#and I still don't
darlingshane · 2 years
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Emmy Rossum as Angelyne ANGELYNE (2022)
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bungerc0re · 4 months
I am afraid of euler's number yeah
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phantomstarss · 6 months
Y'know, @jun1per-t33th , I'm like 90% sure this isn't what you meant. But this is what my brain immediately went to so have this super quick and super shitty doodle comic.
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luna-rcherub · 8 months
I'm so bad with words lol But like, if they ever actually brought Ashley back and it wasn't just a cameo or something — and I mean as an agent/spy/politician etc. — I definitely want two things; 1. For Ashley to keep her sunshiney demeanor/generally positive outlook in the face of danger (more towards the middle/end of RE4R, when she started changing.) Like even if she's rattled or even a bit terrified at what's happening around her, she's more like 'I/We can do this' and stuff. None of the current protagonists I can think of in RE are quite like that (correct me if I'm wrong, though) fgjkfg so it'd be refreshing to see that in a main character. Plus I recently seen a writing tip about the alternative of a character coming out of trauma more ready to face the world, instead of retreating into themselves/becoming pessimistic. And I feel like that applies here given her arc in RE4R. 2. This is probably a personal preference but, I'd love it if she didn't swear. Ashley doesn't (my sister has played Leon's campaign so many times now, I know I gotta be right on this) in RE4R. Yes, I know she's young and people can change as they grow fgjkfg but Leon and Claire were around her age in RE2R and they were already cursing, so I feel like maybe she could be one of the few characters that just never do. I'm older than she was in RE4R and I don't curse fjgkfg so idk, it could be a character trait she keeps. Plus, her using stuff like 'freakin' and stuff, in place of swearing, is adorable. LOL I'm not gonna be super upset if they do, though haha Other than that, I'm curious to see what they do. Obviously it'd be nice if she could at least see Leon again haha but WHO KNOWS. I'm not holding my breath. A mention of him would be nice, though! Just like how I hope Ashley is mentioned in a future game he's in.
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mulderscully · 2 years
anytime i open any x files episode i remember that scully is considered a cold and distant character by most of the fandom and have to wonder if we watched the same show like. are u serious?
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dudefrommywesterns · 1 year
please tell me that everyone who says that you don't make friends past your early 20s is full of shit. please.
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jorgecrespo · 8 months
just was on hold for over two hours
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khodorkovskaya · 1 year
the deadline to sign up for a master's degree is the 28th of february and i only started looking into it just now. and my god, i want to die already.
already the titles of these programs make me wanna kms. "master in the political economics of capitalism"??? "comodity trading"?? "master in social change"??? what does this all mean?????
plus all of them require B2 english level which i don't have. and i looked it up and the exam costs 400 bucks! and it's only a couple of times a year so like there's no way i'll be able to get it before the 28th. and it's stupid bc i speak english better than any other language but i have nothing to prove it. the only proof i have is maybe the fact that i did the igcses..? but i was like what 14. i don't think that counts.
so yeah, i feel like studying maths was a bad choice. like what do i do now? every master program requires something extra, i can't just go from maths to something else right away. and do i want to do a masters in maths? no thanks!
and you know who put the idea of studying maths in my head in the first place? my ex! like it's ridiculous! why on earth did i choose to study maths all of a sudden? who gave me the idea???
urghhhh i hate this!!!!!!!!!
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eorzeanflowers · 1 year
That Anon I just got about GIFs. Thank you for making this irritating morning even more annoying. I do hope we weren’t mutuals or something, because I do not have the time for someone like you.
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haha yeah man,,, I read the transformers comics bc I’m totally mentally healthy,, and I’m fine about all of this,,
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ohnoitsthebat · 2 years
I was searching for Outsiders fics on Archive of Our Own and nearly had a heart attack when I saw one of the tags on a story. The other tags were pretty basic; the sort of ones you see on every fic, but there was one that stood out, and it was this:
'were people gay in the 60s'?
I just....I have to hope that they were kidding. because there's just...there's no way they can be serious, right? Or am I old? Of course, people were gay in the 60s. Do young people (I'm assuming this person is super young) think that gay people just popped up in the 2000s/2010s as if by magic?
I don't know whether to laugh, cry, roll my eyes, or all three.
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captainjonnitkessler · 6 months
Sometimes I wish we would start calling out the performative radicalism on this site for the poser bullshit it is. "Remember, it's always morally correct to kill a cop!" "Don't forget to firebomb your local government office!" "Wow, it sure would be a shame if these instructions on how to make a molotov cocktail got spread around!"
Okay. But you're not killing cops or firebombing government offices. You are posting on a dying microblogging website to a carefully-curated echo chamber that has radicalized itself into thinking that taking the absolute most extreme position on any subject is praxis but that anyone discussing the most practical way to effect actual change is your sworn enemy. You do not have the street cred OR the activist cred to be talking about killing cops, babe.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 month
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Expertise can't help you here.
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dendrochronologies · 4 months
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maya angelou saying the funniest thing anyone has ever said about editing, which i can never let myself forget EVER AGAIN [x]
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mrtequilasunset · 7 months
Listen man, you guys can't be like "you guys need to be normal about asexuality" and then turn around and get weirdly judgemental when you find out someone doesn't have sex by choice. Like that's weird that some of you do that.
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toskarin · 1 year
oh I didn't realize you used to be a huge piece of shit
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