#and I still don't know the court verdict yay
pomellon · 1 year
Well today's been a day
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trans-advice · 7 years
I'm about 80% sure I'm trans, but I don't know if what I feel is dysphoria or not. I forget that I present as a girl sometimes. It's not until I take a step back and look into the mirror that I realize I have breasts and wide hips, but it also doesn't completely destroy me. It's weird though, because I hated having long hair when I used to. And I know that I could be an attractive female if I wanted to, growing my hair, dressing nicer, but I get uncomfortable at the thought. (1/2)
2/2 When I was younger, I played with barbies, I had a pink room and wore girl clothes, but I don’t remember being obsessed with it. I had a masculine special interest (Which is still a large part of my life) but I never thought as a younger kid that I was a boy. It wasn’t until I was 11 that I began doubting my gender, I’m 15 now. I’m not sure where I’m going with this, I’m just afraid of coming out and later realizing I’m not a male like I think. 
On the one hand, genderfluidity is a thing.
On the other hand, women don’t have to be pretty. that statement is gender-neutral actually. Like we don’t have to conform or want to perform what we feel pressured to perform/do.
Like if you’re thinking about gender conformity, like that’s not an indication of gender identity in itself because that can merely mean you like something & the people around you support it. Doesn’t mean your reasonings have to match up. [1]
I suppose based on your kind of meh/nah-ness towards gender that you might be like one of those gender neutral identities like agender or neutrosis. I’m not well educated with those identities, but i think it’s a good recommendation to check out.
but the most important thing to know about gender identity is that it is Internal. therefore you need to focus on only yourself, not other’s thoughts & stuff. granted, knowing different gender identites can help you see if you fit somewhere. but yeah, basically look up different nonbinary identites, see which ones fit you best & then i guess meditate to see if you agree with it.
Good luck, Peace & Love
This might be a USA government lesson, but still my point is that you can have different ways to get to the same result.
For example, The Supreme Court Of The United States actually accounts for this. Like verdict merely means Plaintiff or Defendant, but to clarify what’s happening the judges have to give reasoning. If like 5 out of 9 justices give the same reasoning & verdict then the ruling gives precedent that the lower courts & such have to follow. However, if say the 5 justices had different reasons for ruling yay or nay like 3 said it violated this clause while 2 said it was this other clause, then the verdict doesn’t give precedent that the lower courts & such must follow. Essentially if something is precedent, it is law. Usually it’s even considered a constitutional law because that’s the legal source justices have to consider & it’s the highest court in the land which is a similar height as a constitution.The difference though is the Supreme Court doesn’t have to listen to their prior rulings but they still have to listen to the constitution.
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