#and I will defend my fucked up cubitos to my grave
cat-mentality · 6 months
I think one thing that is very important but very overlooked when talking about the Red Team is that they have been a very reactive team.
They have never taken the first step, done the lap before the others. They are, from day one, just reacting to the actions of the others, following the tune set as they interpret it.
And don't get me wrong they are some mean little fuckers and they take a lot of pleasure into terrorizing people and just generally being overly bloodthirsty, they have no problem destroying shit and doing ambushes just for the laughs. They are very dangerous, more than they believe themselves to be, and they are all too willing to play the game and not listen to reason sometimes.
But in no fucking way they started the bloodshed or condemned anyone.
Blue Team shed first blood.
They kick started the killing of each other, Team Red only reacted to that. They got killed, over and over again not even in battle, they got spawn killed and hunted in day one by both teams so of course they went with the mentality that killing was fair game, that it was alright to set traps and rob the corpses when everyone did that to them.
It was a coincidence that both Green and Blue managed to find them at the same time, we know they didn't have an alliance to kill Team Red, but they don't have that information, of course they developed an "us against the world" mentality when literally everyone on both teams were killing them.
Other teams started killing, Team Red just went head along and ran with it to the degree they are now. Those are some of the most fucked up people in the Island, all of them with previous murderous tendencies, the trauma of the first day and seeing the other teams just killing without regards just, in their minds, set the tune that that is how they would play the game.
And in the Egg Wars?
Team Green started the attack. They had an agreement of not killing the statue and Green never meant to kill it, they didn't land the finishing blow, but as I said in another post that doesn't fucking matter. Blue wasn't attacking anyone, they couldn't given how little players they had online, and neither was Red. Team Red only went to the kill when Blue's egg was taken out of the race and everything led to believe Green had done it.
They reacted to the situation as they saw it: Green attacked Blue's egg and then the egg died. Why would they believe Green would just chill out? They had no way of knowing or trusting Green if they tried to explain they didn't finish the statue.
They were absolutely fine with the idea of finishing the statue, they didn't hesitate for a second unlike Green, but they wouldn't have done it if someone else didn't kick start the whole thing.
Not to sound more of an apologist than I already did, but Team Red is just playing by the rules the others made, they aren't innocent in any way, I could go on and on about how they are losing themselves, but they have not started any of this shit.
If other teams wanted them to listen to reason.... Well many things could be different if bloodlust didn't blind them all.
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