#and I hope I delivered somehow as I tried to make it as bokuaka as bokuaka could be
owlyflufff · 1 year
If bokuaka went on a date to one of these following places, where would the most chaos be caused?:
-An exotic animal petting zoo (eg ostriches and crocodiles)
-A waterpark that's only open from 10pm to four am
-a restaurant that is slightly too posh to behave at because everyone sounds really funny
Anon, may I just tell you how galaxy your brain is because all of these are so good and a perfect avenue for bokuaka to ensue chaos xD!
However, allow me to do you one better, they do all three of these in a single day (or two since the waterpark opens till 4 am)
It goes like this: exotic animal petting zoo, the restaurant for dinner and cap it off with the waterpark.
The first stop is the zoo and not even a moment in, Bokuto got all of the tour guide maps EXCEPT for the one they actually need and can read which is in Japanese. Akaashi admittedly had a bit of an itinerary, in his mind at least, however whatever plans he had are very much trampled by the way Bokuto just runs across the zoo and the "chase after Bokuto" Olympics has begun.
The two of them decide to go to the tiger section for now. Akaashi has to reprimand Bokuto from trying to reach out his bare arm towards the tigers because Fukurodani certainly still needs their fully functional spiker in one piece. For the sillies, Bokuto snaps a picture with the tiger, sends it to Kuroo with the caption "Nekoma could never :P", get it? Cause tigers are also cat-
They go to visit the other animals and though Bokuto had stopped trying to reach out his arm, there comes another hurdle, him attempting to feed the animals. Akaashi throws deadpan comment after another telling Bokuto clearly not to feed the animals to which:
"But Akaashi! Look at these alpacas, they're so cute, how can you not want to give them food?!"
There are certain animals to which are allowed to be fed fortunately, Bokuto takes Akaashi's hands that have food and lead them to the animals, swearing it was his lucky day when he saw a glimpse of Akaashi's fond smile as he fed said animals.
If you think going around the areas with the animals was chaotic, no, for the #1 enemy is actually the gift shop. Without a doubt, Bokuto is already scanning through the various knick knacks and goodies the store has to offer. He's in a genuine problem in choosing what item to purchase until Akaashi walks up to him, holding a pair of keychains with animal puns on it and simply says:
"For us, so that we can match."
Bokuto has never ran faster to the cash register.
The last animal was the one that they had been looking forward to the most: owls. Much to Akaashi surprise, Bokuto was afraid to reach out and give them a pat on the head.
"What if it doesn't like me Akaashi? Does that mean I'm going to get kicked out by the scho-"
"Bokuto-san, being rejected by an owl isn't going to get you kicked out." Though amidst his attempts to lighten Bokuto's mood, he can sense in the very least Bokuto didn't want to sully his first interaction with an owl so Akaashi ever so gently takes Bokuto's hands in his own and together they reach for the owl. It tilts it's head for a moment before gently bumping against Bokuto's hand.
Bokuto let's out a big :D face to Akaashi to which Akaashi gives a silent thumbs up in response.
At the end of their first location for their date, Akaashi had to stop Bokuto from attempting to steal a bunny from the zoo (although in the very least he will admit it was cute-)
"AGHASHEEE!!! That was so much fun! The owl liked me right? It kept nudging it's cute little head on my hand." Bokuto exclaims as they take a moment to sit and unwind on a bench nearby.
"It seemed rather fond of you Bokuto-san."
"Right?! I got to meet an owl for the first time, I'm just glad none of the animals hated me-"
"Whose to say some staff members at the zoo won't hate you after you attempted to enter the gate with all the lions-"
"Akaashi! I just wanted to see if the Lion King was real."
To his side Bokuto had never grown fonder to hear the gentle bubbles of laughter spilling from Akaashi's lips.
"Well, admittedly, I'm not surprised that all the animals took a liking to you."
"Hm? Why is that?"
Slowly but surely, Bokuto can feel a blanket of warmth hug one of his hands. The next moment he peers down to see it's intertwined with Akaashi's own. Another moment, Akaashi's head leans against Bokuto's shoulder and there is so much warmth. However, the words that left Akaashi's lips couldn't be impossibly warmer:
"Because Bokuto-san is a very easy person to love."
(To be continued in the next post)
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