming during a heat. Sure, you weren’t knotted and there wasn’t any come in you but you had had at least the physical companionship your body oh so craved, and that in itself was a win.
Minseok watched on as you finally rode out the last waves of your orgasm, still painfully hard and close to coming any second.
You looked over at the boy, frozen in place at the edge of your bed and one quick glance at his lower body told you what you needed to do. With shaky hands, you tore the condom off Minseok’s length and ignored his questioning glare before laying back down, displaying your body and the marks he’d graced you with to him.
Fixing him with the best bedroom eyes you could muster, you let your omega peek through as you directly communicated with his base creature—something so intimate only a few could do it with others.
“Come for me, alpha.”
Minseok groaned loudly as his body felt like it was possessed, coming in pulsating spurts all over your body, covering you in his scent. The sight and smell pleased and placated the alpha inside Minseok, his knot dying down as his body realized that this wasn’t a breeding session.
Part of him wanted to know what it’d be like to knot an omega, one in heat would surely be quite the experience. But it was too risky and the more competent part of his mind knew that that wasn’t to happen unless he settled down with an omega permanently.
When he finally came to, Minseok found himself huddled in a comfy bed that wasn’t his but it surely did smell a lot like him. He was devoid of clothes and come, cleaned up carefully by your tender hands after he’d blacked out from such an intense orgasm.
“So, how was that? Do you regret it?” You piped up next to him, realizing he’d finally awoken from his sex-induced slumber. It took Minseok a second, mind still catching up with him and the events that took place but soon his groggy voice joined your own.
“Definitely worth the chicken nuggets,” You two laughed breathlessly and let exhaustion sweep over you until the next wave of heat caught up, forcing you two in another round of sex.
Not that that was a problem or anything, of course.
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