#and I really want to write out the rest of the hedgehog kid's prophecy but alas....I'm so bad at poetry.....
aethersea · 1 month
Hello! I am really enjoying your Thistle the Show analysis posts, there are some really interesting ideas in that show! (and also from a goncharov-ing a story perspective they are so much fun to read)
eyy I'm so glad! I love that show, I love the heavy atmosphere and the overwrought symbolism and the 'power of the land' magic that's never fully explained and the tragedy of it all, god this show is so good at tragedy for something that does technically earn a happy ending. if KILLING OFF YOUR EPONYMOUS PROTAGONIST can count as a happy ending, god, I never recovered, even if he did come back to life afterward that still just MURDERED me.
it's so thematically satisfying is the thing T.T he dies and I'm just sitting there like....the themes......we're breaking the cycles of trauma and vengeance.......
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crossroadsdimension · 4 years
A Quick Perusal of My Library
Because talking with @thelastspeecher​ makes me want to see if there are any like-minded readers out there on the Internets before I hasten myself off to bed!
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[ID: The books Eragon, Eldest, Brisingr, and Inheritance by Christopher Paolini, The World of Shannara by Terry Brooks, and the first two novels of Riordan’s Heroes of Olympus series.
To begin with -- yes, I was an Eragon kid growing up. Yes, I went ahead and bought all of them. And yes, I have a nostalgic love of it, even if looking back on it, I can agree it was written terribly by comparison to most literature I come across, but I can look at it like a beginning writer writing their first fanfiction and throwing it to the four winds to see who wants to pluck it out of the air and read it. (Yes, I have To Sleep in a Sea of Stars. There is a very noticeable difference between his writing style as a kid and his writing style now, believe me.)
Also, The World of Shannara is one of those world-building encyclopedia-ish books. If anyone here has heard of the Shannara Chronicles...yes, I read the books they are based on, and yes, the author is still writing books for his world. Go read them, they’re fantastic. My mom read them when she was a kid and I’m thinking about raiding her library for whatever remains of them at the moment. Perhaps later.
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[ID: a collection of Pokemon Adventures Manga. The books visible detail the Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, Firered, Leafgreen, Heartgold, and Soulsilver story arcs]
...If some of my previous posts haven’t made it obvious already, I am a Pokemon nut. I don’t have all of the manga volumes for the Pokemon Adventures manga, but I’m getting there. Black and White is the next on my list.
Also, there’s another layer of manga behind the ones in this picture. Believe me when I say I have everything for Gen 1-4 in terms of the manga’s story.
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[ID: The image showcases more manga, mostly Fullmetal Alchemist volumes. There are two volumes of manga in the back that are hard to see and are part of Trigun’s published volumes]
Yes, there is yet more manga! And there’s another cube of storage space besides this one that has the rest of the Trigun manga stuffed in it...along with the rest of the Pokemon manga that couldn’t fit in the previous picture. XD I am considering getting more, but if the pictures here aren't going to be indication enough, let it be known that my space is very limited.
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[ID: A bookshelf with a small metal liberty bell souvenir sitting in front of a number of books: The Magician, The Sorceress, and the Necromancer from The Immortal Flames of Nicholas Flamel, the Harry Potter Series, and Mossflower, Mattimeo, Mariel of Redwall, and Marlfox by Brian Jaques, the two White Sand graphic novel volumes from Brandon Sanderson, and The Gideon Trilogy by Buckley-Archer]
Ah, childhood. Some of it, anyway. I am thinking about getting the rest of the Immortal Flames series, and more of Redwall, at least. The Gideon Trilogy is an interesting historical novel-fiction-time travel sort of read that starts out very slowly. I had a difficult time getting into it, but I was hooked. Eventually.
Also, there’s more behind those books.
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[ID: The book titles I’d like to point out here are The Time Quake from the Gideon Trilogy, The Legend of Luke, Taggerung, and Triss by Brian Jaques , Dragon Drums, Time Stops for No Mouse, and The Sands of Time. The rest are either books that were required reading by my college (Years of Red Dust, Grape Leaves), or cat books.]
Time Stops for No Mouse and the Sands of Time were both rather random books, to be honest. They’re a pair that are meant to be together, and they’re mysteries set in a mouse-based society that considers cats an extinct species. 
I also have a...very big collection of D&D books on the shelf directly below -- mostly rule and world-building books, as well as the first 2 of the Adventure Zone graphic novels. But I don’t think I need to post a picture of that here.
Nor do I feel a need to post a picture of a cluttered shelf with all my Archie’s Sonic the Hedgehog comics that I’ve collected over the years. But yes, I have a decent chunk of their published works.
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[ID: Brandon Sanderson’s Mistborn series, Elantirs, The Emperor’s Soul, Warbreaker, and Arcanum Unbounded]
...yes, I am a very big Brandon Sanderson fan. And I do have his Stormlight Archives books, but this post is already getting incredibly long.
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[ID: In dim light, there are 6 DVD cases -- the Gravity Falls Special Edition set, and three Mythbusters DVDs. Behind the Vax’ildan and Keylith Funko Pops, there are five books with a golden hamster on the spine. The series begins with the book I, Freddy, and ends with Freddy’s Final Quest.]
Another selection of books from my childhood! Hidden among some other things, yes. Freddy’s series was an intriguing read for me, and I think one that I got through a Scholastic order form. Dunno why I held onto this one, other than the fact that it’s charming and it’s about a hamster who learns how to type and writes a novel in the first book. Well, autobiography, technically.
This shelf/storage cube shares a level with the Stormlight Archives...as well as my two Journal 3′s because I got the original and the special edition black light.
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[ID: a cube with Brandon Sanderson’s Reckoner’s trilogy, Transformers’ Covenant of Primus, Exodus, Exiles, and Retribution, and hiding in the shadows, an old copy of Macbeth]
Yes, I’m a Transformers fan. I like giant robots. Or robots in general. Shush.
Also, I got that copy of Macbeth from my high school teacher because they were old, beat-up copies, and he was getting new ones for next year.
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[ID: Three Dragonlance novels, Frankenstein, a copy of the 1984 NIV translation of the bible, Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell, Because of Win-Dixie]
Some childhood memories here, some not. The copy of the bible and Because of Win-Dixie have been around for a while. My parents sent me to a private school and I ended up getting that translation as a result of my attending there. Never really felt a need to get rid of it, to be honest. Everything else I bought either in college or after. The Dragonlance novels are a good read, and I’ve been thinking about getting more of them.
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[ID: Some Terry Pratchet novels, the Tale of Despareaux, Return to Neverland, and The Prophecy of the Stones. The other books are various pieces of nonfiction, or very skinny textbooks]
The Prophecy of the Stones is the one I want to point out here. It was a birthday gift that turned into a really, really compelling read. I’d highly recommend it.
Also, the Princess Academy is in the next storage cube over. That one’s a good one, too. I’ve heard there’s a series attached to it, so I’m going to have to go looking for it. (Also, if the picture loads, there is another copy of a Harry Potter novel there. That one’s in German!)
As for the Terry Pratchet novels...I only started buying them recently. My collection isn’t very big yet, and I haven’t bought all of them, either. I may look into doing that...eventually.
...I’m gonna stop this post here, while I still have half a mind to actually go to bed. I need to sleep, I really do. If anyone wants to know my opinions on some of the other books of fiction I have hiding in these pictures -- or perhaps elsewhere -- please, don’t be afraid to drop an ask and let me know!
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