#and I'll not waste my precious energy on such foul people
radmanraditz · 6 years
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I legitimately have no intention of shoving anyone out of any fandom. You’re a big girl, 5kye, you make your own choices. A lot of them are bad ones too. 
You’ve got YEARS of notoriety from Tumblr and Deviantart. You’ve bullied multiple people with female OCs, you’re manipulative, lack compassion for others, and are overall toxic to anyone who doesn’t play along with doing everything you want, or even when they treat you fairly. 
These anons didn’t start getting aggressive until AFTER your friend told you that I had no intention of unblocking you to speak with you. 
Everyone who has voiced their grievances with you are people you don’t even speak with anyways. People don’t like roleplaying with you because you’re a bad roleplay partner. Those who still roleplay with you are unaffected by our experiences and grievances with you so why are you playing this up? Why do you care about the opinions of people who don’t like you? Because you know it’s true and you HATE THE TRUTH being out there. That’s why you deleted your half of our convo the last time you played the victim after @cruciatusxcervus revealed you abusing @goodxgonexbad and tried to push her out of the RPC here on Tumblr. 
You abused @goodxgonexbad‘s trust and her emotional well-being to the point where she would have taken her own life if it weren’t for people like me and @cruciatusxcervus and several others. You know, the people you wanna call “bullies” and “fuckers” are actually pretty nice.
And you’ve done awful things to many others, but their stories aren’t mine to share. But the fact that certain posts get around with people voicing their own past issues with you make it really clear that you are indeed a toxic person. 
And you dare to play the victim card in all this? 
You dare blame me for being a bully when you know full well you’re going to be back on Tumblr within 24 hours as if nothing ever happened?
You know what’s really sad? 
If you really wanted to speak with me, you’d have used an alt account to try and get your real message to me. But instead you’d rather harass me and attempt to “trigger” me and annoy others because that’s the only way you’ll have our attention. 
The only way you’ll have my attention. 
Do you think if I magically forgive you that all your problems will go away? They wouldn’t. You haven’t changed 5kye, and what’s sad is you probably never will. That’s why you’ll continue to see people eventually stop roleplaying with you. 
Your decisions betray your true self, @5kye. I gave you several warnings to stop what you were doing. And you’ve ignored them to play your games. 
And I’m DONE playing nice with you. 
You pretend you’re not the one doing this, or pretend you don’t have a part to play in this. But there’s NOBODY on this site who has a reason to bother me and so many others as much as you. 
I don’t have to use anons to speak out to you. I have nothing to hide. I don’t have to unblock you to know you’ll find a way to see this. 
The people in the DBZ RPC who know me know I’m not a bully. Anyone who believes you is ignorant about who you really are. That, or they’re blinded by optimism. The people in the DBZ RPC who don’t like you know who you are, and what you’ve done for years. 
If you leave, you leave of your own choice. I did nothing to force you out. In fact, I told you that you needed to change for your own sake and the sake of others. I would rather see you actually change for the better. I would rather see you happy, having fun roleplaying with people that you treat fairly, with respect. 
Yet here you are, learning nothing. Instead you use the anons and alt accounts to say the nasty things and to harass people so you can avoid the consequences of your actions. Reveling in the awful things you do behind ambiguity. Your fake declarations of leaving in an attempt to rally people around you as a last ditch effort to get to me. Even if you delete your blog, you’ll make another. It’s what you do. We both know that. 
All I did was bring your antics to light, and those who agree with me about you being toxic in our community stood up and voiced their experiences. We stand in solidarity against a toxic person in our community, yet we’re branded as “fuckers” and “bullies” by you. A notorious bully and cyberstalker. 
There is a mountain of evidence to support this. Do you really want us all to bring it to light? We’d all rather go about our days roleplaying and having fun. It’s a shame you can’t let things go and move on yourself. 
Your misery is not on my hands. It’s on yours. 
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