#and I don’t have to finish my homework today so wheee
i-am-befuddled · 2 years
hehehe I get a snow day tmr
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marcholasmoth · 4 years
OSRR: 2163
good news! i'm not gonna stay up until 5 reading. bad news: i stayed up until 4 doing homework. and i gotta work in the morning.
rip me.
anyway, i went to see hannah and demi and joth tonight, and i intended to make us pancakes for dinner. so i stopped at the grocery store and i got all sorts of stuff to make things. got there, made up deviled eggs first, cleaned up (repeatedly), then when people were all present i went for making the pancakes. (there wound up being six of us - two more of hannah's friends were present and i got along with them just swell, while demi and joth probably didn't take the addition too well; i could feel that both of them were off from the moment they came inside to see another person, and they only got more distant when the sixth person showed up.)
the bad news: the rich people hannah is house sitting for don't. have. good. pans. what the fuck kinda rich people are you if you don't have good plans??? OR a working thermostat???? the fuck guys?????
i tried making pancakes THREE. TIMES. in different pans! greased, ungreased, didn't matter. their once non-stick pan is shit, with almost all of the coating gone. all of the pancakes i tried to make ended up sticking to the center of the pans, even though they weren't burned. they were perfectly cooked! i pride myself on my pancakes. i make damn good pancakes! i know how to make them fluffy and perfect throughout! but those! fucking!! PANS!!! WERE AWFUL.
the sausages i made - along with the pancakes that never were - were good, thankfully.
so in resignation i told hannah to order from the red arrow for us. i got chimnkin tendies and fries and honey mustard and i ate ALL of it. and the eggs were good! so that was also good.
i wound up hanging out with hannah and her two friends and leaving demi and joth to be together, partly because i was hungry and hannah and her friends were at the table, and then i needed to do homework.
after demi and joth left, another one of hannah's friends came over, and we were just all being ridiculous at the table together. bunch of fuckin weirdos. i love them.
i wound up leaving around 12:45 or so to go do homework at home, and upon arrival i went straight to work. i finished up my stats. i even finished up my physics notes for the chapter i'm on. so that means i can go straight into the homework tomorrow after tutoring.
that also means i'm going to be dead tomorrow. because the appointment is at 11 and i still need to fall asleep like the insomniac i am. wheee.
and my sad moment? i never got to see joel today, even though i was in londonderry. i texted him around 5:15 or so, and he hasn't responded yet. i know he was at a party yesterday, and it said "read at 9:02am" or something on my last texts to him last night, so i know he's alive, but i haven't heard from him. which sorta makes me nervous, because anxiety, but i also know he's okay? if that makes sense? there's no looming sense of dread, and lisa hasn't called me, so i assume joel is fine. like okay-fine, not fine-fine, but joel is my goblin and i adore him and he is fine in my book. 😊
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kimsunwoah · 5 years
homework || kim seungmin
prompt: "go away my girlfriend is studying"
kim seungmin x fem! reader
warnings: none? maybe a kinda moody reader? idk i thought about and wrote this at 1 in the morning :") 
word count: 1k
note~ this is my first one ever wheee~ please be good to me ㅠ^ㅠ suggest, comment, or request in my ask!! you can also talk to me if you want uwu
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- another school day ended
- you walked out of your campus with a sigh and frown, trudging to your next destination
- like they always say, thank god for friday
- but not in your case, sis
- you were on your way to the dorms with a heap of papers and assignments due next week
- of all places, why your boyfriend's dorm?
- well, long story short you sucked at math while your love, kim seungmin, excelled at it
- and maybe because you missed him
- and maybe you also had to finish 5 back to back exercise sheets for that subject
- plus an estimate of 10 more papers from your other subjects
- no worries you were okay with the other subjects
- not math though
- math was your greatest enemy
- good luck :)
- on the way there you made sure to buy your needed food supply at the 7/11 nearby to keep your final brancells working
- don't we all :")
- also because you owed a certain someone some snacks
- just because you lost to him over a game of call of duty
- once you arrived you greeted the person who opened it with a tired smile
- it was woojin who opened the door, the certain someone you owed snacks to
- you gave (threw) a bag of lays to him, which he thanked you for
- it was 2 days since he ate lays a teddy bear needs his energy too
- after the greetings you made a beeline towards seungmin and jisung's room
- i know it's a disaster inside
- put a puppy and a squirrel in there-- yep i'm stopping there i'm sure you get what happens on a daily basis
- (pure total chaos between a neat freak and a messy boy)
- when you get inside though, you drop all of your things on seungmin's bed
- their room was surprisingly extra neat today though
- maybe seungmin figured you'd be arriving (a bit) stressed and a messy room will definitely not help
- there was no seungmin in there though
- but there was a jisung
- "hey sung, where's minnie?" you asked the lyricist
- "just in the washroom. how was school--"
- "not now, please"
- as you can see you weren't really in the mood
- (blame the homework and mayhaps your teachers and classmates for giving you the bad day)
-"ooh a rough day i see," the squirrel teased, twirling his pencil between his fingers as he thought of the next line to the song he was writing
- "he'll be out in a few. just take a seat on his bed, lie down or whatever-- just relax there for a minute." jisung added with a chuckle
- squirrels do have feelings huh
- but as you were about to get yourself comfortable, your angel (devil) went back inside the room, happy to see his girl
- His Girl
- "bun, you're here! how long have been waiting for me?" seungmin smiled at your tired figure
- he knew you were coming there so he wasn't surprised
- your bags and folders (that you literally threw on seungmin's bed) also did not escape his line of vision
- "hi bun, just got here like.... a few minutes ago." you replied with a less tired smile
- few minutes = 11 minutes
- everyone has to take their time in the comfort room right?
- but how cute you call each other bun uwu
- and you guys make each other's days uwu  ♡^♡
- (i just want a seungmin for a boyfriend please)
- he walked his bed to fix your scattered stuff on his bed before asking you to get your assignments
- when you do get your homework, you turn back to see jisung still there on his side of the room, playing a game on his phone (instead of writing lyrics)
- "hyung? you're still here?" seungmin asked while taking out your food supplies (chips, bottled milktea, chocolate granola bars) and lining them up on the side of his bed
- "i'm not bothering you guys don't worry-- unless you were planning on--"
- "hyung, please go away my girlfriend is studying." seungmin cut him off as he gestured to you 
- who is already starting to solve some problems
- and so jisung left with a ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) face
- seriously though
- seungmin just didn’t want anyone disturbing you
- with your studies especially
- and his time with you
- the poor vocalist just misses his girlfriend
- (jyp give them a break please)
- and seungmin believes spending time with you while tutoring you was the most productive kind of bonding for you both
- “you’re struggling, i see you struggling, then i struggle with you-- see it’s a win situation for us babe”
- “min sweetie i just wanted help”
- it’s okay though he knows he’ll get his cuddles from you after you’re done 
- and so you were able to finish your math papers (after a few hours) with your boyfriend’s help
- aka a kiss on the cheek for every 5 correct answers
- you both benefited from that though
- “see? I told you it was a win for both of us”
- and yes you ditched the other 10 papers
- you could do it in saturday anyways
- and yes you did cuddle seungmin when you were done
- you actually watched a movie with the rest of the boys in the living room
- maybe you snuck a few kisses here and there too
- but don’t all couples do that
- (and skz getting jealous because their second youngest already has one and they don’t) 
- “if you guys won’t stop the pda then continue it in the room”
- “chanie-hyung is just sad you guys have each other and he’s a third wheel”
- “you’re a third wheel too jeongin don’t act like you aren’t”
- [cue a pouting jeongin]
- seungmin just laughs them off as he wraps his arms tighter around your waist
- maybe you might ask for more math homework if this was your reward
- fin
Note~ yay i finished my first one! Hope you guys liked it uwu
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