#and I'd kill for some beef broth
delphi-dreamin · 2 years
Ugh...gotta love being sick (not).
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everettslife · 7 years
Day 25 - 10/13/17 Dublin, Ireland - London, England
Today was another early morning starting at 5:30am but my body is pretty accustomed to low sleep at this point. We spent about 30 minutes going to different bus stops because Eric's guide gave him the wrong location and we had to find the correct one. We eventually found it and made it to the airport. Our plane left about an hour late but that's fine and I'm just happy this flight is only a little over an hour long. You know what else I'm happy about? The seat next to me was empty so I had tons of space on this flight. Prices of food is ridiculous on flights. The guy next to me bought a coffee for 8€ ~$10. That's crazy.
We arrive in London and it looks like every other city so far. We spent about an hour on the "tube" they call it to get to our Airbnb stop. This is the only bad place Eric has chosen so far but it's not even his fault. The lady chose fake pictures to put online. The lady is a crazy cat lady who collects "vintage" *garbage* and puts it all up around the house. Our room is made of stuff she's found on the streets and put together. Our bed is literally jerry rigged together with random pieces of wood she found. She also has a ton of house rules that are incredibly annoying.
1. We have to keep our bedroom door open to let light in and to let her cats wander around since it's "their" spot.
2. We have to clean the shower after we use it.
3. We aren't allowed to kill any bugs or anything in her house because she's vegan. (She also has an ant problem in our room)
4. No meat products allowed in her house
5. We need to keep a very annoying top sheet on top of our bed to prevent her cats from shedding on it
Yeah. This place is awful. Included with her rules lecture she showed us how to scoop the cat poop if it started smelling. We decide to run out and grab some food. There's a highly rated Vietnamese place a few blocks away so we head there.
Worst pho I've had in my life. They obviously used beef powder to make the broth and they added in way too much water. The noodles used were pad Thai noodles instead of pho noodles.
Eric and I headed off to the London Bridge per Shermaine's suggestion and once we got there, we were pretty disappointed (theme for the day). I'm surprised it's even a tourist location. It looks like a regular bridge. The nice looking bridge was actually across the river called Castle Bridge so we headed over to that instead. There were two large brick towers sticking out of it and we took a couple pictures before heading off to get some food. Many people have recommended Nando's to me so we wanted to get that. It was relatively cheap compared to other meals but still very pricy to Bay Area standards. They mainly sold chicken so I got a couple chicken thighs with corn and mash. Delicious. Although the thighs were tiny, they were juicy and packed with flavor. The corn was nicely roasted and the mash was super thick and delicious. Definitely worth the 11.50£ ~$15 price tag.
Chinatown was our next stop to get Londons famous alcoholic boba. It was quite easy to find being in the middle of Chinatown. With a couple non-Asians behind the counter I had my doubts but those were quickly erased. My mango and passionfruit tea with boba was delicious. They put half a shot of something in it but I couldn't taste it at all. The quality was similar to Castro Valley iTea. For about $6 it's definitely on the pricier side but I'd say it's worth trying once.
Eric and I continued to walk around Chinatown afterwards. It was surprisingly nice with lit lanterns hanging everywhere for the moon festival. We stopped by a pastry shop for some goodies (2 moon cakes and 2 dan tat). Severely disappointing. We checked yelp beforehand and it was the top rated pastry shop in the area and wow. Everything was pretty sad and about double the price of the Bay Area. Dan tat custard tasted watery and the crust was very hard while the moon cakes didn't have the right texture and tasted old. London Chinatown was a huge letdown in terms of Chinese pastries but the food looked good though so we may be back to try something else.
The culture of London seems to be similar to San Francisco where it's hustling and bustling but not extremely rushed like Germany. As of right now, I'm pretty disappointed with what I've seen today but I'm seeing Shermaine tomorrow along with the more popular sites. We'll see how it goes.
Highlight of the day: The alcoholic milk tea was great even though it was pricy and you couldn't taste the alcohol.
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