#and I haven’t drawn her properly yet because she’s covered in tattoos on basically every inch of skin
deadwooddross · 1 year
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Here, you can have these…Mostly warhammer doodles
One Mlem Thavu, and some Boobies from the same page, of which I cannot post in its entirety bc it’s The Bits. But I like this ink so I wanna show SOME!!!
Tattoo girl I don’t think I’ve mentioned here yet..her name is Scriven, she’s my darktide zealot, and she’s a little deranged. But also kind of a bimbo. She’s obsessed with Skin
And one Spayse Mawine
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gins-potter · 4 years
What are your winx and specialists tattoo headcanons? Who would have tattoos and which one would they have?
Heyo, as usual sorry this took me a little bit but I wanted to properly organise my thoughts and find reference pics as well. and tbh I could end up coming up with more stuff but this is what I have so far.  (under the cut because it ended up kinda long af and tagging @catlliecal​ because she also sent an ask asking for this).
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Ok so my headcanons for Bloom’s tattoos have changed a bit over the years 
but at the moment I imagine her with a fairly large hip into thigh, full coverage piece of the Great Dragon
she chose it’s position because i imagine oritel is probably a conservative old man when it comes to tats (even tho i can so see miriam also having a dragon tattoo) so she puts it on her thigh so she can easily cover it by wearing a long dress for royal events
it would probably be in black and white but I can see the Dragon being intertwined with some flowers, probably Daphne flowers for her sister (which you can see in the two images on the right) and I can see those being coloured a pale pink kind of like in the middle reference pic
and because this is the magical dimension i imagine it’s been spelled so while it stays confined to the one area, it can move a little bit and change positions
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so because bloom is both a basic bitch and completely extra i totally see her having more than one dragon tat
her second one would be a lot smaller and probably be a lot more simpler in design compared to her thigh dragon, so something more like the top two images in the second graphic
also in all black but maybe spelled to breathe red fire?
and it would also be enchanted so it can fly around her body, and unlike the bigger dragon it’s not constrained to any area - it’s favourite places to be are flying in circles around her wrist or sitting on her left collarbone over her heart
the other two pics in the second graphic are just older ideas i had for bloom’s tattoos, i was convinced for ages she would have it going down her back like the one on the left (i might eventually give this tattoo to either miriam or daphne) and i just love the design of the one on the right so i briefly considered her having like a shoulder/half sleeve dragon
all of flora’s would be in colour i think and she would definitely have that sort of water colour effect on them that’s really popular now
her first two are similar in design to the pic on the left and she would have them on either side of her torso, sort of upper rib area, to the side/just underneath her boobs and they’re like a mirror image of each other
these ones probably wouldn’t be spelled to do anything special
the one on her back is similar in design to the pic on the right, but i can see it also being drawn more like a full tree
the writing down the centre would be her and helia’s family names (because i can definitely see them hyphenating when they get married) and then on each leaf is a name, first helia, then each of her children
i’m playing around with the idea of this one being spelled to change with the seasons, the writing would always stay the same, but the leaves change colour and eventually fall off during autumn and then grow back in the spring.
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for the moment i can actually see layla only having one tattoo
and that’s this yin yang/opposites fish design that you can see in the reference images (they’re all more or less the same i just found too many cute photos)
it’s actually based on a mosaic in the andros castle that layla loves, and she gets it because it brings her peace when she’s feeling upset or anxious about anything
they would be all in white, one fully white, and the other just a white outline
i think the fish would probably be on the inside of her forearm so she can see them and they would be spelled to swim in circles around each other
i can see her maybe getting nabu’s name somewhere after he dies but i’m not 100% sure where she would put it
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musa’s are actually the hardest to pin down for me just because i can see her having A Lot
like at least one full sleeve and maybe two
one sleeve would be mostly made up of the music notes for a song her dad wrote for her mother before she died and that would run down most of her arm and would be decorated with birds and flowers important to melodian culture (like the flower top right)
like bloom’s hers would be mostly in black with a few pale red and orange accents here and there
the music notes would be spelled so that when you touch them they play the song
her other arm is more just a collection of stuff she thinks is cool or pretty like the bottom two pics or the boxing art below
and i can eventually see her completely filling her arms so the tattoos spill onto her back
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stella in my opinion just has two
they’re very minimalistic designs, plain black, and on the inside of either elbow
she has a sun for solaria on one side and a moon for celestia (her mother’s home realm) on the other side
the moon tattoo causes quite the controversy when she gets it because some solarians think it isn’t right for their crown princess to show such strong ties for another realm but stella refuses to remove it
they aren’t spelled to move or change or anything but they do have the ability to glow a bright gold at night
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like stella, tecna’s tattoos are rather minimalistic as well
but unlike stella, tecna’s are very meme-y
tecna gets a QR symbol on the inside of her upper left arm that when scanned is actually a rick-roll
and she eventually develops a spell for it that allows the QR code to change so that it takes you to whatever meme tecna currently finds the most hilarious
her other tattoo, which is on her right forearm, is written in binary code and no one actually knows what it says
they can never get a straight answer out of tecna about what it is, and everytime someone asks her she tells them something different, so they assume it’s meme-y like her other one
but actually it’s a short sappy quote that reminds her of timmy but she’ll never admit it to anyone
(don’t ask me what that quote is i haven’t decided yet)
that one has a simple spell on it that makes it look like someone is typing out the code over and over again
kind of like musa i can see tecna having more tattoos than this, i just can’t decide what they would be, but i think they would all follow the same simple, minimalistic design
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it was hard for me to find reference pics i liked for the guys so i’m just going to give a brief description of some of the tattoos i think they would have
i don’t know if i’ve written about this on tumblr before, but i have a long-held headcanon that heros have a big tattoo culture:
getting their first tattoo is part of their graduation ceremony from red fountain
they’re encouraged to get tattoos that remind them of their family/friends/loved ones - some yada yada about remembering who they’re fighting for when facing evil forces
and it’s very common to honour fallen team members by getting a tattoo of their name or something that reminds them of the person
sky’s tattoos are mostly on his chest and back
his graduation tattoo is an eraklyon prayer of protection that runs down his spine
he doesn’t get any other tattoos after that until nabu dies which is when he gets his friend’s name on his ribs (right side) and that’s where he adds other names of fallen friends/team-mates
later after he and bloom get married he gets her name on his left pec (right over his heart the big sap) and then adds his kids names beneath it after they’re born
none of sky’s tattoos are spelled or enchanted
brandon’s grad tattoo is a list of his siblings names on his left forearm and Stella’s name on his right arm
eventually, like sky, he also gets his kids names added to stella’s
all his name tattoos are individually spelled to burn really hot when that person is in trouble
brandon struggles to decide for a while where to put nabu’s name but eventually decides on the centre of his back because he likes to think that wherever nabu went after he died, he’s still there in spirit watching his back
riven shocks the fuck out of everyone when he graduates and gets the red fountain school motto (”live with courage and die with honour”) tattooed in giant fuck off lettering across his shoulders
they all figured he lowkey hated red fountain and maybe he did at first because come on he’s a rebel without a cause at what is basically a military school, of course he kinda hates it there
but he also acknowledges that red fountain more or less turned his life around as well as brought him into contact with the people who eventually he comes to regard as family (much more than his biological one)
like musa i can see riven getting a bunch of other tattoos just because they look cool and putting them all over his arms, chest, and back
but his right bicep would be reserved for tattoos of his fallen friends
unlike sky and brandon he doesn’t get names however, but instead gets symbols, the first being a likeness of nabu’s staff after he passes
helia i think would have all of his on his back because he understands the importance of having them but also doesn’t need to see them every day
his grad piece is kind of unorthodox because he gets his favourite line of poetry to remind him that there’s still beauty in the world even when he’s facing evil
later i feel like he would get something like outstretched bird wings just below it
and under that he gets nabu’s name in really nice script
timmy is probably the least prone to tattoos of the group and he has to think for a long time on what to get for graduation
and people assure him that he doesn’t actually have to get one just because most everyone else is
but eventually he decides to get a small coloured blaster on the inside of his elbow
when he was in freshman year at red fountain he was lowkey ashamed when all his classmates took to using swords almost straight away while he preferred using his gun because he thought it meant he lacked the physical strength and courage to use a short range weapon
but he slowly came to realise that it wasn’t a weakness, but just that he had different strengths to his friends and classmates and that wasn’t a bad thing
so he decides that’s a good thing to remember
and when nabu dies again he debates whether or not to get a tattoo commemorating him but ultimately decides he will and gets ‘his name written near his blaster
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